My Choice

By ray hkg

Published on Jun 1, 2005


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 4

Finally, I clamed down. I found it's not abnormal at all. Everything liked lock and key. When one was giving, there's always another accepting. There's a chance in front of me, so why didn't I take a try? If I didn't like it, I didn't think there's a problem. But if I like it, then I could find the truth of myself!

I knew I had to talk to John about my findings. I went downstairs and John was inside his study room. I knocked on the door.

"Ah Sam! Please come in. You want to talk to me."

"Yes John! I have to tell the truth that I like what I saw today. Everything excited me a lot."

"So you want to see some more?"

"Actually, I want to participate, in Jim's position."

"I see. But do you think there will be any problem for you to act as a slave?"

"No Sir! I got a conclusion. Everything just likes lock and key. When one is giving, there must another one awaits for accepting."

"Good! But we don't play at all. We are always serious. Maybe we looked like playing but everything is true and real. You understand me?"

"Yes Sir!"

"I see. Maybe I can offer you a 72-hour slave life. Then you can see if you really want to be a slave. All you have to do is to obey orders. I know you are new but I will only treat you as a slave. And you have to trust me. Otherwise, the relationship will be over. So you still want to try?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Follow me, slave!"

"Yes Sir!"

John opened a door in his study room and it lead to the dungeon to the basement. I have been naked since I removed my shorts this morning. When we were inside the dungeon, I kneeled down and wait for John's order.

"Sam, you really want to participate as a slave for the next 72 hours?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Then you have to perform, act and look like a slave."

"Yes Sir!"

"And you understand everything is real and we are not playing at all."

"Yes Sir!"

"And I will be the Master and you have to call me as Sir when alone, Master John when we are with my sons and boy. You have to call them as Sir, understand?"

"Yes Sir!"

"By the way, this is your first slave experience. I will offer you a safe word. It's "Disneyland". When you find something I do is unacceptable, you use the safe word and I will stop immediately and everything is over. You will be my friend my guess Sam. Otherwise, your slave life will be ended after 72 hours. Is it clear?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you want to do it?"

"Yes Sir!"

"I announced Sam is my slave till 5 pm 2 days after tomorrow." John said and he placed a chain on my neck and locked it.

"Thank you Sir!"

John ordered me to walk to the tiled area. He attached a pair of handcuff under the showerhead and ordered me to stood there with my arms raised. John locked my wrists under the showerhead. Then he locked my ankles with the spender bar.

"You have to look like a slave for the next 72 hours. So I have to remove you hairs from neck down."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

John ran the hair clippers under my right armpits, then to my left. Afterwards, he started working on my pubic hair. I haven't shaved any of my body hair before. Now I felt very erotic- being locked up and shaved.

John took a can of shaving cream and applied to my armpits. He ran a straight razor to shave the hair under my right armpits and then on my left. Next, he applied the shaving cream to my crotch. John carefully shaved all my pubic hair and those under my balls. John released my wrists from the cuff and ordered me to move 4 steps from the wall, turn around, bent down and used my hands to hold my ass apart. John applied shaving cream to my ass crack and shaved my ass.

When finished, I felt my body. The felling was great. I have never been so hairless since I was a boy.

"Have I permitted you to touch yourself?"

"No Sir! Sorry Sir!"

"You will be punished."

"Yes Sir!"

John turned me around and locked my wrists back under the showerhead. He turned on the water to wash off the hair and the shaving cream.

Left me locked under the showerhead, John moved to a shelve and took something, then moved to another. He placed the stuffs on the table behind the sawhorse and walked back to me with a blindfold in his hand. He placed it over my eyes and I could see nothing. Then he played with my right nipple and then my left. I moaned for the pleasure. Then I felt a sudden pain on my tits. John has put a pair of nipple clamps on my tits. I yelled out.

"Shut up slave."

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir!"

John then fastened a belt around my waist. He took hold of my cock and placed a metal ring behind it. Afterwards, I felt a much tighter ring ran through my cock and balls and rested at the base of my cock, it must be the cock ring. Then I felt John took hold of my cock and insert it into something I didn't know. Lastly, I heard a click.

John released my ankles then my wrists. Finally he removed the blindfold and ordered me to look at myself from the mirror. My tits have a tit clamps with a chain connected. My cock was enclosed and locked up by a plastic tube. A metal ring placed behind my chastity cage and held in place by the waist belt. I found there's another belt hanged at the bottom of the metal ring unfastened.

