My Closet Friend

By Floyd Fowler

Published on Feb 9, 2010


Okay here are the rules:

  1. If you are under the legal age to be viewing erotic material (18yrs or 21yrs in some places) meant for an adult audience leave this page now.

  2. This is a work of fictional erotica. It's not real. Any resemblance between real events or people you know is purely coincidental and the result of me being a bad ass writer who believes in realistic characters.

  3. This fictional work involves a sexual and romantic relationship between two males. If such material offends you then you feel free to leave.

Copyright 2010. All rights reserved by the author so please don't copy my work.

My Closet Friend: Todd pt.7

David gets a good look at my face, shakes his head and whispers, "Chill, not right now, later... Terrance is here." He nuzzles into my neck as a big grin spreads across my face.

"I said if you didn't like it." I remind him.

"You took that back and said I could do you anyway and I didn't like it."

"You lie." I can't believe he's...

"I loved it." He says, covering my mouth with his. Oh, okay but I still don't want to bottom. Maybe it'll be better if Terrance is here. I can't say I'd be embarrassed if I did it in front of him, it'd just be weird. Then I see Terrance creep back into the room. His head is cocked. I guess he's wondering why David isn't chasing him. He sees David on me, sees me seeing him and puts a finger to his lip. I bite back the question in my throat as David kisses down my neck to my chest. Terrance lifts up a hand. David hit's a nipple, something he's watched Terrance do time and time again.

I choke back a groan. Then Terrance's hand lands on David's upturned ass cheeks with a clap so loud it reverberates through the apartment. David flinches hard, the sharp pain causing him to yelp. I can't help laughing as he hops up, only to end up limping after Terrance. I can't help watching his sexy brown ass hobble around the corner towards the bathroom where Terrance always takes refuge since it's the only room with a lock on it.

Soon I'm looking at David again. He's trying to look mad but his face won't cooperate.

"You coulda said somethin." he tries to snap. I hop up.

"Sorry about that."

"You should let me fuck you right now fuh that." He says with a grin.

"Maybe, I don't really care if Terrance is hear or not." His mouth drops open. The only reason I would have a problem with it is that it would seem like David was trying to embarrass me but he`s not like that, he just wants up in me as soon as possible, "You want me to get him out here?" I ask. He nods. As I walk past him he grabs me from behind, pressing his shaft up into my crack, letting the underside of his dick press against my hole. It startles me but I just let him rub his shaft up and down. It feels weird but not bad.

"You've got one sweet ass." He says, leaning back. I roll my eyes and look back at him like duh-you-said-that-already. Then I remember it was Terrance, not him, that said that.

"Are we getting Terrance or do you want to do this now?" I ask like it doesn't matter to me. He grins. Stand up straight, flinches and crouches a little, pressing a hand on his lower back.

"Man I think you stabbed my stomach with that mammoth dick." I love the fact that he can joke about that. I laugh all the way to the bathroom. I put my finger to my lip and he wraps his arms around my waist, dry humping my ass again. As I knock on the door I'm looking back at him. His lip is sucked into his mouth, his mahogany skin shines with sweat from fucking all day, his eyes are closed, his head tosses back supreme bliss.

This boy is crazy.

"Open up." I say. Terrance opens the door without hesitation as he hears my voice. I have to jump out of David's way as Terrance slams the door onto his arm. David grins big as he pushes the door. Terrance isn't stronger than him but he's strong enough to give David some trouble. That and the fact that David can't really use his legs the way he should make the whole thing pretty pointless.

"Alright stop." I say, pulling David's arm out and pushing the door open. There my Terrance is. His dark body is crouched into a ready position, he doesn't want David to tackle him. I step into him and just hold him for a second. David scoffs behind us and says something that sounds like big baby. I pull reach one arm back and pull him into a group hug.

David blushes a little, happy to be included but not wanting it to show. Terrance rubs David's ass, even pushing a finger in and vibrating his hand a little, making David slap his arm.

"Stop." I say. David stops. Terrance keeps playing, "Terrance, give me this." He stops and lets me enjoy it. I've got two boys who love me. I've got my first boyfriend, my favorite person in the world and my other half in Terrance. Then I have my shy little top, the boy that loves me more than anything, my homeboy for life in David. I'm so happy I could dance.

