My Closet Friend

By Floyd Fowler

Published on Jul 3, 2009


Okay here are the rules:

  1. If you are under the legal age to be viewing material (18yrs or 21yrs in some places) meant for an adult audience leave this page now.

  2. This is a work of fictional erotica. That means that despite my sincerest efforts I have NOT been in this situation... yeah sucks to be me. Any relation to real life events and people are purely coincidental.

  3. This fictional work involves a sexual and romantic relationship between two males. If such material offends you then you shouldn't be on this site. Leave the site now.

I'm gone try to add a pic to this to show what the guys look like to me. I'm never going to add pics on the first part of a story but maybe the second or third.

My Closet Friend: Todd pt. 2 ----------------------------

"Maaaan C'mon!" I yell into the dim sky as Terrance runs over yet another guy twice his size. The boys never let us play on the same team cause he got the aggression but I don't back down from him. They say it helps to balance the teams out. If I'm real about it I gotta say that these guys are more than a little wack for letting him push them around like that but... I really can't talk.

This little ritual doesn't become normal until Terrance's dad leaves town on one of his business trips. Now Jerome and Terrance are more or less morning people while me and David are definitely night owls. Everyday Jerome is up at least an hour before the bus comes so when Terrance's dad is out of town he wakes the guys up. The rest of the guys refuse to get up and a few of them have thrown shit at him. The only reason I'm included is because I can't never been able to say no to Terrance. Why David comes is beyond me.

"I'm a beast in tha streets." Terrance yells, "Todd can't even hold me." Now we all know that none of us are ballers. We just do this to help stay in shape. Okay Terrance does it to prove himself and Jerome actually loves this shit but not me. I'm a literature freak. Ask me about anything from the meanings of Tupac's metaphors to what Paul Laurence Dunbar has to say about whatever. Hell I could say the Gettysburg Address backwards if I wanted to. Not to brag or nothing but I got a bright future planned.

The thing is. Ever since I can remember Terrance has always been included in that future. When I was in first grade I wanted to be an astronaut. I had Terrance all set to ride to the moon with me. I've never been able to imagine life without him and I'm sure it's the same for him. Well... I hope it's the same for him.

Terrance catches me staring again. He smiles big and jerks his head away. In truth it was playing ball that got us in this situation in the first place. It doesn't take much for him to excite me.

So now I don't even try to hold him. When I did earlier it got real quiet. I looked at Jerome and David's wide eyes then noticed they were looking at my junk. It's only eight inches which is pretty average... for a porn star. After a moment they just burst out laughing at the log swinging between my legs. It's a good thing they're so clueless. I tear my eyes from him and the boys start pointing at my junk and laughing again. Terrance laughs too. So do I.

"Aight man." Jerome, the future of aeronautics and the skinniest one here, says, "We gotta get ready fuh schoo." The guys head towards the fence.

"Todd you got that essay?" Jerome asks. I help him with literature and he helps me with math. It's a cool relationship. I nod. He says, "Cool bring it to homeroom so I can look at it."

I make a face and everybody stops, "I'm not going to be at school today." Even as I say it I can't believe it. Apparently the guys agree with me.

"WHAT? The valedictorian is skipping? What's the world coming to?" David (He's into politics thanks to The Daily Show), "What you boys got planned for today?"

"Yeah Todd you don't EVA skip skoo." Jerome says. They're both looking at me like I just sprouted wings out of my forehead.

"Me and Terrance are taking a personal day."

"We all know Terrance likes to skip school but what are YOU guys doing?" David again.

"Nothing." I lie.

"Naw it's gotta be somethin hella important if Todd is willing to blow off school." Jerome says.

"I convinced him he needs a break." Terrance says, "So chill."

"Man my mom's is home. We can`t skip today." Jerome again.

"Maybe we could get on the bus then Todd can come pick us up a block from school." David says.

"Ya'll wasn't invited." Terrance snaps but you can tell he's playing if you know him. Jerome keeps trying to find out what we're doing. David gets real quiet though. I just shrug it off though. David is pretty clueless about everything except old stand up comedy and new presidential policies. The boy doesn't get out much. So after a few more minutes of pointless banter with Jerome I remind the boys that the bus is going to come soon and they burn out.

