My Descent to Become a Whore

By Iain Bell

Published on Sep 16, 2016


My Descent to become a whore – chapter 10

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I knew what was required and got to work right away, I enjoyed my work-outs now and got into it, so much so that Anton joined in spurring me on even more. Mind you it helped that Anton worked out naked and I was able to feast my eyes on his delicious muscled body as we both worked hard.

Master Lukas appeared still wearing his rubber suit and boots and stood and watched us work. Anton's dick rose to full hardness as did mine. "My boys both horny then?"

"Yes Master" we shouted together.

"That's exactly what I like to hear, my favourite boys horny and in need of filling." Master Lukas left as we continued working hard.

Anton looked up at the clock and slowed down, I followed suit. "You realise that you have worked harder and for longer than you have done before?" I shook my head "Do you feel okay?" I nodded grinning and flexed a muscle in my arm to show that I was okay. "Good boy. Come on let me get Master Lukas and us something to eat."

Neither of us showered as we were not instructed to do so. Anton washed his hands and got on with dinner. At one point he bent over to get into a cupboard, I couldn't help myself and went over and licked at his sweaty arse, only the once and stepped back. "Tut tut, naughty boy." He said with a smile.

Anton dashed round preparing food, as soon as it was ready he went to find Master Lukas and he went into the dining room where he served Master Lukas and returned where we ate our simple meal, me on the floor at Anton's feet and he at the kitchen table.

Anton cleared everything away and washed up just as Master Lukas came appeared. As Drew likes me so much in the outfit, I am keeping it on, I should be nice and smelly as I've been in it all day. Drew you can wear your skinhead boots and a jock strap, you can walk but you will be keeping your bit and reins on. Anton you can wear these and your waders." Master Lukas handed him a pair of rubber shorts with a hole in the arse to be fucked through. They were so small his huge dick would have trouble staying put, but knowing Master Lukas that was the idea.

"Oh. And you both can get fucked as much as you want and cum as much as you want tonight. You have both been very good today and deserve it."

"Thank you Master Lukas" we both said simultaneously.

"Come on then get ready."

45 minutes later Anton and I were ready for the off both of us able to clean our arses out and dressed as Master Lukas wanted. Anton assumed that he would be driving as he had his keys in his hand "No Anton, we will get a taxi tonight."

It arrived and we got in and went off to the club that Master Lukas owned and I used to work bar.

We arrived and went inside, we walked through to the club and all eyes were on us immediately. Three good looking guys all horny, well I knew I was. Anton went to the bar and got three pints for us "Now go and have some fun."

I went over to the bar to see the guys. They all looked and started at me and could not believe the changes that Master Lukas had done but none of them were really shocked. I was pleased to see that my changes were still in place and all were sporting 20 lace-hole black DM's with semi-see through rubber jocks and nothing else. They turned and all wore butt plugs. I gave them the thumbs up and they went back to work. And I walked off to see who was around.

I bumped into a guy who had fucked me a couple of times when I worked bar. "Good to see you Drew." He looked me up and down "Love the new image, fucking horny." He stepped round and looked at my arse "wow fucking great. Love the tail attached to the plug. You up for being fucked?"

I nodded and took his hand and led him upstairs and leant over the bar and pulled out my tail plug "Fuck that things huge" and he used his fingers and played with my arse pushing three inside me. I moaned in delight as I loved being used. I felt the zip go on his leathers and the head of a pierced dick enter my arse. He pushed his entire dick inside my arse and I clenched hard using all my anal muscles to give him the ride he and I both wanted. "Mmmm" he moaned out "you are always a good fuck Drew. You can bring me off much quicker than anyone else can."

He fucked me hard and quick as he clearly wanted to get off quickly. He soon shot his cum deep in my arse, pulled out and walked off but not before thanking me. I stayed bent over for a while as I wanted to see if anyone else wanted me. I felt a hand at my arse and a few fingers go inside, I resisted and I felt that the guy wanted to fist me, I wanted Master Lukas to have that particular pleasure first. I couldn't say anything because of the bit, so I wiggled my arse to stop him. "Don't worry Drew, just checking." It was Master Lukas. "You want me to be first to take you with my fist don't you?"

