My Closet Friend

By Floyd Fowler

Published on Jan 18, 2010


Okay here are the rules:

  1. If you are under the legal age to be viewing erotic material (18yrs or 21yrs in some places) meant for an adult audience leave this page now.

  2. This is a work of fictional erotica. It's not real. Any resemblance between real events or people you know is purely coincidental and the result of me being a bad ass writer who believes in realistic characters.

  3. This fictional work involves a sexual and romantic relationship between two males. If such material offends you then you shouldn't be on this site let alone reading this sausage bumping story.

On a side note: sorry it's taken so long guys, I sort of went through a straight phase for a little while. For those of you who've never done it let me be the one to tell you that sex with a woman can be magical... and disgusting.

Then again, so can sex with a dude. But I digress. I'll finish ALL my stories b4 I post any new ones.

Copyright 2010. All rights reserved by the author so please don't copy my work.

My Closet Friend: Todd pt.6 -------------------------------------------

"I used torn pieces of his sheets for tourniquets." I tell the doctor. My stomach feels like something less like butterflies and more like hornets is buzzing around in there.

"You did the right thing." The tall dark skinned doctor says, " Has his mom arrived yet?" I shake my head, "Well, his condition is stable. He didn't loose too much blood. He should be up for visitors soon." Then the doctor turns and leaves.

Terrance is quiet. That sad fear has clung to his expression like the last leaves on a dying tree since we arrived. I carried David, surprised both at how much blood was actually on the bed and how light he was, and put him in the backseat of my mom`s car. His little brother cried, Terrance panicked, I drove.

Now Terrance is thinking. He thinks it's his fault. He won't admit it but he does. So I just sit next to him. This is the only second time I've ever not known what to say to him about anything. He's sitting here punishing himself because David is in a hospital.

I can practically hear Terrance's thoughts. First, David will have to have a reason he did this. I don't know what he'll say, he hadn't expected to survive so I'm sure he hasn't thought about it. Second, everyone will wonder why we were there. Sure, at first they'll be happy but eventually they'll wonder and then they'll start asking questions. Then again, if David tells the truth (which I doubt highly) none of that will be necessary because he'll out all three of us at once.

Part of me is scared and part of me is ashamed. I'm not scared of my mom finding out I'm fucking Terrance. She has gay friends so I'm sure she'll be cool if not one of those moms that goes out and buys a shirt that says "Proud Mom of a Gay Son". It's Terrance's dad that scares me. I have no idea how he'll take this if it comes out. He likes me but he's crazy when it comes to his son.

I'm ashamed of being scared though. I mean, David tried to kill himself. That means he's got some serious issues. I'm sitting here worried about Terrance's dad possibly kicking him out when I know for a fact that, even with us being boyfriends or whatever, my mom would let him stay with us. She'd probably make him sleep on the couch and tell me to keep my hands to myself in her house. She'd trust me to do it because she doesn't realize the power Terrance has over me.

"He's awake." A Hispanic nurse says as she walks out into the hall where Terrance and I are sitting on the floor. As we stand up she asks, "Are you family?"

"We were with him when..." I start.

"Yes." Terrance says, interrupting me with a jab to the ribs. The nurse doesn't miss this. She gives each of us this unbelieving look as she writes on her clipboard.

"Look, only family are allowed to visit so..." She winks, "..I'll put you down as cousins. Go ahead." Terrance's eyes go wide and blinky. I thank the woman and head towards his room.

David is looking out the window when we come in. He sees our transparent reflections in the liquid night that separates the room and outside. He doesn't speak. Terrance doesn't speak.

"Hey." I say, my voice soft. David sniffs.

"Why?" his voice is raspy, like he just finished crying.


"Why are you here?" He rasps. This boy is mad as hell.

"He's the only reason you're still alive." Terrance whispers. So, apparently, he's mad too. Too much testosterone in the room.

"Oh..." David's mocking, "Thank you by the way." He points his head out the window, his eyes swimming with tears, "Now get out."

"Just... calm down." I say, my hand reaching for Terrance's and pulling him into the cushioned seat next to mine. The sudden spike in the gentle beeps of the EKG tells me how much that hurt him. Yet he doesn't loose it.

"David..." Okay maybe I should have had a plan or something. Maybe I should have started thinking of something to say before we got in the room. Of course hindsight is always 20/20.

"What?" David snaps.

"What are you doing?" falls out my mouth before I can catch it.

He goes limp against the hospital cushions and whispers, "living..." his eyes directed out the window, away from us.

