My Closet Friend

By Floyd Fowler

Published on Oct 25, 2009


Okay here are the rules:

  1. If you are under the legal age to be viewing material (18yrs or 21yrs in some places) meant for an adult audience leave this page now.

  2. This is a work of fictional erotica. That means that despite my sincerest efforts I have NOT been in this situation... yeah sucks to be me. Any relation to real life events and people are purely coincidental.

  3. This fictional work involves a sexual and romantic relationship between two males. If such material offends you then you shouldn't be on this site. Leave the site now.

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved by the author so please don't copy my work.

My Closet Friend: Todd pt.5 -------------------------------------------

Terrance lies in bed, still asleep. His dark chest rises and falls as he breaths. His body is so... relaxed. More relaxed than I ever remember seeing it. The constant and unnecessary need to prove he`s a man is gone. I used to think it was just the way he was. Always wired, ready to jump up and defend himself and his manhood.

Now he's soft. He's soft and beautiful and vulnerable. It's like he knows he's safe with me here, next to him, in his bed, alone. It makes my heart ache.

I have to pry his arm off my waist as I get out of bed. He murmurs, something that sounds like a complaint. I almost open the door but then I remember blinds over the sliding glass door to the backyard are probably open. If some of the guys are playing with Terrance's goal, and they probably are, then they'll be able to see me walk out the hall connecting Terrance's room to the living room. So I put on some boxers and some basketball shorts before heading into the kitchen.

As soon as I round the corner I see Jerome in the back with the basketball in his hand. I thank God I thought to put some clothes on. He's talking to David through the fence. He seems sad but I can see why. Even from this distance the black eye I gave David is dark as hell. So I'm faced with a dilemma. I can just make a quick batch of brownies for Terrance when he wakes up like I was going to... or I can go outside and see what's going on... even though I can pretty much guess why Jerome looks like someone just ran over his dog.

I guess I love to abuse myself.

As I walk out the house David and Jerome both glance at me. David, after seeing me, avoids my eyes. Jerome, after seeing me walking towards them with no shirt or shoes on, does a double take and goes back to talking to David.

"C'mon man... please?" Jerome asks. David just looks away, "So you jus get in a fuckin fight and what? I'm not supposed to give a fuck?" David doesn't answer.

If it was anyone else I'd think the two of them were fucking but Jerome is like that with all of us. It's apart of the reason we're all friends in the first place.

"Jerome relax." I say.

"So you was there?" He says. I nod, "Then who was he fightin?"

"Me." I say. Jerome's eyes are instantly as big as saucers. David turns away.

"David wait." comes out of my mouth. I look at Jerome for a second before I hop the fence. I already know what he's thinking. In this little group of eighteen year olds I'm the peace keeper. David and Lawrence have gotten into a fight, so have Terrance and Sean. I broke both fights up and patched things up between the guys. So he has got to be sitting there wondering what made ME hit David.

I don't really care. I catch David just before he hits the back door. As I grab his arm he freezes. I pull. He turns towards me and I wince when I see his face up close.

It's a mess. His eye isn't black, it's blurple. His lip isn't bleeding again but there's a scar and a bruise on the left side of his face, not just the eye it's on his face.

"What you want?" David says in monotone.

"I want to talk." I answer.

"Then talk Todd." He tries to sneer but kind of flinches. I think that lip is hurting him.

"Todd?" It's Jerome, "What ARE you doing?"

I keep my eyes on David, "Taking care of a friend." David's eyes go watery as I say that.

Jerome doesn't miss any of this. Nor does he miss Terrance walking out the house as naked as I am and looking worried. I see the wheels turning in his head as he looks from half-naked me to beat-up David to half-naked Terrance. Then he looks confused. I try to ignore him.

"Sorry about what I said." I say to David. He goes rigid and I see that fear of exposure I saw in Terrance. Why is everybody around here so afraid of being gay? It's stupid and pointless to be so afraid of yourself. I realize why they're afraid but... I don't know I just guess I'm not.

"You know... about the thing." I say. David relaxes and Jerome gets the hint. Jerome punches my shoulder before hopping the fence then retrieves the ball and stands next to Terrance, who still looks worried.

"Don't." David says after his shoulders droop.

"Don't what?"

