My Date with a Boy

By Stanley the Swinger

Published on Nov 5, 2000


Thank you to those of you who gave me feedback to chapter 1 of this story. I am glad you liked it. I hope you enjoy the rest of it as well. If the idea of two guys going on a date offends you, well, you are really lost in this site, and should just go watch TV or something.

He's picking me up at eight! Why do I have these butterflies in my stomach? I mean, this is a guy, and he's coming to pick me up in a few hours to go on a date? How did this happen? I mean, last week I was straight. Perpetually single, but straight. A few stares at a party and some confusing advice from my best friend and I'm going out on a date with a guy?

I'm so scared... I mean... I haven't even come to terms with the idea that I might want to date guys and here I am going on a date tonight? It's all Alena's fault. Well, no, I'm just trying to shift the blame. This is my own feelings. Just because she pointed out the fact that I liked the Broken Hearts Club didn't mean it suddenly become true. It was already true. I think she was wrong about my sexual preferences though. I may be attracted to guys, but I like girls too. Afterall, I did ask other people out and it was their lack of interest in me that caused it to not happen, not my lack of interest in them.

I don't know how to get cleaned up for a date with another guy... I mean, If he asked me, am I the equivalent of the girl in this? I shaved my face, should I put on cologne? I brushed my teeth and hair. What should I wear? Should I wear some loose skater jeans and a surfboard t-shirt? Should I wear the black polyester flared pants that I bought in the women's department at Urban Outfitters? I mean, they look really good on me.. Alena convinced me to buy them even though they were women's pants... She said they made my butt look cute. Hmm.. What shoes should I wear? My airwalks? My Clogs? my sketchers?

I'm calling Alena


"Alena.. it's Cam"


"Yeah but the reason I called is..."

"Can't decide what to wear?"


"Wear the skater jeans tonight, with airwalks, and that blue shirt."

"Which blue shirt?"

"The one with the long sleeves, oh and maybe wear a short sleeved... yes, the plaid short sleeved shirt over it."


"Trust me."

"Gotcha. Hang on, I've got another call."

I switch the phone over. It's him....

"Hello?" I said as I clicked to the other line.

"Is Cameron there?"


"Hey man, it's me, Devin." It was him. my throat almost got dry.. the guy on the phone now was going to be my date...

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Not much, the reason I was calling was because I got off work early, and So I was wondering if you might want to go get a bite to eat before the movie starts?" We had decided to go see Bedazzled when we'd spoken earlier.

"Um.. Ok, oooh, Hang on, I forgot, I was on the other line"

"I can call back..."

"Well, rather than that, why not just meet me here in... 20 minutes?" Oh my god... what am I doing? I'm making the date come sooner than it already iss.. Do I WANT to die of a stress induced Ulcer or something? Jeeze....

"Ok, sounds like a plan. See you then."

I click back over to Alena. "Alena, that was Devin.. He's going to be here in twenty minutes. I have to get ready.. NOW!"

"Ok! but you better call me and dish as soon as you get home... or tommorrow if you get lucky!" She said as she hung up. Get Lucky? I hadn't even thought of that. He's not going to want to have sex on the first date is he? I don't want to? do I? No. It's way too soon for that. I am sooo not ready for sex.

I spend the next 20 minutes doing the flight of the bumble bee, pulling on my boxers and my pants, my socks were dirty so the ones I wear are mismatched. Oh well, I'll just say I did it on purpose. I'm an arts student, I can get away with that.

I hear the phone ring, It's been 20 minutes and he's down outside my building. I Take a deep breath, grab my wallet and my keys... and step out of my room, to go on my very first date, with another boy.....

Next: Chapter 3

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