My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 13, 2023


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Then his hand went to the back of my head and he face-fucked me quietly. Urgently. Two minutes later he grunted and fed me his load with no warning. The first shot sent me over the edge and my untouched dick began shooting in my slacks. The black guy unceremoniously pulled his dick from my mouth, tucked it into his jeans and left. So now I had a gooey, sticky spot on my slacks and my knees were still soiled. I raced out of the bathroom and made a right toward the emergency exit. I didn't care about the alarm. I just needed to get out of the bar without anyone seeing me....


Me (John): WM, 44, 6', 200, ginger, muscular, alpha Boss: Asian twink, 26, 5'6", 130, smooth/lean Don: WM, 38, 5'9", 210, nerd at bathhouse Quentin: WM Twink, 25, 5'9, 155, smooth, blond Doug: Quentin's BF, Latino, 6', 180, musc, smooth Colin: My co-worker, white, 30, 5'7", 125, skinny, smooth

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 10

I slept like the dead after the events of the day. I had been exhausted, mentally and physically. But I woke up fresh and ready to roll. And I realized that Quentin wasn't being cruel at the bar, he was simply pushing me to accept what I am. He accomplished his task last night.

I checked my phone. A message from Quentin..."U ok?" I responded, "Yes Sir". His lol came back quickly and I knew we were good. He'd asserted himself as the alpha in our relationship and forced me to embrace my inner sub last night. Of all the changes, this is the one that was most meaningful in my life. Quentin had always been my "boy". But the sex had grown intermittent and stale over the past couple years, even though we still hung out regularly. I realized he was right last night....I'd never been an enthusiastic top. But this week my desire for him had been rekindled. I'd NEVER found Quentin this hot, never wanted him so much sexually.

The office was uneventful and I was a little disappointed. Since my take-down last weekend, I was horny all the time. I hadn't heard from Boss in 3 days and I suddenly realized my desire to be with him again. Colin hadn't reappeared again since the lecture and cock-slapping he'd given me yesterday at lunch. The day seemed perfectly normal.

I stopped at the grocery store and went home to make dinner. When I arrived, Colin was relaxing on my front porch like he owned the place.. He followed me inside, briefly admired my home, then told me to make him a Cosmo. The drink suited him, of course...a Cosmo is the perfect drink for a fem guy like Colin. I stashed the groceries and shook his drink, serving it properly in a chilled martini glass. Then I poured myself a bourbon and sat down on the sofa. Colin had taken my favorite chair, of course. I would have done the same thing a week ago.

"How many times have you bottomed, John?" The question caught me by surprise - so much for small talk! "Maybe 10 times", I replied honestly. "I figured as much", he said. "That's why I'm here at your home. It's why I didn't stop by your office today." My confusion must have been evident because he smiled. It was a friendly smile and I found myself smiling back. He was wearing loose-fitting shorts and a t-shirt. His lanky body had no definition... Colin was super skinny. In the moments that followed, he unzipped his shorts, pulled out his giant, soft cock and dragged lazily onto his left thigh. I'd seen it before, of course. I knew it was big. But here, in my living room, the realization finally hit me. Colin saw the recognition in my face...the fear in my eyes. He continued, "You're going to need practice before you can take me the way I like it, which is rough and hard. So I'm here to get started with your lessons. We can't exactly practice at the office where people would hear you grunt and squeal, can we, John?" I shook my head slowly, mesmerized by the enormous, soft cock resting casually on his thigh. "Good",he responded. "Now get naked and shower-up while I enjoy my drink." I downed my bourbon and went to my bedroom to shower.

I returned a few minutes later with a towel wrapped around me. Colin reached up with his thin fingers and undid the towel, letting it fall to the floor. The minute his fingers grazed me, I was hard. "Obedience is important to me, John. So is enthusiasm. The former might require some training and discipline. The latter is already evident.", he said, gesturing to my boner. "Dominating bigger, older men is my specialty. You're going to be my new regular", Colin explained. Then he scooted forward in my chair and ordered me to bend over his knee for a spanking. I hesitated because I hadn't done anything wrong. Colin looked up and said, "When your alpha tells you to do something, John, you don't question it. I need to reinforce your new status. So we'll start each session with a spanking until I'm certain you understand the proper way to respect me." I dropped to my knees and draped my muscular frame awkwardly over his bony thighs. My hard dick brushed his thigh as I positioned it between his legs, supporting my torso with my hands on the floor. He snickered, but said nothing. And I found myself incredibly turned-on.