"Why is that so bad?" Terrance reaches for my hand, needing attention. I, despite knowing that this might set David off, close my hand around his.

David's voice comes out in a quiet, choked sob, "Cause I'm a fag."

He sits there, trying not to cry. His shoulders shudder, the machines go a little crazy, Terrance tugs at my hand and I tear my eyes away from David to look at him. He whispers, "Chill Todd." with a scared look in his eyes before letting go of my hand. He gets up and as soon as he's in reach David wraps his arms around him. Terrance looks at me, asking if it's okay with his eyes. I nod. It's not in me to kick a man when he's down and this isn't just any man.

This is David. David who jumps up and down like an idiot when the pizza arrives. David whose clumsy ass can't walk without falling down but can run his ass off. David who used to hand me hustler magazines when nobody was looking cause he knew I`d like the model on page 7. David that fought alongside Terrance when he was almost jumped for calling some dude a fag , okay that's NOT the best example but this is David. My friend, Terrance's friend.

So he finally lets Terrance go, wipes his face and promptly starts pretending that nothing happened.

After that his little brother finally gets the nerve to come in. I decide it's best if they get some time alone and nod towards the door at Terrance. When we come out I'm thinking everything's fine. Sure the situation can get real bad real quick but David's alive, Terrance and I are fine... everything should be good right?

Yet we step into the hall and Terrance turns on me, "What are we gonna do?" he groans, slumping into the wall, sliding down till he's able to bury his face into his knees.

"Huh?" I say, sitting next to him and draping my arm around his shoulder. Oh my GOD am I crying? My eyes itch and my vision is getting blurry. I jump to my feet and turn towards where I pray to God there's a bathroom.

"Where you goin?" Terrance says, sounding on the verge of tears himself.

"Bathroom..." I mutter as I feel moisture sliding down my cheek. What's happening to me? I mean one minute I'm fine, trying to make sure my boy is alright and now I'm... fucking crying. The stupid moisture just keeps spilling over. Plus my heart feels like it's being strangled as I pull the bathroom door open.

I look at myself in the mirror, wearing the loud ass yellow shirt with a red paint brush strike hitting a drum that Terrance gave me. It strains across my... well... everywhere. My eyes are red. I wipe the tears away, trying to focus on the fluttering inside.

I dont understand why Im like this. My logical mind says everything is as good as its going to get. Davids alive and, God willing, is going to get the help he needs. Terrance is a little shaken but otherwise fine. I keep having to wipe the tears away. It's frustrating as all hell.

I just keep picturing all that blood left on the bed as I lifted David up into my arms. The way his body was so limp, I thought he might already be dead, even before I picked his skinny ass up. I've never been that scared in my life. Then I took his sheet and ripped it to shreds. Oh my God. Is it just now hitting me that my friend, one of my boys, just tried to kill himself?

I'm bowed over the sink trying not to cry, shivering like fly wings and ready to puke up the dinner I made for me, Terrance and David. Why would anybody want to kill themselves? I can't comprehend it, I can't imagine a response to that question and I don't want to. I guess I've never thought about it before.

Then gentle hands wrap around my waist. I look into the mirror at Terrance's dark face. His deep eyes lock onto mine, both of our eyes swimming with tears. I sniff and turn around in his arms to look at him. Then I break. Suddenly I'm holding him, soaking the thin material of the T-shirt he threw on to go to David's house. It makes absolutely no sense. I was just cool, just looking forward to David getting out the hospital.

"Shhh..." Terrance croons, "...everything's gone be okay Todd." ------------------------ five years later... ------------------------

I hear the music from the hall and start undoing my tie. It's A Night Off by Drake. I can't believe hes going to put me through this again today, doesnt he have anything better to do? Knowing Terrance he's probably put some food out, got a bath ran and everything. It'll all go to waste, I won't be able to get through the door before he's on me and he won't give a shit if he fucks up my suit. So I'm starting to undo the buttons while I'm out side so I can get this shit off quick, he won't give me a lot of time to get out my clothes.

I turn the door knob and push it open.

"Uh... hi." Comes David's voice. Meanwhile I'm standing here like a deer in headlights. Is he and Terrance supposed to be doing something? Terrance usually gives me a heads up when he feels like David wants some "alone time".

