My Date with a Boy

By Stanley the Swinger

Published on Apr 26, 2001


Thanks to so many readers who have given me such great responses. Sorry for the delay in writing, I transferred to another school and life has been kind of hectic latley, so I've been writing this chapter piece by piece. I really like the evolution of Cameron in this story, and I beleive the next entry may even have a much steamier side than the story so far, though I am not breaking my original intention of writing a story that wasn't just a quick jerk off story. If that is what you are looking for, I suggest you look elsewhere. Please email me at if you have ANY feedback at all, unless it's to tell me that you object to the idea of a boy being attracted to another boy, because if thats the case why have you read this far into these tales?

It was a weird feeling walking out to Jared's car. I was still very nervous, I had no idea where he was taking me. I had decided to keep myself completley ready to see anything. The fact that Jared was wearing a skirt made that pretty easy, but I was concerned that maybe he was one of the more normal people at this place. I laughed to myself when I thought the word "Normal." maybe I should just bury that term deep underneath my sub-conscious.

The drive to the club wasn't filled with conversation. Jared had some music playing that was too loud to really get any decent dialogue going. He told me that the band that was playing on the CD was going to be playing tonight at the club. It was kind of a cool sound, it was a punk band, but they were covering songs by girl singers like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. It was quiet humorous hearing a male voice rocking out to what a girl wants. Suddenly we turned off the road and into a parking lot.

"We're here" Jared said as he turned down the radio. it was now that I really began to feel nervous. I mean, there was no turning back now, I had to go in and embrace this alternative lifestyle that up untill 2 weeks ago I never knew existed. Up untill Devin swept me off my feet and asked me out on that amazing date.. and then dropped me flat when he revealed he'd just been using me to get over a girl.

I wasn't quite sure what to make out of the building from the outside. I'd actually gone by it plenty of times, but it wasn't decorated at all and I never knew there was anything inside, I just thought it was an old warehouse or something. I definately was not expecting what I saw when I went inside the door.

It was an old bowling alley! I looked around and was amazed, it looked like it originally had about 30 lanes, and they actually still had 15 lanes in operation. the other 15 had been converted into a dance floor and a spot for the band to play. The band wasn't there yet so I couldn't put faces to the songs from the car. But there were plenty of people actually there.. and after I got over the shock of seeing a bowling alley turned into alternative night club, I received another rush of images when I got a good look at the people there in the club.

Jared hadn't prepared me for this, though I don't even think he could have. People were wearing all sorts of clothing, I saw guys wearing cheerleader uniforms and girls wearing tuxedos. I saw someone dressed like Russell Crowe in Gladiator dancing with either. Starsky or Hutch. Not everyone was dressed in costumes though, in fact most were people like me and Jared who were wearing street clothes. I laughed to myself when I had this thought, because I remembered Jared was wearing a skirt, and I myself had on a pair of girl's pants, and the culture shock of this club had made me forget that we wouldn't be considered dressing in normal street clothes if we weren't at this club.

After about an hour I really felt pretty relaxed, I danced with some girls and a couple of guys, I think a couple of drinks in me helped to loosen me up a bit, and I started to feel better, but there was always that thought at the pit of my mind that made me feel weird. I said to someone in passing "This is my first time in a gay club" and she laughed and said "The Alley isn't a gay club silly! This is an EVERYONE club." I laughed when I realized that was true, and it helped to loosen me up a bit. This wasn't a club for weird people like I'd been subconsciously feeling all week, it was a club where people could cut loose and have fun.

Finally, the band arrived. A lot of people moved from the bowling lanes over to the dance floor. Jared grabbed me by the hand and brought me up to right by the stage, I was psyched, I think he could tell that I liked the music in the car. Some smoke rose, not a lot, I figured the band probably just used a little bit of the money they don't have to buy a minimal ammount of special effects.

The guy who had been working as a DJ before the band arrived came and stood on the stage and picked up the microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen, and of course, those of you who fall between the cracks" The crowd laughed at that. I kind of snickered a bit. "I can tell by the sales of their in-house CD that you love these guys so without further ado, I bring you the Alley's very own.. GIRL POWER!!!" The crowd cheered as 4 young men took to the stage.

I laughed a bit to myself as I saw them step on stage. The whole band had dressed in clothes from different girl-pop singers. The Bass Guitar player was dressed up like Christina Aguilera, the Drum player was Jessica Simpson, The lead guitar was Vitamin C. But the one who really caught my eye was the lead singer. He was dressed as Britney Spears.

My eyes were locked on him. He was wearing her outfit from the Baby one More Time video. Mary Jane Shoes, Knee Socks, short schoolgirl skirt, white blouse unbuttoned with a black bra on underneath. He had such an awesome body, his exposed chest was so lean and totally formed into a perfect six pack. But what really got me, were his eyes. I think he had a bit of eyeliner on, but it was the dead heat of the eyes themselves that washed over me. I forgot about Devin while I watched him sing. The first song they sang was one by Christina Aguilera I think but I wasn't sure. I was too busy looking into the singers eyes.

"See something you like?" I heard a voice say. I broke from my gaze and looked to my right, it was Jared.

"Huh?" I wasn't sure what he meant.

"Cam, you're staring at that guy so hard you'll burn a hole in his head."

"Was I? Oh I didn't mean to." I was embarrassed now. I hadn't meant to be so obvious.

"Don't feel bad, this is good, see, you're thinking about other guys than whats his name."

"Yeah, I guess. What's his name?"


"Do you know him?"

"Yeah, he's a nice guy, I like him a lot."

"Would he like me?"

"Sure, you're a friendly guy."

"No I mean, would he like me. Is he gay?"

"Seth doesn't define his sexuality, he goes with the feeling."

"But he likes guys?"

"He likes you."

"How can you tell."

"He's staring at you."

I looked at him and I was taken back by the revelation that Jared was correct. He smiles when I looked at him and I think he may have even licked his lips. I had never liked Christina Aguilera before, but suddenly I felt like every word in 'Genie in a Bottle' was written for me. That song soon ended and he smiled at me as the next song started up. This one was a song I'd heard before but it wasn't a new girl-pop song, it was from the 80's, it was "I know what Boys like" by the waitresses.

I know what boys like I know what guys want I seem them looking (looking) I make them want me I like to tease them And they want to touch me I never let them I know what boys like I know what guys want I know what boys like Boys like, boys like me I got my cat moves That so upsets them Zippers and buttons Fun to frustrate them They get so angry Like pouty children Denied their candy I laugh right at them

I listened to the words of the song and I felt like he was teasing with me, flirting with me, and challenging me. I had never felt so full of desire as I did from listening to him sing that song. It was like he was dangling a toy in front of me, and I wanted it. I decided to take his challenge. Seth has his cat moves huh? Well so do I, and I'm going to get my Candy. I knew then that I no longer hated Devin. He may have screwed me over, but if it wasn't for him, I knever have discovered what it was that I truly wanted.


Next: Chapter 9

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