My Debate Partner

By Joel

Published on May 13, 2000



Chapter Fourteen

Unfortunately, it seems that moments of pure joy are few and far between in this life. I have been blessed with one such moment. When I was a Junior in High School, I desperately wanted to win the State Debate Championship. At the time, my Debate partner, David McAndrew, and I were in love. And when we won the State Championship together, I experienced a total, complete sense of happiness that was truly incredible. And when we made love that night, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.

Mrs. Weber found out what had happened to our opponents, Lansing Kettering, when she went to retrieve my letter from Mr. Smith. Apparently, the judges had finished their assessments of the final round, and David and I won. Jim and Sara had lost in the earlier round. Just as we had predicted, it was, in fact, a win/loose draw, and the officials added up speaker points to determine the final winner. Kettering had just edged us out, and they were about to be named the State Champions when one of the judges filed an official protest requesting a review of Kettering's New Paradigms quotation. That's when I was asked to produce my letter.

There was an address and phone number on my letter. Come to find out, Mr. Edward Fayhied Smith publishes out of his home. When the Judges called, he answered the phone. He told them that he had never published an article quoting the former Director of the US Treasury. The judges disqualified Kettering for falsifying evidence, and they named us the winners. Kettering was also banned from the next year's competitive season.

Mrs. Weber took us all out to dinner at a fancy restaurant to celebrate. We basked in the glow of our win, and we had a wonderful time. It was dark by the time we headed home.

As we got in the station wagon, David climbed into the far back seat and I followed him. I didn't care about anything but being near him. By the time we hit the freeway, I was snuggled up against him with my head on his chest and his arm around my shoulder. Jim and Sara were similarly situated in the middle seats. Mrs. Weber didn't say a thing to any of us. As we drove along, I felt complete and peaceful. I loved being held by David, and I never wanted that ride to end.

Jim turned around to say something, but stopped when he saw us cuddled together. At first, he looked surprised. Then, he developed a big grin. "Awww, are you two a couple?" he teased.

David looked Jim directly in the eye and paused. Then he said, "Yes, we are. And we've been together since October." He turned to me and kissed me full on the lips. Although I was concerned about Jim's reaction, I let David kiss me, and I returned the kiss. Jim was still looking at us when the kiss ended.

"I just have one thing to say to you, McAndrew," Jim said in a firm tone. "That's my best friend you're kissing. So, make sure you treat him right or you'll have me to answer to."

"I haven't heard any complaints out of him yet. Maybe some moans, a few gasps, but definitely no complaints," David said.

"Yea, well, I'd appreciate it if you'd spare me the details," Jim said. "But just be careful. He takes things very seriously."

"All right you guys," I said. "You can stop talking about me as if I weren't here."

Sara turned Jim's head around with her hand, and otherwise engaged his attention.

I was actually very pleased with Jim's reaction. He now knew about my relationship with David, and he still considered me his best friend. I felt so happy. David and I were accepted by our closest friends, and I could hold him openly and show my love for him. I felt totally at peace.

Little did I know that my peace and joy wouldn't last another 24 hours, let alone through the holidays.

Before we arrived home that night, David whispered to me that he wanted to spend time alone with me yet that evening. He said that after everyone had gone to sleep, he would come over. I was exhausted, but I agreed.

I found my parents were waiting up for me when I arrived home. They were so excited when I told them we had won State. They almost screamed out loud. They hugged me, told me how proud they were, and said I was everything they'd ever dreamed of in a son. I wondered if they would say that if they knew I was in love with, and having sex with, another boy. I finally begged off any more talk, and we all went to upstairs.

I showered, put on only a robe and looked out of the front window, waiting for David. About half an hour later, I saw him walking up the road. He looked tall, slender and masculine in the moonlight. I felt a burning lust growing inside of me. I quickly went down the back stairwell, away from my parent's room, and I let him in the breezeway door. We went straight to my room without saying a word.

As soon as the door was closed, he wrapped his arms around me, and he kissed me. He opened his mouth and sought my tongue. His kisses were passionate and demanding. He backed me onto the bed and laid me down. He lay on his side next to me, fully clothed. He pulled my robe open to reveal my nakedness. He gazed at me and let one hand roam over my entire body. His touches were driving me wild, and I was fully erect.