Then I recognize the look on his face. His brown eyes are looking at everything but me. His mahogany face tilted down like he`s afraid of embarrassing himself. His full bottom lip pulled into his mouth. Then there's his clothes. A simple tank top over his skinny chest and some basketball shorts, the clothes he wears after getting out the shower (if he wears any)

"Hi." I say, trying not to seem too surprised. He's already nervous as all hell.

"I was... this is..." He takes a deep breath, "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing."

"I was gonna go to the gym but..." I let the sentence hang, looking at the food on the table. Pizza, classic David. I take a deep sniff, "Smells good." He motions for me to sit down. As I walk through the living room I see into his normally pristine bedroom (he doesnt really sleep in there and hes usually a neat freak). Clothes are everywhere on the floor but laid out on the bed are a blue suit, a casual white outfit, and an amber tie, dress shirt and black slacks. I guess I caught him before he could finish picking something out to wear.

"Is this weird?" He says as I sit down. My lips pull into a grin. Honestly it's a little weird and I'm wondering what brought this on. I shake my head.

"A Night Off?" I ask after gulping down the pepperoni and Italian sausage slice of pizza. He just chuckles. Now that I think about it he and Terrance had classes today but that was earlier, it's late now. Terrance must be at Nuance, the music/art store he works at. I guess David took a night off. He's a mechanic thanks to his uncle teaching him and letting him work at his shop.

"So how was work?" He asks, still not eating either slice of pizza on his plate.

"It was cool." I make sure to smile big, inviting him to relax and chill with me, "You don't realize how lucky I am to have that job."

"What's so great about pushing papers for a bunch of lawyers?"

"It's a paid internship." I say, I can't believe we haven't talked about this, "That means I'm getting paid to learn."

"You nerd." He's getting comfortable, "Whatever, I still make more than you."

"Whose benefits are we all illegally sharing?" I ask that fool. He chuckles, "So what's this about?"

He smiles, his hands pressing together, "I... I just wanted to do something nice for you. We barely get to talk." He leans forward and fixes those chocolate eyes on me, "I mean... not just the two of us."

"Yeah, plus it's hard to have a real conversation while fucking Terrance from both ends." I say, drinking the Kool-Aid I know he had to fix. It's sweet, not tart like Terrance's. A week ago David kicked Terrance out the kitchen. It was funny.

"Yeah... that too." He chuckles.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I say, looking at the Kool-Aid in my glass.

"Something like that." He admits, "Is... is that cool?" I look up. The look on his face tells me he wishes he hadn't added that last part.

I smile and give him a thumbs up before draining my cup. He's been like this since he came home from the hospital. He was just lost for a minute there, going to therapy every week and not talking unless someone talked to him. Then, out of nowhere, he told his mom why he'd tried to kill himself, nothing about Terrance and I, just about his sexuality. She slapped the shit out of him after that, then told him that that was the stupidest thing she'd ever heard and started crying. After that he got a lot better. He gets self conscious when it comes to me but is like, "Fuck the world." When it comes to anyone who isn't me or Terrance or his family. Yet he only goes that extra mile for me, I don't exactly understand why.

"Is this on repeat?" I ask as A Night Off starts over.

"You don't like it?" He asks, putting his hands on the arms of his chair and leaning forward like he`s about to get up to change the song.

"It's cool, relax." I tell him. I get up, putting my paper plate in the trash. I turn around and catch his eyes running up my back. He grins like the kid with his hand in the cookie jar. I turn around and, instead of going to my seat, walk towards him. The smile falls as he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, a habit he indulges in when he's nervous.

"Just chill." I whisper, leaning down. He goes cross eyed as our faces draw closer. I press my lips against his and close my eyes. I've kissed him before but when Terrance isn't around we revert to platonic friend mode. It's David's fault. He's not a fan of the idea of being a bottom, I think he's scared but I`m not stupid enough to press him about it. His masculinity is just as important to him as Terrance's is to Terrance.

He kisses me back. His lips are like soft pillows of slick heat. I twist my face against his, my tongue slowly slithering around inside his mouth as our lips massage each others. He twists, pushing both our tongues into my mouth. I suck on his. He's trembling, practically shivering. My hands slide to his hips and I pull him up, still working my mouth against his as I pull him onto his feet.

Then, suddenly, he gets crazy. Out of nowhere he's pressing hard, trying to suck my tongue out of my mouth. His voice vibrates the tongue embedded in his mouth, my tongue. He massages my neck with a vice like grip, making my entire back feel like warm water is sliding down my body. Then it's my turn to groan. A moment later he pulls away. Then he flops back into his seat with his mahogany lips pulled into an embarrassed smile.