"Man you a genius." Terrance says as we turn towards the house. My stomach is starting to clench again. After Terrance got up (and after I reminded him he was naked) he put on some shorts and limped out to yell at Jerome and David. I felt kind of bad watching him limp out there. I mean... it's kinda my fault. Well he ended up agreeing to wake me up and get the ball (David's ghetto ass could talk a snake into biting its own tail.) Then he came back and we had us a quick talk as I pulled on some clothes. First thing I said was that I couldn't believe what happened last night. Terrance said he could and rubbed his ass though his sagging basketball shorts. He asked me about what I said about us doing that again. I couldn't answer. Once was cool but... I don't know.

Don't get me wrong. I want to. I want to real bad but... can I? What would my mom think? I already know Terrance's dad would blow the fuck up and probably try to kick my ass (he already doesn't like his own son that much). I can see the head line now -Enraged Father Kills Son's Gay Lover- it would be a disaster. Not to mention the boys. They'd definitely stop playing basketball with us, or would they? I don't know.

Then again how can I not? I see him in this whole new light. His aggressiveness turns me on like crazy. He knows my spots and his ass is going to be hard to forget. His hands can barely graze me and it's instant wood down south. I can't stop myself. Plus he tastes real good.

I swear he could see the wheels turning in my head or something cause he rolled his eyes and gave me a quick peck on the lips. Did I mention he tastes reeeaaal good? After that quick peck he said we're not going to school today. I told him no dice cause I got grades to maintain. He cussed me out and told me what we're going to do. I cussed him out and told him he could kiss my ass. He found that funny, why? I don't know. He couldn't stop laughing for a minute. Then Jerome knocked on the sliding glass door again. He started begging and I've never been able to stand it when he does that. Since we were kids he would act a fool to get me to do whatever. Now I guess he knows I can be charmed cause he did his signature smile. His head tilted and he did this small sexy grin with his eyes all lit up. Then he kissed me again, this time forcing his tongue into my mouth. As soon as it was inside me I sucked on it as if my life depended on it. Tasting him as if gulping down water after months in the desert. He moaned and the vibrations from his voice rumbled inside my mouth too.

I melted like marshmallows outside in the summer. I said okay.

Alright... so what if I'm easy. Big fucking deal. It's not me anyway, it's him. He knows my every button and turn on and uses it all to his advantage.

So now we're back in the house, in his room, and he smiles that smile again and I know I'm in trouble.

"So what we doin today?" he asks.

"School sounds like a good idea." I say and try to make myself sound a little pissed.

"Fucking does too." He says in that deep voice. My dick tells me how much it likes this idea. I just roll my eyes.

"Terrance. We should talk at least a little." Great now I'm the one begging.

"That's why we're taking the day off." He says and gives me a look I don't like. A look that says are-you-stupid-or-what?

"Man you know I don't like to miss school."

"I know but... I... I wanted to let you know some things... about me." Where is this shy, vulnerable ass dude coming from? And where does he go when Terrance comes out and tells me to fuck him as hard as I can? Maaaan. I can't stand his sexy ass.

"Alright." I give up. I just give up. There's no point in fighting it when I know he's going to win.

"Cool." He tells me before pulling off his shirt and turning around, "You see this?" four scars run down the center of his back. It looks like someone was trying to scratch the meat off of him and succeeded.

"Did I do that?" I asks as I touch the marks. They look like they hurt.

"Naw... it wasn't you. That happened day before yesterday." He says.

He's fucking someone else? Wow, "Who?"

"Don't freak out alright." He says with his hands up, "It was a one... well three time thing. It's happened before but the dude says he still straight so we're not together or nothing." Now that situation is real fucked up. He had to settle for some dude who can't face the fact that he likes boys or me. I guess I'm the better choice cause I can admit I liked what happened with Terrance. He just keeps trying to explain to me how this dude isn't his boyfriend. I'm just waiting for a name.

