My Company My Rule

By larry goh

Published on Aug 25, 2009


The next day, Larry asked Henry to his office.

Sounds of knocking on the door. "Come in Henry." I said

Henry came in dress with white shirt and dress pants with a blue tie on.

"Close and lock the door, you won't your colleagues to see you naked here. Now strip." I commanded

Henry began to take off his tie, shirt and pants. Without briefs, Henry stood naked with his flaccid cock lying on against his hairy saggy balls.

"I see you are following instructions well, do remember that if you do anything funny, you won't be able to get peace." I say.

Being dominated, Henry looked down and replied, "Yes sir."

"Come over to my side."

I grab his flaccid cock and I felt him shiver. Looking at his eyes, he gave me a `don't know how to react' feeling.

"Bend down to reach for your ankle, I want to see how your asshole from yesterday's virgin fuck is." I said

I stick my finger in and rub his hole, "good, your hole expands a little, and I see some redness, must be hard and sore for you the first time right?"

Henry's cock began to stiffen.

"Henry, why is your son Jowy unattached with a girlfriend? He is so handsome, looking at his qualities. There should be many girls queuing up for him. Or maybe he is gay?" I asked

"No sir, no. I don't think my son is gay." Henry quickly replied

"Well, how sure are you? I think I will test it out myself."

With my finger still inside him, he stand up and face me.

"Please sir, please don't hurt him. I will do anything you say, but please leave my family alone" Henry Pleaded.

"Henry, this is not for you to decide, if you try to stop me, you will just force me with no other choice but to call the police and charge you for illegal gambling." I shouted back at him

"By the way, weren't you straight too? Married? And what are you doing now? Being fuck and sucking on dicks." I question him

Henry had his mouth shut and began to tear.

"oh.. don't care please, I got things to settle. I want you to get under my desk and take out my penis and suck it slowly while I continue with my work." I said

I began to work on plotting a trap for Jowy to fell in. I contacted my IT department.

Adrian, 49 , Head of IT department

"Hey Adrian, do something for me privately."

"Anything you order sir." Adrian replied

" I want you to setup a link to a gay porno website for Jowy's computer, ensure him clicking on the link will be enough. It will be better if the website forces him to surf through the pages. Do it privately I repeat."

"Alright sir, I will get it done straight away." Adrian put the phone down.

Henry's eye open widely and look at me.

"Yes Henry, we will be able to know the result soon, now I am cumming, make sure you swallow everything." I said

Loading 5-6 shots into Henry's mouth, "Henry, clean my penis nicely, after that, put on your clothes and get back to work. No masturbating for you unless I say so."

Henry put on his clothes and went back to work.

A few moments later, my phone rang.

"Hi sir, I had done the thing u told me, and now Jowy's computer had traces on the porno website. I will send you a report of the history on his computer." Adrian said

"Good work Adrian, That's why you are the Head of IT department." I hang up the phone.

After receive the report, I call up to Jowy and ask him to my office.

Jowy knock on the door, "come in." I said

Jowy in his suit coat, walking to the front of my desk.

"Jowy, do you know why you are being called to my office?" I asked

"No sir, is there anything wrong with the accounts report?" Jowy replied thinking that it shouldn't be the porno website that he accidently went into.

"No Jowy, not so easy. This is a report of IT department, it shows that you are surfing porno website in the office during working." I throw the file in front of him.

"Sir, I can explained." Jowy quickly added

I put up my right hand giving a stop signal.

"Jowy, u disappoints me. I had always look highly of you, and yet, you are surfing porno website. Worst is, you are interested in man.

Jowy tried to say explained, but I continue with my words, "I think I should let the police to handle this case."

"No sir, please. Don't call the police, it's a misunderstood." Jowy cried

"Jowy, I got evidence right in front of your eyes, what's more can you say?"

"Please sir, give me another chance. Don't call the police. I will be jailed, and everything ahead of my life will be gone. All my hard work will go into drain." Jowy pleaded

"I can see remorse in you. I will give you another chance, but I will still carry out the punishment. Do you agree with that?" I asked

"Yes boss, anything other than calling the police." Jowy quickly replied.

"Anything? Make sure you don't go back on your words. If not, I will just make a call to the police and show them this report.

Jowy nodded

Knowing I now had power over controlling him, "Now, I want u to strip naked." I command

Jowy's reaction was exactly same as his father he was being asked to strip

Again, I raise my hand towards to phone.

Jowy began to take of his suit coat, tie, shirt, pants and brief. "Like father like son." I chuckled

"Huh?" Jowy stood there naked with his 4inch flaccid uncircumcised penis lying on the balls parallel.

I send an e-mail and asked Henry to come over to my office immediately.

"When was the last time you get spanking from your father?" I asked, moving to my cupboard and took out a wooden plank.

"Sir, father did not spank me at all since young." Jowy replied

"I see. Then its time you learn the hard way. Now bend over lying on the table and spread your hands apart." I barked

Jowy had no control over him anymore and comply with the instruction.

"Count every strike that land on your ass." I said

"one, ouch...two, aw... , three urg..." Jowy counted every strike till twenty.

