My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 17, 2023


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"'re such a good slut. Make me fucking cum, boy", he gasped. And I did. I felt him brick-up and redoubled my efforts. He rose-up off the bench halfway when he shot the first time and took hold of my head. Then he jammed his cock impossibly far into my throat and said, "Fuck, fuck, fuck.....", pumping his load directly into my stomach. I didn't even taste it. When Don was done, he rolled back onto the bench. I backed-off and cleaned his cock thoroughly. His body wasn't attractive to me at all, but he had a great cock. And his attitude really turned me on. Don got up, slipped-on his clothes and walked out of my room. I dressed, checked-out at the desk and headed home.


Me (John): WM, 44, 6', 200, ginger, muscular, alpha Boss: Asian twink, 26, 5'6", 130, smooth/lean Don: WM, 38, 5'9", 210, nerd at bathhouse Quentin: WM Twink, 25, 5'9, 155, smooth, blond Doug: Quentin's BF, Latino, 6', 180, musc, smooth Colin: My co-worker, white, 30, 5'7", 125, skinny, smooth Al: (Colin's friend), Jewish, 5'8, 150, smooth, 6c

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 13

The first time it happened at the office scared the hell out of me. I was back at work, juggling clients and meetings all morning. Offices have a rhythm and ours was no different. Around 1145am, folks drifted out to lunch, either in pairs or individually. Colin texted me at 1130 and said "I'm feeding you lunch". After my conversation with Quent a few days ago, after Quentin proved to me that I'm a true sub, I decided never to resist an alpha unless it was business-related. I didn't have lunch plans so I responded to Colin and said, "Where?" "Your office", he replied. "10 minutes". I honestly didn't know how this was going to work, but Colin was in charge. He arrived 10 minutes later and closed the door. "Get naked", he said. I did. And I was hard by the time my clothes were lying on the chair. I was also praying we wouldn't get interrupted, trying not to think about the consequences of being caught in my office having sex with a co-worker, a subordinate even.

"Lube", Colin commanded. I'd remembered his instructions and I scrambled to get the bottle I had velcroed to the bottom of my desk earlier. He smiled approvingly and told me to lube-up. Then he walked to the sofa in my office, dropped his slacks and boxers to his feet (shoes still on), unbuttoned his shirt and slung it over the back of the sofa. He sat, bony legs spread wide, stroking his impressive erection. I was overcome with desire as I stood before him lubing my ass - one, two, three fingers. Generous amounts of lube. As badly as he'd hurt me with the brutal fuck at my house a few nights ago, I couldn't take my eyes off his oversized cock and his skinny frame. If he'd demanded to fuck me in the reception area, I was sure I'd be standing out there lubing myself right now. I was incredibly turned-on by this fem, skinny twink with the giant attitude.

"Get your boxers, he said. I picked them up from the end of the sofa and he gave me a look. Knowing what he wanted, I stuffed them into my mouth as my cock throbbed violently in front of me. His giant dick, the cocky look on his face, the danger of getting fucked in my office with an unlocked already had me on edge. "Damn, bitch. You've turned into a total pussy. Look at your cock bouncing around, all excited to see your boy's dick.", he stated. "Come sit on me. You're going to ride a load out of me. Then you're going to get on your knees and eat my 2nd one."

I walked to Colin and crawled onto his lap facing him, one knee planted on each side. My ass was well lubed and I lubed his giant dick and stroked him a few times. "Now", he ordered. I lined the head of his cock with my hole and began to sit on him. The pain was intense....I'd forgotten how much it hurt last time. I used both my hands to pull my cheeks apart and gyrated a little, got another inch or so inside me, then rose off it. Colin was getting impatient. He put his hands behind his head, skinny arms on display, and gave me a hard look. I sat on it again, and worked my way down to 3 inches or so before the pain became intense....this boy's dick was not only long, it was really thick. I started to rise up again when he grabbed my balls and twisted them hard, pulling down and forward. I groaned into my boxers with surprise and pain just as his other hand reached my shoulder and shoved-down as he thrust up. I saw stars and began struggling to rise off his cock as I screamed in pain, still muffled by the boxers. But Colin had done this before. He might be 5'7", 125 pounds, but the boy was used to controlling bigger men. His hand was locked tightly around my balls and he yanked me back down until I was impaled on him completely. I was writhing and tears had come to my eyes. He whispered, "Get a grip and calm yourself. Struggling only makes it worse." I was trying to breathe and relax. He gave me a minute for the spasms in my rectum to subside. "If you promise to be a good bitch I'll let go", he continued. I shook my head vigorously in the affirmative and he released my balls. My cock, tiny compared to his, had shriveled to nothing after he impaled me. I gyrated a little to help get used to his girth, but Colin was ready to get this show on the road. "Either ride it properly or I'm going to get up and take a belt to your ass.", he said. I fought through the pain as I began to rise up and down on his fat cock. The pain lessened and after a couple minutes, the pleasure of riding him began to overwhelm me. Like last time, he touched places that no one else could touch. I began to bounce happily on his big dick and he seemed to be please with me. I moved my hands to Colin's bony shoulders and continued with longer strokes up and down his 9-incher. I had to rise so far that my own erection nearly touched his chin each time. I wanted to please him so badly now.

