My Choice

By ray hkg

Published on Jun 4, 2005


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 6

After about an hour, Master John said he would like a ride and told Jim to prepare the horse for him. When the horse was ready, Master John ordered Jim to continue his work and ordered me to follow him.

"Master John, but I..."

"Shut up, slave. A slave is always a slave and a slave must follows the order."

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir!"

I followed Master John out. This was the first time I go out naked, but wearing only the collar, cb, butt plug, tit clamps and manacles. Master John rode the horse slowly so I can follows the step with the manacles locked around my ankles.

I worried if someone would see my condition. But I forgot we were far away from the town and I have never met anyone else at the last time I rode with John. Moreover, I knew a slave has no choice but to follow the orders, no matter how humiliate the order was.

Master rode the horse faster and I have to run to follow him. But my ankles were locked and restricted my steps. I felt on the grass and I got up. I have to learn to run with the manacles without felling down. Finally, I got it but I was far apart from Master John. He stopped beside the river and I caught him up finally.

"Slave, you are too slow."

"Sorry Sir!"

"You will be punished."

"Yes Sir!" I replied. I remembered how Jim was punished last time. So I grasped my ankles and waited for Master John to whip my butt.

Instead of whipping my ass, Master whipped my back.

"One Sir! Thank you Sir!"

I counted and thank you for the whips. Master John stopped at fifteen and I kissed the whip.

"You are a fast learner, salve."

"Thank you Sir!"

After a rest, Master John continued riding the horse. He rode slowly and I could keep my step. I felt comfortable to walk naked under the sun. The grass felt good under my bared foot too. I enjoyed the time a lot.

Master John headed back to the house at about noontime. I was happy that Master John trained me as a real slave even he promised to train me for only 72 hours.

Master John told Jim that he wanted to have his lunch served when he finished the shower. He ordered me to serve him in the shower. I followed Master John to his bedroom and undressed him.

I turned on the shower with the suitable temperature and informed Master John. I washed and rinsed him carefully. Then I dried him.

I knew I needed to clean the bathroom before I left. Master John told me to go downstairs after cleaning the place. I quickly dried the wall and the floor.

When I was down the dining room, Master John has started eating his lunch. I kneeled beside him and my bowl was still empty. Master John has not feed me anything when he has finished his lunch. He put all the leftovers into Jim's bowl and I have nothing to eat.

I didn't know if I have upset Master John, and how. I have tried my best to serve him. I haven't made any complaint during the punishment. I did what I have been told. But why didn't Master John feed me? I wanted to cry but I tried my best to hold me tear. I didn't want to be punished. Jim finished his food and went to the living room. I collected the plates and the bowls, cleaned them and the kitchen.

I looked around in the kitchen when cleaning. I found there's nothing left for me to eat. A slave has no choice after one decided to be a slave. But I have the choice- to cease the training. But there's only a few hours left. Not having the lunch was not so serious. Moreover, I have decided to be Master John's slave after the training period and would ask for the position. How could I give up?

After I have cleaned the kitchen, I went to the living room and kneeled in front of Master John quietly.

Master John was reading the newspaper. Jim and I just kneeled and not making a noise.

I read from the clock the time was 3pm and there's two hours left. I hoped the time would past slowly.

Master John put down the newspaper and attached a chain to my collar.

"Walk on all four, slave."

"Yes Sir!"

Master John leashed me down to the basement. I walked like a dog. I have to be very careful when walking downstairs.

Down at the basement, Master John ordered me to sat on the floor against the wall near the showerhead. Master John locked my collar to the o-ring mounted on the wall at neck level. I could go nowhere. Master unlocked my wrists manacles and locked my wrists by the manacles mounted on the walls. My hands were locked above my head straightly.

Master John gave me the 2 plastic balls. I knew he would gag me again but he's not taking a gag but a hood. It's a latex hood with two small nose openings. As the mouth position, it has a tube and it forced my mouth open. The tube was connected to a funnel fixed at the forehead position.

When the hood was fixed over my head, I felt cool liquid was running into my mouth. It's beer. I was hungry and it' better than nothing. But the beer kept running into my mouth and I thought Master John has feed me with two or 3 cans of beer. Then I heard Master John walked away and left me alone in the dungeon.

With the effect of the beer, I felt I had to piss badly. But I was locked down and I was totally helpless. Lastly, I could not hold any longer and let go. I pissed myself and I was sitting on my own piss. My butt and legs were soaked with my hot piss. I felt very humiliated to have pissed myself, and sat on my piss.

