My College Education

By Brian Johnson

Published on Sep 27, 2016


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My College Education

Part 3

The weeks after Spring Break went by fast and before I knew it, final exams were here. With just 3 weeks of school left, I went to talk to John. "John you have been the contact for the two photo shoots that we have been on. The guys have been talking and we would like the opportunity to go on more shoots. In fact, you mentioned that you went on one last summer, and we don't want to miss out on such an opportunity. But you will be gone in a week or so and you have been the only contact. "Don't worry Bill, I gave Tom you name and contact information. If he has a need, I am sure that he will contact you. Okay?" "That is all I could ask for, thanks John." As I was leaving I turned around and said, "John, if you think that those photos are used by art students, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I would like to sell to you." He just smiled and turned away.

Just before exam week, I got a call from a man that said he was a friend of Tom. I asked, "Is that Tom the photographer?' "Yes it is." "What can I do for you," I asked. ' I have a need for 3 young men, they should all be decent looking and in good physical shape. Can you get 3 men?" "I think I can, what or where will they be doing," I asked. "It will be a photo shoot in Mexico and should last for 10 to 12 days." "I think I can, in fact I already have 3 men in mind." "Good, where can they be picked up?" "Right here at the frat house," I replied. "Okay, this Friday at 3PM." "We will be ready.

I went and talked to both Glen and Dave. They were both interested. I then called my family and said that two friends and I were going to take a trip to Mexico before I returned home for the summer. Mom said to be careful and don't drink the water.

On Friday, just as before, the van was there to pick us up. Once again the driver was Pete and we all said hello. The flight was quick and we were met at the airport. Jerry was there with a van and we drove out to the desert. It turned out to be similar to the trip to Costa Rica except there were no girls this time. Jerry took us to our rooms as we each had our own room. After unpacking we went back to find Tom and Jerry. Well, we found him along with Jerry and Pete. All 3 of them were in the pool. Tom got out of the pool and we were surprised to seen that he had been skinny-dipping. In fact all three of them were swimming naked. Tom suggested that since it was hot, close to 90 degrees that we strip and join him in the pool. We were naked before he could get back into the pool.

After about 45 minutes, Tom suggested we get out and he wold get us some drinks and snacks. We got out, dried off and sat down in the shade. Almost right away Tom and Pete cam out with trays of drinks and snacks. ""Well, I guess you may have some questions about this shoot, said Tom." "Yes, where are the girls, asked Dave." "Bad news, Dave, there are no girls this time, just you guys, replied Tom." "But based on you comments at the last shoot and things that John told me, I think that you will enjoy this shoot." "Just what did John tell you, asked Glen. "Well he did say that after the girls left that you all found ways to entertain yourselves."

"Will these photos be for artist like the last time, asked Dave." "Not really, they will be used by magazines and you will be well paid for them." "What kind of magazines want photos of naked men, asked Glen." But before Tom could say anything, Glen said, "Oh my god, gay magazines. I don't know if I want my naked butt to be in a gay magazine." "Don't worry, Glen, it's not your butt that they want to see, said Dave." "I should tell you that you will be well compensated for this shoot, said Tom." "How well compensated, asked Glen." "For the entire shoot, $2,500.00, replied Tom." Dave then said, "Well Glen is that enough to let guys look at your cock? Although I don't see why they would want to look at such a tiny one?" Well we all laughed at that and that seemed to ease the situation. "I guess that it doesn't matter who looks at my cock as long as I get paid,"

Tom said that he would get his camera and then he and Jerry would start taking some photos of us in and around the pool. He and Jerry took photos until it was time for dinner. Tom suggested that we stay nude so that they could continue to take photos, but that real stuff would start tomorrow. However, if any of us felt the start of our cock getting hard, we should tell he and Jerry right away. He also cautioned us not to jerk off except for a photo.

We spent the night in and around the pool and in the house. Tom, Jerry and Pete also stayed naked and I think that some of them were in some of the photos that were taken

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