"Ahhh..." David starts as I squeeze harder.

"Owwww fuck Todd." Terrance finishes. I let them go.

"Sorry." That's when Terrance starts playing again. First he smacks David's ass, a light tap not the resounding slap like in the bedroom. Then he does it twice, David ignores him. Then three quick slaps land and David grabs Terrance's hand. He pulls Terrance, who comes up to his neck, towards himself. A small wrestling match ensues. Terrance is just as aggressive as he usually is ANDt he fights dirty. Every time David looks like he's going to win Terrance slaps his ass hard. David still wins.

He's behind Terrance. His arms come up under Terrance's in a sort of martial arts hold.

"C'mon Todd." David says. I smile and reach my fingers towards Terrance's six pack.

"Stop... TODD STOP!" He yells as I brush my fingers against this exposed stomach. I think David adds some much needed balance to our relationship. Terrance would run me all the time if he wasn't here. That, and the fact that I know this is going to make Terrance so hot he'll need a dick up in him asap, is why I press my fingers against Terrance's stomach.

Terrance is helpless to stop me from making him giggle like a little girl. He tries to suppress it, tries to wiggle out of David's hold but he can't. His body strains against David's, his muscles giving out against his as his laughter echoes in the bathroom.

Then I thump his erection. The mood changes instantly. David looks hungrily at me, like he wants to be where Terrance is. Terrance lets out a slow breath. I crouch. I look down and hear both of them gasp as I swallow Terrance. David kneels too, I feel his hand scrape against me as he pushes his face into Terrance.

Terrance screams, his dick spilling his hot gooey load into my mouth. Some escapes because neither of us had expected this. Terrance is always the first to cum but he, usually, has to take care of both of us and ends up dropping his seed a good two to three times for every time David or I cum. He looks down at me. From the look on his face David's tongue hasn't stopped moving. I stand up, kissing Terrance before saying, "Excuse me."

The smile that graces his face is the smile is all knowing and unwilling.

"Give em a minute." he signs, poking is ass out so David can have better access to his hole. Terrance keeps that thing immaculate. When he's out all day he uses wipes before coming home, just in case one of us is too horny to wait till after his shower. He uses some fem products that are supposed to clean those hard to reach places and some that keep him fresh. He loves the way no one is afraid to stick a finger, a tongue or any other thing we can think of up there.

"I'll do that." As soon as I offer he jumps out the way. I guess David wasn't listening to us because he looks up, surprised. I grab my shaft by the hilt and wag it in his face. He gives me an irritated look before he lets out a huff and leans forward. I turn, making David scoot to keep my dick in his mouth, and push Terrance till he's bent over the porcelain tub.

I listen to David's slurping as he bobs up and down half of my dick, confidently making me cringe. Terrance gets on my nerves. No matter how loud, how rough or how much I eat his fucking ass he's pulling on my head, groaning like a dying man. It's annoying and makes me think I'm not doing a good enough job. Then David sucks one of my nuts into his mouth.

"Fuuucck." I groan against Terrance's clenching anus. David is getting good. I'm glad I fucked him all day, apparently he learned a lot more than I thought he did. He swirls my dick like an expert, teasing the head before swallowing as far as he can.

"Damn." Terrance grunts as his flaccid dick begins to harden, preparing for cum shot number two. David stops and I almost turn around to see what he's doing. Then I feel his tongue.

"Gahh!" erupts from my mouth as David attacks my ass the way I did his. Terrance looks back at my face then looks over at David's as he presses his neck forward. It's not an entirely good sensation, having his hot tongue trying to work its way into me. It doesn't hurt it's just new, I don't know how I feel about it until Terrance gets back there and joins him by swallowing the ten inch dick that, through years of constant intimacy, fits his throat like a glove.

The two of them work me over, taking turns on my balls and Terrance pausing to tell David how to do the freaky ass things he's doing to me.

"Todd?" David says as he rubs my ass cheeks.

"Wha?" I already know what's coming.

"How about now?" He asks as he slides a finger up and down my crack.

"Maaan, go ahead." I tell him as I press my hot, sweaty head on the cold porcelain of the tub. His finger is replaced by the head of his not-so-small, blood engorged and already leaking phallus.