Colin had been passive while I did all the work for the past 5 minutes. Now he put one hand on each ass cheek, pulled them apart and began to thrust up into me. "You're cunt is all opened-up now, isn't it?", he stated the obvious. He was thrusting up into me quick and hard. He pulled me forward for better leverage and my own erection began to rub against his chest. My eyes got wide and I wanted to warn him of my impending ejaculation, but he was gripping each ass cheek and pistoning into me like a jackhammer. I was holding onto the back of the sofa when I felt myself tense-up and my dick began shooting against his chest. My ass clamped-down on his cock and he grunted and began hosing my insides with his searing hot load. I was light-headed. I'd never cum so hard and he continued to rut me slowly after we were both spent, but he reached up and removed the boxers from my mouth, wiping the cum off his chest and chin with them. While my own cock was rapidly deflating, Colin's seemed to have lost no firmness yet. He finally looked up at me and said, "Goddamn. That muscle cunt is so tight. You did good, bitch. Now get on your knees and show your boy how much you appreciate his big dick."

I rose off Colin's still-hard cock and felt it leave me with a "whoosh" of air. I moved to my knees on the floor in front of him, but he rose. I saw him grab his phone and text. A moment later, there was a soft knock on the door. I panicked and began to go for my clothes, but Colin barked, "Stay". I was conflicted, yet I knew my fate was sealed anyway. If my assistant or one of my colleagues was really at the door, I was already busted. They surely heard me getting fucked, even muffled by the boxers in my mouth.

The door opened and Al made his way in. Colin closed the door behind him and Al smiled when he saw me on my knees. Colin and Al were the same height, but Colin put a hand on Al's ass and moved him toward me. Al was wearing nice slacks, a dress shirt and tie. He looked damn fine and I realized that Colin probably scheduled him as an appointment at our office to avoid notice. Al's slacks came off immediately and his tighty whities followed. His beautiful cock popped-up in front of him and he was clearly excited to be here. Colin took his seat on the sofa again and pulled me onto his cock without another word. I wondered if Al was here simply to watch, but that's when I felt him kneel behind me and spread my cheeks. Al's smoothly-shaven face dove into my ass and he took a couple swipes at my freshly fucked, still-wide-open hole before diving into it with his tongue. Without the boxers, I struggled to muffle my moan, this time a moan of ecstasy as I hummed around Colin's dickl. I was enjoying the sensations in my ass when Colin's hand moved to the back of my head and he began to fuck my mouth in earnest. As always with Colin, I tried to relax and focus on my breathing, using my tongue on the underside when I could, tickling his balls when I could find leverage. And taking deep breaths when he pulled my head back to begin the next thrust. My throat muscles worked him and I loved the taste of his cum, his precum and my ass all mixed together. Meanwhile, Al had latched onto my hole like a Hoover vacuum and he was tongue-fucking me with abandon. After a couple minutes of this treatment, Al finally pulled back. The next thing I felt was the unmistakable drizzle of lube. Then Al rose to a squatting position above me, put a smooth hand on each of my beefy asscheeks for support and drove his 6-incher downward into me in one quick motion. "Ahhh"...he exclaimed as he began to piston hard in and out of me. Colin bricked-up noticeably when Al began to fuck me and he was clearly enjoying the show. Al was quiet, but the noises he made were determined grunts. His dick was much smaller and thinner than Colin's, yet it felt amazing. He lowered himself a bit and kicked my knees apart to lower me with him. This caused Colin's giant dick began to hit my throat at a different angle, one which brought an appreciative moan from him. I was being skewered by two men who were much smaller than me physically, yet they controlled me completely. Al continued to fuck me and I felt his hand wrap around my erection, the erection I didn't realize I'd sprung. He pulled-out momentarily and dipped his fingers into my hole for some lube, then resumed stroking me as he fucked. Al was older and wiser, and he had clearly fucked more ass than I'd expected. When he wanted me to tighten-up on him, he'd stroke the head or squeeze the base of my cock. I was insane with lust and desperate to please each of these men who were using me. I had a hand on the base of Colin's cock stroking upward with my thumb on the underside while I sucked him enthusiastically. Meanwhile, I was trying to pay attention to Al's thrust and tighten when he entered to give him maximum pleasure. Each man was getting close and I felt Colin nearing his climax. Instead of my throat, he pulled out and painted my lips and tongue with his delicious goo, pausing to admire his work before nodding at me to swallow it. Al wasn't far behind Colin. Al's hand tightened like a vice on my dick and he shoved himself inside me until his pelvic bone was grinding into my ass painfully. Al grunted and grunted while he bred me, his left hand using my muscled back for support. When he was finished, he pulled out slowly and began stroking my cock again lazily. I was licking the remnants of Colin's cum from his dick, cleaning him thoroughly. Then he rose and began to get dressed.

Al was still behind me and he shoved my face to the floor once Colin was out of the way, pointing my cock downward at a painful angle and stroking me. I was on edge and I heard Al ask Colin, "Is it okay?" Colin nodded in the affirmative. Al simultaneously increased his stroking while jamming 3 fingers into my well-used cunt and fucking me hard with them. He jabbed in and out of me with a staccato motion while he stroked. I began to back-up on him and say "Ohh....OOOhhhhhh", then I lost my 2nd load onto the carpeting while Al pumped it out of me. When he was finished Al used the wet bar in my office to rinse his hands. Then he tucked his cock back into his trousers, patted me on the head and left with Colin. I looked around and realized I had to move quickly. I grabbed the lube, wrapped it in its small towel and velcroed it to the bottom of the desk Then I got another towel and wiped-up the cum stains elsewhere. Finally, I washed my own dick and got dressed. 40 minutes had passed....such a hot lunch break. And I was still famished!

Next: Chapter 14

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