My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 12, 2023


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Then Colin tucked his giant prick into his trousers and walked out of my office, leaving the door half-open on purpose. I panicked, realizing that I was naked (on my knees) and someone might see me. I raced to the door and closed it, then leaned forward against the heavy wood and jerked my cock furiously. I painted the door with my load as I held-on tightly for support. When I recovered, I dressed and headed for the bathroom to wash my hands and face. Along the way, I passed my assistant. "John, you have something all over your face", she said. SHIT! I'd forgotten to wipe Colin's precum off my face. "Salad dressing, I replied. I made a mess." Then I beelined for the bathroom before anyone else saw me....


Me (John): WM, 44, 6', 200, ginger, muscular, alpha Boss: Asian twink, 26, 5'6", 130, smooth/lean Don: WM, 38, 5'9", 210, nerd at bathhouse Quentin: WM Twink, 25, 5'9, 155, smooth, blond Doug: Quentin's BF, Latino, 6', 180, musc, smooth Colin: My co-worker, white, 30, 5'7", 125, skinny, smooth

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 9

I barely remember the rest of the day at the office. I focused on work all afternoon and tried to forget about the events of the day. I was productive and I stayed late, completing all the contracts around 7p. Everyone else had gone home. I hadn't seen Colin since he left my office, but each time I thought about him it made me hard. His words played over and over in my head. "Actually, that Asian twink fucked the alpha right out of you, didn't he, John?", Colin had said. Based on my reactions to these past few encounters, Colin was probably right. I was still trying to wrap my head around it. But my hard cock only drove home that realization in my head. I was struggling to accept it.

I texted Quentin and asked him to meet me for a quick beer...I needed to talk. He agreed and 20 minutes later we were sitting at a local brewery, a cold draft in front of each of us. First I told him about Boss's follow-up visit a couple days ago, his inspection of my wounds and the sex that followed. I felt bad about keeping that incident from Quent and I wanted to come clean. He was clearly surprised that I allowed my attacker back in my home again, and that I willingly serviced him sexually. But he said nothing. Then I told Quent about today's encounter with Colin and the fact that I'd been seen, by at least one person who recognized me, at the baths when Boss dominated me the first time. That fact was troubling and it changed everything for me. The events at the bathhouse were no longer my "dirty little secret". Al knew (I didn't even KNOW Al)....and Colin. And Quent, of course. People were going to talk eventually. I would become known in gay circles as a bottom...a sub. I wasn't sure how to deal with it since my entire persona, my life, had been lived as an alpha. Quentin listened intently. I saw compassion in his eyes...he cared about me. But I didn't see any sympathy. And after I finished my speech, he shocked me with his response.

"John, you know how much I care about you. You were there for me all these years after my family abandoned me, when I was trying find my place in this world. You supported me emotionally and you've been generous in other ways as well. You encouraged me to study and pursue my career. We have a bond that no one will ever break and I'll always have your back. But I need to be honest with you", he said. I nodded and he continued. "I was always drawn to your masculinity. You made me feel safe and you showed me that being gay did not mean being "less" a man, as my family had been preaching. I admired you, your success and the way you carried yourself - I aspire to be like you in those respects. But sexually, I always felt like you were going through the motions. You're a mediocre top, John. Your heart really isn't in it. You feel like you belong on top because it matches the rest of your persona, but I doubt it has ever felt really natural to you.", he stated.

I was shocked by this...and angry. I opened my mouth to argue, but Quentin raised his hand to stop me. Then he continued.... "Before you say anything, tell me that the orgasm you had Sunday at the bathhouse, with that Asian twink's cock inside you, wasn't the most intense orgasm you'd had up to that point?" I flinched, but he continued. "And then he came to your home and beat you, WHIPPED you, John. You're a big, muscular man. There is no way a 5'6" twink could subdue you like that THREE TIMES unless you allowed it. Unless you actually wanted it. You outweigh him by SEVENTY pounds, yet you did nothing to stop him. You serviced him sexually after the beating AND when he showed up a couple days later. You barely even put up a fight. Have you asked yourself why, John?" I was speechless, my mind racing. I didn't know how to respond.

Quentin continued, "After the beating, after I'd tended your wounds and put you to bed, you VOLUNTEERED to suck my cock. Why, John? You've never offered to suck me before. I didn't expect it of you. I would have taken care of you regardless and you know it. But you WANTED it. You NEEDED it, didn't you, John? You were HUNGRY for me. And after the shock wore off, I realized how much you'd been craving my cock....subconsciously lusting for it. No one had ever blown me with that much enthusiasm. When I came back the next day to check on you, when I applied the ointment to your freshly-whipped ass, you GROANED like a true bottom when I grazed your hole. That's when I knew it wasn't a fluke. It wasn't trauma-related. You willingly bent over a chair in your living room and offered your ass to me. You didn't just WANT me to fuck you, John. You NEEDED it. And as soon as I penetrated you, I realized you were a born bottom, a sub. Only a true sub makes the sound that you made when I bottomed-out in your ass. That Asian twink didn't take you by surprise at all. He just unlocked the door to what you really desired. He got you out of your own head after all these years. You're a sub, John. A natural bottom. And from this point forward, any alpha who decides to use you will do so. Goddamn, you let a skinny twink in your OFFICE dominate you today, John. Think about it."

