My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 10, 2023


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Quentin was behind Doug, stroking his own cock and looking like the proverbial cat who just caught the canary. "Doug's cock needs some attention, John", he stated matter-of-factly. I couldn't disagree and I slid under Doug on my back, grasped his cock and began to blow him. Quentin immediately skewered Doug on his thick 6 ½, yanking Doug's hips backward onto his tool. Any doubt that Doug was a bottom was immediately put to rest. He moaned like a whore and said, "Fuck me good, baby". Quentin wasted no time delivering on this task.....


Me (John): WM, 44, 6', 200, ginger, muscular, alpha Boss: Asian twink, 26, 5'6", 130, smooth/lean Don: WM, 38, 5'9", 210, nerd at bathhouse Quentin: WM Twink, 25, 5'9, 155, smooth, blond Doug: Quentin's BF, Latino, 6', 180, musc, smooth

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 7

I woke with Quentin still asleep on my chest and Doug spooning him from the other side. Quentin had been very turned-on by the evening events, having two men (one of them his former top) to fuck and he had thoroughly enjoyed himself. He fucked two loads out of Doug. The first was quick....Doug started panting and writing the minute Quentin entered him and I placed my mouth on his cock. Quentin rode him hard and rough while Doug lowered his face to my cock and began to suck. He was gripping the bed for leverage and Quentin's urgent thrusts pounded Doug's cock further into my throat. He was a happy bottom and clearly loved having Quentin inside him. But two minutes into the first session, his mouth full of my dick, his own cock in my throat and Quentin pounding relentlessly into his "jock pussy", Doug came. He went rigid all over, triceps flexing, hamstrings locked and a gutteral sound coming from him, muffled by my cock. His thick, impressive cock was lodged in my throat when he started losing it. Quentin responded by grabbing a full hand of hair, yanking Doug's head back and saying, "I'm just getting started with your pussy, boy. You're going to stick with it until I'm finished with you". Doug whimpered and moaned as his orgasm subsided. Quentin continued to hold him painfully by his long, beautiful dark hair as he fucked. Doug's cock, which had unloaded in my throat, became sensitiver and he slipped it out of my mouth between Quentin's thrusts. My own cock slipped from Doug's mouth as he raised-up on all fours again to meet Quentin's thrusts. "Didn't take me long to fuck it out of you, did it babe?", Quentin stated. "No sir, never does", Doug replied quietly. Quentin yanked his cock out of doug and grabbed the bigger man by the thighs. He dragged Doug to the corner of the bed, kicked his legs apart roughly and rammed back into his well-used hole. Doug groaned softly into the mattress and raised his ass to meet Quentin's thrusts. I watched, mesmerized, as Quentin performed for me. After a few minutes, he repositioned Doug with one leg bent-up on the mattress while the other was still on the floor, Doug's asshole gaping at the edge of the mattress for maximum penetration. And penetrate he did...Quentin was a fuck machine. He manhandled the big jock while he pounded his hole and constantly told him how good his "jock pussy" felt and what a cock-slut he was. Doug moaned appreciatively throughout the session and his hard cock was smashed against the bed. At one point I reached under him to stroke it, but Quentin barked, "No. He only gets to cum once tonight. He needs to stay horny for the morning."". Quentin was a rough, verbal top. He talked non-stop, repositioned Doug regularly and fucked him relentlessly. When Quent was ready to cum, he grabbed a pillow and rolled Doug's muscular ass onto it. Doug's cock was leaking streams of precum as Quentin pinned his muscular calves to the mattress beside his ears, spit into Doug's open mouth and lunged forward sinking his cock into Doug almost violently. Doug's eyes rolled back in his head and his enormous cock throbbed - I thought he was going to cum without touching himself. Quentin noticed. "Look at me, Doug.", he said as he paused his thrusts. Doug's eyes focused on Quentin. "I'm going to cum soon, babe....breed your needy jock pussy. I want you to tighten-up and make it good for me. But you're not allowed to cum again, Understood." Doug couldn't speak, he couldn't form words he was so on-edge. But he nodded his head vigorously at his lover as he looked helpless, pinned to the bed, ass in the air with Quentin's cock buried to the hilt. Quentin teased him a bit...withdrew half his cock, then shoved it back in. Each time he did, Doug squealed and his cock throbbed violently. He'd closed his eyes again and it was apparent Doug was using all his willpower to keep from cumming. Quentin repeated this motion one more time, eliciting another squeal. "Doug is learning self-control", Quentin explained to me. "When he cums too much, Doug becomes a lazy bottom. I like to keep him wound-up so he's ready when I want him. Isn't that right, babe?" Doug shook his head vigorously, eyes wide, but he said nothing. Quentin's cock inched a bit further into him and he squealed again and closed his eyes. This was torture.

