My Dorm Buddy Dan

By Reader1965

Published on Jan 5, 2003


Copyright Notice - Copyright January 2003 by the author, owning the e-mail account This story is copyrighted by the author and the author retains all rights. This work may not be duplicated in whole or in part in any form, physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise, without the authors expressed written consent. All applicable copyright laws apply and will be enforced.

Legal Disclaimer(s): This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or individuals, living or dead, is purely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

If you are offended by descriptions of gay sex between consenting male college students, or if the law in your area forbids you to read this, leave this story now. If not, welcome and please read on.

My Dorm Buddy Dan Chapter 2

Dan and I had just had our first sexual encounter. It was my first time having sex with another man. I was feeling great. I finally found out what it was like to be with another guy. I was glad that it was with Dan as I had a crush on him and had jacked off many time thinking about having sex with him. I found out he had been feeling the same feeling towards me. He had been trying to drop hints to me but I was too naïve and scared of losing my friendship with him to do anything about it. He finally had given up on me responding to his advances and made a bold move in the shower earlier.

We had been planning to go to eat at the dining hall but were delayed by our sexual encounter. We did make it to dinner though and then we came back to the dorm. While we were riding the elevator back up to the ninth floor of our dorm where we both lived. While in the elevator he turned to me and grabbed me and pulled me close to him and kissed me. His hand was in my pants rubbing my dick and his tongue was in my mouth. He liked to be daring and adventurous which I was to realize as our relationship progressed. As the elevator got to our floor he had my pants open and my hard cock hanging out of my underwear when the door opened. He quickly stepped out of the elevator and left me there as I buttoned my pants hoping that no one was there waiting for the elevator. I followed Dan to his room.

When we were in his room Dan told me to get comfortable as he dropped his pants, took off his shirt and put on his favorite ratty gym shorts. I looked at his body, which was the body of a wrestler hard and trim with a nice chest and slim waist. He had just a little bit of blonde body hair on his legs and chest. He looked at me standing there still fully dressed. He came over and started undressing me. He slid my shirt off and then my pants, leaving me in my white briefs. He then told me he liked me in my briefs like that. I was mentally comparing my body, which was not as well defined as his but was still well defined if a bit thin with no hair on my chest but some dark hair on my legs.

He then decided that he wanted to wrestle and grabbed me. The next thing I knew I was flat on my stomach with Dan on top of me. He had his arms wrapped around me and his legs were in between mine pushing them apart. I tried to escape his hold but he was stronger and bigger and had more wrestling experience than I did. Also I was not really sure I wanted to escape his hold as I enjoyed having his body on mine. I could feel his dick getting hard against my ass as we struggled. I pushed against it as I was hoping that this would distract him. It didn't it only made him hold me tighter and rub his hardening dick on my ass. I could feel he was totally hard now. I could feel it through my briefs. I could feel his hard dick, which must have slipped out of his shorts rubbing between my thighs. He told me he was going to fuck me again. He leaned forward and started licking my necking and sucking on my ear. This made me groan, as I love how this felt. I could feel his hard on pushing between my thighs and it was leaving a wet trail wherever his cock head touched. He then let go of my arms and grabbed my briefs and pulled them down so my ass was uncovered but leaving them covering my cock which was hard in the pouch of my briefs.

He grabbed my arms again and pinned me as he used his legs to spread mine wider. I felt his dick find its way between my ass cheeks and move to my slightly sore hole from earlier. I guess I was still lubed from earlier as he was soon sliding it into me. It hurt a little but not as bad as it had the first time and it also was very exciting to me as well. I guess it was having Dan's body on top of me as well as the feeling of having him push himself into my hole. He just kept pushing till he was all the way inside me. Then he pulled his dick out and the jammed it back inside me. He kept doing this over and over until I was groaning and whimpering every time he thrust into me. My dick was still hard in the pouch of my briefs and it was rubbing on the floor as he started to power fuck my ass for the first time. He kept this up for what felt like hours but was really only about 15 minutes.

I could feel his thrust getting faster and harder and it was causing my dick to rub harder on the floor in my briefs. It was getting me close to cumming. I think he could feel my starting to contract on his cock be cause he thrust in hard all the way and stopped. He leaned down and started licking and sucking on my neck. Then he whispered in my ear that he was not ready for me to cum yet and pulled out of my ass. He then slapped me on my ass and told me to get up. I did with my hard on making my briefs wet as my cock was leaking because I had been so close to shooting.

He grabbed me by the hand and opened the door to his dorm room. He walked out into the hall pulling me along with him, grabbing a towel and his shower kit and then shutting the door. He led me to the bathroom and into the large shower room. He then went around and turned on all of the showerheads. Then he pulled off his shorts and then my underwear and pulled me under the water. He grabbed his shower kit and pulled out two bars of soap handed one to me and started lathering me up. I did the same to him, as we both got all soapy. He then pulled me close to him as the water started washing the soap off our bodies. He then reached between my legs and started fingering my hole. He leaned me against the wall of the shower pushing my legs apart with his. He hunched down a little and put a little more soap on his cock and slid it up my legs and under my balls. I felt his dick at my hole again and it slipped right in. He then pulled my face to his and kissed me hard as his dick slid all the way home. I moaned in his mouth. He fucked me this way for a few minutes. He then pulled out and dropped to his knees and pulled me down with him. He laid me on my back and slid his dick back in me. He leaned forward and started licking and tonguing my ear as he started fucking me. He took my cock in his hand and started stroking it in time to his thrusts. It did not take long and I was ready to cum. This time he did not stop but kept stroking me harder. He felt my ass contracting around his cock and I started shooting all over myself. My clutching ass drove him over the brink as well and he brought his mouth to mine and kissed me as he drove his cock deep in me and came inside me. We lay there on the floor of the shower a few minutes. Then we heard the door to the bathroom open. We both jumped up and got under our own showerheads. We heard who ever had come into the bathroom leave. Dan and I looked at each other and grinned and grabbed our towels. We went back to his room and finished drying each other.

Dan lay back on his bed and told me to lay there with him. I lay there with him holding me in his strong arms. We fell asleep like that and I stayed the night with him in his room. It was my first time sleeping with a man. I woke up there the next morning and saw Dan looking lovingly at me. I knew we were going to have a fun freshman year of college.

I would like thank you to all those who wrote and encouraged me to write more. I really appreciate your comments and encouragement. I will answer your e-mails personally. Please feel free to write me anytime with comments and suggestions. I will continue to write about my adventure with Dan. There are definitely some wild times we had to share with you guys. As this takes place in the early 1980's there was not the knowledge of safer sex and so we did not practice it. Please play safe and take care of yourselves.

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