My College Education

By Brian Johnson

Published on Sep 26, 2016


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My College Education


My name is William (Bill) Taylor. I was born and raised in the Midwest. I had great parents that saw to it that I received a good education and that I experienced life. My dad made sure that I learned the things that a man should know. When he did some minor repairs around the house, I watched and leaned. He also taught me to know when a job required an expert. He saw to it that I had the opportunity to play sports. Now he wasn't one of those dads that experience sports through their son's playing; he just wanted me to play them for myself. I played or attempted to play every sport. Now I was good, but don't get me wrong, I wasn't the star quarterback and I did not hit the homerun that won us the state championship, which we were. I just enjoyed playing the all sports, but swimming was my favorite.

Part 1

After high school, I went off to the university down in the state capitol. It was quite an experience for a boy from a small town. My freshman year I did join a fraternity and moved into the frat house during my sophomore year. It doesn't matter which fraternity as they are pretty much the same. But let's call them the Betas. If you play sports, especially team sports, you get used to seeing your teammates in the nude; but I have never seen so many guys naked as I saw on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the house where clothing was optional. I mean it is one thing to be walking naked in the locker room after a game, but it seemed like no one wore clothes above the first floor.

On a Wednesday in October, one of the senior members (John) asked me to come to his room. When I got there, I was one of 5 other guys in the room. He started telling us about a job he had during the summer when he earned $1,200.00 for 12 days of work. Naturally he was asked, "who did you have to kill?" He said that all he had to do was have his picture taken. "Your picture was taken for 12 days? Someone asked. "Yes, I was at a cabin in the mountains with a photographer and had my picture taken. I was paid in cash." "What kind of pictures were taken?" "I have some copies, let me show you,"

He opened a book and held up a page for us to see. It was a photo of him sitting on a large boulder and he was naked and you could see everything. "You were photographed naked?" "Yes, I was'" he replied. These photos are taken and used by art students that can not afford the cost of hiring a live model. I was asked to find at least 5 men for a photo shoot next weekend. Besides being fed, you will be paid $500.00 in cash at the end of the weekend. I need to know if you are interested."

After a short discussion, all of us said we were interested. I mean $500.00 for being photographed naked, what young man wasn't interested in that kind of money.

Well at 5PM on Friday, there was a van at the house to pick us up and we headed to our destination. It was almost 10PM when we arrived. It was dark so we couldn't see much. W all went in to a large building that turned out to be a large cabin. There was a living room, dining area and kitchen and two bedrooms. We were told to take our things up to the second floor. The second floor was one large room with 5 sets of bunk beds. We were told to put away our belongings and come back downstairs. There were soft drinks and snacks on the table and we were told to help ourselves. A man introduced himself as Tom and he said that he was the photographer, his assistant was Jerry and the driver and cook was Pete. He said that the session would start about 8:30AM, depending on the sun. Breakfast was at 7:30. He asked if there were any questions.

Carl asked, "Should we be dressed or not, when we come down?" You should be wearing at least your underwear and shoes. This is not a nudist resort. So if you want, a T-shirt would be okay, but remember when I do the photographing, you will be naked. There were no other questions, so we headed up to bed.

We were all up, showered and shaved by 7AM. Breakfast was eggs, bacon, potatoes, toast, coffee and OJ. About 8:30 we headed out. We must have walked a good half-mile when we came to a small stream. There were a few large rock or small boulders in the bed of the stream. Tom told us all to strip and to walk into the stream and do what just comes natural and he would be photographing us. He said that Jerry would also be taking photos. And that was just what we did. I heard him call Dave and told him to climb up on a large boulder and to sit and then to squat. As Dave did that, Tom started taking photos. He then called me over and had me stand by the boulder and look at Dave as if we were talking about something.

During the rest of the morning, he took pictures of all 6 of us in various positions, doing different things. It was about 11:30 when we headed back to the cabin. Tom said that since the sun hadn't really come out and it was a little cool, that he would be taking photos inside the cabin that afternoon. The photos were pretty much the same as during the morning, but just different props.

We had dinner at 6PM and Tom said that we could do anything that we wanted for the evening, but that he and Jerry might take some photos of us. During dinner, Dave asked Tom if he ever took photos of a more sexual nature that involved both men and women, Tom just smiled and said nothing. Chuck said, "Well if you ever do and need a volunteer, just call me. Well, Glen and Chuck played a game of chess and the rest of us played poker. Carl suggested that we play "dress poker" and we laughed and stayed in our shorts. We all went to bed around 10:30PM.