I was reeling. And angry. I looked hard at Quentin and firmly denied that I was going to live my life as a sub. I told him he was wrong. He stared at me amused, practically laughing at me. Definitely mocking me. I was about to get up and leave until he leaned over, grasped my raging boner and smiled. My shock was evident and my humiliation was complete. I turned bright red and stopped speaking. I was hard. Quent's lecture made me hard. Fuck...

Quent had made his point, but he decided to drive it home. He picked up his beer and finished it. Then he turned to me and said, "I'll meet you in the bathroom in 90 seconds. With that, he got up and walked away..

Fuck him, I thought. I wasn't following him to the bathroom, was I? I glanced at my watch and estimated that 30 seconds had passed. I sat and waited, my dick so hard it was painful. I waited the full 90 seconds before rising and walking toward the bathroom in defeat. I couldn't defy him, but making him wait left me with some semblance of dignity. At least I thought it would.

I entered the bathroom to find him waiting near the door. There were 2 stalls and 3 urinals. When I entered, Quent grabbed me by the ear and roughly dragged me to the handicapped stall, locking the door behind us. "From now on when I give you a deadline, I expect you to meet it.", he growled. I'd never seen Quentin angry, especially with me. It was unsettling. In a flash, his hand went down the back of my slacks and he jammed two fingers into me lube. I yelped in pain as he shoved me forward to the wall, his fingers making their way further inside me. He twisted them as I gripped the wall and gritted my teeth. I realized I wasn't resisting him, that I would never resist him again. "I'm an alpha, John", he said. "I realized it a couple years ago. And now you realize it, too. So when I tell you to do something, don't fuck with me. I get no pleasure from hurting you. And I think you understand that you won't win anyway. You're bent-over in a bathroom stall and I have two fingers in your dry cunt, yet you haven't resisted me at all. So are we clear on the rules?", Quent asked as he dug deeper, more painfully. "Yes", I whispered. He twisted. "Yes what?", he asked quietly, his domination complete and total. "Yes Sir", I whispered. "Good", he said as he withdrew his fingers, making me groan again in pain. "Knees", he ordered.

It was a typical bathroom floor....stains of all kinds. And I was dressed in $250 slacks. These thoughts were running through my head as I turned around and knelt before him. Holy fuck Quenin was sexy. And his confidence, the alpha in him, really turned me on. There was a wet spot on my slacks and my cock was still rigid, even after the brutal assault he'd just made on my ass. I reached for the button on his jeans and he slapped me. "Manners", he said. "Quent, can I please suck your cock", I responded nervously. He nodded. And I feasted on him like it was my last meal.

After I swallowed his load, Quentin zipped-up and walked out of the stall without locking it. I scrambled quickly to get up and I realized what a mess I was. There was a huge wet spot on my slacks. My knees were covered in grime and they were also wet...probably with the piss of a stranger. I could still taste Quent in my mouth, which made my cock throb harder. I wanted to cum but I needed to get out of there. My phone vibrated and I checked the message. It was a video of me sucking Quent's cock - I had no idea he'd filmed me. There I was, totally focused on him, worshipping his beautiful tool like it was the only thing in the whole world. Fuck, I was crazy with lust and this wasn't helping. Then I heard the bathroom door open. The stall was still unlocked and the guy walked directly to it, entered and locked it. He was tall....6'3", 210, and black. He couldn't have been older than 22 - he was a boy. A drunk, horny boy. "White boy said you were sucking cock in here", he stated as he hauled out his impressive tool. I sat down on the toilet as he stepped toward me, his cock in perfect alignment with my mouth. I swallowed him to the root as he gasped "fuuuck". Then his hand went to the back of my head and he face-fucked me quietly. Urgently. Two minutes later he grunted and fed me his load with no warning. The first shot sent me over the edge and my untouched dick began shooting in my slacks. The black guy unceremoniously pulled his dick from my mouth, tucked it into his jeans and left. So now I had a gooey, sticky spot on my slacks and my knees were still soiled. I raced out of the bathroom and made a right toward the emergency exit. I didn't care about the alarm. I just needed to get out of the bar without anyone seeing me....

Next: Chapter 10

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