"Damn D." I say, a smile on my face. His mouth is spit slick and so is mine. He looks down and covers his face with his hands, rocking back and forth with laughter. Then I bend to kiss him again.

"So... you gonna bottom right?" he asks, his eyes locking onto mine as I pull away, calculating.

"I don't bottom," I say, "You know that." It's not that I'm scared. Don't get me wrong, I am a little but not of the pain. The whole thing just doesn't appeal to me. Terrance plays with my ass everyonce in a while when we're alone but it doesn't feel great, it feels good but I prefer having my dick played with. "You did for Terrance." He says, smug.


"I kind of beat it out of him this morning." David tells me while I'm straightening up and looking down at him.

"What are you...?" I begin but, of course, he doesn't let me finish.

"We had a little before school special when you went to work." He informs me, looking at the mass of flesh growing between my legs. Then my brain connects the dots.

"Oh shiiiiit." I say as my lips pull into a big ass smile. I know exactly what Terrance was thinking this morning, "Let me guess. You fucked, finished up and Terrance let something slip... didn't he?"

"Yep," David answers confidently, just knowing that I'm finally going to submit to him.

"Then he tried to get you to leave it alone?" My eyebrows rise twice. He looks confused.

"Yeah," David answers in a hesitant voice.

"Then he told you how to get me on my back."

"Yeah... Well, kind of." I guess he's calming down because he thinks I'm agreeing to do it, "He said to suck yo dick first. But this," He gestures to the room to indicate our little date, "wasn't his idea though." he says, his cocky smile not quite reaching his eyes.

"This was a great idea." I say, pulling him to his feet.

"Thanks." he says as he walks towards the master bedroom where we all usually sleep. He holds out his hand, waiting for mine.

"You know he set you up right?" I say. He gets quiet for a second, thinking. It doesn't take him long to get it.

"So you never?"


"Really?" Now he looks like the dear in headlights. I've known for a while that he's wanted to fuck me. It's only natural. When we're together, without Terrance, he's a different version of himself. He looses that cocky sarcastic shield. He`s excited and animated. Yet he refuses to talk about sex.

I've brought it up a few times but, even if we're not talking about us, he deflects and avoids the topic. Even when he's drunk and I'm not (which I never am, my mom raised a health nut) he won't even talk about considering the possibility of sexual alone time with me. It's funny cause this one time, when he was fucking Terrance, I came around and pressed my shaft against his crack. I was a little contact high but both Terrance and David were flying in the sky. We'd been fucking around with David's pot-head cousins and I`d been the designated driver. I had been trying to get him to go off on me all night. He jumped out his skin, pulled out and scuttled away with his palms up. I think Terrance almost died laughing.

"Really." I confirm, enjoying the way his eyes get wide.

"Wait." He says, my arms wrapping around him, "He tricked me?" His voice goes up at the end like he can't believe it. I nod. He takes a deep breath and grimaces, "So... uh" he says while stepping back and out of my arms.

"Aww hell naw." I say, cutting him off. I am NOT going to give up this chance. I got him alone, in my arms and horny. He doesn't have Terrance to hide behind, he can't tell me he doesn't want to, he can't change the subject and I'm not taking no for an answer.

"But I,"

"But you want me..." I say, taking his wrist and pulling him back towards me.

"We both tops." He says after shaking his head.

"You won't be tonight." I say, my hand reaching for the waistband of his basketball shorts.

"I don't want to mess up your clothes." He says as I pull him into me. I kiss his lips, my hand sliding around to grab his ass. He becomes putty in my arms. I got him, "Todd, I don't," then a moan erupts from his lips as I suck his neck, marking as mine. He starts another feeble protest.

"We're going to fuck," I say , holding his face so he has to look at me, "and you're going to bottom," He tries to pull away but I stop him with a look, "tonight."

"Maaaan." He softy complains, his lips pulling into a smile despite himself.

"Now, lets get you out these clothes." He shudders as I bend my legs, crouching and balancing on the balls of my feet. I pull off the blue basketball shorts, leaving his green boxers on. His dick, a sexy seven inches, is curved up and hard as a rock. It's already leaking too which is good, it means me saying I'm going to fuck him didn't turn him off at all. He looks down at me. I smile up at him. Then I open my mouth and swallow his entire dick in one take.

His voice rumbles in his chest. I feel him flexing his penile muscle, causing his dick to jump around in the tight sleeve of my throat. I silently thank Terrance, he taught me how to widen my throat muscles. I drag my lips back up then bob back and forth for a few minutes before letting his spit slick shaft drop from my mouth.

