My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 9, 2023


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Before today, I would have scoffed at swallowing his load. Before today, Quentin never would have dreamed of cumming in my mouth. But neither of us paused. I increased my suction as he began to ram his cock urgently into my mouth. He exploded with a roar, as his sweet cum flooded my mouth. I was shocked at how much I savored it and enjoyed it. When he came down from his high, I swallowed. Then I gently took him from my mouth and licked the remaining drops of his seed from the base of his cock and his balls. I rolled over and snuggled back against him again and we both drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


Me (John): WM, 44, 6', 200, ginger, muscular, alpha Boss: Asian twink, 26, 5'6", 130, smooth/lean Don: WM, 38, 5'9", 210, nerd Quentin: WM Twink, 25, 5'9, 155, smooth, blond Doug: Quentin's BF, Latino, 6', 180, smooth

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 5

Quentin left early the next morning. Before leaving, he had me take another pain pill and ordered me to go back to sleep for a while. He also checked all the doors and windows and assured me the house was locked-up tight. He made me promise to call 911 if Boss showed-up again, then he left.

I slept a couple more hours then began to rise. I was sore everywhere. My balls ached. My head hurt. Once I saw myself in the mirror I realized how much damage had been done. A couple spots on my ass had actually blistered from the whipping - I dabbed them with ointment and put on a jock to support my aching balls (and let my ass cool). I was bruised on my abdomen and in my ribs. The but on my face was healing, but there was also a darkened area on my face where Boss had kicked me. I felt like a dog that had been beaten. I looked worse.

I made tea and put a towel on my favorite chair. I sat down gingerly and turned on the news. I began to mull over the events of the past 48 hours and found myself boning-up in spite of my pain. Something had changed inside me. I realized that if Boss appeared on my doorstep right now, I would let him in. I was both frightened and excited by him. That realization shocked me.

Quentin texted several times throughout the day to check on me. I thanked him profusely for taking care of me and asked him to keep my confidence about what happened, although I knew it wasn't necessary. Quentin was a rock-solid friend, as I had been to him. He would keep my confidence.

I rested all day and read the latest Stephen King novel. Around 430p, I heard a key in the door and immediately tensed-up. It popped open and Quentin appeared in his scrubs, his award-winning surfer smile on full display. I was relieved and happy to see him. He dropped a few groceries in the fridge and came to give me a hug. He looked at my head, examined my abs and ribs and pronounced a speedy road to recovery. Then he extended a hand and pulled me up, dropped my jock and examined my balls, which were tender, but much better this afternoon. Afterwards he turned me around and looked at the whelps on my ass, applying some more cream. My ass has always been one of my best features. It's beefy and very solid, all muscle. Even though it was red and swollen, I found myself getting hard as Quentin examined me. And I was certain he was taking more time than necessary....lingering back there. But I didn't object. By the time he was finished, my thick dick was rock-hard.

Quentin's pulled-up my jock and tucked-in my hard cock, completely ignoring it. A week ago, his mouth would have been on me, but not today. He repositioned the towel on my chair and lowered me back onto it gently. The next thing I knew, he'd planted one foot on each side of me in the seat of my chair and dropped his scrubs. His 6 ½ inch boner was directly in front of my face and he wasted no time pulling my open mouth onto it. He stood there above me, luxuriating in my warm mouth as I began to savor his tool. "I like this new John, btw.", he said as he began to slowly pump my mouth. I might need to find your Boss-dude and thank him. I looked up to find Quentin grinning a friendly, sexy grin. And I immediately wanted to please him.