"Don't apologize... I'm." He blinks twice and looks away, "I'm dealin... wit..." He takes a shaky breath and pulls out of my hand, "I'm chill Todd... I'm chill." He says before asking, "Can I go home now?"

"Nobody's stopping you David. Take care of yourself." As he shuts the door I have to admit it's weird. Seeing him after our "fight" (if you can call it that) you'd think I'd be mad or he'd be mad but it's not like that. It's not like nothing happened but we're still friends. He just knows not to fuck with Terrance. It's a little awkward but, given time, I think it'll be cool.

From the house directly behind Terrance's Lawrence, the guy who worships Terrance, climbs the fence and joins us for a game of two on two. Terrance is on the team with Lawrence and I'm with Jerome. There's an odd intensity to the game. It's like everyone is playing hard and trying to forget David's face. I know I am.

"What'd you say to him?" Terrance asks later, after the guys and their little siblings have gone home.

"Not a whole lot. Just checking on him." I answer as I season the chicken.


"Why not?" I finally turn to find him avoiding my eyes. As the silence continues to stretch I repeat, "Why not Terrance?"

"Man forget it."

"Okay then." I go back to the chicken. My hands are on autopilot because I always cook. Even at home mom hates cooking so I do it. Instead of focusing on the chicken, green beans and corn I'm making for dinner my mind wanders. David has got to be a mess but so is Terrance. Why am I so chill with this? It's not like I haven't thought about it. I don't think my mom would freak too bad if I told her and if she did I know she'd get over it. I don't have a dad to tell I'm gay, or bi or whatever it is I am.

"What you thinking about?"

"You." It's not a complete lie, he's in there somewhere.

"Yeah right." he chuckles. I smile as I begin to fry the chicken. He just watches from the little table as I work. For a second everything is silent.

"You think that's enough for three?" Terrance asks.

"I can make it enough... why?"

"Todd..." Terrance looks like he's trying to look cool so I roll my eyes, "We should go get David."

"Why?" It's one thing to forgive him but to have him come over again? I don't like him like that.

"You don't understand." His voice is steady but...

"You damn right I don't understand!" I'm not loud (I'm not exactly using my indoor voice either) but I'm not believing this, "What...? you still like him?"

"No... I."

Calm down Todd. This is Terrance. Terrance who has always been there for me. Terrance who always puts my needs ahead of his. The Terrance who can't keep his hands off me. He loves me. So I take a deep breath and look at Terrance's confused face, "Sorry for that... testosterone induced moment."

"You cool now?" Terrance says.

"Yeah I... I'm fine." I start flapping my collar. My body is hot as fuck and itching just under my skin. Adrenaline is pumping through my system and I'm all hyped up. Terrance is sitting there looking at me like I just sprouted wings out of my nose.

"I was just..." Terrance says, still giving me that look, "thinking he might want some chicken. Besides, I think he should hang with us."


"So he can be around you Todd. You who make me feel like being gay isn't the end of the world, you my dawg for life man, but you make it look so easy."

"Terrance, you're not making any sense."

"To be gay. You make it look so easy for a boy to like boys."

"Alright Terrance." I say as my feet carry me till we're face to face, "We'll go get David after..." He tilts his head and looks confused until my hands find his hips. He chuckles and his head hits my chest. I suck his hear into my lips.

"Shiiit." comes out his mouth as I trace the contours of his ear with my tongue. I lift him onto the counter. That toothy smile threatens to wrap around his face. I don't have to do much to tug his pants off, they're already around his thighs. He likes to sag so without needing much help they fall to the floor.

"Damn Todd, you're getting good at this." He gasps. I chuckle as I rub his hard wood through his boxers. He bites his lip, groans and fidgets around a little. Then I let go of him and pull my pants down. As I do he works his boxers off and they fall beside my pants and his.

I climb up onto the island/dinner table/bar or whatever it's supposed to be used for. He chuckles as I nuzzle his neck. We're both all smiles as I slide my hard wood against his. He cringes a few times but our eyes remain locked on each other's. He's so beautiful. That dark skin, those eyes, that smile. I love it.

My lips find his and my pelvis slides against his hard dick. His legs wrap around my hips as I work all kinds of sounds out of his mouth. His mouth opens into a big O as I begin playing with his nipple. His legs slide down a little and his hands reach down and tug at my stick.

