My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 29, 2023


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I got up immediately and moved to Al, cleaning Al's own cum and the taste of Doug's ass from his wilting dick like a good sub. Al smiled and ruffled my hair. He'd definitely had a good time and he was enjoying my attention. I stood when I was finished and we introduced ourselves to the Asian guys as I gave Doug a hug. It turned out that the older Asian nerd was Boss's brother, Quan. He was older than Boss, but Boss clearly had him in the cock department! The chunky guy was the gay brother of a friend, not exactly getting laid too often. So Quan had brought him here for some fun with Doug, who was on loan from Boss while Boss worked tonight. Quan kissed Al passionately, then told Doug to get dressed. He patted me on the ass and led the shirtless Doug to the dance floor. The chunky kid drifted away and Al summoned an Uber. When we got back to my place, we brushed our teeth and hit the sack, Al spooning me from the backside. I loved the feel of him. And I hoped he would be in my bed more often in the coming weeks....


Me (John): WM, 44, 6', 200, 6c, ginger, hairy, muscular/built Boss: Asian twink, 26, 5'6", 130, 7c, smooth/lean, alpha/dom Don: WM, 38, 5'9", 210, 7.5c, nerd at bathhouse Quentin: WM Twink, 25, 5'9, 155, 7c, smooth, blond Doug: Quentin's BF, Latino, 25, 6', 180, 8uc, musc, smooth, sub/bottom Colin: My co-worker, white, 30, 5'7", 125, 9c (extremely thick), skinny, smooth, fem, total alpha Al: (Colin's friend), 47,Jewish, 5'8, 150, smooth, 6c Jun: (Colin's roommate), Chinese, 28, 6'1", 160, 3.5uc

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 20 (The End)

Al and I settled into a relationship after that night. It was an unusual one, but Al's willingness to share me with the alphas made it work. He knew he was my #1 and he was comfortable with that arrangement. The others could have me sexually (and satisfy my near-constant need for cock), but Al owned me emotionally. And if he'd ever decided we had to be exclusive, I would have agreed.

Al stayed at my place most nights and I loved having him there. He had a key, and I particularly loved the days when he was home earlier than me and I opened the door to find him making dinner or relaxing on the back patio with a drink. Quentin was like our adopted "son". Quent and Al really hit it off and they enjoyed each other's company. There appeared to be no jealousy on Al's part and Quentin spent almost as much time with Al as he did with me. The three of us were together often, and sometimes we woke up with Quent in the middle of our big bed. I loved those mornings. And I also loved the fact that they'd usually shared me the night before!

At 25, the blond twink was clearly the alpha in our threesome and Al deferred to him when he joined us. Quent always called or texted before stopping by and we rarely told him "no". If Al was tired or not in the mood, he'd just kick back and watch Quent fuck me, or else he'd watch TV or a movie. If he wanted to participate, Quentin orchestrated the action.

One particular Friday night, Quentin arrived at midnight in an Uber. He hadn't called or texted and we were already in bed, although we weren't asleep. I heard his key in the door as Al looked at me curiously. I said, "It has to be Quent - he has a key". Then we heard Quentin coming down the hall and into the bedroom. He'd had plenty to drink and he was wound-up. "Wake up, boys. I need some ass". I hopped out of bed immediately, ready to serve like the sub I'd become. But Al wasn't amused and said, "We're adults, Quent. We're in bed, ready to go to sleep. You need to call or text before coming over - it's simply rude to show up this late. But I'm sure John wouldn't mind if you crashed in the guest room for tonight."

Quent's mood changed from playful to angry in an instant. He and Al were about the same size, but Quentin was 20 years younger and much more athletic...the perennial surfer bod. I started to speak, trying to tone-down the situation. Quent slapped me and said, "Shut up and get on your knees. This is between Al and me". I was unsure for a split-second until Quent backhanded me hard. I sunk to my knees wearing only my boxers. Quent moved to Al's side of the bed as Al began to get up, seething with anger. Quentin gut-punched him hard and shoved Al back onto the bed. I'd never seen Quent this physical, but he was much quicker to anger since Doug had been taken from him. That night had changed Quentin, made him less compassionate.

Quent quickly shed his clothes as Al tried to catch his breath. His beautiful cock was half-hard and Quent's hormones were definitely raging. He yanked Al to the edge of the bed and shoved his cock into Al's mouth. Al was still gasping for air from the punch and he began to use his hands to push away from Quentin. "Don't make this difficult for yourself, Al", Quent said as he took Al by the balls with his free hand and squeezed. "I'm going to win, so let me have my way and I won't humiliate you in front of John." Al stopped resisting. Quentin kept Al's nuts firmly in his hand as he began to hump Al's mouth, more and more of Quent's shaft disappearing each time. I stayed on my knees mesmerized, watching Al take Quent's dick. I was conflicted, yet turned-on. And I couldn't have stopped Quent even if I wanted to. He was angry and I had learned that challenging him would only result in him hurting me physically.

