My Descent to Become a Whore

By Iain Bell

Published on Mar 20, 2016


My Descent to become a whore – CH2.

"My God Aaron" my horniness winning over. "That's fucking huge for a guy your age."

"Yeah runs in the family. Dad's is 12 inches long and 8 inches round. I hope to be bigger as I am still growing. Now fucking get on your knees and suck."

"I can't, it is all wrong. You are too young."

"Look fuck-wit, this is going to happen with your consent or without it" I knew he was right, Aaron was a rugby forward in school and he was bigger and had a lot more muscle that I, he stood up and pushed me to my knees, he sat down again on the sofa and my head was right in front of him. "Now fucking get to work fuck-wit." I looked up at him and he just glared, I looked down at his magnificent weapon and lowered my head and took him into my mouth.

I licked around the head of his dick a few times before taking more of him into my mouth, I slowly took more and more into my mouth and opened my throat and took him deeper. "Fuck" Aaron shouted as I descended down taking his entire length into my throat. "I knew you would be able to take all of me fuck-wit."

I had started to enjoy myself, the second dick in as many hours. I started to fuck myself on his monster weapon using my throat and mouth, Aaron was moaning all the time now and I felt his balls tighten under my chin and knew he was getting close. Aaron let out a huge sigh and unloaded all his cum deep into my throat.

"That was good fuck-wit." He said as I sat back "you will be doing that regularly from now on, oh and I will want to try fucking you at some stage, you do get fucked I assume?"

"Yes Aaron Sir."

"Good, now I have to go I need to get my homework done before mum and Dad get home." And he left me sitting on the floor of my own living room thinking about what had just occurred. My own dick was hard but I managed to avoid a wank as I wanted to stay horny for tonight. I looked at the clock and time was marching on. I needed a few things from the supermarket and wore my new skinhead gear, I wanted to wear it and be seen wearing it and of course Lukas wanted me to wear the gear. Then a thought struck me. What about work, I had made all these changes and thought nothing about the new job I was supposed to start. I couldn't worry about that now. I left the house and made my way to the supermarket for the things I needed.

As I was coming home from the food shopping Aarons father came out of a shop and we literally bumped into each other. "Sorry" he said and then realised who it was "Drew?"

"Hi Randy."

"You've change a lot since yesterday."

"Yeah I needed a total change and bury the past."

"Looks good on you, I like it, want a lift?" I nodded and we got into his car. "So had Aaron been round to see you yet?"

"Not sure what you mean."

"Look, I know you are gay and I saw Aaron wanking and calling your name."

"Oh shit."

"Then he has been round then."

"Yes he has, does this mean I am in trouble?"

"No it doesn't, all it means is I will want to visit you as well." I looked at him and he grinned. "My wife doesn't do blow jobs and I am a very highly sexed man who needs to get off regularly. Do you have to rush?" I shook my head "good." Randy drove and we went to a deserted area and pushed his seat back. "Come on then Drew."

I looked round and the place was indeed deserted. Randy pulled his trousers down and released his big fat dick from his boxers. I smiled at him and went down onto his lap, I took his dick into my mouth and started sucking. Randy must have been extra horny as he pushed the back of my head until all 12 inches were lodged deep in my throat and his balls were hitting my chin. "Shit, I knew you would be good." I felt good about myself for the first time in fucking ages. I had sucked three guys today and they all loved the way I sucked them, I couldn't wait to get fucked by any or all of them. `Shit I was fast becoming a real slut, maybe that's my vocation now' I mused to myself.

"Arghhhhhh" he screamed out as he unloaded rope after rope of hot man cum into my throat. "Fuck I enjoyed that" said Randy. "Mmmm you will definitely be on the agenda whenever I can get away. You have one talented throat Drew."

"Thanks Randy." And he put himself away and drove us home.

I got indoors, put the shopping away and undressed. I put my jock strap back on, I liked the idea of walking round in nothing but a jock strap. I watched a bit of television and had 40 winks as I wanted to be fresh for tonight.

I came too looked at the clock and went upstairs and douched again to make sure I was clean inside. I got the gear together and dressed. I looked at myself with the rubber chaps, rubber jock and rubber vest and waders. `Looking good Drew' I said to myself. I pulled on the track pants to over my lower half and left for Soho.

I made good time and arrived inside the coffee shop just as Lukas was sitting down, I couldn't quite see what he had on as he was hidden from me. "Drew what the fuck are you wearing?"

"Only track pants over my other gear."

"Get those fucking things off now and that's an order."


"Just fucking do it." I looked around me and nobody was paying attention to me or Lukas. So I sat and pulled off my track pants "That's better, now go and get us our coffee." He smiled and I somehow knew I had to do it. I walked over to the counter in my gear everything on show, I came back with our coffee and a few looks and a few smiles too. "Well done Drew." Lukas stood up and he was wearing rubber skinhead jeans and rubber Fred Perry complete with rubber braces and of course his knee high boots.

