My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 17, 2023


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Al was still behind me and he shoved my face to the floor once Colin was out of the way, pointing my cock downward at a painful angle and stroking me. I was on edge and I heard Al ask Colin, "Is it okay?" Colin nodded in the affirmative. Al simultaneously increased his stroking while jamming 3 fingers into my well-used cunt and fucking me hard with them. He jabbed in and out of me with a staccato motion while he stroked. I began to back-up on him and say "Ohh....OOOhhhhhh", then I lost my 2nd load onto the carpeting while Al pumped it out of me. When he was finished Al used the wet bar in my office to rinse his hands. Then he tucked his cock back into his trousers, patted me on the head and left with Colin. I looked around and realized I had to move quickly. I grabbed the lube, wrapped it in its small towel and velcroed it to the bottom of the desk Then I got another towel and wiped-up the cum stains elsewhere. Finally, I washed my own dick and got dressed. 40 minutes had passed....such a hot lunch break. And I was still hungry!


Me (John): WM, 44, 6', 200, ginger, muscular, alpha Boss: Asian twink, 26, 5'6", 130, smooth/lean Don: WM, 38, 5'9", 210, nerd at bathhouse Quentin: WM Twink, 25, 5'9, 155, smooth, blond Doug: Quentin's BF, Latino, 6', 180, musc, smooth Colin: My co-worker, white, 30, 5'7", 125, skinny, smooth Al: (Colin's friend), Jewish, 5'8, 150, smooth, 6c

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 14 (The Convergence)

The weekend arrived and I was ready. The work week had been hectic and all the extracurricular activity left me tired on Friday evening. I cooked at home, watched some TV and went to bed early.

Quentin texted the next morning and said he and Doug were coming over late afternoon for "playtime and a nap". They were going to the Club later that evening, so I guess I was going to be the appetizer. Quent asked, "Have you heard from your Asian twink lately?" I responded, "Not since Tuesday". Quent replied, "Text him and ask him to join us". Hmm....I thought. "K", I replied.

I texted Boss and went about my day doing the usual weekend chores and errands. Quent and Doug were coming over at 4p so I wanted to have some beer and wine ready, as well as some snacks. Boss replied around 2p and said he had to work at 5. "Be naked on your knees in your living room at 330p. And do not move from that position until I arrive" Hmm...I thought. This was going to be interesting.

