My Date with a Boy

By Stanley the Swinger

Published on May 8, 2001


Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive to my story. I can tell by the decline of responses that my story has probably reached it's pinnacle and is now dwindling. I also feel a little tired of it, and so here I present to you, the final Chapter in Cameron's story. This story has really changed since my first concept of the insecurities of someone's first time out on a date, not to mention a date with someone of the same sex, into a tale of one young man learning to not be afraid of who he is. I really hope you all enjoyed it, and Maybe i'll see you all again in my next story. Thanks again for reading! ~Stanley

I don't know how many songs the band played before my eyes ever left Seth. I just couldn't beleive how attractive that boy was. I thought Devin was cute, but he didn't hold a candle to Seth. I actually felt myself desire Seth. I wanted to be with him, with an intensity that I had never felt when I was dating girls. Even when the band's first set ended and Seth went to sit at the bar and get a drink, my eyes remained fixed on him.

Jared looked at me and broke my trance. "You want me to introduce you?"

"I don't know man... he's so hot... He probably wouldn't be interested in me"

"He was staring at you"

"No way, he was singing straight into the audience"

"You in the audience."

"Bullshit. You said he doesn't define his sexuality, how can I be sure he even likes guys?"

"He likes guys."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I had sex with him."


"He was the one night stand I had."

"That was the guy you tested your sexuality on? Well now I can't ask him out... he probably hates you..."

"No way, he's totally cool with it, he knew I was experimenting, he's my friend. Now come on." With that he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the bar where Seth was drinking a Zima.

"Seth, this is Cameron, Cameron, this is Seth. " Was all Jared said before walking away.

About an hour before this I had been dead set on having this boy for my very own. I couldn't beleive how incredibly strong I had felt earlier when this guy was singing the Waitresses song, and how small I felt now when I was standing next to the object of my affection. I felt like I was in one of those high school movies, I brushed my hair away from my face and smiled a bit. he looked at me.

"Hello Cameron."

"Hi. I liked your set, you have a great voice."

"Thanks, thanks a lot. It's a fun show to do."

"You guys play anywhere else?"

"Girl Power? No, we're just a gimmick band, We're actually all members of different bands, we just do this show at the Alley for the fun of it."

"oh. Where does your other band play?"

"Well, I'm really not in another band anymore, my bassist and my drummer were going out and they broke up, and so did the band, so I just play my guitar and sing in my apartment, and host open mics and stuff."

"You play guitar?"

"Yeah, but I don't need to here, which is cool because I usually play slower songs, and it's too hard for me to play punk rock and sing too."

"i see."

"So it lets me have more fun because these are songs written for girl singers who sell sex as much as their music, and so I can move and shake and flirt like they do instead of holding up a guitar. The music really lets me express a sensual side."

"The plaid skirt seems to help too."

"Oh yeah."

"I wanted to tell you, you have great legs."

"I see. is that what you were staring at while I sang?"

That comment caught me off guard. He saw me staring at him! Oh now I was blushing. I smiled a little bit and brushed the hair from my face again, as I looked down at the floor, but when I looked down I caught sight of his legs sticking out from that plaid skirt again. I looked up at him again and caught the eyes that I had locked on earlier.

"some of it."

"Oh, and what else was it?"

"Just about all of you."

"I see."

"And I wondered just what it was you were wearing under that skirt." Was that ME?!?!? Oh my god... I had never said anything that forward in my entire life. I was truly shocked at myself. But once I had said it, I couldn't take it back, all I could do was, hope that he wasn't put off bu it.

"I see." he said, and smirked. "Have a seat." I sat down with him, and the next thing I knew, his hand was on my thigh. For some reason I wanted to pull away, but I didn't. In fact, I put my hand on top it. He smiled at me, and I felt 100's of butterfly's in my stomach. when he moved his hand from my thigh, I put mine on his, and slowly worked my fingers up it untill I was under his skirt. He looked at me and smiled....

The sun shone down on my face as I woke up. I looked towards the window that had brought the light upon me. I pressed my face into the pillow, hoping that last night hadn't been all a dream. I pushed the covers away and started to roll out of bed, when I felt an arm graze my shoulder. It suddenly occured to me that I wasn't in my dorm room.

"Where do you think you are going? The day is still young..." Seth said as he pulled me back against him, and pressed his body against me, and wrapped me in his arms. I glanced around his bedroom and saw the aftermath of last night. My pants draped on a chair, my shirt on a desk. His Britney Spears costume in a lump on the floor. I slowly turned myself in Seth's arms untill I faced him. Here I was lying in a bed, after not only my first time with a man, but my first time period. and I could not have pictured it would be any better.

"The day is still young? So are we." I said to him, as we kissed. That kiss seemed to go on forever. In fact, I like to think that I'm still there, kissing seth, and when I close my eyes, I can still feel his lips pressed against mine.

The End

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