It didn't take long for me to piss again. Another stream of hot piss added to the cool piss.

I heard the footsteps. Was Mater John come to release me? Would he punish me for pissing on the floor.

Then I felt beer ran down through the funnel again. I kept drinking the beer. Master John left after feeding me with beer for the second time.

I didn't know why Master John gave me the balls as safe word this time. I was not hurting but just sat on my own piss. Master John has kept his words and I have the power to stop everything when I wanted to. I pissed again and again and I smell a lot with my piss.

I didn't know how long I have been locked and sitting on my piss. But I felt very erotic. I knew I love the life of a slave no matter how humiliated it was. I wanted a strict master to take control over me, to train me, to punish me, to humiliate me.

Master John came and removed the hood. He unlocked me from the wall and ordered me to clean up the mess I made.

I washed my body and the floor. Before drying the floor, I made sure I have washed off the smell of my piss. Master John watched me do the cleaning. When I have finished, I kneeled and waited for his next order.

Master John ordered me to kneeled on all four.

"Slave, you have pissed without permission."

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir! Please punish this slave for the misbehavior."

Master John spanked my butt with a paddle and I counted for each spank. Master John gave me a total of ten spanks. Then Master John left the dungeon and I was kneeling on my four alone.

Master John returned with Jim after sometimes and said, "Slave, time's up. Stand up."

I stool as told. Master John removed the tit clamps and unlocked my ankle manacles. He unlocked my cb. When my cock was free, it erected immediately. I didn't know if I was too horny, or due to the lack of pubic hair. My cock seems much bigger than before. Master John unlocked the butt plug harness carefully pulled the butt plug out. I felt empty in my ass. Lastly, the collar was unlocked.

"Sam, you have finished your 72 hours slave training."

"Thank you Master John."

"You're welcome, Sam. But I am not your master anymore. I suggest you to take a bath to clean up yourself. Boy will serve you."

"Thank you Sam."

I went back to my room with Jim. He has prepared the bathtub. Jim washed me under the shower first.

"Sir Sam, your cook looks bigger with hairless."

"Yes Jim. I have never shaved before. And I like the feeling now. Jim, shave me please."

"Yes Sir!"

Jim took the shaving cream and the razor. He turned off the shower and applied the cream to my crotch. Jim carefully shaved me. I felt great and I was so horny. In the pervious 72 hours, my cock was locked and I couldn't touch myself. Now I was free and I couldn't keep my hand off my cock.

Jim was kneeling in front of me. I stroked my cock just a few times; I exploded all over Jim's face. I kept stroking and more and more cum released.

Then I moved to the tub. I asked Jim to stand in front of me. I licked his balls then his PA and cockhead. Then I enclosed his cock with my mouth. I enjoyed sucking cock. I sucked harder and harder and Jim cumed. I swallowed the cum and licked his cock clean. I told Jim to sit beside me and I kissed him. We had a long kiss in the tub.

I played his tit-tings and he moaned.

"Sir Sam, I have to prepare for the dinner."

"Ok, Jim. I'm hungry too. Go and made the dinner. I want to stay in the tub for a bit longer"

"Yes Sir!"

I kept feeling my hairless cock. I played with my tits. I wished to have my tits and cock pierced like Jim.

I dried myself and lay on the bed. The bed was so soft and comfortable. I fell asleep.

I was wakened by the knocks on the door.

"Come in."

"Sir, dinner was served."

"Ok, let's go."

Jim followed me to the dinning room. John, Ryan and Tony were waiting for me.

"Sorry! I have fallen asleep."

"It's ok Sam. You haven't had lunch and you must be very hungry."

"Yes John, Thank you."

Jim has prepared a very rich dinner and I ate a lot.

After dinner, we moved to the living room.

"Sam, what did you feel for the last 72 hours?" Tony asked.

"I have to tell the truth, I liked it very much. Sirs, may I ask if I can live as your slave?" I asked and I stood up from the sofa and kneeled down. I have not put on any cloth after the bat and I was naked.

"Sam, are you serious?" Ryan asked.

"Yes Sirs! I know I like to be controlled, I know I like to be humiliated, and I know I like to live as a slave. Sirs! I have found myself. Thank you Sirs to help me find myself. Sirs! I know I should live as a slave. Sirs! May I ask if I can be accepted as you slave?"