As directed, I was kneeling on a pillow in my living room at 330p, naked and (unsurprisingly) hard, my 6-incher waving in front of my muscled torso. I waited...5 minutes passed. My erection had started to sag when the front door opened and Boss walked-in. Even after two previous encounters, his presence unsettled me. He inspected me, circling me like a wolf stalking his prey. I heard him rustle in his pocket and he produced leather restraints for my wrists. Each arm was pulled behind my back and they were latched together. I was scared, but I knew Quent and Doug were coming at did Boss. "Where is your wallet?", he asked. I gave him a WTF look and he backhanded me hard and knocked me onto the floor. This was followed by a kick to the abs. "", he asked calmly. "Bedside table top drawer.", I croaked as I tried to catch my breath. Boss walked to my bedroom and returned with my wallet. He opened it and took $40, then placed my wallet on a table next to the sofa. "I bought good quality. Padded. You should thank me.", he said with no hint of a smile. "Thank you, Boss", I whispered as I lay on my side still smarting from the pain. The irony that I was paying for restraints that were being used ON me was not lost on me. Boss said nothing as he walked over, grabbed a handful of my hair and began dragging me to the bedroom as I protested weakly and tried to crawl (without the support of my restrained hands) to keep up. My knees would be rug-burned tomorrow for sure. Boss pulled me up and shoved me over the corner of the mattress, my wrists still restrained firmly behind my back. Then he kicked my legs apart again and again until my torso rested flat on the mattress and my legs were spread as wide as possible, completely extended, toes supporting my lower body. He painfully hoisted my hands upwards toward my shoulder blades and said, "Good". Then he picked-up the lube I'd placed on the bedside table and slathered some onto his long, thin cock. He lined-up his cock with my hole and then hesitated briefly. I thought he'd changed his mind before he plunged into me hard, rotating his body to the left for more leverage into my ass. He was lean/lithe and he had one leg on the bed as he rammed me again and again from above while I was splayed-open, unable to get leverage on the floor. I tried to move my legs closer together but he smacked me hard on the head. When I tried again a couple minutes later, a reflexive move on my part, he yanked out of me and walked calmly to my closet. "No....please no. I promise to be good. I promise....", I begged urgently. But Boss didn't care. The first blow landed on my left cheek. It was hard and surely left a welt. He took his time, moving back and landing another on the right cheek. I was wailing when I heard the front door open. Quent and Doug appeared in the bedroom doorway momentarily. I was whimpering and apologizing to Boss when they entered, begging him to stop. Quent looked at me, surveying my eyes, but he made no move to protect me. Doug was clearly shocked and uncertain. If I've learned anything recently, it's that a true alpha can smell a beta, even if the beta doesn't present himself as such. Boss surveyed both boys. Then he looked at Doug and said, "Strip, jock boy". Doug looked shocked and turned to Quentin. But Quent moved quietly to the chair in my bedroom and took a seat. For the time being, he was going to let Boss run this show. Doug (6', 180 lbs) looked like a little boy who couldn't find his Daddy as Boss approached him. Doug, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, began to back up as Boss (5'6", 130lbs) got closer. Boss stopped him by reaching out and firmly grabbing Doug by the waistband of his jeans. He pulled and Doug, looking helpless and lost, stumbled closer to Boss. Doug, at would have looked comical if he wasn't so visibly frightened and unsure of himself, standing before this short, slim Asian twink. "STRIP, jock boy. Or else your ass is going to look like his", Boss said as he gestured to me. Doug began to move....taking off his t-shirt and unbuttoning his jeans. Doug was Godlike - a truly magnificent jock bod. And when he stepped out of his jeans, Boss actually whistled and turned to Quentin. "100% prime jock ass. I'm impressed", he said. Quent just smiled and nodded while Boss turned his attention back to Doug, who was still wearing his tight, sexy underwear and standing nervously. Boss grabbed Doug by his ample package, squeezed and said, "Do you know what STRIP means, dumbass?" Doug was nodding yes and gasping for air as Boss squeezed his balls. Boss relaxed his grip and let go. Doug took a deep breath and dropped his sexy undies to the floor, stepping out of them and kicking them aside. Boss placed his tiny hand on Doug's muscular ass and shoved him further into the room, toward the bed. Then he said, "Bend over and grab your ankles, jock boy." Doug looked at Quentin who just nodded. Then he bent over and wrapped his hands around his ankles. Boss used his hand on Doug's ass, at least at first. He warmed-up Doug's ass cheeks nicely, switching from one side to the other. This was clearly a new experience for Doug and he couldn't hide his pleasure. Sure....the blows stung him and he grunted each time. But his big cock began to lengthen as soon as Boss began the spanking. By the tenth blow, Doug was hard...rock hard. His big, smooth brown ass was red-tinged and his thick 8-incher was bobbing in front of him, the head poking out of his foreskin. Boss stopped after 15 and rubbed Doug's ass gingerly on each side as Doug moaned appreciatively. Then he ordered Doug onto all fours on the bed. Doug hopped up immediately and stuck his ass out, clearly anxious for whatever was coming next. Meanwhile, I was still splayed across the corner of the bed with my blistered ass on display for the audience, hands still restrained, afraid to move until I was told to do so.

Boss strolled over and grabbed my restraint, dragging me backwards off the bed and onto the floor. His hard cock was sticking straight up, firm against his flat, smooth stomach. Boss grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me to a kneeling position, then used his other hand to tilt his cock down and ram it into my mouth. I sucked hungrily, tasting his precum and my ass juices. With his hand behind my head, he was quickly buried in my throat, the last inch or two of his dick being massaged by my throat muscles. He fit perfectly into my throat and it was fantastically pleasurable for me to suck him. Boss leaned over the back of me and released the wrist restraints. My arms ached and I was happy to have them freed. Boss took the restraints, gave me a look of satisfaction as I pleasured him, then removed his cock and walked two steps to where Doug's ass was facing him on my bed. He surprised me (and Doug) by pulling Doug's ankles together and locking them in place with the restraints. He reached for Doug's big, thick cock, still rock hard, and grasped it as he began spanking Doug again, alternating from cheek to cheek as Doug gasped and moaned. I looked at Quentin and could tell he was surprised by Doug's reaction, especially how much Doug was enjoying the spanking. And I had a feeling Doug would be getting spanked often from this point forward.

