My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 10, 2023


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Fuck....where did this new Quentin come from? I didn't know but I got up and went to the bedroom. Quentin found me ass-up a few minutes later and applied more ointment. Then he kissed me on the forehead and left, locking the door behind him...


Me (John): WM, 44, 6', 200, ginger, muscular, alpha Boss: Asian twink, 26, 5'6", 130, smooth/lean Don: WM, 38, 5'9", 210, nerd Quentin: WM Twink, 25, 5'9, 155, smooth, blond Doug: Quentin's BF, Latino, 6', 180, musc, smooth

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 6

I slept like a baby. Although my body was still sore the next morning, my ass felt a lot better. The ointment (and sleep) had done its trick. I was moving slowly, but it was easier than yesterday.

I was brushing my teeth when I heard the doorbell ring. It was 7am so I figured it was Quentin....he'd forgotten his key. When I opened the door, Boss walked past me into the living room. Anxiety seized me and I was frightened. I hadn't healed enough from the last beating to take another, and I knew I couldn't stop him if he did it again. After dominating me twice (and whipping my ass with a belt the last time), I knew who was Boss (no pun intended). And his rage last time frightened me, despite the fact that I outweighed him by 70 pounds.

I closed the door, panicked, and turned around. He moved his hand toward me and I cowered, crouching in a defensive position. But he didn't strike me. He hand found the waistband of my loose shorts and pulled them down. "Take your shirt off", he ordered. I scrambled to obey. I stood before him naked, with my shorts around my ankles. "Put your hands on your head", he barked. I hesitated just slightly, scared that he would hit me again in the abdomen. "Now!", he commanded. My hands flew to my head (I grimaced with pain from the soreness) and I interlaced my fingers. My biceps bulged and my pecs were were my nipples. He grazed one as he inspected me and I groaned despite myself. The bruises were turning a pale yellow color and they would fade in a few days. He turned my body to face the wall and ran his hands down my back to my ass. He kicked my legs apart to bring my ass lower. My dick was throbbing in front of me now, hard as steel. Satisfied that my ass was healing, he walked to my chair and sat down. He'd dropped his shorts on the way and his long, thin cock was standing up against his lean torso. I didn't wait for him to ask. I hit my knees immediately and crawled to him, displaying my submissiveness so he could see it. I wanted him to know I learned my lesson last time. He smiled as my mouth moved to his cock. I started at the root and licked up to the head. Never one to linger, Boss shoved my mouth onto his cock and thrust it into my throat in one swift move. I had to raise-up on my knees a to get the angle right. Once he worked his way in, he continued with small thrusts into my throat as I struggled to breathe. This 20-ish Asian twink had conquered me completely. After a bit he relaxed and I started to move up and down with my mouth, wrapping my hand around the base. Boss moaned in appreciation, but my achievement was short-lived. He pulled my head off his cock and said, "Get some lube". I scrambled to the bedroom for the lube and a towel. When I limped back into the living room, he was still relaxed in my favorite chair, reclining with his amazing cock standing up tall. He took the lube from me and told me to bend over, facing away from him. He was gentle with my ass, perhaps realizing how much pain he inflicted last time and how much more healing I required. He lubed me quickly and jammed 2 fingers into my hole. I groaned and pushed back. It was amazing how effortlessly I had come to enjoy being fucked. After a couple of pumps with his fingers, Boss grabbed the towel, wiped his hands and began to pull me backwards. He lined-up his cock with my hole and pulled me onto it. Whoosh! He was longer than Quentin, but not nearly as thick. This position gave him maximum penetration. Once I felt his pubes, he started a rhythm. He'd push up slightly and pull back, then thrust hard into me again. This went-on for several minutes, meanwhile my cock leaked a string of goo onto the floor. Boss stopped several times briefly and I could tell he was fighting his orgasm. But when it was time, he surprised me by pushing me forward hard. I caught myself with my hands and he rose off the chair impaling me with his cock. His small hands clamped onto my hips painfully and he shoved down as he climbed further onto my back. Finally, he was completely on top my me, his legs wrapped around my thighs and my hands and torso supporting his weight. He humped me like a dog with quick, short strokes until he began to cum. I felt the heat of his rod, the wetness spreading through me. When he was finished, he clung to my torso, his legs wrapped tightly around me, his cock still throbbing with the beat of his heart. After 30 seconds or so, he slid down to the floor and stood. I dropped to my knees and spun around to clean him up. I suckled and licked all the remnants. He looked at me oddly and patted me on the head, just like you'd pat a dog. Then he dressed and walked out, leaving me there on my knees with the front door open.

I went about my day and enjoyed relaxing and taking another day off. Quentin texted at noon that he and Doug would bring takeout tonight at 7p. I smiled and thought about how much I appreciated him. I also noticed how my cock got semi-hard when I read his text. I would have to keep my newfound desire for Quentin in check when Doug was around.

They arrived at 7 and Quentin keyed the door and entered, Doug following him. Manuel Douglas Lopez, college jock. His father was Colombian and his mother grew up in Texas, the daughter of an oilman (named Douglas, of course). He was stunningly handsome and preferred to be called Doug, even though his appearance was much more Latino. He'd played football in college and had a brilliant smile and an outgoing demeanor. Now that I knew he was on bottom, I looked at him in a slightly different light, no longer BMOC. Quentin adored Doug and anything that made Quentin happy made me happy. I greeted them both with hugs and wondered briefly how much of my story Quentin had told Doug. It turns out, he told him everything. But we'll get to that later.