The blows began to rain down on my ass in rapid succession. I'd just healed from the whipping Boss gave me last weekend and it still smarted. I squirmed and writhed as he alternated from left to right cheek. The friction of my cock rubbing between his smooth legs was stimulating me in spite of the pain. After a dozen blows I was asking him to please, please stop. My ass was red-hot. But I was also getting worried I might cum, and I knew it would make him angry.

Colin quit after 20 blows and began to rub my ass cheeks with his hand in a soothing motion. "Who owns you, John?", he asked. Owns, I thought? OWNS? But I responded, "You own me, Colin. I'm yours." With that, he shoved me onto the floor and said, "Yes you are. Time to start your lessons". He pulled my head to within an inch of his cock as he sat there in my chair. I studied it....the length, the thickness, the beautiful pink color and the perfect-sized head. I was in love with this boy's dick. And even though I worried about being able to handle his size, I had an intense desire to TRY. I cleared my throat and asked, "Can I feel it and play with it for a minute?" Colin laughed...."sure you can". And for the next 10 minutes I did just that. Colin grew hard while I held it in my hand and marveled at the thickness and warmth. I stroked it lightly and used one hand to grip the base while I stroked the underside with my other. Colin sighed happily and I was pleased with myself. He relaxed with his hands behind his head as I began to lick and suck. The size was a challenge and I worked to get the angle just right. I was careful to make sure my teeth didn't scrape him. Colin seemed unrushed as he allowed me to get familiar with him, familiar with his appendage. Eventually he said, "Get me another drink. And get one for yourself. Time to get serious."

I got the drinks and downed half my bourbon in one gulp. Colin sipped and stood. He dropped his shorts and removed his shirt. And although I'd seen his dick twice now, i had no idea what Colin's body looked like until that moment. I admired him briefly. Colin was skinny and pale. A week ago i would have dismissed him as too skinny, but things had changed. He was a God to me now and I liked what I saw. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him anywhere - a strong wind might have blown Colin away. But I'd come to realize this week that this is the type of guy for whom I needed to submit - younger, smoother, smaller in stature.

Colin was attractive and well-groomed. Smooth. His giant cock might have looked odd on a guy his size if it hadn't been so beautiful. It was heavy, substantial, even when it was soft earlier. Colin's cock was a big, pink, beautiful piece of flesh. It didn't stand up against his stomach like a lot of young guys because it was simply too heavy. But Colin was hard and it hung in front of him, commanding respect and admiration from anyone who saw it. I wondered how the jocks in the high school locker room had reacted. I wanted to ask him sometime.