Quent summoned me with a wave and I crawled to him. I undid his jeans and freed his beautiful cock while he continued to watch Boss and Doug. Quent groaned with satisfaction as I went down on him as he watched Boss roll Doug onto his back. Quent watched as Doug's ass was rolled-back and propped-up on two pillows, high in the air. Boss held the jock's bound ankles as he began to slap Doug's balls with his other hand. At first the slaps were light and they elicited a surprised yelp from Doug each time. But Boss gradually slapped them harder and Doug began to writhe and moan pitifully. Boss was landing each blow hard when I heard Doug yell "NO!". Doug's untouched cock was firing cum all over his face, chin and chest. Boss slapped his sack three more times before stopping. He grabbed some lube and rubbed Doug's balls gently in a circular motion, dipping down to graze Doug's winking hole. Even though he'd just cum, Doug began to babble and beg for Boss's cock. Quent was amused and cleared his throat, letting Doug know he was observing. Doug recovered his senses momentarily and in a whiny, little-boy voice he begged, "Please Quent?". Now I understood. Doug needed Quentin's permission to get fucked by someone else. Quent grinned and nodded slightly as Boss suddenly shoved 2 fingers into Doug's hole and set off a series of moans from Doug. "Jock boy has a hungry cunt, doesn't he?", Boss said to no one in particular. "Yes sir", Doug whispered. "Please fuck me, sir". Boss rose up on his knees and held Doug's bound ankles in his tiny left hand. He planted his right hand firmly in the center of Doug's muscular chest and then began to tease Doug's needy hole. Doug responded by babbling and begging like a true slut. I rose from Quent's cock to watch the show, stroking Quent as his eyes were riveted on Boss and his boyfriend. Boss finally sunk his cock into the big jock's hole and corkscrewed while Doug moaned like a bitch. Boss ordered Doug to lock his elbows around his thighs and then Boss shocked all of us by doing a 180, rotating his cock inside Doug's tight ass. Boss was facing away from Doug now staring at Quent and me. And Doug's cock had regained its full hardness. The skinny/toned Asian twink had an evil smirk on his face as he observed his long, thin cock half-in Doug's hole. Doug, on the other hand, was the picture of muscle-pussy. His solid arms were wrapped around the bend of his knees and he was holding his thighs tightly to his chest. He was looking at Boss in awe and submission....the big jock was in heaven. Boss looked at Quent hard, slapped Doug once on each asscheek and began to rabbit-fuck him. Doug was writhing, yelping and moaning. His pleasure was intense and we could see his big cock hard and leaking against his stomach. Boss was fucking him brutally, driving in and out of his hole backwards. Meanwhile, he explained to Doug that Doug was simply jock-pussy. And that jock-pussy was put on earth for alphas like Boss to use. With Quent looking on, Boss explained that Doug would make his jock-pussy available to Boss whenever he wanted it from now on. Doug was rendered speechless by the fucking, both the mind-fuck and the ass fuck. He babbled incoherently. But one thing was crystal clear to all of us. Doug would submit to Boss whenever he was summoned and Quent, or anyone else, would be powerless to stop him. Doug's eyes were glazed-over and his head was thrashing from side to side when Boss said, "I just took your jock-pussy in front of your boyfriend, slut. And next time I'm going to invite one of your jock frat boys to watch. Would you like that?" Doug was shaking his head yes and trying to say something. Boss took this pause to rotate 180 again, now he was facing Doug and he spit into Doug's open mouth, placed a hand on each of Doug's forearms and shoving Doug's thighs back until his knees hit his ears. The brutal fuck continued and Boss, who was nearing his climax, said, "Who owns your jock-pussy, boy?" "You, you, you", Doug chanted as Boss pinned him impossibly hard to the mattress. Boss stopped. He smiled. "Look at me, bitch. I'm going to breed your jock-cunt now. And after I do, you belong to me. No one else fucks your cunt except me. Understood?", he asked. Doug shook his head yes vigorously, eyes locked on Boss, and said, "Yes sir, yes sir. Please sir, PLEASE.....". Boss smiled evilly, took Doug's big cock in his left hand and slid his own cock slowly into his newly-conquered jock pussy. Boss flexed his cock and said "CUM!" Doug began to fire shot after shot in the air while Boss pulled back and long-dicked him with thrust after thrust. Doug was clearly having a life-altering experience and I suddenly noticed that Quentin's cock was rigid in my hand. When I glanced at Quent, he rose and slapped me hard. Then he dragged me by the hair, shoved me over the edge of the bed and sunk his cock into me in one stroke, howling as he unloaded his cum into my previously-fucked hole. His spasms were relentless and I was shocked at how turned-on this scene had made Quentin. He basically witnessed Boss fuck his boyfriend into submission and claim him for his own. We all collapsed at the same time. Quent was on my back, looking away from Doug. Boss pulled his cock from Doug, released the ankle restraints and knee-walked up to Doug's face. Doug licked and cleaned him like the perfect slut. Boss got up and walked to the living room to get dressed, leaving without another word. Quent rose and went to the bathroom, closing the door. I rolled to my side, my cock rock hard. Doug was clearly still in shock as he lay on his side facing me. Then he noticed my hard dick and slid off the bed to the floor, took me into his mouth and sucked me until I fed him my load. I collapsed after that, flopping onto the bed. I heard Doug get dressed and quietly leave without saying a word. Quent returned a few minutes later and cuddled next to me on the bed, his head on my hairy pec. I wrapped a strong arm around him and held him tightly as he drifted off to sleep....

Next: Chapter 15

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