My Debate Partner

By Joel

Published on May 16, 2000



Chapter Fifteen

Not only are incredibly wonderful life experiences few and far between, they don't last. I learned this on the last day of the first semester of my Junior year of High School.

After winning the State Debate competition and having incredible sex with my Debate partner, David McAndrew, I was on top of the world. By the afternoon of the next day, my joy was completely gone.

Mrs. Weber had told us we could skip the first two hours of the school day, but she wanted us there for the Christmas Concert in the gym during third hour. I took her up on her offer, and slept in. David had left to go home at about 2:30 in the morning, and I was exhausted. I slept until about 9:00. The sleep, a long hot shower and a healthy breakfast had me feeling great again.

When I arrived at school ten minutes before 3rd hour, no one knew about our win at State. Mrs. Weber deliberately had kept it a secret until she could announce it during the assembly. As members of the choir, Jim and Sara were already in their robes, on the risers, rehearsing. I found David, and we sat together on the rolled-out bleachers in the gym.

David seemed different - quiet and withdrawn. I decided he hadn't had enough sleep, and I let it go. He kept looking at me, though, with a strange look. When he finally said, "I want you to know that I will always love you," I was relieved. I was beginning to think that something was wrong.

The entire school was assembled in the gym, and the concert began. The music was beautiful and uplifting. I have always loved music, and Christmas, and I enjoyed the program. Half way through the program, the Principal spoke to the student body.

"Yesterday," he said, "As many of you know, our school participated in the State Debate Finals held in the State Capital. We have a great Debate team this year. They worked hard, and took first place in both the district and regional competitions. And, here to introduce the members of the team to you, is Mrs. Susan Weber."

"Thank you, Mr. Joseph," Mrs. Weber said as she spoke into the microphone. "It has been a true honor for me to coach this special group of students on your Varsity Debate team this year. They are the hardest working group of students I have ever had the pleasure to work with, and they are some of the most gifted Debaters I've known as well. I'd like to have them come forward as I call their names, and I'd like you all to hold your applause for just a moment. First, I'd like Sophomore, David Charles McAndrew to come forward."

David descended the bleachers and walked forward. He stood in front of the choir facing the student body. He looked so handsome!

"Next," Mrs. Weber continued, "Junior, Sara Marie Hinman."

Sara climbed down from the risers, squeezing in between members of the choir. She stood next to David.

"Next," Mrs. Weber said, "Junior, James Christopher Roberts."

Jim came down and stood next to Sara. He took her hand.

"And finally," Mrs. Weber said, "Joel Allan Young."

I took my place next to David. The crowd was quiet.

"Well, I suppose you'd like to know how your school faired at the State Finals yesterday," Mrs. Weber said. "So, I won't keep you in suspense much longer. There were 32 schools competing in the State tournament. Your school was among the 8 quarter finalists. Then, your school was one of only 4 schools in the entire State to make it into the semifinals. And, your school made it into THE finals where only 2 schools faced off for the title of State Champions."

The excitement in the room was reaching a feverish pitch. Some people were beginning to clap, other were hushing them so they could hear what Mrs. Weber was going to say next. I have to give her credit, she knew how to get people's attention.

"Well," she continued. "Your school faced some very stiff competition in that final round. They had to Debate last year's State Champions, Lansing Kettering. Now, you know that winning isn't everything. Just getting that far in a State competition is more than most teams will ever achieve. And I'm here to tell you that your team did a fine job......... And I suppose that's why the judges named Joliet High School THE NUMBER ONE DEBATE TEAM IN THE ENTIRE STATE OF MICHIGAN!!!" Mrs. Weber reached into the podium and retrieved the large trophy, and she held it up high. "YES, THEY WON IT ALL FOR YOU! JOLIET WON THE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP! LET'S HEAR IT FOR YOUR NEW STATE CHAMPIONS!!!!!"

The entire student body went crazy. They were on their feet, screaming, yelling, applauding, and whistling. Someone started chanting, "We're Number One! We're Number One!" and the crowd picked it up. I watched in amazement as we were worshiped by our own peers.

I couldn't help but notice that some of the same students, mostly Jocks, who had called us geeks and looked at us with disdain, were chanting just as loudly as everyone else. It was the high of a lifetime. Lead by David, the four of us held hands, and bowed together.

I don't really remember many details after that. We were lead out of the gym by Mrs. Weber with the students still clapping loudly. Jim and Sara slipped back in through another door to join the Choir for the rest of the program.

Mrs. Weber put her arm around my shoulder. "Let's go to my classroom," she said. There was something funny about her tone. I couldn't believe she was going to give me the ass chewing that she had promised, not now of all times. I let myself be lead down the school corridor. David was right behind us.

When we got to room 103, Mrs. Weber asked when I was leaving for Acapulco. I told her I had to leave right after the concert. We would be leaving for the airport almost as soon as I got home. "Why?" I asked.

She took a deep breath. "So, you have just a few minutes, right?"

"Yea," I answered.

"Well, then, that leaves us no choice but to tell you now," she said. " Joel, I'm very sorry for how the timing of this had to work out. But some day, you'll realize that there wasn't a good time."

"What's going on here?" I asked. I looked at David. He looked very disturbed.

"I'm sorry, babe," he said.

"Sorry for what?" I demanded to know. "You gonna break up with me?" I meant it as a joke.

I couldn't believe his answer to my question. "Not because I want to," he said.

"Joel," Mrs. Weber said. "David has some bad news. He just found out last week. He came to me, and he asked me what to do. There was no good way to handle this, but I asked him to hold off telling you until after the State championships."

"Tell me WHAT," I screamed.

And then David told me the news that broke my heart. His father had accepted a position at the University of Southern California. The job started in January. They were moving three days before the New Year. He'd be gone before I was back from Mexico.

David started crying softly. "I didn't know how to tell you. I thought it would mess you up for State. I didn't tell you because I wanted us to win, so you'd have that forever." He was crying openly now. "I had to ask Mrs. Weber to help me. I couldn't tell you alone," he sobbed.

Mrs. Weber said, "I'll be back later," and she left the room, closing the door behind her.

I suppose if I had comprehended the full impact of what had just happened, I would have passed out. Instead, I was in shock. I didn't move or say anything.

David came over and embraced me. As I felt his arms around me, and I began to feel the pain. I cried in his arms. We held each other tightly, in utter despair. We only had minutes before we'd be separated, living thousands of miles away from each other.

I don't remember much more. I know he told me he'd always love me. I remember the look on his face as he left me alone in the room. And I remember the pain, the awful, lonely emptiness I felt throughout my being.

I don't remember Mrs. Weber coming back into the room. I remember she drove me home. I know I somehow got on the plane. And I know it was seventeen years until I saw David again.

Author's Note: The Epilogue that finishes this story and tells what ultimately happens to Joel, David, Jim and Sara is coming soon.

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Next: Chapter 12

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