Quent used Al roughly until he realized that Al was no longer fighting. I saw Quent let go of Al's balls and begin to relax, slowing his strokes, enjoying Al's ministrations. "That's my good daddy,", Quent cooed. "Just focus on pleasing your boy." Then I saw something else....Al's hard cock poking up from under the covers. Quent saw it, too, and we locked eyes. I started to move, to climb back onto the bed and service my man. But Quent shook his head, "Stay!", and I went back to my knees next to the bed, turning so I could watch the action. Quent pulled his cock from Al's mouth and climbed onto Al's chest. He propped Al's head on two pillows and said, "Open up". Al did, and Quent went back to fucking Al's face while Al ran his hands over Quentin's smooth, hard ass. "Do we understand each other now, Al?", Quent asked. Al glared at Quent as Quent continued to fuck his mouth, but Al didn't respond - he seemed unable to admit his pleasure to Quent. Quent's anger rose again and he pulled-out and slapped Al twice. I watched as Al recoiled, realizing he'd made a mistake. Quent got up and walked to my closet, returning with a belt while Al's eyes got wide when he realized what was about to happen. "This can be easy or hard, Al. So I suggest you roll over and get your ass in the air for me.", Quent stated flatly. To my complete shock, Al rolled over and put a pillow under his midsection. Quent looked at me and grinned an evil grin, making sure I understood who was the real alpha in my house. Then he popped Al 10 times with the belt, 5 on each cheek. Al yelped a bit each time but managed to keep his composure. And Quent was exercising restraint...he didn't hit Al too hard with any of the strokes. He was making a point, and the fact that Al cooperated willingly gave Quent all the satisfaction he needed. "That's good, Al. You did what you were told and took your punishment like a man. As a reward, I'm going to send John out of the room so he won't get to watch the next part.", Quent said. Then he looked at me and said, "Shut the door behind you". I got up and slowly left the room, my last glimpse was of Al, still propped on the pillows face down.

Quentin fucked Al. I couldn't see it, but I knew from the sounds that Al was getting fucked. I heard a few smacks and I could make out "bitch" and "cunt" as Quent degraded Al. Then I heard Al's cries, muffled in the pillow, as Quentin entered him. I don't think Al had been fucked many times, if at all. But I pictured him face-down as the blond surfer twink plowed him. I could hear Quentin mind-fucking Al as his balls slapped against Al's hole. And I could hear Al's grunts, at least for the first couple minutes. Then I heard the moans...turning pleasurable.

Suddenly there was silence and I thought maybe I'd missed Quent's orgasm. Then I heard Quent say, "We both know you're enjoying it Al. We both know you need more of my dick. So ask me for it. Ask me to breed you and make your ass mine,", Quent said. There was a brief pause before I heard Al whisper, "Please Quent. Please cum inside me." Then I heard the moan of ecstasy as Quentin apparently impaled Al on his cock. It wasn't long before Quent roared and I knew all too well that he was breeding my man, filling him full of that sweet load. I tiptoed away from the door but Quent yelled, "Get back in here, John". I walked back down the hall and opened the bedroom door. Al was still face-down with his head buried in a pillow. Quent's cock was dripping and he pointed to it. I hit my knees and cleaned his cock until he was satisfied while Al simply lay there, breathing hard. When I finished Quent, He reached under Al and raised him up, pointing to Al's load, the one he'd apparently shot on the pillow hands-free while Quentin was fucking him. Quent wanted to make certain Al's embarrassment was complete. Then Quent spread Al's legs and shoved my face into his smooth hole. Once I tasted Quent's cum there I was a goner, tongueing Al and sucking Quent's seed from him. Al was hard again and moaning like a whore with my tongue inside him. Quent yanked-off my boxers and ordered me to fuck Al. I expected him to protest, but Al simply laid there as I continued to finger him and get in position, Quent's cum had lubed him well. Then, for the first time, I settled my 6', 200 frame onto my man's 5'8", 150 body. I covered him completely and I could feel my weight holding Al down. I entered him with my 6-incher and he raised his ass to meet me. Quent's hand was on my own ass and he began to probe my hole, driving me even crazier with lust. I began to slowly thrust into Al, on the edge of my own orgasm, when Quent's fingers returned, lubed and he shoved three of them into my unused hole. I howled and began to fuck Al hard as Quent's hand jabbed in/out of my own hole. Al was bucking-up into my thrusts and he'd worked a hand under himself to jerk his own cock. It wasn't long before we came. I was shooting my first rope of cum into his tight hole when I felt him clench down on me and yell in ecstacy. I rode him until both of us were finished and then I collapsed on top of Al. Quentin sat back and clapped with his hard cock waving...clearly enjoying the show he'd just directed. I kissed Al lovingly on the cheek and slowly withdrew from him, shocked that I had actually topped my top. I rolled over on my back and Quent moved immediately to sit on my chest. He needed to cum again and I willingly took him into my mouth, enjoying the feel of his perfect dick and knowing from experience exactly how he liked to be sucked. He was grinning like a cheshire cat when he shot his load, and I swallowed every drop. Each of us hit the bathroom and came back to bed. Quent was on my side and he pointed to the middle spot. Al had said nothing since the sex ended, avoiding eye contact with either of us. Quent realized that I needed to be next to Al. So I crawled into the middle, spooned Al tightly and we fell asleep.

Quentin moved-in within a week, taking the largest of my two spare bedrooms. He didn't ask and no one protested. He came and went as he pleased and when he wanted either of us (or both) sexually, there was no protest. I was occasionally taken to Quent's room for private sessions and Al seemed fine with it. Al also spent time alone in Quent's room and I could hear Al's joyful noises when Quentin fucked him, but Quent never fucked Al in my presence. And I never got to fuck Al again either, but that was fine. I was happy to be his bottom man.

Doug remained Boss's property and Boss paraded him around town regularly and loaned Doug freely to friends and random guys. Quentin never spoke of Doug, but Quent seemed very happy with his two daddies on call. He dated occasionally, but we knew his heart wasn't in it. We both loved Quent, and he loved us.

Colin continued to use me on/off at work and I never got over how much I loved his huge dick inside me. He called me occasionally to his apartment to service him or Jun, but he stayed away from my house and respected my relationship with Al. I was living every sub's dream....getting dick from 3 very hot men!!


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