My Co-workers Husband

By moc.loa@tcafraeB

Published on Nov 17, 2006



Over the years I have enjoyed reading hot stories on line and decided that it was finally time to write some of my own stories down for others to read. Some of the writings are true, some are partial fiction, and some may be pure fantasy. You can take them for what they are. If you are looking for reading involving twinks, gym bunnies or club kids then these will not be for you. I am a masculine guy and appreciate other masculine guys. So, that being said, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer here.

My Co-worker's Husband By Bearfact

My name is Jay and for as long as I can remember I have had an eye for normal down to earth hard workin men. There is nothing like the smell of a guy who has had a days work drifting around him especially if he?s rugged blue collar man! My looks are what I would call average, brown buzzed hair, reddish beard and stache, hairy, 5?9? and 220 pounds. I work in an office that is mostly women which is fine but miss the construction jobs I used to have when I was younger, to have the chance to be around other regular guys, shooting the shit and talking about guy stuff. The only chance I had to relate to other guys at work was any number of the delivery dudes would show up. I had gotten to be on a pretty friendly basis with most of them and it was always good to see them that day to have a quick back and forth chat about something that didn?t involve estrogen.

A new woman had just started working with our company a few days earlier. Her name was Pattie and she seemed nice, kind of quiet, but very sweet. One afternoon I was on my break out at the picnic table smoking my pipe, flipping through a biker rag I had and Pattie came out to enjoy the day for her break. She smiled wide when she saw me there and said, ?I didn?t know you smoked a pipe!? I chuckled a bit and said, ?I bet there are a lot of things you don?t know about me Pattie, but yes I have been a pipe smoker since I was about 16.? I am 40 now, so it?s been a while. She smiled again and told me that her husband was a pipe smoker and that he didn?t have any new friends in the area, since they had moved here, that shared his interests. Then she asked, ?Would you like to meet my husband? I am sure he?d like to meet another guy that shared his interests for pipes.? I thought that this was kind of strange, this woman trying to find playmates for her husband but, it went with her sweet innocent personality so I said, ?Sure, I?d be happy to meet the hubby. I know a few places to go for good beer.? ?Then she smiled big and said, ?That?s great! I can?t wait to let him know!? It was cute to see her so excited. I only hope her husband wasn?t gonna freak out about his wife setting him up with some dude he didn?t know but, what the hell. He will either appreciate it or not. No skin off my ass right?

The next day, Pattie came over to my station and said that her husband Drew was really excited about meeting me and wanted to know if we could hang out Friday night. I hadn?t really expected to hear back from Pattie so soon on this whole adventure and was a bit taken back by her enthusiasm but simply said, ?Yes, that would be great. Tell him to meet me at the Elm Street Bar around 6.? I gave her directions and she skipped off like a little school, waving her hand good bye as she made her way back to her station.

It was not easy getting through that Friday. Pattie kept smiling as she would pass telling me that Drew was really psyched to hang out with me. It was like she was setting us up on a date or something. Well, I guess she was, in a way. My stomach was in knots all day. I mean, I was gonna go hang out with some guy I have never met who is married to one of my co-workers. What if he was a stupid macho prick? What happened if he started talking about fucking women and shit? I guess I?ll just have to deal with that when I get there.

Well Friday night came and as I was leaving work, Pattie said, ?You boys have fun tonight and don?t worry about getting him back too early.? Then, she smirked! What the fuck? This was feeling very strange now. I made my way to the parking lot and hopped into the truck, lit up a pipe and headed off to the bar.

When I arrived, pipe in my pocket with the stem sticking out, I glanced around to see if I could scope out a booth. Luckily there was a two seater open in the far corner. I ordered a beer and then sat waiting. I didn?t even know what this guy looked like. Pattie told me that she would tell him what I looked like and what I would be wearing that day so, I just chugged at the beer and waited.