"Sam, I have to point out that if you really turn to be our slave, your life will change totally. It will be impossible, or very difficult for you to turn back again. Once we accepted you as our slave, we will modified your body and I have to warn you everything done cannot undo." John said.

"Yes Sirs! I wish to be modified as you slave. I wish to accept any modification done."

"Sam, you should know that we, as the masters, will decide how to mark you, modify you and you have no right to make any objection once you submitted as a slave." John said.

"Yes Sirs! I know I will never have a right to make a decision for myself anymore. Sirs! You have the absolute right to make all the decision for me and to take control over me."

"And a slave is the property of his masters, including soul and body." Tony said.

"Yes Sirs! My boy and soul belongs to my masters and my existence is only for my masters' pleasure, but not mine. Sirs!"

"Is it your final decision to submit as our slave, Sam?" John asked.

"Yes Sirs! I will never change my decision and willing to submit to be your slave, Sirs! I have quitted the job and given up everything before leaving the city to find myself. Sirs! My parents died a year after my graduation in a traffic accident and I was their only child. And I didn't have any close relatives but just some friends. The only belongings were some clothes and other stuffs packed and stored at a friend, Jack's garage. And I have returned the keys of the apartment to the landlord before leaving the city. Sirs! I only have a car and a bankcard of my account here. Sir! I have nothing to concern about and I really want to be your slave. Sirs!"

"Sam! We all want to have a slave in our family. You suit our requirement. I have to say that you did very well during the last 72 hours, but I have to point out that if you become our slave, you will be the lowest in our family, even lower than boy. Anyone in the house will be your master. Do you understand?" John said.

"Yes Sirs! I want to be the lowest slave in this house, Sirs!"

John stood up and walked to his study room. He returned with a piece of paper.

"Sam, read it carefully. If you accepted the terms and really want to be our slave, then sign it."

"Yes Sirs!"

I read the paper; it stated a slave has no rights as a human anymore. Slave will keep totally hairless, naked, collared and locked into manacles and chastity belt in order to show its status. Slave has to perform any duties as instructed. Slave is not allowed to use any of the furniture without permission. Salve will experience pain for punishment or for Masters' pleasure. Slave will be marked tattooed, pierced in any form Master thing fit to show its submission status. Master promised to maintain slave's health status.

I knew this is what I wanted. I signed next to "slave's signature". I handed the paper to John. He signed it, then Ryan, Tony and Jim.

John put a chain around my neck and locked it.

"Slave, from now on, you have to address me as Master John, Ryan as Master Ryan, Tony as Master Tony, and boy as Sir Boy. You are the slave."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John, Master Ryan, Master Tony, and Sir Boy."

"Slave, the collar will be soon be replaced by a permanent one. And we will decide how to modify you as our slave."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John!"

"Boy, take him down and lock the ankle manacles and cb back. Have the butt plug in place and no need for the harness. Then lock him on the floor and remove all the hair."

"Yes Master John." Jim said and he led me down to the dungeon.

Sir Boy locked my ankles, and he put the cb back on my cock. He told me to bend down and shaved my ass. The he lubed my ass and inserted a butt plug into my hole. It was larger than the pervious one I wore. But it wasn't too difficult to put it in place.

Sir Boy told me to sit at the same place I sat this afternoon. He locked my wrists to the manacles mounted on the wall. Then he took an electric hair clipper to remove my hair. Sir Boy removed the hair on my right, then my left and finally the center. Next come to my left eyebrow and my right.

Sir Boy applied shaving creams on my head and carefully shaved my shortened hair by a straight razor. My head was now totally hairless.

Sir Boy continued applying shaving cream on my arms and shaved them. I only have a little hair on my chest but Sir Boy shaved them as well. Lastly were my legs.

I was totally hairless at last. Sir Boy washed off my hair and ran his hair all over my body. The feeling was interesting especially on my head. I haven't shaved my hair before. Feeling Sir Boy's had on my hairless head is good.

My masters came to the dungeon naked and Master John checked Sir Boy's work.

"Well done boy."

"Thank you Master John."

"Slave, open your mouth."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John!"

All Master John, Master Ryan and Master Tony pissed on me at the same time. They aimed at my mouth but I could not take all the piss. I tried my best to drink as most as I could. Master John told Sir Boy to join them and for of them pissed on my.

Then my masters and sir pissed all over my body. I have drunk their piss and marked by their piss. It's so humiliated to be pissed all over my body.

"Slave, take a sleep and I will start marking you tomorrow."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John!"

