My College Crush

By moc.loa@nikniLdniatS

Published on Oct 15, 2003


Chapter One

The sun shone in the through the dorm room window. I woke upto find my crush gone. A note layed on his pillow. SORRY HAD AN EARLY PRACTICE HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN, SAM. PS. Check out my closet you're welcome to wear anything inside (Make sure I get what ever you took back) PPS, I took you clothes to be washed with mine.

I imagined he smiled as he wrote this down. As I walked out of the bed I opened his closet. It was full of scent, AXE and sweat. I filed through the shirts finding a a sexy, yet pricy looking blue button-down shirt. I put on his boxers his cargo pants and topped it all of with a blue skicap. My cock grew inside his boxers. I left the room and found Joe and Greg studying at the table.

"Hi guys," I said as I entered the room.

"Hi Chris, Have a good time?" The black kid said.

The two smiled and went back to their studying. I left the dorm confused, "Did they listen in? They must have, the walls in dorm were thin.

I walked across campus towards my own dorm room, entered and took the elevator to my room. My ass hurt, but damn was the pain worth it. As I left the elevator my mind ran to last night. His touch, his moans, his scent all came back to me and now I was wearing his clothes.

There was a sign on my dorm door, "Chris, meet sam 5pm for dinner, Vinny." Vinny was my roomate. A baseball palyer with a constant tan. We often went to the gym together. He had a body like my adonis, but I knew for certain thai Iwas no where near attracted to him. Vinny was the type of guy you wanted to bash his head in whenever he became annoying. But man he was your best friend when you needed one.

I walkesd in the room to find it empty, Vinny must've went to the Soccer game. I sat slowly in my chair and leaned back. Turning on my computer mY AOL Messenger blinked, "You have twelve messages" . And they were all from the same person.

DisAzzLovsU:"Remember You're Mine"

DisAzzLovsU: "Got it?"

DisAzzLovsU: "I really hope you got my letter wouldn't wantya wonderin' naked"

DisAzzLovsU: "You wonderin' 'round naked?"

DisAzzLovsU: "Cuz if you are, damn I'd like to see"

Of course the rest is something I'd like to leave to the reader's imagination. But it made me smile. I went away from my computer, took off my new lover's shirt and took a look in the mirror. Yes those weekly sessions in the weight room were working weren't they. My arms looed larger, my chest thicker, and yes after three years of a beer gut I HAD ABS. I layed down on my bed. Imagining Sam on me. His moans still frsh in my ear. His voice as he came in me. His touch still lingered on my body. Was this my first after-glow?

Chapter Two

Five O'Clock came quickly. I threw on my crush's shirt, but didn't bother to button it up all the way, I wanted to give him a peak. I put on my hooded sweatshirt and his hat and walked out of the doors.

He was sitting in the wooden benches outside, he smiled slightly as he saw me. As I met up with him he held out a green duffle bag, "Here's your clothes," he said. I smiled and thanked him for cleaning them. We walked into the cafeteria together. I had to fight the urge to kiss him in front of all these people.

We found the greatest secluded table tucked under the eaves. The cafeteria was brightly lit with large screen TVs fitted inside the walls so that the jocks could watch their sports or the ladies could watch everything else.

I ate my barbecue "ribs" like there was no tommorrow. "Woah bro," Sam said with a giggle, "you're gonna get sick to your stomach." Well, I thought to myself no pain no gain and continued to eat like a glutton.

"Oh yeah baby fuck me raw..."

I stopped eating.

"This ass is mine..."

Sam stopped eating.

We both looked around, who was saying that. Where they coming from. Sam stood up mouth wide open, "Chris, look." he said as he pointed not one, but every TV set in the cafeteria.

It was us from last night. Some one was in Sam's closet and taped us. Students began to cheer Sam in mid coitus. My face turned red. Sam gripped his hands wanting to punch the wall. "Sit Sam," I said wanting him to calm down. "No Chris no. I wanna know who did that. Now!" His eyes bulged in rage. I grabbed his shoulder, "Let's get out of here."

We left. It was raining out side. We ran to his car, a nice Lexus mind you and drove. His rage diminshed like the rain splooshing off the windshield.

He stopped the car near the LaCrosse Field. He ran out in a sprint, I followed him till we reached a spot hidden among the trees that surrounded the field. "WHY," Sam asked out of breath, "Why me, what's so special about me that you like. You could have any guy, why me?"

Here I was getting wet in his clothes, seeing the contours of his body made me warm through the cold. I walked closely to him and kissed him. "Because," I said, "look at me Sam, I am wearing your clothes you hat" I threrw the hat to him, "I saw you walking in the cafeteria and I knew I wanted you. I've never wanted anyone more." I hugged him and he gripped me tight.

I want to say we made love in those woods. But we didn't. We fucked in the dugout in the baseball field on the otehr side of trhe woods. His body was as sexy as ever, sweat and rain clothed us in out pleasure. When we returned to campus, we were called to the Dean's Office. She didn't reprimand us, rather she told us to weight it out and let Campus Security find those who did hat they did.

I also want to say they found out the responsible persons quickly. But it took them till the Spring Semester. It turned out that Greg, a communications major was often jealous of the girls and guys that slept with Sam, and wanted to embarass Sam by asking Joe to help him. I just happen to be the unlucky, lucky person to be with Sam that night.

I, finally want to say that Sam and I had a relationship after college. But we didn't, in fact after the cafeteria incident we hardly talked to one another. But it never ceases to amazes me how I had the chance to fufill my fantasy.

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