"You were incredible today!" he said softly. "Thank you so much for getting Kettering disqualified so we could win." He kissed me again.

"You're the one who got us into the finals by slaughtering Country Day," I said. "You even devastated their poor little cheer leader."

I mocked the tone of a southern belle. "Oh, Mr. McAndrew, I'd be down right afraid to get in the back seat of a au-to-mo-bile with the likes of you! Why, I do believe you might take advantage of a sweet young thing like me. I expect you'd just take whatever it was your little ol' heart desired!"

"Frankly, my dear," David said trying to sound like a deep voiced southern gentleman, "I don't give a Damn! Ya see, there's this handsome Yankee boy who floats my boat, if you know what I mean."

"Well, this Yankee boy has a surprise for your floating boat," I said.

I took off all his clothes, starting with his shirt. When he was completely undressed, I reached over to my night stand and pulled out a jar of Vaseline from the drawer. "I want you inside of me," I said.

David had teased about fucking me several times, but I had always resisted. I was afraid. After all, David's cock was huge, and I was not a large person. I truly was afraid he'd rip me open. But tonight, I wanted him, totally. And I was ready to bear any pain that might come with the joy of feeling him deep inside me.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I just kissed him and pulled him on top of me. I raised my legs so that I could feel his hard cock rub against my ass. It sent ripples of excitement through my body.

"Oh, my God," he said, genuinely surprised. "I can't believe your going to let me do this."

I reached again for the Vaseline and pulled off the cap. I dipped some out with my hand, and then I wrapped my hand around David's cock. I made sure it was well lubricated. I put some more onto David's right hand and put the jar back on the table. I felt his slippery hand reach down to explore my ass.

The Vaseline felt cold, and David's touch sent shivers through my body. He pushed his finger into my hole and worked it all the way up. He started to kiss me deeply at the same time, and I felt like I was part of him. I squirmed and wiggled under his erotic control. I was ready for his cock to enter me, so I reached down and pulled his hand away from me and pulled him back on top of me, spreading my legs as wide apart as I could. Without breaking our kiss, he moved his cock into position, and I felt its head push at my ass.

All of a sudden, I was scared. David's cock was very large and I was sure it was going to hurt when it entered me. Despite my fear, I pushed toward him, and I felt his rigid, hard cock enter my ass. As soon as he made it past the round muscled entrance, he stopped. He broke our kiss and looked at me to see if I was okay.

I was fine. I felt no pain at all. I smiled. "It feels pretty good so far," I said.

He smiled back at me. "I would agree with that statement," he said. He pushed forward. I pushed back, and then he slipped fully inside me. His balls rubbed against me, and it felt wonderful. His hardness was filling my insides and I was very turned on. "Fuck me, David. I want to be yours!" I said.

"You are, babe! I love you so much!" he said.

He started to move in and out, and I was in ecstasy. His huge, hard cock stimulated my prostate with every penetration, and I thought I would start cumming any time. He wasn't even touching my cock, but I was about to explode. David was moaning, and I could tell from the blissful smile on his face that he was enjoying himself. He was almost whimpering as he pounded his cock into me with every stroke.

"I'm almost there, babe!" he said. "Oh, yea. Oh, God. Aww, it feels so good."

He leaned down and kissed me as he continued to push in and pull out of my slippery ass, slapping his balls into me at the end of every inward stroke. I stifled my scream as I climaxed and ejaculated onto my own chest. David kissed me harder and deliberately leaned in and rubbed my cum over his chest, pinning my cock between our bodies. I squeezed my ass muscles together, and I could almost feel the contours of David's cock as it slid into me. He broke the kiss and lifted his torso off me and propped himself up with his hands. He closed his eyes and started to pump my ass with short, hard stokes. He let out a muffled cry and exploded into my ass. I could feel the wetness inside of me as he collapsed on my body. He laid there, breathing heavily, with the weight of his body on me, for several minutes. Then, he nuzzled his hair against my face. He kissed my forehead.

He whispered in my ear. "This day has been the most incredible experience of my life. Thank you for loving me, Joel."

I just pulled him into a tight hug, and I never wanted to let go.

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Next: Chapter 11

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