Master John switched off the light and they left. I was locked and soaked with my masters' piss. I was happy to start my new life. I pissed myself before I fell asleep.

It's not comfortable to sleep in a sitting position with my hands locked above my head. Sir Boy has locked my collar to the wall too and my head has not fallen to aside. I waken in the total darkness and I smelt a lot with my master's dried piss. I pissed myself again. I could move my hands a bit and my legs too, but not my neck.

I waited to be unlocked by my masters and marked as their slave property. I smiled.

I heard the door was opened and the lamp switched on. Sir Boy was coming towards me.

"Good morning Sir Boy."

"Morning slave."

Sir Boy turned on the showerhead and washed me. Then he unlocked my wrists and collar from the wall.

"Slave, clean yourself and the place."

"Yes Sir Boy!"

I washed my body and Sir Boy was preparing for his enema. I washed the wall and the floor then I did the enema for myself when Sir Boy has finished his.

"Slave, hurry up but make sure you are totally clean. You have to do it yourself from now on."

"Yes Sir Boy!"

After 4 enemas, I inserted a finger into my ass and check for the cleanness. I inserted the butt plug back into my hole and went upstairs. Sir Boy was making the breakfast and he told me to set up the table. Master John called me from the study room and I moved to the study room without delay.

Master John ordered me to kneel on all four. He pulled the butt plug out, inserted a finger into my hole and put it into my mouth. I licked Master John's finger and he put the plug back.

Master John attached a leash to my collar and walked me to the dining room for breakfast.

After breakfast, Master John told me to clean up the dishes and down to the dungeon. I knew Master John would mark me today.

I went down to the dungeon, Master John told Sir Boy to unlock my ankle manacles, while Master John unlocked my cb and my collar, and pulled the butt plug out.

I have no idea why Master John freed me from any of the slave symbols. He told Jim to did the rest and will be back later.

I was told to on my knees. Sir Boy put on a pair of latex gloves and applied some cream on my head. It felt sticky. He rubbed the cream around my head and my face. Then I was told to stand up. Sir Boy rubbed my arms and armpits with the same cream, then my chest and abdomen. Followed were the pubic area, my cock and my ass crack. Lastly were my legs.

I wondered the purpose of applying the cream on my body, but I knew I should not ask. I felt a bit cool and then itching all over my body, where the cream was applied.

"What do you feel now, slave?"

"Master John! I felt itching on my body where the cream was applied."

"Good! The ointment is working. Boy and slave, go to my study room."

"Yes Master John!"

Master John put on a pair of dark glasses and handed a pair to Sir Boy. He ordered me to kneel down beside the machine and closed my eyes.

"Slave, don't open your eye unless you are told. I will use laser to kill the roots of your hair. After one or two more treatment, your hair will never growth back and will be as smooth as boy."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John!"

I closed my eyes and I felt Master John's gloved hand and a metallic object on my head. Master John moved it on my head slowly, from inch to inch. It took very long to have my head done.

The itch feeling was not so bad now. Master John has finished working on my eyebrows and then to my face.

Master John put a pair of glasses over my eyes and told me I could open my eyes. The machine product laser beam and emits through a "pen" connected to the machine. Master John told me to hold my hands back at my head. He worked on my left armpit and followed my left armpit.

I was told to stand up and Master John then told Sir Boy to take his place and worked on my arms. Master John kept watching over the process. When Sir Boy has finished, Master John told him to continue on my chest and abdomen.

Master John took over the "pen" when Sir Boy has finished what he told. Master John worked on my cock, pubic area and ass crack. Then Master John told Sir Boy to do the rest on my legs.

When Sir Boy finished the work, Master John ordered me to follow him down to the dungeon. He applied some "gel" all over my laser-treated skin. After a while, I felt it burns on my skins. Master John told Sir Boy to rinse me under the shower after fifteen minutes.

Oh! I have to stand with the "burn" for fifteen more minutes. Time past slowly and I felt very uncomfortable.

When the time was up, Sir Boy turned on the shower to maximum and washed off the "gel" for several minutes. Then he soaped me and rinsed 3 more times.

"Master John has done the process for his friends' slaves. One of the masters, Tom had a wonderful idea for his slave. He has his slave left some hair on the back of his head, read the word `SLAVE'."

"Sir Boy! That idea was great but very humiliate."

"Yes! But Master Tom liked it a lot, and so did his slave."

Sir Boy told me to go back to the study room. Master John has set up the exam table and told me to lie on it.

