My Co-Worker Adam

By Dakota Birch

Published on Sep 12, 2020



It was the day of Halloween at the office. Most people had dressed for the day, myself included. I decided on an easy costume, going as a caveman. The attire was basic: a furry shirt that only had one sleeve (allowing my other arm to be exposed and free, which gave ample sight to my hairy pits and chest hair which poured out the top of the shirt); matching furry shorts (which exposed my hairy legs); and mandals (aka, sandals for men). My costume was great and a true classic; it gave way to a hyper-masculine look and revealed plenty of my hairy body. I was proud at the many heads I turned belonging to my co-workers. I'd even overheard several men and women commenting on my body hair. Whether it be positive or negative, I couldn't much care. I was one of the only people to show a bit of skin.

One of the other people showing a bit of skin was my co-worker, Adam. He was a fellow hairy man, proudly displaying his pelt in his costume...which happened to be a caveman as well. However, his pelt was even thicker than that of mine. Everyone in the office was chatting about Adam and his hairy body. While all the women were disgusted, some of the men were impressed. The remaining men were merely boys if they truly couldn't appreciate an all natural hairy man's man. And fuck it, Adam couldn't give a shit what either the women or boys who didn't like his fur thought. He didn't dress for them (or even for the men who did appreciate his hirsute nature). Adam dressed for himself.

While I considered myself to be a pretty attractive guy with a well-sculpted body that reflected my dedication to the gym, Adam was the complete opposite. Adam was a rough looking man who emanated masculine energy. His testosterone-fueled perspective had encouraged him to grow a mustache last November for "Movember". What had initially started out as a classic chevron mustache had now become the cross between a Yosemite Sam mustache and a handlebar mustache. He'd grown out the mustache significantly over the year, now twirling the ends of his facial hair into curls that flipped upward. It perfectly complemented his new rugged aesthetic he'd come to call his own over the year. He now frequently wore Dickies pants and flannel shirts. He traded in his old work shoes for stylish boots (that were acceptable in a professional setting). Adam's new look also inspired him to stop shaving his entire head smooth everyday. Instead, he sported a thick bushy growth of fringe (almost four months worth of growth), which made a semi-circle around the crown of his head. While he almost had a full-blown natural N7, Adam always touched up the top of his dome to make sure not a single stray hair was growing. His head was made to be balding and he was dead set on enforcing that. Like me, Adam started balding early (his senior year of high school, to be exact). Unlike me however, he'd since embraced his balding head and proudly displayed his N7. Adam knew his balding was merely a sign of manliness and reflected his high testosterone level. Adam knew his balding was admired by other balding men and knew those with a full head of hair secretly desired to be like him.

I entered the bathroom and walked up to one of the urinals, pulled out my flaccid member out of the fuzzy caveman shorts, and began to piss a steady stream. I heard the bathroom door open and turned my head slightly to see who'd entered. It was Adam. Despite the several available urinals, Adam selected the one immediately next to me. He reached into his own fuzzy shorts and pulled out his beer can thick dick. My gaze couldn't help but wander down, getting a full clear image of Adam's penis. Not only was his cock thick; it was extremely hairy. I could see dark brown hairs growing more than halfway up his shaft. The hairs on his shaft sprouted from the dense jungle of pubic hairs which covered Adam's crotch.

"Like whatcha see?" Adam's deep voice asked with a smirk.

"Huh?" I said, quickly returning my mind to Earth. "I was -- I didn't --"

"It's all good. If I was you, I would've snuck a peek too." Adam said with a wink. "Glad to see I'm not the only one brave enough to bare some skin today." He said, changing the subject. "Correction. Glad to see I'm not the only one brave enough to show off their pelt today."

"My pelt?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, buddy. Your man fur." He said nodding at my hairy chest, shoulders, and back; where fur poured out the top of my shirt.

"Oh, my pelt!" I said, finally understanding what he meant. I finished pissing and shook my cock off, before returning my penis into my fuzzy shorts. "Yeah, I'm sprouting hair everywhere."

"Everywhere but your head." Adam added. He shook off his penis too and returned it to his fuzzy shorts.