I snatch his boxers down and swallow him again. His knees tremble as I engulf him, inhaling the scent of Irish Spring and arousal as his pubic hairs tickle my nostrils. I drag my lips back, this time stopping at the head and slowly pulling him back in with suction alone. His little mahogany ass rises into the air where I place both hands on his clenched, dimpled cheeks. As soon as my hands make contact he whimpers like a puppy.

He leans forward over me. I hum, he flinches in my mouth. Then I do the unthinkable (for David anyway.) I put both of his legs on my shoulders and stand. Then I head towards the bedroom and, above me, hear the unmistakable sound of David whimpering as he passes into enemy territory.

The thought to just drop him in the bed crosses my mind but I don't do it. David would hate that. Instead I let him climb down like an awkward monkey. He stands for a second and avoids my eyes. Then I push him onto the bed. He props himself up on his arms, watching me undo my tie and pull it off my dress shirt. He's naked from the waist down with his legs

"Do I have to bottom?" He groans, complaining.

"Yes." I say, unbuttoning my slacks. I'm not paying too much attention to his objections. I'm too busy looking at his body. The three of us all go to the gym on Saturday. I go after work too to stay beefed up, I'm the biggest in both height and muscle. Then it's David but he goes to the gym just enough to keep the fat off and stay etched. Terrance is kind of thick but still cut since he focuses on staying flexible for me and D.

"If you top me I get to top you." David says like a little kid fighting over who gets to go down the slide first.

"Tell you what," I say, pulling off my boxers and letting my ten inches bob up and down between us, "If you, and yo sexy ass, don't like being bottom I'll let you fuck me... deal?"

He bites his lip before nodding. He smiles up at me as I climb onto the bed between his outstretched legs. I flatten my tongue and drag it up the underside of his shaft. I nibble at the head. His entire body jerks and suddenly his hands are on either side of my face. He shoves his curved dick back in. Apparently he's going to settle for fucking my face since he can't have my ass. I stop him, spitting his dick out and going down to his tender sac. He groans, his entire body going stiff as he spreads his legs. Good.

I push his body into the middle of my bed, messing up the silver sheet and blue cover. He doesn't stop me as I gulp his dick down again before moving back to his sac, he grinds his balls into my tongue. With my hands I spread his legs, pushing them up the way I would do Terrance. Then my tongue goes further and he flinches, surprised.

I, honestly, don't think he's ever even heard of this. Terrance doesn't let me do it when all three of us are in bed together. David doesn't watch porn unless Terrance and I are watching it together. My tongue slides across his unused entrance. He gasps. I don't think anyone has ever touched his ass. His legs spread as my tongue swipes up his crack like a credit card.

"WHAT THE FUCK TODD!?" He screams, ass fluttering against my tongue. I love how his body jumps every time I slide my wet tongue over his entrance. I force my tongue into his hole, answering him with his own straining voice. I've had a lot of practice since Terrance loves this as much as he loves getting dicked down. David tries to pull away, twisting and turning until he's on his stomach. Wrong move.

I wrap my arms around his legs, reinserting my tongue into him. He groans again, he can't take it, it's too much. I know he likes it, he sounds like he's in heaven. I pull him up, dragging his hands clutching at the sheets until we're mid air 69. He doesn't suck me in, but I knew he wouldn't.

I bury my face in his plump cheeks, his voice breaking. Then I push onto him, using my weight to pin him to the bed. I spit down into his hole, he wriggles around as the white glob connects.

"Shit Todd," He wines, sounding desperately sexy. Then I get real serious. I burry my face, forcing his hole open with my "long ass tongue" (Terrance's words). He pulls me in, letting my ten inches (I've done a lot of growing since High School) sit in his wet mouth. I attack his ass, sucking the poor guy like the pro I am. He's flailing against me, his dick leaking so much I feel the wetness on my chest. I devour his tasty ass, tongue fucking and sucking until his pulsing anus is dripping wet.

I lift up, listening to his labored breathing.

"Let me suck you first." He says as I reach for the lube. I roll my eyes. He's going to try to make me cum before I can fuck him. His head game is good but it ain't that good. I nod despite this and get on my back. He rolls over and stands up. He's already walking funny. His ass must feel like an alien landscape right now.