John ordered me to kneeled down and stayed on all four. He applied something to my ass hole and inserted a metal rod into me. Then I felt water ran into me.

"Hold the water until I said you can release. If you loose a drop, you have to lick it."

"Yes Sir!"

Water ran into me slowly and I was full. Then John told me to release it to the toilet bowl. It smell a lot and John repeated 3 more times until it didn't smell.

John ordered me to walk to the sawhorse and lie on it. He fixed my wrists and ankles just like Jim this morning. Then I felt he applied the lube to my ass again. He inserted a finger into my hole and finger-fuck me. I haven't felt anything up my ass before today. It felt so good. Then he withdrew his finger and inserted another thing. It's much thicker than his finger and he kept pushing it. Lastly my ass closed.

"Easy slave. It's only the smallest butt plug. Get use to it."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Then the belt hanged from the cock ring was brought up and fastened to the waist belt at my back. And I heard another click sound. I knew the butt plug was locked in place.

"It's time to punish for your misbehavior."

"Yes Sir!"

Then I felt the pain on my right ass cheek. I yelled out.

"Shut up slave or I will stop only when you are quite."

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir!"

Another hit on my left ass check and I tried my best not to yell out. John hit my two ass cheeks alternatively and I moaned instead of yelled. He hit me five on each cheek and ordered me to kissed the paddle.

Still tired to the sawhorse, Master John pulled my balls. I was really turned on and my cock got as hard as it could inside the plastic tube. Master John took hold of my balls and I felt he placed something around above my balls.

When Master John has finished working with my balls, I felt my balls being pulled. Master John must have fixed a ball weight around my balls.

Master John released me from the sawhorse and locked a pair of manacles to my wrists and another pair to my ankles. I could say the weight was more or less the same to the set locked to boy earlier. Then Master John locked a chain to the ball weight and the chain of the manacles around my ankles. My balls were pulled by the weight and the chain. Without saying a word, Master John remove the chained tit clamps and replaced another pair of tit clamps to my tits. There's a weight under each of the clamps.

Master John walked me towards a "chain net". He locked my collar to a net, and then he told me to raise my arms and locked them to the net above my head. Master John left my legs free from the net but I could go nowhere. The net was very tight and I could go nowhere.

Master John left the dungeon and I was left alone. My tits and my balls were pulled by the weights. My cock trapped and a butt plug inside my ass. I was locked by manacles to the chain net. I was totally helpless, but excited.

My tits started to hurt, and so did my balls too. But I didn't hate the pain at all. And I could say I love the feelings. I used my legs to keep simulating my balls by pulling the chain.

Master John returned with Jim. Jim was surprised by seeing me locked in such a condition.

"My new slave seems enjoying the pulls on the balls."

"Yes Sir!"

"Boy, this is my new slave till 5pm on the second day after tomorrow. Unlock him from the net and go together to prepare for the dinner."

"Yes Master John." Jim said and he unlocked me from the chain net.

"Slave, follow me to the kitchen."

"Yes Sir boy." I said.

A few hours ago, Jim had to call me as Sir. And now, I was the slave and have to call everybody as Sir. I was the lowest in this house.

The weight of the manacles was not a problem, but it kept pulling my balls. I walked like a prisoner, or even worse than a prisoner. The tit clamps still kept pulling my tits.

Jim told me to help him for the cooking like washing and cutting the vegetables. It was not easy for me to do with my wrists locked by manacles, but not impossible.

"Sam, how come you become a slave?"

I still embarrassed be being a slave from a `Sir'. But this was my own choice and I have to tell the truth.

"Sir, I was excited by watching what have happened to you today. And I know I like the scenes. Then I found out I wanted to be at your position, Sir. So I told Master John I wanted to participate in your position. Master John offered me the position as a slave for 72 hours."

"I see! And I know you enjoyed it very much too."

"Yes Sir! But how do you know, sir?"

"Remember I have told you that the cock never lie? Your cock is rock hard inside the cb."

"Sir, what is a cb?"

"Cb stands for chastity belt, that's a chastity device."

"Chastity device?"

"Yes slave! A slave is a property of his Master so the Master owns the body and the soul of his slave. The duty of a slave is to serve his owner his Master. Master John locked it to you in order to prevent you from playing with your cock, or better said, his property."