The next morning, at breakfast, Tom said that today he would be taking mostly individual shots of us. The morning and afternoon went well as the sun did come out and it was a nice warm day. All of the photos that day were just of us individually doing various poses. We broke for lunch and then it was back to being photographed until 3:00PM. Tom said we could get dressed and that there would be a light lunch before Pete drove us back to town. Actually all of us took a quick shower before we got dressed and went back downstairs. There was food and drinks on the table and Tom said we should help ourselves. He then handed us each an envelope and thanked us. He mentioned that he had our address and would send each of us a copy or two of the photos he had taken. After eating, we got into the van and Pete drove us back to the frat house. When we looked into our envelopes, each of us found 5 brand new $100.00 bills. Except for John, he had and extra one as a bonus for finding 5 good looking men.

The next morning it was back to classes and schoolwork. Some of the guys spent their money, I put mine in a saving account at the local bank. Before we knew what happened, it was time for Christmas Break and we all headed home for the holidays.

Chapter 2

When I got back to my room after New Year's, there was a note from John asking me to come and see him. I went right to his room, the door was open and I walked in. We exchanged greetings and he immediately asked me if I had plans for the Spring Break? I said that I hadn't thought about it and why? John said that there might be a chance for me to earn some extra money if I wanted to and I should see him before making any plans. I told him that I would.

One night early in February I was asked to come to John's room. When I got there, Dave, Chuck, Carl and Glen were already there. "Glad you could make it, we were waiting for you," John said. "We all have a chance to make some money during the Spring Break. We all indicated that we were interested and some one asked what do we have to do? Before, I can tell you that, I need to know if you are in because this deal is only open to those who are committed. Glen said that it was hard to commit to something without knowing what it was. Dave asked what if we commit but then back out? John said that if that happens, the deal is off and no one gets to go and get paid. We all said that we were interested and committed to that point. In that case, John said I call tell you it is similar to that weekend we spent up in the mountains. Are you still interested? We were.

Well then I can tell you that it is for 2 weeks at a private home in Costa Rica. Are you still interested? "Can you tell us more? "Well besides the 6 of us there will be 6 young ladies there. Carl, asked, "Will Tom be there taking nude photos of the girls and us?" John said that he couldn't tell us any more at that time and asked if we were still committed, and all of us were. "OK, here is the plan on Friday night we will fly down to Costa Rica and be meet at the airport and driven to this private mansion where we will spend 2 weeks all expenses paid and each of us could earn up to $1,200.00. Are you still interested? We were still interested. As we get closer to departure I will fill you in as I get told. Have a good night but keep this to yourselves. If you don't have a passport, get one, he added.

A week before we were to leave John filled us in. We were limited to just one small bag, a few changes of clothes and shaving gear. Dave, "Yea, we will be naked so we won't need many clothes."

We had an early afternoon flight on Friday, so most of us cut some classes. The flight was comfortable and rather fast. We were met at the airport and driven to what turned out to be a very large home in the hills above the city. This place was unbelievable. Tom the photographer was there to meet us. We were shown to our rooms and we leaned that we would be doubling up, two to a room. After we put our things away we came back down to the great room and Tom was there and so were 6 very good-looking ladies. "Ladies, meet our other guests." Gentlemen, meet our ladies." Everyone introduced ourselves to each other and then Tom asked for some quite as he began to explain what would be happening.

Tom then said, "All of you have been at a photo shoot in the past so that you all have an idea of what to expect. However, this one will be different from the one you were last on. On that shoot, all of you indicated that you would not be opposed to a photo shoot with members of the other sex and especially if some sex were included. "Do you mean that we will be having sex with these beautiful young ladies," asked Glen? "No you will not" replied Tom. What you will be doing is simulating having sex with these young ladies. The young ladies already know what will be happening, so let me explain that to you men. You will have all the appearance of engaging in sex, but will not actually do anything. For example, Glen you will have an erection and be laying on a bed, one of the ladies will be on the bed kneeling between you legs with her mouth close to your cock, but will not take your cock into her mouth. Dave you will have an erection and have your cock near her butt hole but will not put it inside. Do you understand or do I need to explain more. We all said that we understood.

Tom then went on to say that he had certain photos that he had to take and once he was finished, the remainder of the time could be spent here at the home just relaxing. "You mean if you get all of your photos in 8 days, the remaining 6 days are ours to just relax and have a good time and we still get paid? Asked Carl. "Yes" said Tom.

The next morning us 6 guys came out to breakfast in our shorts and saw that the ladies were just wearing panties. After breakfast, the clothing was shed as soon as Tom started taking photos, and it stayed off. I think that us as guys were trying to impress the ladies with our bodies.

For the next 6 days tom took all sorts of photos of us with the girls. Actually the girls turned out to be friendly, but there was no sexual contact. Actually there were a few instances when there was some accidental contact. Once when Gloria was on her knees and was to have her tongue close to the head of my cock, she accidentally did touch my cock. Both John and Carl said that something similar happened to them.