About 15 minutes went by and nobody approached me so I was beginning to wonder if this guy was even gonna show. Just as I had finished he pint, I heard a deep voice swoop down from above asking ?Are you Jay??. ?Uh, yeah,? was all I could muster as I looked up onto this giant bear of a man. I felt weak in the knees as I held out my hand to greet him smiling from ear to ear. He was well over 6 feet tall, full beard and stache, big thick hairy forearms, wearing Carhart jeans, flannel shirt, and the biggest work boots I have seen in a long time! ?Good to meet you buddy,? he said as he stuffed his 6?4? frame into the too small booth. Then we began to chat.

I can?t really explain it but this guy made me feel like we had been buds for years. We liked all the same things, fly fishin, beer, carpentry, and of course pipe smoking. He felt like an old friend. We had been chatting and drinkin for about 2 hours when he finally said, ?Well I think we need to go outside for a smoke don?t you?? You can?t smoke in the bars any more unfortunately. I said, ?Hell yeah bud, lets go out and pipe up!? So we lumbered out of the bar and I was feelin the beer but Drew didn?t seem effected at all due to his large frame. We pulled out our pipes and were leaning against my truck as we fired up. I had to steel a couple glances as he lit up to watch that handsome furry face get all smoked up. The thick smoke lingered in his stache as he rested the stem of a very nice straight Danish pipe between his perfect teeth. Then he turned to me as said, ?This is great to have a bud to kick back and smoke with. I have missed his for a long time now.? ?What do you mean?? I asked. ?Well I used to have a bud that I would get together with on a regular basis and hang out, have a few beers, shoot the shit, fool?..? Then he stopped himself. Was he going to say, fool around? He just smiled like he was having a fond memory and glanced down to the ground. There was an awkward silence and I then said, ?Do you wanna come back to my place and hang out for a while?? He turned his face toward me smiling through his pipe and said, ?Absolutely!? ?Cool! Wanna just take one vehicle then? I can drive and then drop you back here later.? ?That sounds good by me buddy.? We both hopped in the truck and pulled out of the bar parking lot on the way to my house.

Drew looked good sittin there in my passenger seat and I kept shyly sneekn glances over his way. ?Spose you don?t mind if I smoke in the truck do ya?? he asked lookin at me sideways with that grin. ?Hell no, fire one up bud. It?s not far to my place anyway? I replied.

We finally made it to my place and I offered the big bear a beer which he gladly accepted and sat down on the couch. Then, from out of the blue Drew asked me if I had any porn to watch while we hung out. What the fuck?? What was I gonna say to that? I mean I had porn sure but nothing that a straight guy would wanna watch. ?Well?.I uh?..? stammering along until he said, ?Its cool if you don?t have any?.? ?No,? I said ?I do have some but I don?t think you would appreciate it.? That?s when he said lookin right into my eyes, ?I?d watch anything you had bud.? Then he put his hand on my knee and gave it a firm squeeze. ?He buddy,? he said, ?you?re shakin in your boots there.? He was lookin dead into my eyes now and I swear is face was getting closer. Then, it happened. He leaned in and took his paw and put it around the back of my head and pulled me toward him and planted a big opened mouth kiss right on me! Wow! He was an amazing kisser. I was melting right into the sofa. The combination of his pure masculinity, the smell of the pipe smoke on his stache, and the roaming of his other hand up my thigh to my crotch was sending me straight into la la land. He pulled his head back slowly breaking the kiss but let his hand continue rubbing my throbbing hardon through my pants. ?So, how about putting on some of that porn you got and getting a bit more comfortable,? he said. Naturally I jumped up and went into the cabinet I kept the juicy videos and picked out a nice bear flick. I popped it in the VCR and turned back around to look back at him slowly puffin on his pipe and rubbin his crotch. There was very little talking that went on after that. I walked over and instinctively knelt down at his feet and began unlacing his dirty work boots. He smiled wide through the pipe stem and put his hand down and began rubbing my head. After I got his boots off, I set them neatly to the side of the sofa and began undoing his belt, then top trouser button and slowly lowered the zipper to his Carharts. I guess he enjoyed what was goin on because he let out a low moan of anticipation.