But right now Colin was moving toward me. He tilted my head back with his hand and began to cock-slap me, just like he'd done at the office. He apparently enjoyed this move. I remembered to keep my hands at my side after angering him at the office. When he'd cock-smacked me several times he said, "Open up,bitch". I did and he pulled me onto it roughly. I struggled to accept his monster, but he cut me no slack. Colin was a boy on a mission and nice time was over. I was choking and gagging from the onslaught. My hands found his thighs and I pushed back hard, trying to get some air. He yanked his cock from my mouth and backhanded me hard. I fell sideways and caught myself on the ottoman. He was on me in an instant. He pulled my head between his thighs and clamped them tightly on each side, crushing my ears. Then the blows began to rain down on my sore, red ass. I yelled. I begged. I cried, but I didn't resist him physically and I managed to keep my hands on the floor despite the urge to defend myself. His anger finally subsided and he let me up, but my ass was on fire. The pain was awful and I was sure my ass looked like a tomato again. He pulled my head up with his left hand and slapped me with the right. He asked me if I had restraints for my hands. I remembered the neckties Boss had used, the same neckties Quentin had cut off my hands when he rescued me. I nodded my head yes and he told me to go get them. I hobbled down the hall to my bedroom closet and began rummaging for a tie that wasn't new (the last one had been ruined). "NOW", he yelled, his anger causing fear in the pit of my stomach. I grabbed a tie and raced back to the living room. "KNEEL", he ordered. Colin tied my hands tightly together in front of me with one end of the necktie. Then he dragged me crawling to the bedroom with the other end. He ordered me onto the bed on my elbows and knees, then tied the other end of the tie tightly to the headboard of my bed, leaving no slack. I was still in shock when stuffed my own, dirty boxers in my mouth drizzled lube into my ass and mounted me like a dog. The lube was as much for his benefit as mine, but it felt like a billy-club was being shoved into my ass. I screamed, but the sounds were muffled by the boxers. I thrashed, trying desperately to shake him off, but my hands were tied tightly to the headboard so the gyrations of my ass were allowing him deeper. Colin was persistent and determined. I suddenly understood how it felt to be raped. As I screamed and bucked, he just kept punching his giant dick further into my resistant hole. The pain was excruciating. He smacked the back of my head hard and growled, "Relax your cunt and push back on me, John. Make it easier on yourself. If you don't, I'm going to rape the fuck out of you anyway." I tried, I really did. But I couldn't think straight and I couldn't calm myself. He stopped for a brief moment and I prayed he would pull out. He did, actually. And I was relieved for a few seconds until I felt him drizzling more lube. I was still on all fours, hands tied tightly to the headboard. Colin grabbed both my ankles firmly in his bony hands and surged forward, his massive tool making plenty of progress this time. I screamed again and tried to escape toward the headboard but that just flattened me out on the bed, my head crushed painfully against the rail of the headboard now. Colin bottomed-out to the muffled sound of my screams. This 125lb twink with a 9-inch cock was raping me. I begged him to take it out, whimpering, certain he'd done damage to my rectum. But that just seemed to turn him on more. "I'll give you a minute, John, then I'm actually going to fuck you until I cum. Who knows, you might cum, too. But I don't care about that", he said. My cock had been limp since the spanking and every pain center in my body was lit up at this point. An orgasm was the furthest thing from my mind. But I took advantage of the break and tried to relax because I knew what was coming.

He laid on me for at least two minutes, his throbbing cock buried deep in my guts. It didn't hurt as badly as before and the spasms had subsided. His dick still felt way too large to be inside me, though. When Boss had fucked me, or Quentin, it was different. Even though I resisted at first, it felt amazing once they penetrated me. And I unloaded each time when they fucked me. But Colin's cock was huge and he liked it rough - too rough. I just had to focus on getting through this. When he finally pulled-back, I felt like he was taking half my bowels with him. His big dick popped-out and I could feel the air on my gaping hole. Colin drizzled lube again. I could feel the lube running inside me without any assistance, my asshole was open like a vagina. He slid back in slowly and I jolted. It still hurt, but his cock was so big that it is difficult to describe the experience. Full. I felt so full. I breathed and focused on relaxing. He took three or four medium strokes and I began to realize I could do this, I could take him. Then, suddenly, he shoved my face into the mattress and began to hump me in earnest. Colin used his knees to spread my legs wider so he could get deeper. I moaned in surprise when he did it and raised my ass to meet him. "Your cunt's getting used to me, isn't it, bitch?", he said. "Unnn....", I groaned into the boxers. He paused then, crawled further up onto my back and asked, "Are you done screaming like a little bitch?" My eyes met his, the eyes of my twink rapist, and I nodded yes. Colin removed the boxers from my mouth and I took a deep breath, suddenly less afraid, more relaxed. "What do you say, John?", he asked. "Thank you, sir", I whispered, accepting my fate. Colin's full weight was on top of me, but he was so light I hardly noticed. It felt good, his small body covering my large, muscular frame. As these thoughts were crossing my mind, Colin began to gyrate his cock, reaming my hole and sending waves of intense pleasure through me. It caught me by surprise and I gasped "YES". Colin responded by doing it again and now I was writing in pleasure. He laughed at me. "If I untie you, will you be a good boy now, John?", Colin asked. "Yes sir!", I replied immediately. He thrusted again and I moaned appreciatively. The pain was now a distant memory, although I doubted I would be able to walk tomorrow. "Alright then", Colin said. He rolled me onto my side and shoved my legs toward the headboard so he could reach my hands to untie them. I gasped as his cock rotated inside me and slipped back an inch or so, but stayed firmly in place. There was a little pain, but the pleasure was intense.