The words "relax and breathe" become a personal mantra as David points his dick at my ass like a heat seeking missile aimed at the enemy. Terrance swallows me whole in an attempt to destract me with the throat muscles massaging my own blood engorged phallus. It doesn't work.

A grunt rises out of my chest. I can feel every vein, every curve and every crook in David's dick. It doesn't feel as bad as I thought it would but it feels bad enough to cuss David out over.

"David slow down!" Terrance snaps, smacking what I guess was David's thigh. David stops.

"Sorry..." he says, " just feels so goooood." he slurs the word. I just concentrate. Relax and breathe, relax and breath. Relax... breathe...

"Hold still you jack ass." Comes out of my mouth as David tries to slide forward. He's trying to be gentle but he's too excited. Every time he flexes his penile muscle I feel it and it makes me clench more. My poor ass is trying to push him out, to expel the intruder who dares to invade my body from the wrong end. I don't know how Terrance does this.

"DAVID!" I hear another slap land, "He's soft... and you're HURTING him."

"Want me to stop?" David asks, sounding scared and self conscious. I want to say yes. I want to say yes really badly. This isn't a muscle cramp, this is the kind of shit that makes you pray for a muscle cramp.

"Just... stay." I gulp in a lung full of air and renew my efforts to let him slide into me. He lets out a huff and makes sure not to move. I feel Terrance massaging my shoulders and wonder why he's standing up... oh yeah... my dick is a long, useless, deflated rubber tube between my legs. The pain is receding.

"Okay... slow." He goes forward, "OUT, slowly." He pulls out as slow, "Now forward." He goes forward inch by inch. I let out a grunt when it becomes unbearable, my hand reaching back to stop him, "How much is that?"

"Enough." David says, I can see the grin on his face. He knows that, despite the one time I dipped my dick balls deep in his gut, he can't take all of me. I guess he's sort of relieved that I can't take all of him.

"Then go." His hands are hot five fingered claws gripping my ass. In his every motion he tells me how much he wants to go hard, to fuck my brains out and thump into my spread cheeks like there's no tomorrow. Terrance just massages my arms, shoulders and my lower back. He kisses me to distract me, he tries everything he can to help. Finally he gets back under me and sucks in a nipple.

"Oh fuck." comes out my mouth as the sensation in my ass changes. The pain is still there but there's... something else.

"You like that?" David says as he continues to slowly drag that log in and out of me.

I nod. He looses his damn mind for a second and thrusts forward. I see red. It feels like a hot knife just stabbed into me. I react, reaching back and back hand his stupid ass.

"I said slow." I snap. He pulls out. I look back just in time to see his foot make a left turn. Terrance starts to go after him. I grab him, flinching as I turn.

"Stay here." I ask him, "please." He nods and sits down. I kiss his cheek and chase after David. He's in his room, sitting down and putting up his clothes.

"I'm sorry." He says, his voice shaking. I pull him into me. I can't believe it. It's weird to think about how much he and Terrance like me. My opinion seems to mean so much, my actions carry so much weight. I'm only human, I'm only me. I make mistakes.

"It's okay David."

"No it's not, it ain't cool and it ain't alright.. OKAY?" he pushes me away. I stand there. I don't know what to say. His face is sad but not crying, his voice shakes but something is off, "I thought you'd be like Terrance. Eager, sort of freaky, sexy... I,"

"I'm not Terrance." Is all I have to say. He puts his head on my chest.

"I'm sorry."

"C'mon, lets try again. If it makes you feel better we can..."

"You're bleeding." he states. My head cocks. He repeats himself.

I look back and spread my own cheeks.

"Oh... yuck."

"You didn't know?" He asks like I'm stupid, "I thought you was mad cause."

"Boy I'm not mad at you... it hurt and I got mad but I don't stay mad at nobody. You know that."

"Yeah." his eyes are full of wonder again.

"So we still cool?" I ask as my hands slide down to his ass cheeks.

"Yeah..." He says, smiling against my shoulder, "...we cool."

That's when Terrance pops his head into the room, "I know why it didn't work." He says, wagging the tube of lube at us from the main bedroom. David slaps his forehead.

"Again tomorrow night?" I ask. He nods. I sit down, flinching as my ass hit's the bed sheets.

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