(to be continued)

Comments are welcomed.

This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 6

After about an hour, Master John said he would like a ride and told Jim to prepare the horse for him. When the horse was ready, Master John ordered Jim to continue his work and ordered me to follow him.

"Master John, but I..."

"Shut up, slave. A slave is always a slave and a slave must follows the order."

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir!"

I followed Master John out. This was the first time I go out naked, but wearing only the collar, cb, butt plug, tit clamps and manacles. Master John rode the horse slowly so I can follows the step with the manacles locked around my ankles.

I worried if someone would see my condition. But I forgot we were far away from the town and I have never met anyone else at the last time I rode with John. Moreover, I knew a slave has no choice but to follow the orders, no matter how humiliate the order was.

Master rode the horse faster and I have to run to follow him. But my ankles were locked and restricted my steps. I felt on the grass and I got up. I have to learn to run with the manacles without felling down. Finally, I got it but I was far apart from Master John. He stopped beside the river and I caught him up finally.

"Slave, you are too slow."

"Sorry Sir!"

"You will be punished."

"Yes Sir!" I replied. I remembered how Jim was punished last time. So I grasped my ankles and waited for Master John to whip my butt.

Instead of whipping my ass, Master whipped my back.

"One Sir! Thank you Sir!"

I counted and thank you for the whips. Master John stopped at fifteen and I kissed the whip.

"You are a fast learner, salve."

"Thank you Sir!"

After a rest, Master John continued riding the horse. He rode slowly and I could keep my step. I felt comfortable to walk naked under the sun. The grass felt good under my bared foot too. I enjoyed the time a lot.

Master John headed back to the house at about noontime. I was happy that Master John trained me as a real slave even he promised to train me for only 72 hours.

Master John told Jim that he wanted to have his lunch served when he finished the shower. He ordered me to serve him in the shower. I followed Master John to his bedroom and undressed him.

I turned on the shower with the suitable temperature and informed Master John. I washed and rinsed him carefully. Then I dried him.

I knew I needed to clean the bathroom before I left. Master John told me to go downstairs after cleaning the place. I quickly dried the wall and the floor.

When I was down the dining room, Master John has started eating his lunch. I kneeled beside him and my bowl was still empty. Master John has not feed me anything when he has finished his lunch. He put all the leftovers into Jim's bowl and I have nothing to eat.

I didn't know if I have upset Master John, and how. I have tried my best to serve him. I haven't made any complaint during the punishment. I did what I have been told. But why didn't Master John feed me? I wanted to cry but I tried my best to hold me tear. I didn't want to be punished. Jim finished his food and went to the living room. I collected the plates and the bowls, cleaned them and the kitchen.

I looked around in the kitchen when cleaning. I found there's nothing left for me to eat. A slave has no choice after one decided to be a slave. But I have the choice- to cease the training. But there's only a few hours left. Not having the lunch was not so serious. Moreover, I have decided to be Master John's slave after the training period and would ask for the position. How could I give up?

After I have cleaned the kitchen, I went to the living room and kneeled in front of Master John quietly.

Master John was reading the newspaper. Jim and I just kneeled and not making a noise.

I read from the clock the time was 3pm and there's two hours left. I hoped the time would past slowly.

Master John put down the newspaper and attached a chain to my collar.

"Walk on all four, slave."

"Yes Sir!"

Master John leashed me down to the basement. I walked like a dog. I have to be very careful when walking downstairs.

Down at the basement, Master John ordered me to sat on the floor against the wall near the showerhead. Master John locked my collar to the o-ring mounted on the wall at neck level. I could go nowhere. Master unlocked my wrists manacles and locked my wrists by the manacles mounted on the walls. My hands were locked above my head straightly.

Master John gave me the 2 plastic balls. I knew he would gag me again but he's not taking a gag but a hood. It's a latex hood with two small nose openings. As the mouth position, it has a tube and it forced my mouth open. The tube was connected to a funnel fixed at the forehead position.

When the hood was fixed over my head, I felt cool liquid was running into my mouth. It's beer. I was hungry and it' better than nothing. But the beer kept running into my mouth and I thought Master John has feed me with two or 3 cans of beer. Then I heard Master John walked away and left me alone in the dungeon.

With the effect of the beer, I felt I had to piss badly. But I was locked down and I was totally helpless. Lastly, I could not hold any longer and let go. I pissed myself and I was sitting on my own piss. My butt and legs were soaked with my hot piss. I felt very humiliated to have pissed myself, and sat on my piss.

