My Debut

By moc.loa@1sglbmA

Published on Aug 6, 2004



When I walked into the bar that some friends own, It was easy to pick out the local crowd and those that were up for the weekend.

I worked my way into the first opening to the bar I could find to order my drink. As I waited, I scouted out the area to see who was around. The place was busy this Friday night, which was great for business, but it was more crowded than normal. Turns out it was Mystery weekend at the resort.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed this hulking of a man sitting in the corner making small chat with various people, I couldn't help but stare at his looks and build. I was a bit embarrassed when he noticed me staring, I nodded my head as to say hello and luckily my drink arrived. As I sipped on my drink, I looked around to size up the crowd, I never did care for the locals all that much, chatted with a few people that I did know well enough to chat with.

After a while I found myself near this guy and as it turned out my glass was empty so I was able to walk next to him to order my drink.

We exchanged pleasantries and the usual bar humor. He seemed pleasant and we wound up making idle chit chat. The owner of the resort was surprised to see me after being gone for so long and ordered a drink for me. She introduced me to Gary and explaining how I was apart of the family and that Gary had a house down the road and comes up from time to time. Mary left to mingle with the guests and Gary and I continued in our conversation. He seemed pretty relaxed, intelligent and sure of himself. Hell he must have been 6'-7" and 260 pounds of solid mass. And good looking to boot.

We overheard a conversation about Halloween as it was just 3 weeks away. Gary said almost to himself how he hated getting dressed up for Halloween although the last time he had to go to a party was with his ex-wife and he went as a Viking. He sure wore his outfit well I thought to myself.

Gary then asked me if I was going out that night. I laughed and said no and how I swore off Halloween for a while. Gary turned to me and asked "why is that?"

Well now I opened up a can of worms. I'll have to double talk my way out of this one.

I said how I'd rather not as it was a bit embarrassing and didn't care to discuss it.

Gary reassured me it couldn't be any worse than what he had seen through the years and after living in the city. He had seen many different things already.

How true but my friend had no idea about my lifestyle.

So I cut to the chase, explained that he seemed understanding enough and seeing as how he put it that way, I'd figure it was cool. I did have to mention that if he repeated this to anyone, I'd have to kill him. He looked at me and laughed-He could pop me like a zit.

So I began telling him how a lesbian friend of mine talked me into going to a Halloween party. After not knowing what to go as, I left it to Kelly to come up with an idea as it was her party anyway. Well, next thing you know she is shaving me, covering me in powder, and transformed me into "Sheena, the Queen of your dreams" Gary looked at me in surprise, I answered his look with a comment reminding him of what he said, he'd seen it all and nothing would surprise him. With that he smiled and permitted me to continue. Gary asked how I looked, I blushed and said, "pretty damn good", "No shit" he said.

I told Gary I'd spare him the details but when I got to the party, I was a nervous wreck. The last thing I needed was some drunk getting stupid and badgering me. I wanted to relax. Kelly said to relax as there wasn't anyone like that at the party.

Once in, I was able to relax as there were a few guys dressed in drag, though some of them were pretty rough looking. A few with wives/girlfriends. Some guys hit on me, a few with wives as well. I felt quite awkward but made it thru the night with out incident.

(AS much as I dress often and go out to Cd bars, I couldn't let on that I actually enjoy this lifestyle so I had to make like I didn't enjoy myself)

Gary asked if that was all there was to it. "Yeah, of course, bad enough I had to dress, what's worse I am telling this story to a complete stranger" Gary laughed, said "your right, it took a lot I am sure to tell that story, got any pictures?" "Excuse me?" I said. Did

Anyone take pictures of it, I would like to have seen you dressed up"

Now that caught me way off guard. I wasn't expecting that. "well, yes, but I don't make it a point to carry them in my wallet to show my friends", "I can understand that, but I'd still like to see how you looked, I'll bet you looked pretty hot"

I looked around to see if anyone was listening to our conversation, luckily, people around us were getting intoxicated and loud so no one heard us...I think. But I was anxious not to pursue this any longer. I managed to change the subject back to his house he was talking about earlier. AS it turned out he needed some work done on the place and that perhaps if I were to come by and have a look, maybe I could pick up some side work.

That sounded great and we made plans to meet the next evening-Saturday at 8.

On my way home I had a little buzz and was thinking of all the possibilities now that he knew I had dressed in drag...and better yet, he had wanted to see my pics.

It took a while that night before I managed to fall asleep thinking about what would happen if I showed up dressed, and the consequences if I did go dressed.

I'd have to think that one out.

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