My Combined Study with Sexy Sujatha

By snigdha nair

Published on Dec 6, 2003




I am Unnikrishnan ,fondly called as unni by my close friends and relatives ,a middle aged man hails from Kerala and settled in Mumbai as a Senior Engineer in a Govt Undertaking . What I am going to write is my one and only sexual relation apart from my wife. This is more like a confession than a narration. The sequence of events to be narrated happened in the early Seventee's ; That is more than thirty years back . I was in the 10 th class then and was only 14 years old and not very healthy but very brilliant in studies. I was the only son of our parents. My father was a retired school teacher and mother a house wife. My eldest sister whom we called CHECHY had completed her post graduation in Maths and was looking for a job. She used to go to a nearby Tutorial college to give coaching to 10 th Standard students.My other sister, also elder to me was doing her B.A. Though my sister didn't like giving home tutions to any body , she was compelled to coach one girl named Sujata at their residence. Our families were very close. They were an aristocrat family and didn't like to send the girl to a Tutorial college. Earlier they were in North India and had to return after Sujata's father lost one of his legs in the Indo Pak war of 1965 to do some Ayurvedic Treatments. All the brothers of her were serving in various parts of North India and she and her mother aged over fifty years were there at their house after the death of her father .As Sujata also was in 10 th class but in a different school ,I also joined the tution classes to clear my doubts . My sister after completing her classes would go directly to their house and both of us return together after the tution.In those times electricity had not reached our village. Now this girl Sujata was really a pleasurable sight to any one. Though she was just one year older than me , she had the appearence of a young woman in the early twentees . She used to wear only half skirts and long back open blouses at home to show a reduced age for her. Her big breasts and large buttocks swung and swayed while she was walking . She had a white complexion and soft fleshy body and was really a heart throbe for each young men of our village at that time. My self and Sujata used to visit our village temple on every evening before the arrival of my sister . Some village boys in the age group of 15-22 used to gather around the temple in the evening to pass comments on girls and ladies who visited the temple during that time. Very soon they started calling the jody of me and Sujata as Elephant and Mahout. As Sujata could not visit the temple during her monthly period , I used to go alone at that time. On one such Occation one of the boys - a shool dropout called Gopi came to me and asked . " Hey Mahout ! What happened to your elephant today "? I was very angry. But I could not react because of my physical inablility. " You are really lucky to have such an elephant in your command " . He continued his meaningless speach. still I did n't respond . " Have you ever squeezed her breasts and buttocks ? Have you kissed her at leasy once ? Did she ever asked you to put your finger in her pussy "? He continued his questions .

" Will you please leave me free ? Don't ask me such questions. She is just like a sister to me ". I replied.

" You fool ! You don't know what chances you are wasting . You will never get such chances always. This is the ideal time for you to exploit as no one will suspect you. If you don't do anything now , you will really repend about it after three four years .If you don't know anything about sex , then I will teach you."

The next day he gave me some small sized books to read privately . They were all porn story books available in the market. I was reading them for the first time in my life. While reading , I felt some unknown pleasures, especially when going through words like breasts , buttocks , pussy,blouse , bra , panties etc. My cock was in a erected mode while reading those books and I felt some difficulty for urination afterwards .

The next day when I met Gopi he asked me about my progress and I explained about every thing.

" Don't worry". He consoled me." There is a solution for every thing " . He took me to a place behind the temple were bushes were grown in thick . There he showed me how to masturbate . I was quite wondered to see him discharge cum in large quantities. He then took my cock out of my underwear and masturbated me and I came to know about the pleasure of discharging cum for the first time though the quantity was less and the liquid a colour less oily one.

I was very much interested to do masturbation thereafter regularly due to the heavenly pleasure it brought to me. I always imagined about the breasts , buttocks , thighs etc of Sujata while masturbating . But never did I dare to touch or speak about my mind to her.

After some days Gopi asked me about the progress I had made . He scolded me when he understood that I haven't proceeded further.

" You Idiot ! If I had been on your place , I would have fucked her at least a dozen times by now " .