But Quentin was ready to wrap-up the show. I was stroking my cock hard when he began to long-dick Doug in earnest. Doug, the muscular jock, interlaced his fingers on the top of his head, muscles bulging, looking helpless and vulnerable as Quentin, the surfer-twink took pounded him. Quentin had both of Doug's ankles in one hand, squeezing them hard and pinning Doug's knees to his forehead. His right hand moved to Doug's throat and closed around it. Doug's eyes popped open and his cock slapped Quentin's belly as Quentin leaned-in for the kill. "No, please", Doug pleaded, but he was cut off when Quentin closed his grip tight around his throat and began long, staccato thrusts into his lover, stimulating Doug's leaking cock against his smooth torso. One, two, three....Doug suddenly lost it and began to make a gutteral noise, his cock firing against Quentin's smooth abdomen, drops of cum landing on Quent's hands and Doug's chin. Quentin began to cum as well..."breeding my jock pussy", he groaned. Watching them and stroking my own cock I was in awe of Quentin's skills and Doug's beauty. I had fucked hundreds of guys over the years, but I had never made any of them cum like Quentin made Doug cum. He was the real deal. My boy was a badass top.

Their orgasm went on for what seemed like ages. When it was over, I expected them to collapse together and share a moment, but Quentin yanked his perfect cock from Doug unceremoniously as I continued to stroke. He gave Doug a hard look and Doug stayed perfectly still. It was clear that Quentin was angry at Doug for cumming without permission. Quentin's abs and chest were covered in Doug's load, running down his torso. Doug stayed-put with his legs in the air, hole gaping while Quentin moved around and maneuvered on his knees until his own cock was in Doug's face. "Clean it off", he ordered. Doug began to suck and clean his lover gently.

Quentin looked at me and said, "You might as well use his sloppy cunt because he doesn't get any more this week after the stunt he just pulled. Doug's eyes were wide now and he groaned "No, please..." before Quentin slapped him hard. He shut-up and went back to licking the cum off Quentin. Quentin gave me the look and pointed, so I moved into position, my boner raging. Doug wouldn't look at me and I was unsure, but Quentin wasn't. He leaned forward and pulled me into his boyfriend's wet, sloppy hole. My cock was a bit shorter than Quentin's and, I realized, not nearly as thick. Doug's hole felt like a cunt as I moved around in it. I was on edge and knowing that I was sloshing around in this jock stud's hole, which was lubricated by Quentin's load, meant I wouldn't last long. I placed one of my big hands on each of Doug's thighs and shoved them back to his ears. I felt him tighten on me as I spread his legs and began to thrust. The sensations were unbelievable. I looked at Quentin as I began my rhythm and he smiled. After a few thrusts, he leaned forward and pulled me into a kiss. The minute he thrust his tongue into my mouth I was a goner, burying myself fully into Doug and unloading into his wet cunt while I moaned into Quent's mouth. After I came to my senses, I felt Doug's boner pressing against my furry abdomen, leaking his precum into my fur. This boy seriously loved to be fucked. Damn.

I withdrew and Quentin flopped-down on the bed and pulled Doug onto him. But it wasn't for a makeout or a cuddle session. Quent was still angry and he was making Doug lick up every drop of cum that he'd shot earlier. When Doug was finished, Quentin dismissed him and told him to go shower and clean-up. I crawled onto my bed and Quentin rolled over to put his head on my pec....still my boy in some ways, I guess. I pulled him close, kissed his forehead and whispered...."Damn, that was hot. You've grown-up, handsome boy". Quentin smiled and moved to kiss me gently. "I have", he said. "But I still need my daddy sometimes.". With that, he laid his head on my pec and began to breathe deeply. We both fell asleep

Next: Chapter 8

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