Poor David. The first time I offered him my dick to suck (he was hogging Terrance's mouth and Terrance was sitting on his ass) he looked at me the way a mouse looks at the snake. He was scared shitless. Now, as he climbs onto the bed, I see that same look only this time he's scared for his ass, not scared he won't do a good job.

I rub his back. He's doing a piss poor job but it's because he's desperate. He's not making me cringe, not making me moan. I'm doing all that as encouragement. His lips are just providing wet friction. After the first time he sucked me he got better as I kept making him do it. Lately he's been just attacking it without prompting but I think that's because he didn't want to give up Terrance's ass or mouth, whichever one his dick was in at the time. Like birds of prey my hands glide down his back before pulling his cheeks apart. His back arches, he chokes on me after trying to pull me into his throat. I play with his virgin, spit slick bud. He chokes again after trying to deep throat again. He's panicking.

"Relax," I whisper. He tries and as soon as his hole gives way a little I force my finger in. He grunts, the muscle snaps close around the first indent of my finger. He spits my dick out and looks up at me. Our eyes lock and, not for the first time, I see it. He looks like he's in awe, like he's staring at something so majestic, so beautiful, so terrifying it can't be put into words. It's weird to think about how much David likes me. I know David has had a high opinion of me since I stopped him from offing himself back in high school. He doesn't want me to fuck him but when we're at the club or even driving down the highway he talks to me like a kid talking to his dad. Like he's so excited to speak to me he can't get the words out. He talks to Terrance like the boy is his favorite lover, he talks to me like theres nothing he wont do for me.

I begin to wriggle my finger around as much as I can inside him.

"Todd." He groans, "I... I'm."

"Shhh." I croon, a smile on my face, "Relax David, have fun, it's me. You can do this with me cant you?" His face scrunches up for a second, like admitting it causes him pain. Then he nods, "There, that wasn't so bad was it?" He finally lets go. He still tenses as my finger slides in and out but he stops clenching so tight I can't get through. Then I find that little bundle of nerves that'll drive him mad. As soon as I make contact he presses his chest against my stomach, trying to get away from the sudden sensation he doesnt understand. He claws at my back and the sheets, not knowing what else to do.

Then I push a second finger in. His entire body tenses but he gets used to it and then I put in another. Terrance set him up too bad. He's been planning this for weeks. We were home alone two weeks ago and he wanted to watch some porn. We watched things from,, and a bunch of other first-time and first-encounter style gay porn. Now I'm just doing what I saw the porn stars do to prep. Fingers, tongue and lube, can't forget the lube. David would kill me if I forget the lube, and Terrance would kill me later after he heard about it.

I pull out my fingers and pull David's ass till his legs are on either side of me. I rub the spit slick budding hole as I lean over and open the drawer. Then I extract the clear bottle and pour a lot of it onto David's mahogany cheeks. He cringes as the liquid makes contact. Then he groans as I rub it in, using my finger to get it in deep. I really used too much but that's better than using too little. I just rub it all around his ass, making it shine in the light of the setting sun that hits his ass in long rectangles from the half open blinds. I start working his hard dick, making him support more of his own weight.

"Two things." I say, "Relax," He scoffs, like he already knew that, "and breathe."

"Breathe?" He asks like it's the stupidest thing he's ever heard.

"Breathe." I repeat. He starts taking deep breathes. I get onto my knees, pulling his legs together and placing them between mine. He starts breathing hard again, he's scared. Now I have to calm him down without letting him know I know he's scared.

"Aye beautiful." I whisper into his ear, rubbing his clenching asshole with my fingers again. He relaxes a little. I lean forward and let my shaft slide up his crack. Just like I knew it would his ass dimples as his cheeks squeeze.

"That's not relaxed." I say.

"Can we just not do this?" He asks like it's just a suggestion. I guess that, even though he wants it, it scares the hell out of him.

"I'm gone take care of you." I say. He surprises me this time.

"I know." He says, instead of pushing or pleading, "It's just... I'm nervous as fuck." he tries to chuckle.

"Tell you what, even if you love me doing this to you you can still fuck me later, aight?"

"Hells yeah." He groans as I let my weight push him deeper into the mattress, my piece pressed between us.

"You ready to do this?" I ask. He turns his head to look at me.

"No." he complains but with a smile. So I look down and grab my dick. I don't shove it in the way Terrance likes. I get up into a push up position, my legs spread behind me with his on the inside, and push in. He's not relaxed at all but it's now or never. I've done all the "prep" I know, now he'll just have to learn on his stomach.