It didn't take long for me to piss again. Another stream of hot piss added to the cool piss.

I heard the footsteps. Was Mater John come to release me? Would he punish me for pissing on the floor.

Then I felt beer ran down through the funnel again. I kept drinking the beer. Master John left after feeding me with beer for the second time.

I didn't know why Master John gave me the balls as safe word this time. I was not hurting but just sat on my own piss. Master John has kept his words and I have the power to stop everything when I wanted to. I pissed again and again and I smell a lot with my piss.

I didn't know how long I have been locked and sitting on my piss. But I felt very erotic. I knew I love the life of a slave no matter how humiliated it was. I wanted a strict master to take control over me, to train me, to punish me, to humiliate me.

Master John came and removed the hood. He unlocked me from the wall and ordered me to clean up the mess I made.

I washed my body and the floor. Before drying the floor, I made sure I have washed off the smell of my piss. Master John watched me do the cleaning. When I have finished, I kneeled and waited for his next order.

Master John ordered me to kneeled on all four.

"Slave, you have pissed without permission."

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir! Please punish this slave for the misbehavior."

Master John spanked my butt with a paddle and I counted for each spank. Master John gave me a total of ten spanks. Then Master John left the dungeon and I was kneeling on my four alone.

Master John returned with Jim after sometimes and said, "Slave, time's up. Stand up."

I stool as told. Master John removed the tit clamps and unlocked my ankle manacles. He unlocked my cb. When my cock was free, it erected immediately. I didn't know if I was too horny, or due to the lack of pubic hair. My cock seems much bigger than before. Master John unlocked the butt plug harness carefully pulled the butt plug out. I felt empty in my ass. Lastly, the collar was unlocked.

"Sam, you have finished your 72 hours slave training."

"Thank you Master John."

"You're welcome, Sam. But I am not your master anymore. I suggest you to take a bath to clean up yourself. Boy will serve you."

"Thank you Sam."

I went back to my room with Jim. He has prepared the bathtub. Jim washed me under the shower first.

"Sir Sam, your cook looks bigger with hairless."

"Yes Jim. I have never shaved before. And I like the feeling now. Jim, shave me please."

"Yes Sir!"

Jim took the shaving cream and the razor. He turned off the shower and applied the cream to my crotch. Jim carefully shaved me. I felt great and I was so horny. In the pervious 72 hours, my cock was locked and I couldn't touch myself. Now I was free and I couldn't keep my hand off my cock.

Jim was kneeling in front of me. I stroked my cock just a few times; I exploded all over Jim's face. I kept stroking and more and more cum released.

Then I moved to the tub. I asked Jim to stand in front of me. I licked his balls then his PA and cockhead. Then I enclosed his cock with my mouth. I enjoyed sucking cock. I sucked harder and harder and Jim cumed. I swallowed the cum and licked his cock clean. I told Jim to sit beside me and I kissed him. We had a long kiss in the tub.

I played his tit-tings and he moaned.

"Sir Sam, I have to prepare for the dinner."

"Ok, Jim. I'm hungry too. Go and made the dinner. I want to stay in the tub for a bit longer"

"Yes Sir!"

I kept feeling my hairless cock. I played with my tits. I wished to have my tits and cock pierced like Jim.

I dried myself and lay on the bed. The bed was so soft and comfortable. I fell asleep.

I was wakened by the knocks on the door.

"Come in."

"Sir, dinner was served."

"Ok, let's go."

Jim followed me to the dinning room. John, Ryan and Tony were waiting for me.

"Sorry! I have fallen asleep."

"It's ok Sam. You haven't had lunch and you must be very hungry."

"Yes John, Thank you."

Jim has prepared a very rich dinner and I ate a lot.

After dinner, we moved to the living room.

"Sam, what did you feel for the last 72 hours?" Tony asked.

"I have to tell the truth, I liked it very much. Sirs, may I ask if I can live as your slave?" I asked and I stood up from the sofa and kneeled down. I have not put on any cloth after the bat and I was naked.

"Sam, are you serious?" Ryan asked.

"Yes Sirs! I know I like to be controlled, I know I like to be humiliated, and I know I like to live as a slave. Sirs! I have found myself. Thank you Sirs to help me find myself. Sirs! I know I should live as a slave. Sirs! May I ask if I can be accepted as you slave?"

"Sam, I have to point out that if you really turn to be our slave, your life will change totally. It will be impossible, or very difficult for you to turn back again. Once we accepted you as our slave, we will modified your body and I have to warn you everything done cannot undo." John said.

