My Date with a Boy

By Stanley the Swinger

Published on Oct 29, 2000


This story is fictional and any relations to anyone is unintentional. If you are looking for sex I suggest you look no further here. This is the beginning of a story about a beginning relationship, and this entry in particular is only about a guy beginning to come to terms with his sexuality. However, if you object to the idea of two members of the same genders being in love, or being attracted to one another. or yes, having sex, then I suggest you move on. (but if you do, what brought you this deep into nifty?)

Why was he looking at me? Had I been giving off signals I was unaware of? Had someone told him something that wasn't true? Whatever the reason, the guy on the other side of the party had been checking me out all night. I thought I recognized him from my film class the previous quarter, but I didn't know his name. I looked to my friend Alena and hoped she knew him. it was her roomates party afterall.

"Hey Alena, who is that guy over there?"

"Which one?"

"The one in the red shirt with the cool sandals and army green khakis"


"Cause he's been looking at me all night, I think he's checking me out"

"he's checking YOU out?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Cameron, you just told me exactly what kind of clothes he was wearing and if you know he's been looking at you, then that means you've been looking at him too!"

At this point I looked at her. What was she getting at? what was she trying to say? Why would I be looking at a guy? I mean, I know it's not like I'm extremely active in the dating scene, I have had like, 3 dates in these 2 years in school, two with Alena before we just became friends, and the other with some girl who just wanted to see a movie without paying. Was Alena calling me gay?

"Yeah ok I noticed him cause he was looking at me, but It's not like I'm checking him out or anything"

"I don't know Cam, I mean, it's not like there would be anything wrong with you if you were."

"Why would I be? I'm not gay"

"Cam. I'm not saying you're gay... but you might want to consider the possibility of it?"

"Ok, let's end this conversation"

"Cam, look at me. We has two dates. you only kissed me on the cheek after the second one.... I mean I love being friends with you, but you haven't exactly been open to women. Plus just last week you made me go see that movie with you..."

"The Broken Hearts Club?"


"I had to see it for my film class!"

"No, you had to see a movie at the arthouse theatre. You could have seen one of 6 other movies, like the one about the guy sleeping with two women... but you chose to see the movie about guys in west hollywood"

"It got good reviews...."

"Cam... at some point you're going to have to figure out for yourself what I have already been able to see.. and apparently that guy over there can see it too."

She stepped away to give me some time to think about what she had said. Unfortunatley, it didn't give me any time at all, because the guy who I had been exchanging glances with took the chance to come talk to me. I hadn't gotten a good look at his face before he had walked towards me, but it really was nice. I mean, I don't know how men are and aren't attractive.. but I guess he kind of reminded me of Ethan Embry and Seth Green, playful but attractive. Did I say attractive? Me?

He smiled at me. "Hi.. Cameron is it?" I nodded to him. for some reason, my heart started to beat very very fast. Why? Why was my hair standing up on my arms, and why was I sweating a bit? "I don't know if you remember me, I was in your Film class last quarter.. and.. well I hope I'm not freaking you out or anything, but I am getting some vibes from you. and.... well... " At this point I could sense some fear in his voice "well I've never done this before... but.. I was just wondering if you would like to maybe go get something to eat tommorrow night, and maybe see a movie? or get a cup of coffee?" What was this? Did he just ask me out? Why wasn't I upset.. I looked at him and smiled..

"I'd love to....."

Next: Chapter 2

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