He must have been getting a bit impatient with me wanting to make this moment last because as soon as I got his fly down he just reached down and hooked his thumbs inside the waistband of his pants and boxers and slid everything down to his knees with one motion. There in front of me was the most incredible uncut cock I have ever seen! I was probably as perfect as you could get. I guessed it to be at least 8? long and a good 7 inches around with thick veins running all around it. I had no sooner licked my lips before that big paw can around the back of my head and pulled me forcefully down onto his cock. He growled deep as he pushed my head down to the base of his fuck stick and skull fucked me till my eyes were watering and I was continuously gagging. I fuckin loved every second of the assault on my throat. After a good 10 minutes of stuffing my mouth full of his cock, he pulled my head up so my eyes met his and he took a deep haul off his pipe, then took it out of his mouth and bent down and fed me the most amazing lung full of pipe smoke I had ever gotten from any guy, gay or straight. My head was swimming from the smoke and then he said one word, ?Bedroom.?

We stood up and he removed his jeans from around his ankles and I started to undo my belt when he stopped me and said, ?I wanna do that bud. Leave them on till we get to the bedroom.? So, I did what he asked and walked into the bedroom with him close behind me now only wearing his flannel and his pipe. We stopped at the end of the bed and I felt his big arms come around the front of me and could feel the heat of his pipe on the nape of my neck as he rapidly undid my belt buckle, top button, and zipper. My pants dropped to the floor and then he slid down my briefs. I stepped out of them. I felt his rough hands start to move around my balls and cock. He had me hard as a brick! Then one of his hands moved around to the back and was rubbing my ass. Oh man, this felt good! Now his hand was exploring my ass crack and I felt one of his thick fingers probe around till it found my pucker hole. I heard him groan a little as he began playing with it. Then he pulled his pipe from his mouth and put the stem to my lips and said, ?Keep this lit for me bud.? So I took the pipe in my mouth and puffed on it as I felt him spread my ass cheeks with both hands and kneel down behind me. The next feeling was of his thick beard and tongue working my hole over. I was moaning uncontrollably as he licked and sucked my fuck chute.

This went on for a good 15 minutes as I was bent over, smoking his pipe while he rimmed my ass like I had never been rimmed before! Then he stood up, reached around and pulled his pipe from my lips and that?s when I heard him spit into his hand. Damn, this stud was gonna fuck me! ?Do you have any poppers Jay? Cause I think this is gonna hurt a bit and they may help,? he said. So without hesitation I started to walk around the bed to the night stand and he pulled me back to where I had stood and said, ?I?ll get them, you stay here.? As he passed around me I took notice of how big that monster cock was! That thing was gonna be up my ass in a while and I wondered how long I could take it for! Then he found the poppers in the drawer and came back around behind me and handed me the little brown bottle. I took a good long haul off the bottle and started to feel my head swim just as I felt the head of his spit slick cock making contact with my ass hole. He put one hand on my shoulder and guided his cock slowly inside me with his other. I took another big whiff and tried to relax my ass but it still hurt like hell! ?Push out bud, come on let me in.? he coaxed and I did my best then I felt him slide past my ring and damn, he was on is way to putting that whole cock inside me.