"Yes Sirs! I wish to be modified as you slave. I wish to accept any modification done."

"Sam, you should know that we, as the masters, will decide how to mark you, modify you and you have no right to make any objection once you submitted as a slave." John said.

"Yes Sirs! I know I will never have a right to make a decision for myself anymore. Sirs! You have the absolute right to make all the decision for me and to take control over me."

"And a slave is the property of his masters, including soul and body." Tony said.

"Yes Sirs! My boy and soul belongs to my masters and my existence is only for my masters' pleasure, but not mine. Sirs!"

"Is it your final decision to submit as our slave, Sam?" John asked.

"Yes Sirs! I will never change my decision and willing to submit to be your slave, Sirs! I have quitted the job and given up everything before leaving the city to find myself. Sirs! My parents died a year after my graduation in a traffic accident and I was their only child. And I didn't have any close relatives but just some friends. The only belongings were some clothes and other stuffs packed and stored at a friend, Jack's garage. And I have returned the keys of the apartment to the landlord before leaving the city. Sirs! I only have a car and a bankcard of my account here. Sir! I have nothing to concern about and I really want to be your slave. Sirs!"

"Sam! We all want to have a slave in our family. You suit our requirement. I have to say that you did very well during the last 72 hours, but I have to point out that if you become our slave, you will be the lowest in our family, even lower than boy. Anyone in the house will be your master. Do you understand?" John said.

"Yes Sirs! I want to be the lowest slave in this house, Sirs!"

John stood up and walked to his study room. He returned with a piece of paper.

"Sam, read it carefully. If you accepted the terms and really want to be our slave, then sign it."

"Yes Sirs!"

I read the paper; it stated a slave has no rights as a human anymore. Slave will keep totally hairless, naked, collared and locked into manacles and chastity belt in order to show its status. Slave has to perform any duties as instructed. Slave is not allowed to use any of the furniture without permission. Salve will experience pain for punishment or for Masters' pleasure. Slave will be marked tattooed, pierced in any form Master thing fit to show its submission status. Master promised to maintain slave's health status.

I knew this is what I wanted. I signed next to "slave's signature". I handed the paper to John. He signed it, then Ryan, Tony and Jim.

John put a chain around my neck and locked it.

"Slave, from now on, you have to address me as Master John, Ryan as Master Ryan, Tony as Master Tony, and boy as Sir Boy. You are the slave."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John, Master Ryan, Master Tony, and Sir Boy."

"Slave, the collar will be soon be replaced by a permanent one. And we will decide how to modify you as our slave."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John!"

"Boy, take him down and lock the ankle manacles and cb back. Have the butt plug in place and no need for the harness. Then lock him on the floor and remove all the hair."

"Yes Master John." Jim said and he led me down to the dungeon.

Sir Boy locked my ankles, and he put the cb back on my cock. He told me to bend down and shaved my ass. The he lubed my ass and inserted a butt plug into my hole. It was larger than the pervious one I wore. But it wasn't too difficult to put it in place.

Sir Boy told me to sit at the same place I sat this afternoon. He locked my wrists to the manacles mounted on the wall. Then he took an electric hair clipper to remove my hair. Sir Boy removed the hair on my right, then my left and finally the center. Next come to my left eyebrow and my right.

Sir Boy applied shaving creams on my head and carefully shaved my shortened hair by a straight razor. My head was now totally hairless.

Sir Boy continued applying shaving cream on my arms and shaved them. I only have a little hair on my chest but Sir Boy shaved them as well. Lastly were my legs.

I was totally hairless at last. Sir Boy washed off my hair and ran his hair all over my body. The feeling was interesting especially on my head. I haven't shaved my hair before. Feeling Sir Boy's had on my hairless head is good.

My masters came to the dungeon naked and Master John checked Sir Boy's work.

"Well done boy."

"Thank you Master John."

"Slave, open your mouth."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John!"

All Master John, Master Ryan and Master Tony pissed on me at the same time. They aimed at my mouth but I could not take all the piss. I tried my best to drink as most as I could. Master John told Sir Boy to join them and for of them pissed on my.

Then my masters and sir pissed all over my body. I have drunk their piss and marked by their piss. It's so humiliated to be pissed all over my body.

"Slave, take a sleep and I will start marking you tomorrow."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John!"