Tom announced that the sessions were moving along at a good clip and that the last two days would be spent in taking some special photos. Us guys got excited at that news. But we were disappointed when we learned what photos were to be taken. The first session just involved the girls and it turned out that they were involved in a lesbian shoot. Watching that session got us guys quite aroused. But during th shoot it occurred to us that if this shot involved only the girls, might the next one involve just us? Mostly we thought not, but what if it did, would we be willing to go through with it?

When Tom was finished with the girls he took a break. Thirty minutes later he called for us to join him around the pool. You guys watched the shot with the ladies, so I think you have an idea of what I will want from you, except that I will want a little more from you and you will be rewarded accordingly. Dave said, "And just what do you want from us?" "Well the ladies just simulated oral sex and the use of a dildo, in your case I need you to actually insert your cock in his mouth and butt. But you will be financially rewarded. If you are ready lets get started.

He called for John and I. John was to sit on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water. I was to swim up between his legs and take his cock into my mouth, but not all of the way in. I did and then I was told to take as much of it as I could into my mouth. In the next shot I was to be on my hands and knees and John was to be putting his cock into my butt and the next series of photos had him pushing in all the way in.

The remaining series of photos involved all of us in different combinations involved in different positions of oral and anal sex. Tom said that because I was so willing to be the first to take a cock in my mouth, he had something special for me. I was to be standing with Dave and Glen on their knees sucking my balls and dick, Before he placed us for the photo. He took be aside and said that he would keep them sucking long enough for me to cum and I should not hesitate to shot my load in one of their mouths or on their face. He got them in position and started them licking my balls and sucking my cock, then changed the position. He kept taking photos and they kept licking and sucking and I shot my load when Dave had my cock in his mouth, but he quickly pulled away and the balance of my load cover Glen's face.

The rest of the session continued with all six of us ending up sucking each other and sticking our cock up each other's ass. The instructions for putting a cock into someone's mouth or ass was just to put it in and not to do any in and out motion, but I can tell you that was done each and every time. The session was successful and Tom said the remaining 7 days were ours to enjoy. Later that night when we were in our room, everyone accused everyone of moving their cock in and out of mouths and asses. We all denied doing that, but we all knew that we had and that it had felt good. We were excited about having 7 days to rest and looked forward to spending time with the girls and hoped that some of us got successful with them and got laid. We all went to bed with evening wood and I did hear some familiar sounds as we slept.

The next morning we went to breakfast in our shorts, we did not want to be over or under dressed. To our amazement, the girls were all dressed. We soon learned that they were leaving in an hour for home and we would be there with just the cook. Before they left, tom passed out envelopes. When I opened mine, I expected to see $1,200.00, but to my surprise there was $1,500.00 in it. We were disappointed the girls had left. After we ate, the guys started to get up and walk off alone in different directions until just Dave and I was left. "I wonder where they are going, I wondered." "Knowing them, they are going to jerk off somewhere said Dave." "I guess that is what we should do under the circumstances, I added," "Wait, I have a better idea, said Dave." "Come with me." He led me out to the garden to an area where the grass stopped and there were lots of shrubs. He walked through the shrubs and into a small clearing. He turned and looked at me and dropped he shorts to his ankles and said, "remember when you were a little kid and jerked off with you friends and how much better it felt than when you jerked your self. Well, let's do it." I looked at him, smiled and dropped my shorts and reached over and wrapped m hand around his dick. He said wait, lay down. I did and he lay next to me but with his feet near my head. "See this way w can jerk each other off." We were so horny that it did not take long before we were both moaning in pleasure and we shot our loads over ourselves. We lay there for a while and enjoyed the feeling.

We walked back to the house and the others were sitting around the pool, naked of course. "Where were you two." "We were just walking through the garden, Dave replied. Sure you were. Where did you guys go? Well I can't say for them but I found a place and jerked off, said Glen, Well Bill and I found a spot and jerked off each other the way we did when we were kids and we had a good time. I am so horny that jerking is not going to do it, said John. There must be something we can do added Carl.

Well we spent over a week have photos taken with the girls simulating sex, almost having them suck our cocks and them watching them eat each other and then the 6 of us sticking or cocks into each other, and enjoying that. And don't try to deny that, so I say what the fuck, we are horny and we just have each other, so lets do what we were photographed doing and that is lets suck each other and screw each other. Well there were some objections since we all claimed to be straight and not gay. Who said anything about being gay, this is just sex. I know that we all have girlfriends and that we all have fucked girls so it is not a question of being gay or straight. We are straight and we are just going to have sex, get our rocks off. Anybody disagree? If not, lets get started. Bill when you stuck your cock up by butt it felt pretty good, how about I suck you cock to get it hard and then you do it again now?

There should have been objections, but there wasn't. And for the rest of the day, we engaged in various man to man sexual activities, and I think that we all enjoyed the afternoon, even though we insisted that we were just getting our rocks off.

Next: Chapter 2

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