We drank our coffee and chatted like old mates. Lukas looked at the clock on the wall, come on Drew time to make a move. He got up and walked towards the exit with my track pants in his hand. I shrugged my shoulders and followed him onto the street. "Are we walking?"

"We will walk to the other end of this street and then get a taxi. You will love showing off by the time I am finished with you Drew."

We walked down the street I felt very unnerved but by the time I got to the other end I felt fine "you okay?"

"Yeah thanks Lukas." And we jumped into a taxi and off to the club.

When we went in Lukas spoke to the guy behind the counter and we went in. It was all black and chrome and the lighting was low, to me it looked very sexy. Lukas pulled me to the bar and I got us both a pint of Lager. He started showing me around. "Wow, this is great, nothing like this where I come from."

"Now Drew, I need a fuck and I love showing off so lean over the bar." I was unsure and I hesitated. He slapped me round the arse "just fucking do it."

"Yes Sir" I blurted out before I could even think.

"Much better, you and I will get along nicely if you follow orders and continue with the Sir." I bent over the bar and he got behind me and lubed up my arse. He lowered his rubber jeans and put the head of his dick to my arse and pushed inside.

"Oh yeah" I moaned out as he pushed inside me. I felt every inch of him go into my arse and it felt fantastic, it had been so fucking long since I got fucked and to be fucked my Lukas and his large dick was a sheer delight. Lukas stopped fucking me for a minute and I fucked myself on his dick, I was pushing my arse on his dick and off again. "Fuck that feels so nice, fuck me Lukas, fuck me hard."

"You want it hard Drew, then hard you are going to get it." Lukas grabbed hold of me and literally rammed in and out, hard like he said he would.

"Yeah, that's it you bastard, fucking seed me. Give me your cum and give it to me deep." Lukas buried himself in me and yelled out loud as he seeded my arse giving me what I wanted and desired. Lukas stayed inside me and he leant down and kissed my neck "You enjoyed that didn't you Drew."

"Too fucking right I did. I needed that so much."

"Well I haven't finished with you yet, ever had a piss fuck?"

"No but I think I am about to."

"Yes you are and here it comes." I felt my arse filling with his hot manly piss.

"Lukas, you can seed and fill my arse anytime and that was one great fuck, you know what to do with your dick." I turned and kissed him clenching my arse to keep everything inside. "Thanks."

"No thanks are required Drew, you have one hot arse and I love the verbal you came out with, are you always like that?"

"To be honest no, you bought it out in me." I leant in and kissed him "I hope that you haven't finished with me yet!"

He kissed me back "You'll get another load or three from me by the end of the night. Now go and explore and don't you fucking dare lose my piss from your cute arse."

"No Sir." I smiled and walked off to look around keeping my arse clenched tight. I wandered upstairs to look over the balcony, lots of guys standing talking and others looking round for sex, and some just getting down to it. As I stood I felt my foot getting wet. I looked over and a guy in a full rubber suit had his dick out and was pissing in my left wader, the feel of hot piss sloshing round my foot was in a way sexy, I smiled and thank him as he slowed down "I'll come back and do the other boot later."

"That would be great. Thanks."

I was starting to get horny, I looked round and saw a muscled guy who was multi pierced and tattooed all over. He was only wearing knee high boots. He looked over at me and smiled, I smiled back and he beckoned with his head and called me over.

"You the guy who got fucked at the bar and filled with piss?"

"Yes Sir."

"You want more?"

"Oh yes Sir." I said with lust in my voice. His pulled on his long fat dick. "Bend over then boi." I bent in front of him and he put the head of his dick to my arse and pushed in. I relaxed to let him in and he pushed the head of his dick inside. He took hold of my hips and pulled me onto the rest of his dick. "Mmmm nice cunt you have boi, I can feel the piss already in your arse. Yeah very nice." I felt him piss some more filling me even more. He started to fuck as he pissed.

He rammed in and out as soon as he finished pissing fucking my arse hard. "Oh yeah fuck me hard Sir, Fuck me so fucking hard I can't walk straight." I was moaning uncontrollably now at being fucked by such a horny man as he was.

"That's it bitch moan, tell me how much you enjoy being fucked by me. You fucking cunt, you are milking me. ARGHHHHHH he yelled out and filled me with his hot cum. "Fuck it, I didn't want to shoot a load off yet but your arse is so fucking hot and tight, I couldn't help it, especially when you milked me like that."

"Thank you Sir. That was one hot fuck."

"I hope to see you around again, there are not many sluts around that are so good looking." He smiled and kissed me.

"Can I lick your dick clean?"

He shook his head, I love my dick dirty, especially if some unsuspecting guy sucks me without my permission. I smiled back and left him to look around, I went back downstairs just as Lukas was looking for me. "Been filled even more then"

"How did you know?"

"This place has CCTV in certain places and the guy who used you loves to fuck whilst being watched by everyone on the TV. Look" and he pointed up to a monitor and I saw a replay of me being used.