The room was full of sweet pipe smoke and my head was spinning a mile a minute from the popper rush. Drew lifted me by the hips so I could kneel on the bed for him to get better access to my hole which was now full of his bear meat. As soon as I was at a better level the real fucking began. This guy turned into a raging animal and started to fuck me like I had never been fucked before by anyone! His thrusts were deep, hard and fast! I was ok for a while but then it really started to hurt as he pounded on my ripe prostate. ?Drew, slow down man, you are killin me here,? I said putting my hand back on his hip to get him to lessen the thrusts. This did nothing and he said ?Come on dude, I know you can take this. Stop complainin and enjoy it.? Well I was having a hard time enjoying it and made an effort to straighten up but he just pushed me back down and I started to panic a bit. Once again I made a stronger effort to pull away from him begging him to stop for a while but he wasn?t having any of it. Now I was near screaming from the force of his rod digging my insides like a jack hammer. This pissed him off a bit and that?s when he took this snotty bandanna from his shirt pocket and shoved it in my open mouth and covered it with his giant palm. With his other hand he grabbed my arm, twisting it back and my head fell to the bed. ?Now lets get this straight here bud. I am gonna fuck you till I am done and you are gonna take it! Your ass is mine for as long as I need right now,? he hissed through clenched teeth, still holding his smoldering pipe. I began to cry from the pain by now. It didn?t seem like there was an end in sight. I kept feeling like I was gonna black out from the torture then then the paces quickened. He started a low series of growling noises and banged me harder and faster. My ass had no muscle tone at this point and it was just a slick mess and I didn?t have a bit of fight in me. It was like I was a rag doll that this fucker was using to get off. Then it happened, finally. I gave one last deep thrust and stopped as he unloaded what I later found out was one of the biggest loads I had ever taken. Then as his cock was pulsing inside me his groan became a loud roar that I am sure everyone in the neighborhood could have heard. I was sobbing uncontrollably at this point and he thrust his whole body forward, cock still in me and pinned me face down on the bed. ?Shhhhhh , buddy its gonna be ok,? he said as he removed the spit soaked bandanna from my mouth. ?You did real good man, just relax and the pain will go away.?

He stayed on top of me until I had stopped crying and was gently rubbing my face and beard whispering in my ear how good I was. I didn?t really know how to respond but his touch felt really nice and my head was a mix of emotion I mean, this guy had literally just raped me! Part of me wanted to have him just leave but another part wanted him to stay and besides, I still had to take him back to the lot where his truck was.

After we had stayed that way for a while, I felt him pull his hips back and his soft cock withdrew from my swollen ass. As the head was coming out, he took the wet bandanna and inserted it up my open hole. ?I want you to keep part of me in you for a while longer,? he said and shoved the whole rag up inside me like a big tampon. Then he rolled off of me and turned me face up and put a pillow under my head. ?Stay here,? he said and got up leaving the bedroom then quickly returned with his lighter and tamper to relight his pipe. As he did this I was looking at what an incredible man he was. The guy that I had always dreamed of having was right here in front of me and I was torn between falling for him and hating him. Then he did something amazing. He got the pipe fired up and handed it to me and said, ?Smoke.? So I took the pipe and placed it in my jaw as I watched him drop to his knees at the foot of the bed and pulled me down by the ankles so my cock was right at his face. He then slurped my soft cock into his furry mouth. Wow! I was hard in seconds and reached my full 7? as he gave me one of the best blowjobs I had ever had. It didn?t take long for me to start saying I was gonnna shoot and that just made him go faster bobbing up and down on my prick! I was puffing furiously on his pipe when the orgasm hit me hard! ?Awwwww fuck!? I screamed as I blasted the back of his throat with a load that seemed like it would never end. Breathing hard, I just keep shooting stream after steam into that wet bear mouth. ?Fuck! Oh fuck!? was all I could say. He pulled his head up off my rod and smiled then I saw him swallow the whole thing. With and ear to ear grin on his mug, he crept up off the floor over me and took his pipe from my mouth and put it to his taking a deep pull of the smoldering briar and then gave me an awesome smokey cum filled kiss. How could I hate this guy? That was incredible! And I had very soon forgot the pain and torture he had put me through only minutes earlier.

We both just laid there for a while in silence and then he said, ?Well I guess you should drive me back to my truck now bud.? ?Ok, I said and we both got up and gathered up our clothes, got dressed and headed out the door. As we got to my truck, he pulled my shoulder back and turned me around to face him. ?Are we gonna be able to do this again Jay?? he asked as he bore into my eyes with his. Without hesitation, I said, ?Definitely.? Then we hopped in my ride and I took him back to the now deserted parking lot of the Elm St. Bar. He leaned over the seat and kissed me goodnight. I watched him hop in his truck, shut the door and fire up his pipe for the ride home. Seeing that all was good, I pulled out of the lot and drove home. My mind was full of mixed emotions about this guy and wondering what the next time would be like. I packed a bowl, lit it and turned on some tunes for the ride back. I could feel my bowls churning a bit as I remembered the bandanna Drew had left behind for me. That is one keepsake that I will hold on to for a good long time!

The End

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