My College Roommate Bill

By keithpruitt888

Published on Nov 23, 2024


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Limping back Sunday night to the down, the cold weather got me back to Penn State in record time. Bill probably was still probably with the colleges baseball team. I had feelings for him, but now with Kenneth at the Gay Student Alliance, I felt somewhat nervous. Bill never wanted to be open about our relationship, and Kenneth was showing me what I had been missing. Sure I loved blowing a guy or getting plowed, but finally the apex of understanding and equity was happening. I could be who I was, and Kenneth accepted me for that. Was my emotional attachment to Bill, because I had lost my virginity to him? Or was it something else, as he also was from a big city, and he did make me feel amazing. Should I just keep the weekend a secret? Or was it time to tell Bill that I cared for him, but Kenneth was my lover now? Inside the dorm building I felt unease.

Going up the stairs, and opened the door. As expected alone. Had to get ready for a busy week of classes. Sure I was more comfortable now, and despite the lack of sleep, I knew that I had to shave my private parts again. Always liked being smooth, so discreetly in the shower I handled this grooming task. At near 19 years my sex drive was insatiable, and I couldn't help but get hard. Sure my knees and ass were sore, and I doubted I'd need my vibrator tonight. Yet the soap all over me, and that hot water, thinking of Bill and Kenneth got me all kinds of excited. It was as if I turned into a nympho, and the last few days of Kenneth pounding me had caused electric orgasms that pulsated throughout every level of my being. With the towel wrapped around me, I made my way back to the dorm room.

Opening the door, Bill stood there. All 6 foot plus of him in nothing. "Did you miss me?" "Yes." I was stunned but simply lost in his brown eyes. Seeing how hard he was, caused me to be as well, and instantaneously we were kissing. I moaned as he grabbed my cock against his, and our shafts sliding together as our tongues danced was so erotic. Absolutely kinky I loved the feeling of his big dick, even more so when he tagged my balls. Feeling his precum on my sack was more aggression and passion unraveled. Now the room was our sweat and pheromones. The smell of sex permeated the air. It was go time. No choice it had to be done.

He grabbed my hair and pulled me into him more. Now going at it like rabid dogs, soon I was on my knees. His musky salty manhood in my lips. His moans and gyrations told me paydirt. His eyes closed as he howled, I gobbled up his big balls like it was Thanksgiving. Actually it was due to my oral fixation, and I kept going on deeper and with far more spit and saliva on that rock hard rod. His precum was in my mouth, now past my tonsils. He was mine completely. Now I was in the drivers seat, and all of a sudden he throw me on the bed. Caressing my balls, oh wow he had me in rapture. Catatonic and breathing so hard, could feel my heartbeat rise. Even more so as he fingered and licked my ass. It was exciting and scary. Would he know? Was I in trouble? Yet damn this felt so fucking good. Kept thinking "just go with it," as I begged him to lube up his hard cock that I wanted inside me now.

Head down in the bed, my ass up in the air. His cock head forced through, and oh he was harder than ever. His penis was enormous, and since he was now moaning, my stress levels went down immediately. He didn't know or suspect anything. Oh wow I was dear near despondent, as he pillaged me with such lust. My g spot was lighting up, as kinetic energy transferred between us. Bill was more of a bull, and my hands held onto the bedsheets, gripping as I grimaced and smiled. He was so good at this, and I heard the most beautiful voice of all howl. Oh yes he was filling me with volcano levels of cum, orgasm that just kept sending his seed into me. I was so happy to have a dripping ass, and was so turned on.

"I want you to fuck me now." What? This would only be my second time topping, but Bill lubed my cock up. His hands were magic and when I had him bend over, I was nervous with anticipation. That ass of his was bubble like, and I entered him slowly. He was saying "more more," so I slid myself deep inside of him. A totally different sensation from bottoming, as his ass was tight, hot, wet. It was like my dick was a melting stick of butter in the oven. All kinds of pleasure and signals. Then it happened. My feet locked up, even my toes. I screamed like a wild animal, and my cum flew into him at huge portions. Both of us now sweaty messes, he pulled me towards him for a kiss. Oh wow this was an almost out of body experience.

We lay there naked and what an enthralled bunch we were. It was as if the hands stamp on time had stopped completely. We kissed and oh wow we both were holding on to each other. Bill told me "I missed you baby." My response was the same. My neurons were firing away. Yet deep down I felt kind of bad, as while this felt amazing, was my roommate gaslighting me? Also wasn't I supposed to be loyal to Kenneth now? Being young and naive, I simply fell asleep in Bills arms. Their strength made me feel comfortable, and the dark skies outside, did nothing to diminish our illumination.

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