I turned and nodded looking to the floor and going very red. Master Lukas lifted my head and looked into my eyes. You are a good boy Drew, I am so pleased that you are giving your first fisting to me." He slapped me round the arse "Now go and find some more dick, I have seen a nice cute boy that need his cunt filled by this." And he squeezed his large dick through the rubber.

I moved off and quickly saw a butch skinhead. I walked up to him and fell to my knees looking at his bulge, but I managed to ignore that and went for his boots. I wanted to lick them but the bit got in the way, so I just kissed each boot once and sat back looking up at him. He eventually looked down and smiled. He pulled open his tight skinhead jeans and hauled out an impressive pierced dick "Drink boy." I moved forward and took him into my mouth over the bit and down into my throat.

He started his piss and I just moaned in delight as the sweet tasting nectar filling my stomach. He soon finished his piss and put his dick away in his jeans. He smiled at me "you may get my load in your arse later boy, but for now you can fuck off, I'll come and find you when I need another piss." I nodded and moved off.

I found Anton who was fucking a nice looking guy and getting fucked himself. He looked round and smiled and carried on being piggy in the middle. I went and sat at the bar (Master Lukas had recently purchased some bar stools with a special hole that a bitch like me could put the plug or on my case a pony tail through) and watched the guys work, one of them, I assume the guy that replaced me was serving a skinhead. He came round the bar and bent over, the skinhead got his dick out and fucked the barman over the bar. Master Lukas appeared and sat next to me. "Why are you not in the middle of things getting fucked like Anton is Drew?"

I looked down in embarrassment, Master Lukas lifted my head to meet his eyes. "You don't feel comfortable choosing who you have sex with do you?" I shook my head "You need my constant direction telling you, forcing you." I nodded. "Drew, you have become a good slave, you have leant very quickly and I could not have chosen better." Master Lukas kissed me once and caressed me and played with my tits. "Give me your plug and go and bent over in the toilets and see how much piss you can get in your cute muscled arse."

I got up and pulled out the plug in my arse "That goes in far too easily Drew, time for an upgrade, I'll tell Anton to order one." He smiled at me and shooed me off to the toilets.

I went inside and it was busy with guys snogging and others preening themselves and some clearly tops standing round looking for a piss bitch to use. I went over to one of the free urinals and bent over in front of it and waited. "About fucking time" I heard from behind me. "I need to get rid of this piss and I've wanted a good looking piss bitch to take it from me." I felt him caress my arse and push a finger inside "Is this what you want boy?" I moaned as he used a couple more fingers and probed my arse "Not scared to show us men what you really want are you?" again I moaned.

"Time for my dick I think" I felt the head of a pierced dick enter my arse and slowly push inside. He wasn't particularly think but as he went in I realised that he was long, he went deeper than anyone had before even Master Lukas and he was huge. "Well boy you nearly have the lot, lots have tried and failed. A couple more inches." And he pushed and I felt his balls against my arse. "Your arse feels good round my dick boy." He slowly fucked me a couple of times "yeah nice, but I need my piss first."

The guy started pissing deep in my arse "Feel that boy, feel that hot piss filling your arse." I moaned a reply "Yeah feels good to me boy, I can feel that hot piss of mine round my dick, I need to fuck now" and even before he finished pissing he was fucking me. His long hard dick went in and out of my arse sending all sorts of good feelings through me. "Mmmm you arse feels good, the piss sloshing round my dick as I fuck you." He sped up his fucking and was pushing me into the metal urinal but I didn't care about the pain of the urinal against my body, I was enjoying the hard fucking from this man.

"Get ready boy as I am ready to load you up with my hot cum." He yelled out and I felt his hot cum spurt into the piss in my arse. He stayed deep inside me as he came down from cumming. "That was great boy. Now I think I can" and he stopped as I felt more hot piss filling my already full arse. "Mmmm much better." And he pulled out of my arse and I clenched hard wanting to keep this man's essence inside me for as long as possible. As he walked off I heard him telling his mate that I was a good fuck and he should try me out.