Master John switched off the light and they left. I was locked and soaked with my masters' piss. I was happy to start my new life. I pissed myself before I fell asleep.

It's not comfortable to sleep in a sitting position with my hands locked above my head. Sir Boy has locked my collar to the wall too and my head has not fallen to aside. I waken in the total darkness and I smelt a lot with my master's dried piss. I pissed myself again. I could move my hands a bit and my legs too, but not my neck.

I waited to be unlocked by my masters and marked as their slave property. I smiled.

I heard the door was opened and the lamp switched on. Sir Boy was coming towards me.

"Good morning Sir Boy."

"Morning slave."

Sir Boy turned on the showerhead and washed me. Then he unlocked my wrists and collar from the wall.

"Slave, clean yourself and the place."

"Yes Sir Boy!"

I washed my body and Sir Boy was preparing for his enema. I washed the wall and the floor then I did the enema for myself when Sir Boy has finished his.

"Slave, hurry up but make sure you are totally clean. You have to do it yourself from now on."

"Yes Sir Boy!"

After 4 enemas, I inserted a finger into my ass and check for the cleanness. I inserted the butt plug back into my hole and went upstairs. Sir Boy was making the breakfast and he told me to set up the table. Master John called me from the study room and I moved to the study room without delay.

Master John ordered me to kneel on all four. He pulled the butt plug out, inserted a finger into my hole and put it into my mouth. I licked Master John's finger and he put the plug back.

Master John attached a leash to my collar and walked me to the dining room for breakfast.

After breakfast, Master John told me to clean up the dishes and down to the dungeon. I knew Master John would mark me today.

I went down to the dungeon, Master John told Sir Boy to unlock my ankle manacles, while Master John unlocked my cb and my collar, and pulled the butt plug out.

I have no idea why Master John freed me from any of the slave symbols. He told Jim to did the rest and will be back later.

I was told to on my knees. Sir Boy put on a pair of latex gloves and applied some cream on my head. It felt sticky. He rubbed the cream around my head and my face. Then I was told to stand up. Sir Boy rubbed my arms and armpits with the same cream, then my chest and abdomen. Followed were the pubic area, my cock and my ass crack. Lastly were my legs.

I wondered the purpose of applying the cream on my body, but I knew I should not ask. I felt a bit cool and then itching all over my body, where the cream was applied.

"What do you feel now, slave?"

"Master John! I felt itching on my body where the cream was applied."

"Good! The ointment is working. Boy and slave, go to my study room."

"Yes Master John!"

Master John put on a pair of dark glasses and handed a pair to Sir Boy. He ordered me to kneel down beside the machine and closed my eyes.

"Slave, don't open your eye unless you are told. I will use laser to kill the roots of your hair. After one or two more treatment, your hair will never growth back and will be as smooth as boy."

"Yes Master John. Thank you Master John!"

I closed my eyes and I felt Master John's gloved hand and a metallic object on my head. Master John moved it on my head slowly, from inch to inch. It took very long to have my head done.

The itch feeling was not so bad now. Master John has finished working on my eyebrows and then to my face.

Master John put a pair of glasses over my eyes and told me I could open my eyes. The machine product laser beam and emits through a "pen" connected to the machine. Master John told me to hold my hands back at my head. He worked on my left armpit and followed my left armpit.

I was told to stand up and Master John then told Sir Boy to take his place and worked on my arms. Master John kept watching over the process. When Sir Boy has finished, Master John told him to continue on my chest and abdomen.

Master John took over the "pen" when Sir Boy has finished what he told. Master John worked on my cock, pubic area and ass crack. Then Master John told Sir Boy to do the rest on my legs.

When Sir Boy finished the work, Master John ordered me to follow him down to the dungeon. He applied some "gel" all over my laser-treated skin. After a while, I felt it burns on my skins. Master John told Sir Boy to rinse me under the shower after fifteen minutes.

Oh! I have to stand with the "burn" for fifteen more minutes. Time past slowly and I felt very uncomfortable.

When the time was up, Sir Boy turned on the shower to maximum and washed off the "gel" for several minutes. Then he soaped me and rinsed 3 more times.

"Master John has done the process for his friends' slaves. One of the masters, Tom had a wonderful idea for his slave. He has his slave left some hair on the back of his head, read the word `SLAVE'."

"Sir Boy! That idea was great but very humiliate."

"Yes! But Master Tom liked it a lot, and so did his slave."

Sir Boy told me to go back to the study room. Master John has set up the exam table and told me to lie on it.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 7

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