"Sir, I only know women were locked in chastity device in the old time. I don't know there are chastity devices nowadays, even for men too."

"Slave! Chastity devices are popular in current SM lifestyle. There are different kinds of chastity devices on sale on the internet, and mostly for men. Many men have their cock locked up to prevent from too much masturbation. Even the straight guys, they like to show their loyalty to their wives, have they keys of their chastity devices held by their wives too. And you like the pain?"

"Yes Sir! But I haven't felt much pain yet. I have been whipped by a paddle 10 times only."

"Then how about the ball weight and the tit-clamps?"

"Sir! I can for the pain right now, but I don't know how long I can stand for it."

"Good! Master John is right. You have the potential to be a good slave."

"Thank you Sir! I will do my best to perform as a slave."

Jim did the cooking mostly. He made the steaks and I did the vegetables. I followed Jim's order to do my job. Then he told me to prepare the table.

I set the table for 3, Master John, Sir Ryan and Sir Tony. Followed a dog bowl on the floor in between Sir Ryan and Sir Tony. Lastly another dog bowl on the floor next to Master John- for me.

Jim informed the Sirs when the foods were served. I kneeled next to Master John's seat. My balls were ok but my tits hurt.

"My sons come and meet our new slave. He will remain as our slave for the next 70 hours except he used the safe word."

Sir Ryan padded on my head and said, "Stand up and turn around, slave."

I did as ordered. I have to show my slave position to Sir Ryan and Sir Tony- collared, locked into manacles, cb, butt plug, ball weight and the weighted tit-clamps.

"Ryan look, he likes to be our new slave! His cock is hard inside the cb!"

I have nothing to hided my hard-on and I kept my erection for the last 2 hours. Yes, I liked my new position very much, but the tit-clamps were a problem.

"Ok, let's have the dinner." Master John said and everybody took his seat.

Master John put some vegetables into my bowl. I knew I have to eat directly from the bowl without using my hands. It's difficult to eat like that. One reason was, I have never eaten in such a way. Two was, the tit-clamps kept hurting me.

When Jim has finished the food in his bowl, he stayed quietly and waited for the food. I did the same. Master John poured some wine into my bowl and I drank them up immediately. Drinking from the bowl was much easier than eating from it.

Sir Tony feed Jim with a piece of steak by his hand. Jim ate it and licked his hand clean. Then Ryan feed him as the same.

"Slave, look up!"

I looked up as Master John ordered. He was holding a piece of steak highly above my head. I opened my mouth to wait for the food. He swung his hand and I followed his movement. The weighted tit-clamps swing for my movement too and kept hurting my tits. Master John played with me for a minute. Both Sir Ryan and Sir Tony laughed for the scene.

"Good boy!" Master John said and he lowered his hand to my mouth. I ate the steak and licked his hand clean. I was treated like a dog. It's a new experience to me.

Master John poured the remained food into my bowl and said, "Slave, eat them up and do the cleaning afterward. Boy, watch him and make sure he do as order."

"Yes Sir!"

I ate all the food Master John gave me. Then I collected all the dished and cleaned them. My hands were locked by manacles to my collar, but the chain was long enough for me to do my job. Jim watched me to do the cleaning and he checked up to ensure everything was clean. Then we moved to the living room and kneeled in front of our masters.

"Slave, go and get some oranges." Sir Tony ordered.

"Yes Sir!" I answered and went back to the kitchen. I cut 6 oranges and placed them on a dish. Then took it to the living room. The masters ate and remained a few pieces for Jim and I.

When we were allowed to eat, Sir Ryan reminded us not to use our hands. I cut the oranges into pieces without removing the peels. It's difficult for us to eat and our faces were in a mess.

It's sirs' idea having Jim and I messed up our faces. Then Sir Tony ordered us to lick each other clean. I licked up Jim's face first then he licked mine. When he has finished, he forced his tongue into my mouth and we kissed.

"Ok that's enough," said Master John. "Slave, clean up and prepare the bath for me."

"Yes Sir!"

When I took the plate back to the kitchen, Sir Ryan and Sir Tony went upstairs with Jim.

I went to the second floor and knocked on the door. Master John allowed me to get in. This was the first time inside Master John's bedroom. It's very large and nicely decorated by polished wood. A very large bed set against the wall facing the balcony. And there's a mini bar at the corner. Master John was lying on the bed. I wasted no time and entered the bathroom to prepare the bath for Master John.