My puzzlement was how to read her mind . If she didn't like my actions and complain to my sister then I was unable to bear the consequnces it would have brought.So Gopi adviced a plan to test her mind also.

Sujata used to take my note books for copying in her books . As per Gopi's advice , the next day I hid two pages of a porn story in my book and handed over to her. When she returned the book the pages were not there. I repeated it the next time too and the same thing happened. Hence I provided a full book of porn stories to her which she never returned . But she never mentioned anything about it.

on a Friday evening,after one week of this incident she asked me .

" Unni can you please come to my house by 10 O' clock tomorrow ?"

" Why ?"

" My Mother is going to the town to collect my father's pension and I will be alone. We can make a combined study. You please bring your note books also ".

I was very much thrilled . I fancied my chances of having my first sexual experience with Sujata . The next day I went to her house with great ambitions . She took the note books from me and inspected them very carefully.

" What are you searching "?

" Has the stock of sex stories finished ? I have kept all the pages together . If there are no more to be given then I can show them to your sister today itself ".

I was totally freightened." Sujata , please don't tell to CHECHY . She will beat me like anything . I am ready to do any thing for you if you don't reveal the matter . It was by Gopi's advice that I had done all these ". I told the truth to her.

" I too doubted so " . She replied. " That rascal had been passing dirty comments on me for some time . If I tell this to my brothers they will smash him to pulp . But you should pledge in the name of God that you will never be friendly with him from here onwards ".

" O.K. I will obey that . Is it enough "?

" No . You have to do one more favour to me . Yes ; I am interested to read this type of stories . I have read all the stories given by you and have kept them at a safe place . Now from now onwards I will give you the money to buy such books . You have to hand over them secretly to me . O.K "?

"O.K " I agreed . The most important aspect of this agreement was that she was not going to act against me.

Hence we started a new association.As promised by me I dissociated from Gopi. Whenever Sujata used to give me money I bought the porn story books from a shop nearer to our school and handed over to her secretly when I went there for tutions . We used to read them together before the arrival of my sister.

Gradually I started thinking of doing something with her. As I used to bring porn stories to her I was convinced that she will not object to my actions.

One evening , while we were returning from the temple, there was a small drizzle. As we had only one umbrella both of us shared it. We were walking quite close to each other. The wet dress of sujata was very sexy and I decided to utilise this oppertunity. I put my hand on her waist as if to get close to her to get more cover of the umbrella and moved my hands on her buttocks as unknowingly. She didn't object at all. I was encouraged . I placed my hands on her shoulders and slowly moved it downwards. My heart beat at that time could be heard at least one mile far. Since she didn't say a word , I dared to insert my hands inside her blouse and squeezed her big firm breasts for the first time in my life. I could feel her nipples getting hard . I started fondling the nipples with two of my fingers. At this time , she took my hands out of her blouse and placed them over her shoulder. But she didn't tell anything still. I didn't had the courage to repeat my act.

When we entered into their compound she asked me .

" Unni what you had done ? If you had such desires on me ,you could have done it at some other places and I would have never objected to your advances . Why did you choose the open public place for it "?

These words were just like the raining of honey into my ears . I followed Sujata without her knowledge to her room when she went there to change her wet dresses and hid under a wooden cot.I watched her removing her dresses one by one and couldn't control me when she stood there with just her panties on . I came out of my hidden place silently and embrased her tightly from behind and squeezed both her big breasts as hard as I could .

" Sshh ! Naughty boy !Are you misusing the licence given by me "?

" Sujata Please , I am unable to control myself ".

" It is time for CHECHY to arrive . Or my Amma ( mother ) may come and we will be caught red handed . So you please go back to our study room ". " Sujata , you please allow me to stay till you put on your dresses ".

As she could understand the mood I was in she allowed me to stay there for a while. She took a new pair of half skirt and dress from the cupboard and was about to start wearing them when I asked her.

" Sujata , will you please allow me to help you to put on your dresses "?

She didn't say anything . But after putting her long back open blouse , she turned her back to me to hook them .