"Huh?" I asked in a mixture of shock and horror. Had Adam noticed my thinning hair? Could he see the Toppik hair treatment I put into my hair daily to disguise my balding? Would Adam tell other people about my hair? We both flushed and walked towards the sinks and mirrors.

Adam could tell by my bearded face that I was alarmed by his jab. "It's a joke." He assured me. "C'mon, you really think no one can tell your hair is thinning? Seriously bro, it's clear you're going bald. Just look at it yourself."

And he was right. If looking, one could easily tell under the lighting that I was balding. Significantly.

"That Toppik stuff is expensive. I used to do it; did it for about a year. Then I wised up." He said, reaching a meaty hand up to rub his smooth dome. "You should do what I did." "Go bald?!" I said alarmed.

"Yes." Show off your balding. And proudly.

"But who would be proud to be going bald?" I asked in confusion.

"Any man. Going bald is a sign of masculinity and virility amongst men. REAL men." Adam emphasized. "You should be proud of your manhood and display it confidently."

"Like you do?" I asked.

"Precisely." Adam said with a big smile.

"Are you doing Movember?" He said, slightly shifting topics.

"I hadn't planned on it." I said honestly.

"Well you should reconsider. I'd love to have you on my team and think the other guys would love to have you join." He said.

"Movember is when everyone shaves their face to rock a mustache, right?" I asked unsure.

"Yes. While I sport a mustache everyday, it's a chance for other men to explore and experience what having a mustache is like - in addition to supporting a great cause." Adam stated.

"You started rocking a mustache last year, no?" I asked, remembering Adam's rapid change in physicality over the year.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. Excitedly he added, "It was the first time I felt truly empowered to have a mustache. While I'd wanted to sport a mustache since I was in elementary school, I never had the balls to proudly serve the manly look." He paused. "That is until last November, when a buddy of mine asked me to join his team for Movember. It was the first time in years that I shaved off my beard. It wasn't until that moment that everything felt...right." He paused again with a nostalgic grin. "For the first time, I felt like a true real man. Donning a mustache completely changed me. You have to remember my appearance older than a year ago, no?"

I thought for a minute. It was hard to reimagine what Adam was like prior to the aesthetic he currently had. But then the image came back to me: preppy, bearded, and shaven daily leaving his entire head completely smooth. He also had a very tight lean muscular body, which sported a ripped six pack (like I'd had until just a few months ago; now a small belly existed where my washboard abs had once been).

"I can see you remember." Adam said with a smirk. "I was a total pretty preppy boy. A goodie two shoes with no edge. I thought I was the man back then with my six pack abs, rock hard pecs, and perfectly maintained beard. But I was merely a boy trying to be a man." He said with sadness. And then his tone did a 180-degree flip, smiling, he said, "And now look at me. I'm proudly balding with a sick Yosemite Sam handlebar mustache. And goodbye abs, hello dad bod." He said rubbing his big belly. "Looks like you've gained some weight compared to when you first started."

And he was right. Over the course of approximately a year, I'd gained over twenty-five pounds, turning my once lean sculpted jock body, into a beefy burly man's body. "Look who's talking." I said, slightly embarrassed by my noticeable weight gain.

"I didn't mean it as an insult; quite the opposite in fact." Adam said, pausing briefly. "And yeah, I've gained some weight. I've put on over sixty pounds since last year. And you know what? It feels fucking incredible, buddy." He said beaming with pride. "Trust me, bro. Once you rock this classic look and channel your inner alpha beast - your true natural primal raw self - you'll never go back. I guarantee it. I'm willing to bet you $500 that you'll love it so much, you'll never return to where you're at now. I'm so confident that I'm gonna be right, that you don't owe me $500 or even a single $1, if I'm, wrong...which I won't be. Be honest with yourself tonight and fully unleash your manhood. Make this an experience you'll remember forever." Adam concluded with a wicked grin.