"Sir, I am so full of piss I need to lose it as it is getting uncomfortable."

Lukas smiled at me "what you do if I forbade you to?"

I looked to the floor and mumbled "Don't know Sir."

"Pardon Drew?"

I looked up "I don't know Sir."

"I suppose that will have to do for the moment. Come with me." And he pulled me towards the toilet. "This is where the piss pigs hang out, he looked in and called out "You" and he pointed to one of the guys sitting at the urinals "get out here if you want some piss?"

He got up off the floor and came over to Lukas and me. "Bend over Drew." I bent over "Get to work piggy." The guy smiled and got his mouth to my arse "Let go drew but slowly." I let go and the guy at my arse lick, slurped and drank the piss and cum from my arse. When I was empty the guy walked off and Lukas dragged me back to the bar for another pint.

"So what do you think of this place Drew."

"Amazing, sexy, fabulous and slutty are just a few word to describe it, oh and I fucking love it too. Thank you so much for introducing me to it." I said with a huge smile.

"It was my pleasure Drew, when you walked into the shop I saw me in you a few years back just after I move here from Somerset. A very nice man showed me round and I wanted to do that for you." I leant in and kissed him "Besides, you are a fucking horny guy and a great fuck. I don't do boyfriends but I would like to meet with you occasionally to have a good session."

"Sounds great to me." I got to the floor and looked up at him. He smiled and hauled his dick out of his skin tight rubber jeans. I took him into my mouth and down into my throat. As he pissed in my tight throat he spoke "If you continue to trust me, look to me as the guy in charge and let me do anything I decide then I will continue to see you and train you." He took his dick from my mouth for a moment "Well?"

"Yes Sir anything Sir."

"Good boy." He gave me back his dick and finished his piss, he pulled me up when he finished. "Now follow me." I followed and he took me into the dark room and bent me over a bench. "Stay there until I come back and take every dick in your cute arse that is offered you."

"Yes Sir."

He slapped my arse, I yelped "you can stop that fucking noise too." And he left me alone.

He left me for what I found was 90 minutes. He returned and slapped my arse again "Hello Sir."

"You knew it was me?"

"Yes Sir I remember the slap."

"Good boy, how many?"

"10 guys have fucked me Sir all gave me a load of cum and five pissed in my arse but I am sorry to say that there was so much it drained out."

"I expected that Drew, you have done well. Now come with me." I got up and walked behind him back to the bar. He handed me a pint and I drank it as I was very thirsty. "What do you do for work Drew?"

"Actually that is going to be a problem, I lined up a new job when I moved here and was due to start on Monday but since I got all these piercings and had my head shaved I can't do that job now."

"Well how do you fancy working here behind the bar, ever worked bar?"

"Yes when I was at university."

"Good. All the bar staff that work here are sexy like you and I just know after tonight that you will make them into sluts like you want to be, are you interested?"

I looked at the bar staff and smiled at Lukas "Yes Sir" I looked to the floor again.

"You need as much dick in your arse and throat as you can get don't you?"

"Yes Sir" still looking at the floor.

"You want to work for me then?"

I looked up at him "You own this place?"

"Yes Drew and I own the shop as well."

"Fuck me."

"Maybe later. But now I need an answer."

"Yes Sir, I'd love to work here behind the bar and be the slut I know is inside of me, and I have you to thank for bringing it out in me."

"Good boy Drew, welcome aboard. One final thing." He reached behind the bar and got a rather large butt plug. He lubed it up, handed me some poppers. Now put this in and it only come out when you get fucked by a customer. Oh and your arse is always to be bare and on show it is NEVER to be covered when on these premises."

"Yes Sir."

"Come here Drew." I went up to him and he pulled me into a tight embrace and kissed me deeply giving me his tongue. He took the large plug from me and I took a large snort of the poppers and he pushed the plug in my arse for me. As he was pushing it in he spoke "I will not be here every night the club is open but I will know what goes on. When I do come in I will use you as I see fit do you understand Drew?" The plug hit the widest part and he gave one almighty push and it went in.

"Yes Sir."

"You haven't asked about money."

"I don't really care about money Sir, as long as I earn enough to pay my mortgage and have enough to enjoy life or at least the life I will become accustomed to."

"I like your style Drew. Give me your address and I'll come and see you tomorrow afternoon, take me through everything and I will sort out your salary."

"Thank you Sir."

"Now get to work." I went behind the bar and started work, Lukas watched me for a while and he smiled and must have been happy as he walked off but soon came back "by the way Drew, that plug stayed in you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It only comes out when you are cleaning your arse or having a shit or being fucked."

"Yes Sir." And he disappeared into the crowd. By closing time I knew all the bar staff and although knackered I was happy and for the first time I felt at home and actually enjoyed being at work.

Lukas appeared at the bar "Drew, I am taking you home tonight to save me coming over tomorrow and besides I need to fuck you again."

"Yes SIR" I said with a huge grinning smile. We finished up and left in a taxi.


Next: Chapter 3

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