I get the head in and even when he's trying to relax this boy is T-I-G-H-T. He's a virgin so I try to be slow. I really should've thought about how bad it'll feel for someone as big as me to be trying to break him in. Maybe Terrance should fuck him first? Well, it's too late for that. I don't know if Terrance tops anyway.

"Slow." David wines. I'm going slow but I try to go slower, "Shiiiiiiiiiiiit Todd." He wines again. I try not to laugh. I've never heard David sound like that. He wines every once in a while, when Terrance is riding him so hard his toes curl, but never like this. The deepness when out his voice leaving this high, soft melody. It's too bad that he, like Terrance, has this macho act that's always on. He sounds so sexy right now.

"Okay, okay..." he breathes deep and the air whooshes out.

"Feeling better?" I ask, he's still too tight for me to continue so, now, I'm at a stand still.

"Yeah," He groans, "just.. Hold, hold... ." I still can't believe he fought it tooth and nail and he wants this. These gay dudes need to just face it, you are what you are, you want what you want and you like what you like. The way he's been acting I bet he's never even put a finger up there. I finally feel the ring of muscle relaxing and, little by little, the pressure on my dick lessens. I push forward as gentle as I can.

"Damn David." My voice is a husky whisper.

"Oh... TODD." He gasps and, without warning, his ass spasms around my embedded dick. I know that feeling. I know it well. He just came.

"Whoa..." What was that? A blow job and three to five minutes of anal stimulation? Damn I'm good.

Without warning he's exhausted. That makes my job easier. He's still too small, too tight to fuck all buck wild the way I do Terrance. But the good thing is he's not fighting me anymore, he doesn't have the energy. David and I are the kinds of guys that busts our nut, roll over and fall into a light coma.

His legs spread, spreading mine in the process. I thrust forward and he grunts but doesn't scream or object. I don't use my entire length, he's not ready for that. Every time I get more than half in he flinches like I went too deep and gasps like I just stabbed his stomach. Then I pull out, ready to give up and resign myself to getting fucked as soon as he wakes up. He turns over, chest heaving, and frowns up at me.

"That hurts." I look down and raise an eyebrow.

I challenge his statement with a lazy backhanded slap against his up-curved shaft, "Doesn't look like it hurt."

His frown turns into a sheepish grin, "I didn't say it didn't feel good too."

"Yeah," I grab his shaft and a thought occurs to me. I wonder if I can lead him around by the dick the way Terrance does me? I pull him onto his feet and try not to laugh as I guide him to the wall. He looks at me with a question on his face, I take his shoulders and turn him around so he`s facing the wall. Then I start to take aim.

"Whoa Todd I..."

"David." he stops talking and touches the wall with his head, "Do you trust me?" He looks over his shoulder with a question on his face. Then his eyes get wide, his mouth drops open. I can see the moisture on his eyes. I thought he was enjoying himself and here he is about to cry. I suck at life. I'm the worse person in the world. I have to stop this.

"Yeah." He whispers.

"Huh?" is all that comes to mind.

"I trust you." A startled laugh flies out of his mouth, "I trust you." Then he turns back around, "Go ahead Todd, I'd do anything for you." I can't believe he said that.


"Really." He says with conviction before adding, "Just... don`t tell Terrance I said that."

Then I press him against the wall. He tries not to poke his ass out but his dick is in the way and I'm only pressing his chest against the wall. His right hand grabs the door frame, his left flattening out against the wall. This is his favorite position when he's on top. He loves fucking Terrance standing up with Terrance's little body pressed into a wall, or flat against a table. It makes it hard for me to get in his mouth.

"Breath..." I remind him before hearing the withheld air whoosh out his mouth. Then I take my dick in hand. I have to bend at the knees cause, nowadays, I'm a little taller than him. Then I pull thick shaft up towards his waiting back door.

"Fuuuuuck." he grunts as I enter him standing up. I keep my legs bent, my lip pulls into my teeth as the sensation of his sphincter muscles trying to squeeze me out. I kiss his back, shoulder then neck. Then I bite down. He screams as I stand up. I had hoped biting him would distract from me sliding more and more into him. It didn't.

He hops around a little, dancing around on his toes. His ass is gripping my dick, pulling me up with him, tugging me by the shaft and making me cringe.

"Fuck." I groan. I get him to stop by putting my hands on his hips. He looks back, blushing.

"Ow." He says with this little awkward smile I've never seen before.

"You like?"

"A... little." he's happy.

"Fast or slow." that causes his smile to drop.