I stayed where I was and soon felt another hand at my arse a finger went in and a trickle of piss seeped out "fuck he has filled you up, I thought he was joking. I've got to fuck this, I have never fucked a piss filled arse and need to know what how the fuck it feels." I head a zipper go down and

The jangle of piercings, nice this guy is pierced I thought to myself. The guy shoved the piercings in first then the head of his dick. He pushed the rest in and was soon balls deep. "Fuck that is good, I can feel my mates piss in your arse, wow." He too started his fuck and pulled out virtually all the way before pushing the lot back in "Jesus, I won't last long. This feel so fucking great" he shoved inside again going balls deep and unloaded his cum alongside his mates. Sadly he couldn't piss but it was a good fuck nonetheless.

After he disappeared I moved and got up, Master Lukas came in "Better now you've been filled Drew?" I nodded smiling "Good boy." And he handed me my pony tail which I inserted immediately to keep everything deep inside me for Master Lukas." I followed him back to the bar and a pint was waiting for me. I stood next to Master Lukas who played with my tail pulling and pushing it in and out but not taking it out completely. "Looking forward to me filling you later Drew?" I looked at him and nodded. "Nice and full for me?" again I nodded and smiled as best I could through the bit in my mouth. "Good boy Drew." Master Lukas kissed me on each cheek and walked off whilst I watched everything that was going on.

Anton appeared grinning broadly, I looked down and his dick was glistening with cum and anal juices. I looked up and he nodded. I went to the floor and took him into my mouth, firstly cleaning the head of his dick before licking up and down making sure it was clean. I wanted to take him into my throat but stopped myself and pulled off looking up at him. "Good boy." He said with a huge grin "Take me into your throat boy, I need a piss."

I took Anton down over my bit and into my throat, as soon as he was lodged deep in my gullet he had his piss. "Mmmm much better" he said when I reluctantly let his dick go "I needed that been saving it just for you pony boy." He turned and presented me with his arse "Lick me boy." I tried without success, my tongue was not long enough with the bit in. "Never mind, maybe I'll let you suck me off later." And he disappeared back into the crowd looking for yet more sex.

I felt a hand on my back gently rubbing along my spine and down towards my pony tail. He pulled and pushed it gently, I knew it was Master Lukas as I knew his touch, I swung round and looked into his eyes. "You knew it was me didn't you Drew?" I nodded. I leant in and did my best and kissed his cheeks but the bit always got in the way. "You want to snog me don't you." I nodded going red. "So sweet Drew, I love it when you go all red. "Well maybe I should take you home to bed." I nodded once more. "I might even take out your bit." I forgot my place and hugged Master Lukas but I quickly stepped back when I realised what I had done. I dropped to the floor and licked each boot once not lifting my head.

Master Lukas dropped to his knees and lifted my head "I know you love me Drew but you must not show your affection like that, you are a pony boy slave. Nothing more." I raised my head and nodded to Master Lukas. "I think I need to take you home after that needless show of affection." I gulped and knew that I was in for a beating. "Go and wait by the door." He said sternly "I'll go and get Anton."

Anton appeared with Master Lukas "been a bad boy Drew?" I nodded looking to the floor. A taxi soon appeared and we were soon on our way home.

When we got inside the house Anton disappeared "Get upstairs to my bedroom NOW" he demanded, I quickly padded upstairs on all fours and waited on my blanket in the corner of his bedroom. Master Lukas soon appeared "Undress me cunt." When he used that word I knew he was angry with me. I took off his boots and socks and sniffed each one loving the smell of my Master. Master Lukas stood and unzipped his rubber suit and peeled it off his muscled shoulders and upper chest. He had been sweating a lot and the smell he was giving off was glorious. I helped to pull the rubber suit off his legs and I sat back and took in the wonderful smell that Master Lukas was giving off, my dick which had never gone done since we arrived home despite the beating I knew I was in for.