The bathroom was large too. There were 2 showerheads and 2 bathtubs. One was the same size in my room and the other was double in size. So four of them could take a bath together. I turned on the water for the small one.

When the tub was fill, I inform Master John by kneeling beside his bed. He got up and ordered me to undress him. I took off his shoes and socks, then his pants and shirt. And finally his brief.

Master John has a very nice body- not too hairy and free of fat. He has a nice 8 inches cut cock.

Master John ordered me to clean him under the shower first. I carefully shampooed his hair and rinsed, then soaped his body from neck to toe. I paid attention to his crotch area and ass crack to ensure I haven't missed an inch. Then I rinsed Master John. When Master John was cleaned, he ordered me to kneeled and have my mouth opened. Without saying a word, he put his cock into my mouth.

This was the second cock I sucked in my life. Master John's cock was thicker than Jim's and I gagged. Master John took hold of my hair and fuck my face hardly. He withdrew a few times allowed me to catch my breath. After face-fucked me for several minutes, Master John cummed. Master John's cum tasted different from Jim's- a bit salty but sweet. Then I licked his cock clean.

Master John entered the bath and ordered me to clean up the shower area. When I finished, I kneeled beside the tub. My tits hurt a lot and I hoped Master John would remove them before bed.

Master John ordered me to get a glass of iced water for him. I brought back a glass of iced water to him. When he took the glass, he ordered me to stay still on all four. When I was in position, Master John put the glass on my back. My body shook for the coldness.

"Stay still slave. If you drop the glass, you'll be punished."

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir!"

Master John stayed in the tub for another twenty minutes and he finished the glass of water. He took the glass and put it aside.

"Dry me slave." Master John ordered when he got up from the tub.

"Yes Sir!"

I got the towel and dried his body. Then he ordered me to wrap the floor dry before he left the bathroom.

Having the floor dried, I took the cleaned glass out and put it back to its place.

"Slave, you performed your duty very well. You are inexperience but you haven't much resistance."

"Thank you Sir!"

Master John then remove the tit clamp on the right. It hurt a lot and I yelled. Yes, the pain was much worse in removing than putting on.

"Easy boy!" Master John removed the other clamp.

I breathed deeply and tried to minimize the pain. There's tear in my eyes. My tits were sore.

"Remember slave, you are not allowed to touch your tits. If I found that, I will lock your hands in the back and put the clamps back in place with the weights doubled."

"Yes Sir!"

"Slave, go to sleep in the cage down the dungeon. You can take a shower and piss before get into the cage. Use this padlock to lock the cage after you get in. Remember don't touch yourself. There're cameras inside the dungeon and recorded everything. And I can watch directly from the TV and the computer." Master John said and he turned on the TV. He chose a channel, the one for the CCTV system. The cameras monitored the whole dungeon and one was just above the cage.

"Yes Sir!" I took the large padlock and I went down to the basement. I did as told, took a shower first and pissed. I opened the door of the cage, got in, closed the door, put the lock in place, and finally closed the lock. A loud "click" stated I was locked into the cage, a place where a slave slept.

I lay on my back, a bit nervous, but excited. I took hold of my plastic cb. It was mould in the shape of a cock. The plastic tube enclosed the whole cock with openings at the end for urination. I was holding my cock but I couldn't play with it. I wanted to cum so much but I couldn't with the cb locked on.

I wondered the life of a slave but happy to had a chance to live as a slave. I asked myself again if I liked what I experienced for the past few hours. The answer was yes. The only question was, it's only a period of several hours. Everyone would be excited by new experience. So the answer might be different after two more days.

But I have to asked myself again, how could I change so much in these 2 days. From a so call "straight" guy to being gay, have being sucked, sucked and fucked, and finally being a submissive slave. I didn't know the answer. I only knew I love my current situation.

I couldn't sleep at the very beginning. The cage was not large enough for me to lay straight or I have my legs lean out between the bars. The manacles and chains restricted the motion of my arms. My tits were still sore for the torture. My balls were ok for the ball weight, but my cock inside the cb was a problem. The cb did not large enough to allow a full erection but my cock remained its excited hard-on position and caused pain to me. The butt plug was another problem. It gave me a feeling to have to shit. But I knew my mind did not want me to sleep, because I could enjoy every minute when I was awake.

I didn't know when did I fall asleep but it was not too uncomfortable to sleep inside the cage. Jim awakened me in the morning.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 5

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