Quentin began to set the plates as Doug and I caught up on the latest. Doug reached for my face at one point and I looked at him confused, until I realized he was examining the cut on my head. Damn, John. Quentin wasn't kidding when he said that dude fucked you up. I'm sorry, man. It must have been awful, Before I could respond, Quentin shot Doug a look that said "STFU" and announced that dinner was served. We each got a plate and went to the living room. I flipped on the music and we drank beers, ate and talked. I'd missed hanging out with Quentin and I enjoyed getting to know Doug better. The awkwardness I used to feel around him had disappeared. I relaxed and got us some more beers. We feasted.

After the meal, Quentin told Doug to clean-up the mess. He was polite, but I noticed he wasn't asking. He TOLD Doug to clean up the mess. And Doug went about his task without any objection, chatting amiably while he worked. Quentin and I moved to the kitchen and sat at the table while Doug rinsed the dishes. Doug's ass was a masterpiece and the snug shorts he was wearing distracted me. Quentin caught my eye and grinned....BUSTED. He stood and crossed to where Doug was standing, nuzzled behind him and moved his hands to the front of Doug's shorts. In the blink of an eye, the shorts dropped to the floor, surprising both of us, especially Doug. But when Quentin moved away from him I got an even bigger surprise. Doug was wearing assless underwear....electric blue. Quentin stepped back and said, "What do you think, John? It's even better without the shorts, isn't it. I was speechless. Doug's ass was smooth, chiseled, brown and solid. Dimples on each side. He appeared to be annoyed and reached for his shorts, but Quentin stopped him. "Nope", he said. "I want to show-off your ass". Doug stopped reaching and simply stepped out of the shorts and kicked them aside. His discomfort was obvious, but so was something else. He didn't challenge Quentin. I had a feeling he never challenged Quentin. My shy, uncertain Quentin had become a very confident man somewhere along the way. A man who got his way most of the time and demanded respect. I took note, remembering how easily he owned my ass yesterday, and my mouth the day before. Quentin was comfortable in his new skin.

Quentin smacked Doug on the rump and said, "Finish up. I want to have some fun". Doug's eyes met mine....questioning. But he said nothing and neither did I. Quentin turned to me and said "Take off your shirt, John. Let's see how you are healing. I eyed him as I stood and took off my t-shirt with a groan, still feeling the effects of the beating. Quentin looked at the bruises and shook his head. Then he grinned and tweaked my left nip. As usual, I groaned involuntarily. Doug had finished his task and turned to watch us. Doug was hung - a thick 8-incher, which was now bulging obscenely in his assless undies. I was admiring the view when Quentin said, "Turn around and drop the shorts. I want to see your ass.". I hesitated again, realizing that things were about to change for all of us. But I turned and dropped them. Quentin pushed me forward gently over the table and examined my ass. As he was doing so, I felt Doug appear beside me. He gingerly ran his hand over my bruised abs and grasped my hard cock. I groaned appreciatively while Quentin dropped to his knees behind me. Before I knew it, his smooth face had buried itself in my ass and his tongue began to rape my hole, the hole that Boss had fucked that morning. I hadn't told Quentin about Boss's visit and I hoped that he wouldn't least not like this. These thoughts raced through my head as the sensations of pleasure coursed through me. And it was apparent that these two had played this game before. Who knew that Quentin was a world-class rimmer? I certainly didn't, although I never liked anyone playing with my ass. While Quentin tongue-fucked me, Doug continued his ministrations. He had one hand on my cock, stroking lightly. The other was feeling my pec and tweaking my nip. I was overwhelmed with pleasure and horned-up beyond belief. I hadn't cum while Boss fucked me and I did not j/o after. My cock was leaking into Doug's hand. And Doug was using it for lube to stroke me. I babbled that I wouldn't last long as Quentin continued to ravage my hole. Doug doubled-down, rapidly tweaking my nip while giving my cock a root-to-base stroking. I began to vibrate all over and quiver. Quentin smacked my ass hard as he dove deeper. The pain of that smack....along with being overstimulated, shot directly through me and I began to shoot cum without warning. I throbbed in Doug's hand as my load landed on his forearm and on the kitchen table. My hole clamped onto Quentin's tongue, but he just dug deeper. The sensations were off the charts and I was spent after it was over. Quentin withdrew from my ass and rubbed the cheeks on each side. He stood and drove his tongue into Doug's mouth. I turned to watch them and felt myself boning-up again immediately. These two were so fucking hot.

"Bedroom", Quentin ordered. "I'm going to fuck my man". Doug whooped and ran playfully down the hall to my bedroom with Quentin close behind. I slowly rose-up from the table and stared at my mess. Then I grabbed a towel to clean up before following them. When I entered the bedroom, I got another shock. Doug was on all fours with his impressive cock standing like a pole in front of him, so long it touched the bed. Quentin was behind Doug, stroking his own cock and looking like the proverbial cat who just caught the canary. "Doug's cock needs some attention, John", he stated matter-of-factly. I couldn't disagree and I slid under Doug on my back, grasped his cock and began to blow him. Quentin immediately skewered Doug on his thick 6 ½, yanking Doug's hips backward onto his tool. Any doubt that Doug was a bottom was immediately put to rest. He moaned like a whore and said, "Fuck me good, baby". Quentin wasted no time delivering on this task.....

Next: Chapter 7

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