"You are leaking cunt." I used my finger and wiped the pre-cum off my dick and licked my finger. I bowed my head in reverence to my Master. "Look at me cunt." I was scared but looked up "Is that fear in your eyes cunt?" I nodded. "Good." I looked down and his dick was rock hard and looked fucking brilliant to me "Oi cunt look at me not my fucking dick."

I looked up at Master Lukas and looked him in the eyes. "What the fuck am I going to do with you cunt." But then his strong tone softened "I know exactly what you want and need Drew." I looked at him confused. "I cannot stay angry with you for long." He pulled me up and took off my reins and the bit in my mouth. He kissed me lovingly and deeply, I melted in his arms sobbing my heart out.

"This is what you've wanted all night isn't it?"

"Yes Master Lukas." I was still crying but managed to speak through the tears. "I am sorry Master Lukas, I know I am only your slave and do as I am told, and I do enjoy my place as your pony slave but I also crave affection from you, that simple action of taking my reins and bit out and kissing me meant more to me than anything in the world." I knew that I had gone red once more.

"I still need to beat you Drew."

"Yes Master Lukas, I'll get the paddle shall I?" trying not to show fear. He smiled and nodded, I went over to the place he kept the paddle and took it over to him.

"Assume the position Drew." I lay over the bed with my feet on the floor. "I see you are still hard Drew." I nodded. I relaxed as much as I could and Master Lukas started hitting me, the first few were soft but he soon sped up getting into a good rhythm. I lost count of the number of time he hit me but all I knew was that I was in a fucking lot of pain. Master Lukas stopped beating me and reached round to my dick which had gone soft. "So you didn't like that then?"

"No master Lukas."

"Good. Job done then." Master Lukas picked me up in his strong muscled arms and lay me on the bed and he got in bed behind me. My pony tail was still in my arse but Master Lukas pulled that out and inserted his huge dick. He reached round to my dick which was now rock hard despite the pain of the beating. "How's your arse?"

"Okay Master Lukas, at least it is now." I said a little cheekily.

"Mmmm well it feels good to me too, I have fucked many boys Drew but your arse is so smooth inside, it feels so good, oh and loaded with all that cum and piss from the club makes it fucking horny too." Master Lukas leant in and kissed the back of my neck as he fucked in and out of me nice and slow.

"I can feel the heat of the beating Drew radiating out into my crotch. Yeah very nice." Master Lukas lifted me and put me doggy style on the bed, he then really started to fuck me, and he went for it ramming in and out of me.

"Oh fuck yeah, that feels so good Master Lukas. You give me feelings in my arse that nobody has ever managed." I hoped that I was not speaking out of turn.

"You are a good fuck Drew." And he rammed into me once final time and unloaded his hot cum alongside all the others. "Now go and empty yourself and come back to bed and we can cuddle and go to sleep." I ran to the toilet and let everything out and ran back and into bed with Master Lukas behind me his dick in the crack of my well fucked arse.

I didn't get much sleep that night as I was always hoping that Master Lukas would wake and want to fuck me again. Sadly that didn't happen. Master Lukas woke late and kissed the back of my neck. "Want your morning drink Drew?" I turned and looked him in the eyes, he looked so sexy even first thing in the morning. I moved down the bed and took him into my mouth. I wanted to taste his piss before taking him deep in my throat and hoped that he wouldn't get angry with me, he let it go and I tasted his first morning piss and the took the rest of his huge dick into my throat where he finished pissing.

"Thank you Master Lukas."

"Go and clean yourself Drew and report to Anton. You need a double gym session this morning." I got out of bed and did as ordered. When I had finished I presented myself for the insertion of my pony tail plug and the bit and reins. Master Lukas put them on for me and he stood up in front of me his dick hard again. I couldn't help but stare.

"Go" I went downstairs and found Anton and we went off to the gym.

We had a good session and I felt fucking great afterwards, even Anton commented how hard I worked and how good I was now looking, that alone made me feel good.

Next: Chapter 11

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