I did as Adam instructed, leaving my hangups behind and fully embraced my manhood, exploring and exposing my most masculine qualities. I returned to work the following day, a completely new man. I wore a classic flannel button down shirt and khakis; which I paired with a tie around my neck and loafers as shoes. Instead of the illusion I gave everyday of serving a full head of hair, I now displayed a smooth shiny top, with fringe (which had approximately six weeks of growth). Instead of my perfectly manicured beard, I now had a thick classic chevron mustache that made a small horseshoe-shaped turn downwards on each side. And Adam was right, I felt like the fucking man. It was everything I'd hoped for and much much more. The feeling of being hyper-masculine and the different way people interacted with me today than before was very noticeable. While before I'd been a handsome pretty boy...I now was a rugged beast of a man. Other balding hairy guys nodded at me or made idle small talk, clearly indicating I was now "one of the guys". And it felt so good.

Adam nearly fell over when he saw me, extremely happy with the change. "So how does it feel, bud?" He inquired with a huge smile.

I hesitated before responding and then exhaled. "You were right. It feels fucking amazing!" I shouted.

"Stick with me, buddy." Adam said. "I'll help you this first month as you transition into the man you were always meant to be."

"What about after November?" I asked with worry.

"Well we'll see whether or not you want to keep this look --" Adam assured me.

But I interrupted him, shooting back quickly, "I'm going to want and keep this look past November." I said with a look of commitment on my face.

Adam didn't need to hear anymore. "You and I are hanging out after work today, bro. At 4:30 be ready. I'll come to your desk. We're gonna kick it with our Movemeber team, drink some beers, and man-out together."

It sounded perfect and it was. Right at 4:30pm, Adam approached my desk. I was all packed up and ready to go. The two of us quickly rushed out of our work building, excitedly power walking to Adam's Jeep. We both got inside and exhaled in relief.

"Now, first things first." Adam said, reaching over to my neck and untying the knot in my tie and pulling the silk garment off the collar of my neck. He then undid one...then two...then three buttons on my flannel shirt; running a hand through my hairy chest. "That's better. Much better." Adam continued styling me by rolling up my sleeves as to best expose my furry forearms. He retrieved a small flask from underneath the seat of his car, unscrewed the top, and handed it to me. "Drink, buddy." He commanded.

I did as was told, taking a large swig from the potent alcoholic drink. "What is that, whiskey?" I said shuddering.

"It'll make you a man. Put some hair on your chest." He said with a sly smile. "Now finish the rest of it." He ordered. "C'mon. Once you're done, we can leave for the bar."

I brought the flask to my lips once again and downed the entire contents. "Ugh. That's strong." I said.

"Of course it is. The base is grain alcohol and moonshine." Adam said matter-of-factly.

All of a sudden I began to feel a strange sensation throughout my body. I first tingled and then felt like I was on fire, before feeling like it'd past. I looked down at my furry forearms which immediately began sprouting more thick hairs. I caught my reflection in the rear-view mirror and watched in silent awe - eyes wide, jaw agape - as I saw the pelt of hairs growing from my chest begin to thicken. I could feel the hairs sprouting out of my skin. It felt so right. So good. I noticed that while most of my body got hairier, my head remained the same. And then it began loosing hair by hair, until my dome was entirely smooth like Adam's. All that remained was the six weeks worth of thick fringe growth. I could feel my body shifting and looked down to see my small belly grow significantly by at least 50lbs. I shook my head in disbelief, rubbing my new gut, checking it was indeed real. My hands moved up to my pecs, which were now moobs with visibly puffy nipples stretched against my flannel shirt, begging to be unleashed into the public. I sat there in shock and turned to Adam.

"How...?" I asked, trailing off unsure how to finish the question.

"Don't ask questions. Just enjoy the first moments of being in your new body." He said reassuringly. "There's no going back now. Now, is the least hairy, least balding, and thinnest you'll ever be. The only way you'll change is if you happen to come across more of that special man-mixture and down some more."

"Go back?" I asked alarmed and confused. "Look at me, buddy. I'm a fat hairy balding mustached man. I'm the epitome of what it means to be a man! Why the hell would I wanna go back to what I was? A perfectly muscled pretty boy? Ha. This is the life. This is what being a man is about." I said, rubbing my belly again.

"Damn right." Adam said, reaching his arm around my hairy shoulder. "Nothing better than just being a man...except for being a man with a bunch of your buddies who are also real men."

(To be continued...)

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