My fingers were trembling. My cock was already at a full erected mode . I went very close to her and pressed my cock on her large buttocks and then moved my hands passionately on her fleshy back . I could not stop giving a soft kiss on her back .

I could sense her horripilation.

" Please do it quickly . Or I will also loose my control " Sujata said . Her breathing was accelerated.

I quickly hooked her blouse and returned to our study room . Sujata also joined me shortly . Her face was blushed . She didn't look at me or spoke to me and pretened as if she was doing some home work. There was still time for my sister to come. I was getting bored . So I decided to do something.

I dropped my pen down and pretened as accidently and went in search of it under the study Table.Though I located it quickly , I didn't came out immeadiately . I sat admiring the fleshy milky white sexy thighs of Sujata visible through her half skirt. I extended my hand through the half skirt and placed it on her soft inner thighs.She was horripilated again. I started moving my hands passionately there and pressed the inner thighs softly . Sujata didn't utter a word , but widened her thighs to the maximum to accomodate me . As such I inserted my head into her half skirt and started kissing all over her thighs . I extened my hands to touch her pussy but her pantied prevented me from moving further. But I could sense the presence of thick hairs there. When I heard the footsteps of my sister arriving , I quickly returned to my seat and started doing my lessons.

Through out that day Sujata was keeping silence. My sister once asked her whether she was alright. She replied that she is feeling a slight headache. But only we two knew the real reason behind it.

While returning home and throuth out the night I was thinking of Sujata only. What a sea change taken between us within a few hours ! I masturbated twice continuouly thinking of my experiences and the quantity of cum discharged and the pleasure I got was the maximum till that date.

The next evening Sujata behaved as usual and as free as ever. I tried my maximum not to touch her body that day . I was a little worried also because she was keeping silence the previous day . If she gets angry with me or break relation with me because of my actions then I would have become mad .

After returning from the temple , I stayed in the study room and Sujata joined me soon . That day I pretended as busy to do my class work. But then she dropped her pen down and requested me to get it as she was unable to go down because of her size. I fully under stood what she actually want. As soon as I got the pen, I inserted my head into her half skirt and started kissing on her thighs. I was quite surprised to see that she was not wearing the pantees to faciliate me to get her pussy.

It was the first time for me to get chance to see a pussy . It was covered with thick black hairs. The walls were a little widened because she had kept her thighs widened . It seemd reddish. I kissed it passionately and inserted my finger into it. All the hairs on her body was arisen due to her horripilation. I sat there doing all these tricks till my sister came.

This became a practice thereafter. The pre arrival time of my sister was fully utilised for our plays . We advanced our temple visiting time to get more time . As Sujata's mother never intervened in our studies we were quite bold to do anything except fucking . We used to lower the vick of the kerosene lantern so that no body could detect our actions from outside in the increasing darkness in the room . I used to open her blouse hooks from her back and insert my hands to fondle her breasts and nipples . When she wear her school uniform - a white shirt and sky blue skirt - I used to open her buttons on the front while sitting under the table and suck her nipples . On all days , she used to remove her undergarments after returning from the temple to faciliate me. She too started taking my cock in her hands which appeared as a fountain pen in those days and fondle it. I was quite surprised when she masturbated me without my guidance and request . I wondered how she got all the knowledge about it . There after it became her duty to masterbate me with her soft hands .

Our happy days passed like this. I was in the seventh heaven

in those days . Then came the time of our first term

examinations. Sujata was coached by my sister for Maths and

Science only. As she was born and brought up in North India

, she was comfortable with Hindi and English. But she was at

all sea in the local language - Malayalam and Social Studies

. So I used to give my tips for these subjects to her.

On the Eve of the Term Exam she asked my sister

" CHECHY can you please allow unni to stay with us tonight


" Why "?

" I am afraid of tomorrow's paper. So if Unni is with me tonight , we can make a combined study and prepare fully for tomorrow ".