I'm not nearly as mad as he thinks I am. Sure it's a little weird knowing some dude was fucking him the day before we hooked up but it`s not nearly as weird as it is knowing I was straight the other day. I can feel my mouth spreading into a grin as he keeps talking. I personally think it's Lawrence (band geek like Terrance). The boy puts Terrance on a pedestal at all times and never fails to kiss his ass. I let him explain a little longer before I have to stop him.

"What's his name?" He gets quiet, "I already know I know him. Just tell me his name."

"It's... maaan I can't just out somebody like this." He snaps.

"Really? I won't tell." I'm not lying. I won't, "Is it Lawrence?" I say when he gets quiet.

"Maaan, don't tell nobody."

"So it`s Lawrence." I knew it.


"You know what. I don't have to know for real." I let him know with a smirk.

"It was David." reverse psychology. He's too easy.

"Oh shiiit." I can't help it. It doesn't fit at all. David is the last one I'd have thought was into that. Jerome tends to fuck any and everything he can with his skinny ass so he was my next guess after Lawrence. Then Sean is a virgin and doesn't want to admit it. I figured he might not be gay but it's possible he is. But David? Not David with the steady girlfriend and hustler magazines that he used to lend to me. Not David who can't stand the fems in school (then again... neither can Terrance). Not David who is a known to be the best damn pussy giver in the state of Missouri. I heard he's so bad this girl named him Captain Tongue.

"Wow... damn. Wow."

"I think he saw me limpin too." Terrance laughs. I guess he's relieved I'm not mad.

"What? You think he knows?" I ask. Then a knock sounds from the glass and Terrance opens the door to his room and glances at the doors.

"Yeah I think he knows... that's him right now." He sounds worried but his eyebrows are pulled down into his intimidating look.

"C'mon." I say. He smiles big and positions himself between me and David so my hard eight inches (yeah I've measured... it was Jalicia's [an ex girlfriend] idea.) won't be readily visible. David gives us a look.

Terrance opens the door, "Wassup D."

"Not a whole lot. Just looking for that essay... for Jerome." He licks his lips and tries not to stare. He keeps blinking then staring then blinking. It's crazy. I can see it now. He sees some competition and he doesn't like it. He wants Terrance bad AND he don`t want to admit it. I can see through his little act like it's a window and on the other side he's wearing a rainbow shirt.

I know he's trying to get rid of me by getting the essay "for Jerome". Well I'm not worried. Terrance has wanted me for forever and I'm not going anywhere. Even if we don't work out he's my boy and I love him.

So I head into the bedroom and try to calm my "self" down. I think about my mom and my dick goes limp instantly. I can't believe I just thought that. I love Terrance. Even as I think it it's so true it hurts. I love him. I love him the way you'd love your best friend. The sex thing is just another part of it now. Damn. When I return with the essay David looks relaxed and not worried at all. He smiles at me big, the way he usually does. He starts to walk off and I have to remind him about the essay. I tell him to give Mrs. Stokes my paper after Jerome's homeroom. He says he'll tell Jerome to do it and leaves.

"So what did he want?" I say as Terrance pulls the blinds over the sliding door.

"He wanted to know why I was limping so hard. I told him we played one on one last night and I fucked up my ankle."

"That's it?"

"Naw he asked me if he'd see me over his house after school. That means..."

"I think I know what that means." I snap. Okay so I'm a little mad at him for saying it like it`s just so natural for this dude to say that, "You going?"

"Depends on you." I hate that all knowing look he has.

"Alright. Lets get down to business."

It's not like it sounds. We talked. We did a lot of talking. He brought up the time in third grade when he was all shy about seeing if I wanted to see who was bigger. I won but apparently he was the real winner. He said he couldn't help thinking about my dick after that. He had just been curious but seeing my junk pushed him over the edge. He told me it was beautiful.

