My College Buddys Son

By Sweetheart

Published on Jan 30, 2024


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The week carried on as expected; I went to work, and Sasha went to his program. He didn't mention much about it, either because there wasn't much to say or because Sasha was a very respectful boy and probably didn't want to talk about himself too much. However, he did excitedly tell me that he spoke to one of the drawing professors and secured a spot figure modeling for a drawing class later that week! He told me on Wednesday that the class was taking place on Friday night, as it was a continuing education class and people who weren't currently students would be taking it.

Thursday morning, we both left the house and went our separate ways. I'd been having a pretty good week at work, better than usual, now that I was becoming friends with Nico. We haven't gotten lunch again, but we've chatted around the office -- he's even been visiting me at my desk. When he comes to see me, he always crosses his big arms over his chest, leaning on his ass. I usually stay seated, and his crotch just a foot from my face gets me all flustered. I'm pretty sure he enjoys that he has that power over me, and honestly so do I!

I got to work and went to grab a coffee, where Nico was sitting, reading the newspaper. It was about 15 minutes before the day actually began, so we both had a sense of calm in our demeanor.

"Nico, how's it going man?" I said, genuinely happy to be alone in a room with him.

"Ah, you know. Nothing new, nothing interesting," he said. "Hey, I'm just dying to meet that boy you've got at home. What's his name again?"

"Sasha? Yeah, I actually mentioned you to him and I think he's hoping to meet you too!" I said, sipping my coffee.

"Oh yeah?" Nico said, leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs.

"Why don't you come over for dinner tonight? I'll cook, we can all hang out, maybe have some wine. Sound fun?" I said, hoping he'd accept.

"I'd really like that. Thank you, friend. I'll see you tonight." Nico said, getting up and leaving the room.

I stopped myself from jumping up and down like a child knowing this stud of a man I've been drooling over for months was coming to my place. I had to remind myself that he was much more interested in Sasha than myself, and I couldn't blame him for that! I decided I should check with Sasha and sent him a text asking if he wanted Nico to come over for dinner. He responded with "fuck yes" and the drooling emoji. I laughed at my phone before putting it in my pocket, grazing the boner I had in my slacks from the anticipation of what was about to happen. I was distracted the rest of the day, and before heading out I swung by Nico's desk for a moment.

"Hey, see you at 7?" I asked him, leaning against his desk.

"Yes, you will, my friend. I look forward to my meal," he said, grabbing his crotch and giving it a squeeze.

He had a devilish look on his face, like he had some sort of elaborate and ballsy plan he was going to enact. I just smiled and told him I'll see him later, deciding it'd be best to let the night play out however it was going to.

I stopped at the store on my way home and bought three 12oz steaks, herbs, some potatoes, and two bottles of wine. I was so excited to host Nico and I wanted to treat him to a great meal. And, of course, cooking a lovely meal for Sasha was only the beginning of my desire to spoil that gorgeous boy.

I got to work the moment I got home, since it was already 6. Sasha was sitting on the couch when I got home, and shortly decided to start getting ready. He took a long ass shower, lotioned his entire body, and came out in a loose t-shirt and little shorts that didn't come three inches down his thighs. He stayed barefoot, not even wearing socks, and splashed some cologne on his neck. Honestly, he looked better than he'd ever looked with his hair brushed and slicked back, smelling like a dream. He sat at the counter while I worked on dinner, and I poured him a glass of wine. He lifted the large glass with his delicate, long fingers and took a sip of wine between his soft lips. I swear, anything Sasha did was erotic to me, everything he said and did was just perfect in my eyes.

Before I knew it, it was almost 7 and I still hadn't changed. Everything was pretty much ready, so I darted into my room to change. I stripped my work clothes off, standing at my wardrobe completely naked. Just then, I heard the doorbell ring and Sasha scamper to the front door, opening it and greeting the incredibly handsome Nico. I couldn't hear what either of them were saying, and I wanted to get dressed as soon as possible. I flipped through some options before deciding on a nice yet casual button up and some pretty average shorts. I slipped my house slippers on and headed for the hallway, briefly stopping to sniff my pits and make sure I didn't smell too bad. I certainly was a bit smelly from the day, but I decided that there's nothing hotter than the smell of a man.

As I walked into the living room, Sasha and Nico were standing just a few inches away from each other, both of them taking a step back as I walked into the room.

"Hello, Nico. I see you've met Sasha." I said, breaking the silence.

Nico smiled at me, then at Sasha, and said "yes, I have. He seems like a great kid. Thank you for having me, Ben. Your home is lovely and whatever you're cooking has got me starving!"

"Ah, I made steaks and potatoes! Let's eat!" I said, inviting Nico to take a seat.

He looked great out of his work clothes, he was wearing a t-shirt that was cut in a way that exposed quite a bit of his collarbones and his chest, which was covered in a thick Italian fur. He had shaved his face and smelled like neroli. It took everything in me to act normally, but I was in heaven with my dinner guests -- a beautiful boy and a beautiful man; how lucky am I.

We all dug in, obviously pretty hungry, talking with our mouths full and drinking wine like it was water. Nico was telling us stories from back home in Italy and had Sasha and I laughing our asses off at his tales of the local culture and his time traveling around the country after college. He was a great conversationalist, and the three of us were really hitting it off. We stayed at the table after the food was gone, sharing one bottle, then two, then three. We were all getting a bit drunk but still laughing and talking, so I suggested we move to the couch. Sasha and Nico stood up first, with me following, and Sasha plopped down right in the middle, with Nico to his right. I sat down on the other side of Sasha, and noticed that Nico was sitting so close that their knees were touching. I scootched a bit closer to Sasha, so that my leg was right up against his, and we all just continued chatting.

At some point, Sasha told a good joke and Nico praised him for it, putting his large, olive-skinned hand on the boy's shoulder. Only, he didn't remove it, he started to gently rub Sasha's shoulder while they continued talking. It wasn't until Nico started massaging Sasha a bit harder that Sasha let him know how good it felt.

"I'm glad, you feel so tense for your age. Why don't you turn your back to me, so I can rub both of your shoulders." Nico said.

I just smiled at him, clearly seeing his game. Sasha did as Nico suggested, definitely not minding the physical touch whatsoever. As Sasha turned his back to Nico, he faced me, smiling and giving me a wink.

"And maybe Ben can rub your feet too? How about it?" Nico said, creating a wonderful scenario to enjoy the beautiful boy we had between us.

Sasha stretched his legs out, putting his cold feet in my lap and sat between Nico's legs, leaning against his chest. I rubbed Sasha's right foot while his left rested in my lap, directly on the soft dick in my shorts. Nico was really digging into Sasha's shoulders, and Sasha wasn't shy with his moaning, letting us both know we were doing a good job. Sasha let his head fall to one side as Nico moved his face closer to the boy's neck, softly inhaling his smell. Nico gave his neck a few soft kisses as he continued to rub his shoulders. Sasha dug his foot into my crotch, doing his best to try and get me hard. I noticed he was also pushing into Nico's chest, clearly trying to let him know he wanted to take this further. Nico moved his hands down Sasha's chest, rubbing his teenage pecs and down his abdomen. Sasha moaned and leaned back, putting his hands on Nico's thighs, still playing with my cock with his feet. Nico kissed his neck more passionately as he rubbed Sasha's body, moving his hands lower and lower, lifting his shirt to run his fingers along the teenager's abs.

In this moment, I felt nothing but gratitude to be sharing the beautiful boy that was staying with me with another man. This was about to be a great night...

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