"C'mon Todd... you know what I want by now. Don't you?" He wines in that deep voice. I nod, sitting up. He lifts his legs, placing them on my shoulder. I push forward.. We sigh together as I enter him. His insides flutter around my eight inches and my hips kind of buck. My chest returns to his, his legs return to my hips.

I thrust forward nice and slow. He can't stand it. When it's fast and sloppy he goes crazy, when it's slow like this I guess this is what he does. He freaks. He's already breathing like he just ran a marathon. He keeps saying little half-words like fuh and fas. I can feel his muscles tightening around my dick as I go slow. It's like he's massaging the cum out of me but that's a long way off. Right now he's right where I want him.

I kiss him again and work my hips as slow as I can stand to. His body cringes and humps against mine as I fill his mouth with my tongue. He sucks on it and massages my tongue with his, "Harder..." he mumbles against my lips.

I work myself into him, sliding till my pelvis touches his cheeks. I pull away from the kiss. I pry his legs off my hip and bring his left calve to my lip. I kiss his calve and before hooking my arms around his legs to bend him forward a little.

"Now!" He snaps. I really want to prove that I'm capable of not listening to him but... I'm not. He reaches down and starts working his leaking dick. I kiss any part of him I can reach. His arm, his chest, his nipples, his neck, his lips.

Soon he's groaning in a more familiar way as my pelvis slams hard into his upturned ass. I take his legs and push them down over his head.

"That's it Todd... that's it." He says as I fill his clenching hole with my dick. He's so flexible. I don't think my body bends this far. His own dick right above his head as I slam, fuck and stuff him.

"FUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screams. My dick is piston pumping him and soon I feel his ass bite down. His dick begins to spurt and even as I watch it spill across his face in creamy white globs. My hips go wild. I feel his hands pushing against my abs but I can't slow, not with his hot ass squeezing me so hard. My body hitting his ass rings out like applause. He grimaces and groans under me, his body sliding forward with each thrust.

My entire body goes ridgid. I'm silent but every cell in my body screams as I erupt inside of Terrance. He flexes his ass in time with each thrust and soon his ass is overflowing.

"Ooooohhhhh fuc." tears out of my mouth as my body becomes heavy. I slump down on top of Terrance. He wraps his arms and legs around me and bites the fuck out of my neck. I shudder and squirm with him clinging to me.

For a few moments we just breathe, looking at each other with tired, happy faces.

Then we're laughing. It's not like anything is funny we just catch a bad case of the giggles for a little second.

"Aight lets go feed this boy." I say as he starts packing food. ---

I ring the doorbell as Terrance stands there grinning like a fool as Terrance's little brother (whose name I've been told at least a dozen times and still don't remember) opens it. He tilts his head as he sees the food. I've already thought of this and I hand him one of the little containers.

"Where's D?" Terrance asks. The little guy points behind himself.

"He's in his room." with that he ducks out the house to go eat on the porch. The door closes and I let Terrance walk in front of me. I'm a titanic ass for doing this but I can't help pinching his ass while his arms are too full of food for him to do anything about it.

He drops the little containers of chicken as he flinches. He tags me good too, right in the chest. I rub the spot. Honestly he hurt me a little but he didn't put too much force behind it. I help him pick up the chicken.

When we get to David's room my stomach does this little flutter. It's not like shyness or arousal, it's more like nausea. Terrance puts his finger to his goofy grinning lips and knocks. I guess he doesn't want David to know it's us. That's when my arms start to itch and this nervousness just shoots through me. Where is this shit coming from? How do I stop it?

After a few seconds pass we get a little irritated. A few minutes later we're impatient. Terrance turns to leave but something in me doesn't want to go. It's not me, I want to leave but something is just nagging me. Terrance stops when he sees the look on my face. That's when I turn the door knob and push the door open.

There David is, curled up in his bed. His mahogany limbs are pulled close, his head practically touching his knees. I didn't know he was that flexible. Then I see the blood. It isn't gushing, it isn't overt and I don't think Terrance sees it. It's just a dot of red. Terrance starts to back out, I'm frozen.

Terrance's hand touches my face and I wake up.

"CALL 911!" I yell as I jump into the bed and grab David's bleeding wrists.

Next: Chapter 6

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