As it was a prestige issue to get her pass marks in the exam since my sister was giving tutions to her , I was allowed to stay with them for the night . After dinner , I took my books to be studied for the next day and reached their house.

Sujata and her mother used to sleep in different rooms . She never interfered in the study of her daughter . She used to sleep early because of habit of getting up very early in the morning . As I was viewed as a perfect boy and younger brother of Sujata , they didn't saw any problem to allow me to sleep with sujata in the same room.She only adviced us not to sit too late as she could call us early in the next morning.

We waited for a while reading our books. Sujata then went to confirm whether her mother has already slept or not.As soon as she entered our bed room , she bolted it from inside and embrased me as tightly as she could . I was unable to breathe and felt as if I was gagged . She literally swallowed my lips and started sucking them . I too embrased her tightly but couldn't match her strength. She showered unlimited kisses on my cheecks and bite on my lips . Her actions were similar to a hungry tigress eating a little lamb.Her big breasts were pressed hard to my chest. I moved my hands to her blouse hooks and opened them . As usual there were no under garments . Then I untied the belt of her half skirt and it fell to her feet . She was standing fully naked in front of me. I noted that she had shaven off her hairs then . She too made me naked and both of us went to the wooden cot awaiting us for our sexual play . Sujata lied on the bed on her back and since I only knew about pussy fucking and mouth fucking in those days , I climed over her. It appeared as if a squirrel was sitting on the branch of a big tree.

I had the doubt whether my cock - not as big and stout - in those days would be able to peerce through her pussy . But to my great surprise , the entry was friendly . Where the Virgin membrane I had read of ? I looked surprisingly at Sujata.

" You may me wondering how it happened ". Sujata said " I am not a virgin now . I lost my virginity to my cousin brother two years back when we visited Bombay ".

It was not making any difference or disappointment for me . I was going to fuck the village beauty and the heart throbe of many for the first time in my life and that too at a tender age of 14 years. This thought gave me very good exitement . It appeared as if her soft fleshy body was made up of butter . While continueing kissing all over her body , sucking her nipples and squeezng her big breasts , I started my foreward thrusts as prescribed in the porn story books . But due to my over exitement , I ejaculated my cum very quickly.

" Are you finished ? " asked Sujata . " I am not satisfied yet. Do some thing more ".

I was tired by then and was in no mood to do any thing more . So she took my hand and inserted two of my fingers into her pussy and started in and out movements . As she was getting more pleasure ,she accelerated her action . I felt as if my hands are ripped off.

Not before long , she also peaked and both of us lied in the bed embrasing each other . Though it was cold outside due to the ongoing monsoon , both of us were fully wet with sweat. We continued kissing , squeezing and fondling each other's sexual organs that after a short time , I once again aroused . I climbed over her and started my play again . As I already had one discharge , I took a long time to finish that time and Sujata was totaly tired then. After the second play , both of us quickly put on our dresses and slept together while embrasing each other tightly.

Her mother called us early in the next morning and we didn't wasted any time in sex but concentrated on our studies . With my help and tips Sujata could able to write the paper satisfactorily.

During the examination period I spend my nights with Sujata and during night we used to practice our new ideas in sex which we got from the porn story books and the mornings were entirely devoted for studies .

To evey body's surprise , Sujata cleared all the papers of the Term with good marks. So the efforts of me and my sister were hailed by her mother. Sujata's mother personaly visited our house to pay her gratitude and requested my parrents to send me to their house whenever I will be free so that her daughter will be gained knowledge through our combined studies.

Thus a period of heavenly sexual pleasure was experienced by both of us . As there were no more restrictins then , we could practice all type of knew ideas which we got from porn story books. I could proudly announce that I was the first man to fuck her ass hole , between her boobs and arm pits.

Our relation continued till the final Board examination was over and I have already become their family member then.

When the result was declared , to every body's surprise , she cleared the examination with a first class . As expected I too had came out with a distinction.

Thereafter Sujata and her mother left our village to join their relatives in North India and I lost all my touch with her. But I still cannot forget that Goddess of sex who had given me thousands of sexual blisses.

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