"Slow..." He says like he can't believe I had to ask, "it's my first time."

"Aw man." I snap in an undertone. He starts to say something but as I pull out whatever it was becomes this insatiable croon. I push forward, stopping at the safe point, and he whimpers. He's so different from Terrance. He's running from it, Terrance never does that. I hold his hips still and soon he stops squirming.

Then I start moving around inside him. Each time I push a little more in his already squeezing hole gets tighter before relaxing. It's a slow, long process but he's trying hard to let me in. He even reaches back, pulling his cheeks apart. It doesn't help but I appreciate the gesture.

I push a little more in than before, past the safe point. He grunts, squirms but holds after a few seconds. I push in more. His ass clamps down and I can't go forward. I wrap my hands around his shoulders and withdraw nice and easy before sliding forward.

He groans nice and loud. I nuzzle his neck and let my hips work. His ass is so hot, so tight, so new to me. Fucking him is so much different than Terrance. The main difference being that he submits to me. Terrance puts me on the pedestal but David has me on the throne. I love my boys.

"You can go faster now." He says, trying to sound like he wants me to go faster.

"Alright." I speed up, still only sawing half of my length into his beautiful ass. The pressure constantly flexes but I'm not working as hard as before. Then, suddenly, I'm not working hard at all. He gasps as I, without meaning to, slam forward. My pubic area connects with his ass and he looks back and down like is all that in me? Then he smiles.

"Wow." he huffs, looking at me over his shoulder. I lean forward, pushing my tongue into his mouth. When I start again the resistance is back and I can't fit it all in but I keep up a nice almost quick pace. His voice vibrates my tongue. I swirl my stick around inside him causing him to break our kiss and sing.

Then every muscle in my body tenses. I slam forward. He yelps, surprised to feel the hot wet spewing out the thick dick plugging his backside. Blast after blast of nut accompanied by wave after wave of euphoria. Even with this slow fuck, I'm in paradise.

------------------ Several hours later... -----------------

David's sleeps on his stomach. His round cheeks are slightly pushed up. It's too bad he doesn't like to cuddle as much as Terrance. I like to hold Terrance after I pump a half ton of semen into him. I have no idea how many times I came in the last few hours and all of it is inside that ass, slowly leaking out. I thought about pulling him closer but it won't do any good, he'll just roll back over.

I look out the window to the left and check out the dark sky. I wish Terrance was here. He'd let me hold him. He'd want me to hold him. Then the door opens and there he is. He's wearing the polo and khaki that make up his work uniform. His dark face is confused. I sit up, David stirs and Terrance's mouth drops open.

"Daaammn." He whispers as David shifts, drawing a leg up and hugging his pillow and poking is ass into the air.

"Go head," I say as his fingers inch towards David's body. He lightly traces David's crack with his middle finger, pulls back them grins at the spit like string of goo that follows his touch. David mumbles as Terrance does it again.

"Yuck." He whispers, looking over at me.

"I've done that to you too." I say. He cocks his head.

"You be playin with my ass when I'm sleep?" He asks, pulling off his shirt.

"Not all the time." I tell him as he drops his pants, exposing the white boxers with little sniper targets all over it I bought him for his birthday. Then he strips out of them showing off his almost hairless, compact, dark body.

"What made ya'll do this?" He asks. I laugh. If this was a cartoon he'd have a little halo on his head.

"Boy you already know." I can't believe he's trying to play innocent.

"What?" He asks, sliding into bed.

"He's gonna wake up and shoot you."

"So how was he?" puts his head on my chest as he changes the subject.

I wrap my arms around him before saying, "It was awkward at first but he got used to me."

"He could handle all that his first time?" He asks, snuggling into my chest.

"No, he still can't." I laugh, "He runs from it every time. He got the whole shaft once though."

"Really?" He says, "Did he scream?" He kisses my neck.

"Yeah, but not when I shafted him, then his eyes got all wide."

"Was he scared or something?"

"Naw, he was surprised."

"I couldn't believe he put that whole tree trunk in me." David says, rolling over as Terrance grabs his ass over me. Terrance jumps out the bed as David lunges. He lands on my legs, ass up. I grab him, letting Terrance step back to stay our of reach.

David looks over at me and grins from ear to ear. He gets on his hands and knees and turns till he's parallel to me. He kisses me, pulling my legs apart so he can lie between them.

"My turn." He whispers. I feel my eyes widen.

He can't be serious, not in front of Terrance.

Next: Chapter 7

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