Once Colin untied me, he wasted no time getting back to business. As I rubbed my hands together, he rolled me onto my back, again keeping his big cock firmly lodged inside me. He shoved my thighs back and ordered me to lock my elbows around them. I did. Then he pulled a pillow over and rolled me back, shoving it under my ass to prop me up. As Colin did each of these things, his throbbing dick continued to rotate inside me and move back and forth an inch or two. When he was finished positioning me, he chuckled again. "Fuck, you really look hot like this", he said with a grin. "My big, muscle sub playtoy. Wait a minute - stay there", he said, then he pulled his dick from me with a plop, climbed off the bed and headed to the living room. I looked down at myself and realized that I was hard, leaking precum onto my furry stomach. I could see myself in the mirror across from the foot of the bed and I had to admit it was sexy. My hole was making sucking motions as I breathed, still wide open. My calves looked good in the air and my biceps were bulging, locked around my knees. When Colin returned, he was carrying his iPhone. I opened my mouth to protest but thought better of it. "Hold those legs back, bitch", he ordered. I did, and he took several shots of my gaping hole, then backed up to get a profile shot of me in the "fuck me" position as he called it. Then he moved to the side of my head and took several shots of his cock lying on my lips and in my mouth. Clearly enthused, he switched to video and pumped my mouth with his cock several times. I could taste my ass on it. When he was satisfied with the pics and video, he tossed his phone on the nightstand and announced...."Time to finish-up".

Colin drizzled more lube and as he knelt before my gaping hole. He reminded me that it would be wise to keep lube everywhere from now office, my car and individual packets in my suit coat for emergencies. "Be a boy scout, John. Always prepared.". Then he abruptly mounted me again and sunk his cock to the root. It stretched me and there was a bit of pain, but I was grateful to have him back inside me. While I held my legs in place, locked with my elbows, eyes on Colin, he placed one bony hand on each of my furry pecs and began to fuck me. It was fast and intense. I loved it. His tiny 125lb frame between my big furry legs was a sight to behold...a huge turn-on. He was in charge, he owned my ass and I realized how much I needed this, craved it. He grabbed an ankle in each hand and spread my legs as wide as they would go, releasing them from my grasp. He rotated his angle slightly and pounded me like a cheap whore. He called me names....slut, cunt, sub, bitch, pussyboy, bottom boy...degrading me turned him on. And it turned ME on. With my hands free I held onto the mattress and tried to ignore my throbbing erection. I was on edge and unsure of how he would react if I shot my load. Colin shifted again and put one leg on his shoulder while shoving the other back against my chest. As he leaned-in to continue his assault, his smooth torso touched my cock. "Oh...oh no", I croaked as I began to fire the biggest load I'd fired in 20 years. The first shot hit me on the chin, the second on my shoulder. He doubled-down as my hole tightened on him and he fucked me through another 5 or 6 shots. As I started to come down, Colin was peaking. He spit in my face and yelled, "Who owns your cunt, bitch?" "YOU do", I croaked weakly. "Goddamned right I do. This is MY FUCKING CUNT", he roared as he thrusted urgently. I felt his cock swell impossibly large as he began to cum inside my well-used ass. His hand flew to my throat and he cut off my airflow as he thrust again and held still, emptying his load into me like a dog would seed his bitch. My face was red and I was starting to panic by the time he released my throat. His cock began to soften, but the sheer size of it would allow him to remain inside me as long as he wanted. He collapsed on my chest for 30 seconds before rising and unceremoniously pulling his cock from my hole. I lowered my legs as I felt the cool air on my sore ass, but no cum was running from it. Colin's cock was so long that it would be a while before that happened. But I was on fire down there from the spanking earlier and the fucking that just ended. I wouldn't be going to the office tomorrow...working from home was my only option. I knew I wouldn't walk properly for several days after this.

Colin was all business. He stood on the mattress and moved to sit on my chest, flopping his wet cock on my face. I knew what was coming....he slapped my face a dozen times with his big, half-hard meat before putting a hand on the back of my head and ordering me to clean his cock. I did, of course. I wanted to. When he was satisfied, he got up, grabbed his iPhone and headed for the living room. I lay there recovering as I heard him get dressed. Then the door opened and closed....Colin was gone without even saying goodbye.

*Okay, guys, this was a long chapter and the next one might be several days from now. I appreciate all the comments and I'm glad everyone is enjoying this one!

Next: Chapter 11

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