"Man you don't even realize you got gold between yo legs." I try to push him off but he stops me with a look. He unzips my pants and pulls out my half hard rod. I can't help the groan that comes out of me as his fingers pull my dick to full erection. He points at the base and tells me how much he likes the soft fuzz and my pubic hair. He says something about the curve but he was also stroking me so I didn't get too much of that. My hips buck. He licks the head and tells me he likes the way it's shaped, he tells me I have a rounded bullet penis. I pull my junk away from him. We have to finish talking first and too much more of that tongue and I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

He tells me about my face and how sexy I am. Not the first time I heard that. Then he tells me about how cool I am. First time I heard that from him without something attached at the end that sounds like an insult. So I ask him something that's been irking me a little. I ask him why he's always so relaxed around me. Yeah we've know each other forever and we are best friends but I'm wondering, why me? He doesn't answer for real, I don't think he knows himself. He just says I'm cool to be around then tells me he used to peek at my dick when we were little and would pee at the same time. I tell him that shit is nasty and that he's a pervert.

The whole thing makes me feel a little violated for real. He's talking about all the times he's looked at me and wanted me or some other guy. I was so clueless. I didn't know nothing and didn't suspect anything.

Then I ask him why he didn't tell me he liked guys. He doesn't answer, he just gets this far away look in his eye then changes the subject. I know not to poke around where it hurts. So I start teasing him about his dildo and he shows it to me. I have to say it's fucking nasty. It's not juicy or anything and it doesn't smell (I guess he washes it after he's done) it's just all real looking. It looks like an actual dick except it's super black and shiny. So I got this big shiny black dick with all the veins and shit on it and Terrance begins licking my ear and I push him off. I slap him with the dildo and he snatches it out my hand and tosses it across the room.

We begin to wrestle. He's still aggressive but he's not nearly strong enough to pin me down. It doesnt even feel like hes trying to pin me. I end up on top (big surprise) and he's huffing and puffing under me.

"Damn you rough." I tell him.

"Yeah... I know." He wraps his arms around me and presses his lips to mine. The kiss is sloppy. His face twists and his lips grind against mine until I try to pull away. He just follows me and does it again. Damn I just can`t believe anybody is this hot for me. I haven't done anything to deserve this. His legs wrap around my waist. He's got me.

He moans against my mouth before sucking on my tongue. My hips grind him into the floor. My dick is rock hard instantly. He slides off from under me and I almost cuss him out for real. You don't get my dick hard enough to break rocks on purpose then decide you want to do something else.

"Get up." He says. Oh, okay so I get up and he takes me by the dick again, "Get yo ass over here." He says as he jerks me into another kiss. A groan comes out my mouth as continues squeezing my meat. Then he pushes me off him. With my dick still in his hand he starts pulling me out the room.

Why am I so fucking submissive to him? I didn't let Jalicia or Patricia order me around or play with me like this. He pulls me into his dad's bedroom. I've been in here plenty of times but he keeps pulling me into a door on the far side of the beige room. There's a bathroom on the other side of the room.

Todd turns around and slowly slides the shorts he's wearing off. He stands there with his ass facing me and I have to say that shit is so hot. The hair, the little round cheeks that are perfect for fucking. Just thinking about that tight hole wrapped around my dick has me leaking.

"So... you sure about this?" He says, as cocky as can be as he reaches down and starts rubbing my cum slit and spreading the pre all around the head. It takes me a minute to answer.

"Maaan you cheatin."

"Whatever. I suggest you cum over here and check this shit out." He just keeps talking hard. This boy is fucking insane. I must be too because I do as I'm told.

I walk up to him. He just grins against the wall as I slide my hands up and down his back and shoulder blades. He shivers as a begin to pull apart his cheeks. He cringes as I slide my finger up and down, feeling his hot hole. Then my hands are going back up and sliding across his shoulder blades up to his neck. I clamp my hand around his neck and pull it towards me. His ass smashes against the underside of my dick as I shove my pelvis forward while pulling his neck back. He shoves his tongue in my mouth and I suck on it. I rub my dick against his puckering hole as we kiss chest to back.

He groans against me and when we part there's a stream of spit connecting our lips. I keep my hips going as I feel up and down the front of his body. He wines a little but its not high like a females. Its low, deep and turning me on like crazy.

"Think I could ask you a favor?" he says as I pull his little piss slit open.

"What?" I ask after trying to find some developed hair somewhere other than his head and fuzz patch (front AND back). I don't find any.

"Could you suck my dick?" He groans as I grip it.

"Dude you trippin." I say dismissively but I'm playing with his dick so I can see why he doesn't take me seriously.