I sucked him for several minutes before he pulled his dick from my mouth, spit streaming down onto my chest. I briefly followed it, hoping for another taste, until I realize he was stepping down from the chair. Quentin's demeanor had changed. He was still kind and caring. But there was a manliness to him now that hadn't been there before, or at least I hadn't noticed it. And like any 25yo, he was on a mission sexually. He pulled me up gently from the chair. I gave him a confused look as he turned me around and repositioned me on my hands and knees on the chair. My ass, framed in the jock, was now his focus. And there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that if it hadn't been red and raw already, he would have been slapping it. With my head on the seat of the chair I looked back between my spread legs to see his cock protruding in front of him. Quentin was about to fuck me....OMG. Quentin had never gone near my ass, never expressed any interested in being on top. Until now. The ointment he used earlier on my blistered asscheeks was now being applied to my hole. He probed me with two fingers first and I couldn't help it....I moaned out loud. "Like that, huh?" It was really a statement, not a question. Prep time was over as he slathered his perfect cock and positioned it at the entrance to my hole. I squirmed, but Quentin didn't move. He was teasing me. I kept moving back, up, down....trying to get him inside me. But each time the tip got into position, he'd pull back. Before long I was getting frantic....the need to feel him inside me was urgent. "Please Quentin...", I whispered. "Please what, John? Tell me", he ordered. "Please fuck me. Please put it inside me.", I heard myself saying. "You understand this changes things, right?", he replied. "There is no going back from here. You'll never fuck me again after today. Understand?" My mind was racing with this new revelation, but my need was overwhelming. "I know.", I said. "Please do it". I moved my ass onto him again and this time he stayed-put. I kept squirming until I felt his pelvic bone (Quentin's pubes were always shaved) against my tender ass. Quentin was inside me, deep inside me. It felt so damned good.

Quentin rode me gently that first time, in part because my ass was still so tender. But he later admitted that he was trying hard not to cum right away. But as he ground into me and got used to my tight hole, he quietly explained how things were going to be from now on. He cared about Doug and they were moving to the next level, but Quentin still needed me. On bottom. He needed a mouth to use, a hole to fuck, a sub to control. He shocked me by disclosing that Doug was on bottom in their relationship, that he (Quentin) was doing the fucking. Doug was a stud, an athlete, a ladies man. He commanded everyone's attention when he walked into a room....pure masculinity. Doug was hung big - I'd seen him in the locker room at the gym. I always saw Quentin as a bottom - he looked the part, his mannerisms were in the middle and he was quiet and reserved. This new revelation shocked me and sent a jolt to my hard cock. As Quentin slowly screwed me he explained that Doug would agree to an open relationship, that Doug knew Quentin had never completely stopped fucking around with me. So now he would have Doug in his bed and night and me as his side-piece. And when he wanted both of us together, he'd have us. His voice had become sing-song to me as I was hypnotized by the feeling of his dick inside me. The boy knew how to fuck....he was hitting my prostate continually, gyrating, gently taking my manhood. "I'm going to nut in you, John. Breed you. Do you want that?", he asked. "Oh God, yes. Please.", I replied. And he did. Quentin's dick turned to stone and expanded inside me. He shoved my head roughly into the seat of the chair as he hosed my insides with his big load. He grunted a high-pitched grunt and ground my face into the chair. He was completely rigid. My cock unloaded into the jock as my orgasm rolled through my body. He'd fucked the cum out of me with his cock as he mind-fucked me. I wanted nothing more than to serve this boy from now on.

Quentin lay there on top of me for several minutes, his cock never deflating. After a bit, he gently pulled it from my hole with a plop, leaving me empty inside. But I'd never felt so good, either. This was different than my experience with Boss, the Asian twink. Boss frightened me and he had proven that he could take me against my will. Quentin didn't need to frighten me to control me. I would willingly give him whatever he wanted.

Quentin lay down on the sofa to chill. I crawled off the chair and lapped up the remaining cum on his cock, examining it with awe. It was beautiful...the perfect size and shape. He'd given me his load and my jock was still dripping with proof of my satisfaction. When I finished cleaning him, I looked up. His eyes were closed and he looked happy....almost blissful. Without opening his eyes, he said, "Go lie down on the bed ass-up. I'll be there in a couple minutes to put more ointment on it. I want it to heal quickly so I can use you properly." Fuck....where did this new Quentin come from? I didn't know but I got up and went to the bedroom. Quentin found me ass-up a few minutes later and applied more ointment. Then he kissed me on the forehead and left, locking the door behind him...

Next: Chapter 6

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