My College Buddys Son

By Sweetheart

Published on Jan 6, 2024


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In the morning, I got up and dressed for work and Sasha got up and dressed for his program, which was beginning today. I made us some coffee and breakfast and we ate quickly before heading out the door together. I showed Sasha to his bus and explained which stop to get off at, but he insisted he didn't need to know a thing and his phone would tell him where to go. I suppose he's not wrong!

We parted ways, and I truly felt like I was dropping my son off at his first day of school. As I walked to my office, as I tended to do in the warmer months, I contemplated the weekend before and my time with Sasha so far. He's only been here three nights and our relationship has already grown into something quite interesting.

I got to work about 5 minutes early and headed straight for the breakroom to grab my coffee. I poured myself a cup and sipped it, leaning against the counter. I enjoyed the silence for a moment before one of my coworkers, Nico, came into the break room.

Nico has been my work crush since he started last winter, as embarrassing as that is to admit as a 42-year-old man. He grew up in Italy and has beautiful olive skin and dark hair, but I don't know much else about him. I can gather that he works out judging by the way he fills out his pressed white button up and slacks. His chest is huge, and I've peeked at the hairs stickling out the top of his shirt as often as possible. He's got an incredible ass sitting above his thick, muscular thighs, but what always captured my attention was the massive bulge in his slacks. It literally looked like he was stuffing socks in there, but from his arrogant confidence you could tell this was a man sporting a huge cock. I've jerked off to the thought of tearing his clothes off countless times.

"Ciao, Ben, how was your weekend?" Nico said in his strong accent, breaking my trance.

"Oh, hello Nico, it was great, actually! You?" I answered, thinking of Sasha.

"Ah, yes, it was fine. A bit boring actually. What made your weekend so great?" He asked, pouring his coffee, and obviously just making friendly small talk.

"My friend's kid is staying with me, he's doing a program at BU. It's been really nice having him around!" I said.

In that moment, I wished I knew more about Nico, specifically his sexuality. Because if I was sure he was gay, I'd tell him about the gorgeous and horny 18 year old I've been fooling around with, but I just played it casual since I thought it was more likely Nico was straight.

"Oh, how fun!" Nico answered, sipping his coffee. "You know, I used to have so much fun with my younger brothers and cousins in the summers, I miss having young people around! Old people like us are so boring!"

"Hey, speak for yourself!" I snapped back, both of us laughing.

"Oh yeah?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "What sort of crazy antics are you getting up to?" he asked.

I hesitated for a moment and decided that honestly was the best policy.

"Well, I go out almost every weekend and uh, you know, wind up spending the night with more than a few m- uh, people." I said, not sure if I was ready to come out at the office just yet.

"Men?" He asked in an ambiguous tone and a smirk on his face.

My face got immediately hot, "yeah, haha," I said.

"Sounds hot, friend," Nico said. "Actually, I haven't made many friends here yet, and I'm not quite sure where to go out to uh... meet people." Nico said. "Maybe I could come out with you sometime?"

I nearly spat my coffee out, but thankfully I'm no longer a teenager and can control myself when my crush asks me out. Instead, I just said "yeah, man! Absolutely, I'd love to get to know you better. I'll hit you up before the weekend!"

We both left to our respective desks to get to work, my face still hot. I wasn't completely sure what just happened, but it definitely seemed like Nico was interested in my slutty weekend endeavors. Or maybe he just wanted to make some friends and get a little drunk, but either way, I felt excited.

The day dragged on with its endless emails and phone calls, and before I knew it lunchtime rolled around. I hadn't packed anything today, so I started gathering my things to go get food elsewhere. As I was packing up my bag, Nico walked up to my desk.

"Hey Ben, want to grab lunch with me? I was thinking that new falafel place." He said, smiling warmly.

"That sounds great, thanks!" I said, standing up.

It felt like our conversation and loose weekend plan had helped our relationship progress from coworkers to friends, and I was giddy about it. We both ordered and paid separately, taking a table with two seats across from each other.

"So, tell me more about this guy staying with you." Nico said.

"Well, his name is Sasha, he's 18, pretty tall-"

"Is he cute?" Nico asked, interrupting me.

I hesitated for a minute before answering, again deciding to just be honest.

"Oh, god yes, he gets it from his mother. He's absolutely gorgeous, he's very kind too." I said.

"And his body?" Nico asked in a very serious tone.

"Uh, he's pretty fit if that what you mean. I guess he's a twink." I said, pretty unsure what Nico was getting at with these questions.

"Nice, good... I've been missing having a boy around." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, back in Italy, it's very common for younger and older guys to have `special' relationships. The ancient Romans did it all the time. Sasha sounds like a dream; I wish I had a boy like that staying with me!" He said, surprising me with his openness.

"Is that what you meant this morning, you miss your younger brother and cousins?" I asked, starting to put the pieces together.

Nico just smirked at me, saying nothing, but not denying what I was suggesting. My dick was growing in my slacks, running down my thigh. We ate in silence for a moment.

"Y'know, I had no idea you were into guys. At all." I said.

"Haha, I'm not surprised. You Americans are so oblivious. In Europe, people are much more fluid and open. Basically, you assume everyone wants to fuck everyone, until proven otherwise." He said.

I decided to be bold, if that's what he wanted.

"Well, I've been dying to spread my legs for you since you started working with us... you look like a fucking god." I said, looking right into his eyes.

He grinned and growled, "oh yeah? You want me to fuck you with this huge Italian cock?" he said, quietly.

"Oh, fuck yes. I want it bad." I answered.

He both smirked at each other and finished our meals. I stacked our plates and got up to throw out our trash, making sure to stick my butt out as I walked away. He was waiting for me by the door, his body bulging in all the right places.

He held the door for me as he whispered, "we'll take care of this some other time," slapping my ass as I walked by.

It was exhilarating to be treated like that as I was used to being the dominant one. I could hardly believe that Nico was interested in fucking me, and I couldn't wait to feel his big dick inside of me.

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Next: Chapter 14

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