"Naw it's just that I don't give the little guy much attention. But he REALLY likes you."


"I'll suck yours."

"You was already gonna do that."


"Alright man damn." So I end up with my back against the wall tiles and him standing over me. My ass is on a towel because if I'm on my knees I'm too high. His dick is cool. It's not little but not big either. It's perfectly straight. Its dark like Terrance with its veins popping out everywhere. I stare the one eyed snake face to face for a while and I feel too stupid. Do I just pull it in? Do I lick it? What the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing?

As if to answer my question Terrance says, "Man do somethin."

I shoot him a dirty look and he smiles down at me as he adds, "Now." I open my mouth. He shakes his head.

"No, no. You gotta play with it. You can't just try to swallow me like that. You gotta tease a little first. Lick the underside." I flatten out my tongue and he says something about me having a big ass dick AND a big ass tongue. I press it to the underside and lick up then down. It tastes cool I guess. Pussy doesn't taste this good but it's not something to write home about.

"No Todd do it slow." So I drag my tongue across his underside slowly and look up to see eyes shut tight and his mouth wide open.

"Now try the balls." he huffs.

"Maaan how long is this gonna take?"

"Better pretend you nike and just do it." He makes a tsk sound when I sneer up at him, "Jack off while you down there. No one said you couldn't." So I start beating my meat. I can't believe I'm letting him run me like this.

"Alright damn." I say before licking up and down his shit again.

"Maaan what did I say? My balls are dry." I roll my eyes and almost stand up and tell him to bend "the fuck" over. But I'm curious. Plus I don't think I can tell him no even if I really wanted to. I lick down the shaft and pull one of his balls into my mouth.

"Awww fuck." he moans, "Aye make sure you flick your tongue while you suckin... awww that's it." I roll the tactical in my mouth and it's a little bitter but it's more than worth it to hear the sounds coming out of Terrance's mouth. I'm doing every thing he tells me and he's loving it. Dominate ass bastard. I don't mind doing this either though. It's weird but I think the whole `do as I say' thing is turning me on. So after I'm finished with the balls he tells me to open my mouth and stick out my tongue.

"You know how you eat ice cream?" he says, "That's the basics to how you suck dick. No teeth. Use your hands or don't. Just make sure it gets deeper than the ice cream would okay?"

"Okay." I say and I start. I pull him in and something thick and sweet begins leaking out of him.

"Man you gotta hum." He says with a groan. I hum and he cringes which makes me choke a little, "Use yo hands man." so I take my hand and grab the base. The excess skin slides up and down as I continue to suck him in and out. He groans loud as I keep jacking/sucking him while jacking my own dick.

The slurping noise is kind of sick but he says, "Hell yeah make that shit pop." so I keep doing it. It's weird having another man's dick in my mouth. Not weird because it's a dick but weird because of how natural it feels. I start doing shit he doesn't even tell me to do.

First I slide my wet lips down the side and he cringes. Then I start lapping at the head and he takes his dick and starts slapping my tongue with it. Then he sinks it back into my mouth and I pull it in and out with my fists. The head is leaking like crazy now and this boy is still trying to fuck my face. I pull his hips towards me so his dick slides down the side of my face. I'm not even going to try to deep throat that shit. I refuse. So I just kiss the side and slide the other ball into my mouth. He spreads his legs and I let his nut fall out my mouth.

"Alright... finished." I let him know. He looks down with this impressed look and I take his hips in my hands and pull. He grabs that lotion from his dad's cabinet and hands it to me.

"You still need me to suck yo dick?" He asks with a grin. I shake my head. I want to get in that ass right now, "Then rub that in." he commands. He turns around and I get a face full of that chocolate ass. He bends at the waist and toots his ass up in the air. I'm still sitting down so his ass is a little higher than my head. His cheeks spread without being touched and all I can think is Dayum. I touch it gently at first, lightly dragging my forefinger across the alien surface of his ass hole. Then I take the lotion and swirl it around, rubbing it in. Then I begin to push it in and out of him.

"Man get that shit in." He snaps as I tease him.

"Terrance." My voice is hard edged and warning.