Jowy's ass cheeks turn red and bright

"How are you feeling Jowy?"I asked while massaging his ass.

"I feel my ass cheeks hot and sting. It's so painful." Jowy replied

"Just get used to the pain, it will subside soon. " I rub my finger on the asshole.

"aw.. boss, please stop doing that." Jowy pleaded

"You like it don't you, since you been surfing on the gay website, I am sure you had experience with guys before right! You had been sucking cock and being fuck on the ass!" I said with my finger inserting into Jowy's asshole.

"No sir, I am straight, I swear!" Jowy replied

I pull out my finger and made him turn around. Jowy's penis stiffen into 8Inch.

"I don't think so Jowy, Your penis is hard like a rock now, How do you want me to believe you?" I asked with grin on my face

Jowy face turned bright red

"Now, I want you to masturbate for me slowly." I said while walking back to my seat

Jowy had no resistance anymore and started to rub his cock.

Knockings on the door, Jowy got shocked and wanted to hide.

"Jowy, you better get back to what you are doing, or else you will regret your action." I said

Jowy hesitated awhile but got no choice and to put his hand back on his penis.

"Come in." I said

Henry open the door, closing behind him and walk in with his mouth open, he saw Jowy naked and masturbating in front of his boss.

Jowy's was shocked to see his father walk in felt humiliated and ashamed.

"Henry, like what you see there? I told you that I think your son is gay, and see there he is, masturbating in front of me." I laugh

Henry couldn't find his voice but just kept staring at Jowy.

"Dad, I can explain, it isn't what you think it is!" Jowy exclaimed

"There is nothing to explained being caught red handed. Henry, I want you to strip and join him" I command

Jowy stunned when he see his father disrobing in front of the boss and himself. Jowy had never seen his dad naked in front of him before. He was also amuse that his father did not wear any briefs.

"Jowy, I want you to kneel in front of your father and take his soft penis into your mouth and suck it to make it hard." I said

Jowy reluctantly kneel down.

"I am sorry dad." Jowy said

"No Jowy! I am the one that should say sorry." Tears form in Henry's eyes.

Jowy now putting his father's cock into his mouth. This is the first time Jowy ever tasted a man's penis.

I began to strip naked and ask Jowy, "Is your dad's cock hard?"

"yes sir, its hard now." Jowy replied with the cock in his mouth

"Good. Now take out, and back face your father bending down to grab your ankles."I said

Jowy quickly move to the position. Henry look at me with a pleading eyes as he know what is going to happen next

"Henry, I want you to rim your son's asshole." I said

Henry hesitated and said," please sir, don't make me to this to my son."

"Then I think I should call up the police and let them settle with both of you." I laugh

"What happen dad? What did you do?" asked Jowy

"I will explained to you when we get home" Henry replied

"Go on Henry, you don't have to be called twice to move."

Henry now kneel in front of Jowy's asshole and began licking on it, sticking it further and inner as he could.

"Good Henry, I think its lube enough. Now, I want you to start inserting your cock into his hole." I said while patting his head

Henry knew he had no choice, but to comply, he stand up and position his cock at Jowy's asshole and started inserting.

"aw... dad, stop please, it's so painful. You are so big." Jowy pleaded with his eyes closed

"Jowy, Please get over it, your hole will get use to it soon. Just bare for awhile I beg you." Henry replied with a crying voice.

Henry start to pace his speed as Jowy got used to the fucking.

"Jowy, how are you feeling now? Do you like that it being fucked by your own dad? I asked

"Sir, this is weird, but there's a strange feeling hitting some parts of my asshole, making me feel good." Jowy replied

"Yes son, My penis is touching your prostate now. I am gonna cum soon." Henry said

"Henry, go ahead and cum inside your son's asshole." I move over and insert my penis into Jowy's mouth making him suck on me while being fuck by his father.

"I am cumming!" said Henry

Henry unloaded 5-6 shots into Jowy's asshole and lay on top of Jowy to catch his breath.

"Henry, pull out your cock and suck on Jowy's ass hole and drink your semen."I said

Henry pull out his slippery cock and when the cock comes out, there's a pop sound, and semen starting to flow out of the hole. Henry put his mouth against the hole and began to lick the semen out.

"Good, I can see its clean now. Jowy and Henry, I want both of you to switch position and doing the exactly the same thing." I said

Now Jowy began to rim his dad's asshole, after it's lube enough, Jowy's starts to insert his penis into his dad's hole and fucking him slowly.

This time, I went to the back of Jowy and insert my own hard penis into him. Jowy is being sandwich by his boss and his dad.

A few moments of fucking, Jowy started to cum inside his dad, and making me so hot by follow him started to cum inside Jowy.

"Now, do a 69 position, I dun want any semen to drop on my carpet." I said

Henry and Jowy both move to the 69 position and began to lick on each other's asshole.

"I see both of you are complying with my instruction. Continue to follow instruction, I will guarantee your safety. Now, get dress and go back to work, and Jowy, no more wearing of undergarments. You should notice that your dad had also stopped wearing it.

"Yes sir, I understand." Jowy replied

Both Henry and Jowy got dressed and went out of the office.

End of part 2

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Next: Chapter 3

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