"Todd." He challenges. I thrust a finger into him hard enough to push him forward. He exhales a lot of air and pulls my hand out of him. He turns around and his dick is in my face again. Then he begins to bend at the knees and my dick instantly tingles all over.

He lowers himself onto my dick and reaches around to guide me to his lubricated hole. My shit is so hard it's aching.

My hands slide across his cheeks as he just sits there with me inside him. He takes deep breaths before opening his eyes and grinning at me. I can feel his anal muscles clenching around my intruding rod. He begins bouncing while keeping his chest close to mine. He starts letting out this little huuh and hmm's as he bounces up and down my shaft. Then he leans back onto his hands. It's weird seeing his hard dick bob up and down as he grinds his ass into my dick.

"Oh... Fuck." he groans as he speeds up on me. He spreads his legs and I lean back and let him ride till his heart`s content. He keeps bouncing as hard as he can and I'm thrusting into it as much as I can.

"Ugh... ohhh...ffffffuck" he says as he fucks my dick with his ass. That's the only way to put it. He's in control and I can't help loving every minute of it.

He's so fucking beautiful. It's hard enough to think with this dude fucking himself with my dick but the look on his face is pure ecstasy. His bottom lip is sunk into his teeth and his eyes are halfway up into his eyelids. He's out of control. His body is going wild. His ass hole is clinging to my rod and sliding up and down and... and...

I don't know what comes over me. All I know is I grab him and stand up. His legs are in my hand. His body is hanging with my dick still attached. He swings away with every thrust before his ass re-engulfs my dick. It feels like he's trying to squeeze me out

"Push that shit in deep." He groans and I thrust as hard as I can then a slur of babble finds its way out of him. I grunt as my dick begins that pumping feeling. I can't hold out much longer. His back hits the wall as he clutches at me. Now I'm really pounding the shape out of his little ass. I just continue to slam my dick and hips into that ass and listen to it clap with my mouth open like duh.

"DAA-AA-M" he screams. Each thrust is so hard it breaks his voice. I feel his hands slide down my back and grip my ass. He claws my ass as I fuck his ass till it`s sloppy. He gets quiet and closes his eyes. Then...

"AGGHHH." erupts out my mouth and I'm flooding his insides again. It's soo good cause he's cumming too. His ass is squeezing me but it's pulling me in and trying to keep me there. I keep fucking him hard as my dick spurts into his bowels. I cum so much it bleeds out of him and trickles down my leg as I keep pounding my dick into that sexy cocoa ass. I can't help it. I slow down after a while.

Then I collapse. My knees hit the floor and he's still pressed against the wall. He's breathing in my ear. His breath cascades down my body like a waterfall as he pulls me close. His dark little body is hot as he clings to me. I take a moment to rest before I plant a kiss on his neck and scoop him up in my arms.

He's so light. Even though I just fucked him standing up I can't believe he's so light. He almost seems fragile with his body so relaxed. I just carry his limp body through the house back to his room. As soon as we're in there he climbs out of my arms and tells me to lie down. I do as I'm told and he just grins like an idiot as he limps to the radio and puts on a CD. After the slow track begins to play Rhianna begins to sing.

"Gotta keep it on the down low

I'll never let my momma know

Only call him on my cell phone

Only see him after dark

"I met him on the six train

just the way he said my name

the brotha had a lot of game

had me open from the start

"He scooped me up in his ride

Friday about a quarter to nine

So fly and so fine

And I'm so glad he's all mine"

He climbs into bed and lies next to me the way we used to when we would just chill. Our shoulders are pressed together and we're both real relaxed. It's just like when we were little. The only difference now is that we're naked and he's leaking my nut all over his bed.

"Thanks Todd." He says after a few moments.

"You say that like I did you a favor." I laugh.

"You have no idea how much this means to me." He sounds like he doesn't want to talk about it right now so I don't pursue it. All that comes out my mouth is, "Really? Hmmm." This makes him laugh.

"You my boy Todd."

"And you my closet boy Terrance." Then pull his legs over my hips, turning his body so he's facing me. I lay down on top of him and feel his warm body, his relaxed muscles.

Damn... I think I'm sprung.

Next: Chapter 3

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