My Choice

By ray hkg

Published on May 28, 2005


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 2

"Good night."

Yeah! I have never kept driving for 2 days and I have no idea for such a long driving made me so tired, especially my spinal cord. But would boy just kept naked? I was not gay and would boy did anything more than message? I thought as I lie on the bed. And there's a knock on the door.

"Yes, please come in."

"Sir! I was ordered to give you a message."

Boy looked the same as at dinnertime. I could have a better look at him this time. Except from his eyelashes and eyebrows, he's completely hairless. There's no sign to have a hair on his body, at least on his front.

"Sir! Do you want to have the message on the message bed?"

I was focused on his body and forgot the reason of his existence. And I was embarrassed to let him knowing my focus on his body.

"Oh sure!"

Boy then took the message bed from the closet and set it beside the bed.

"Sir! The message bed is ready. Sir! May I suggest you to take off your cloth for the message?"

"Oh! Thank you."

I was stupidly removed all my clothes including my underwear. The worst was, I got a hard-on in front of the naked boy. I immediately lie on the message bed on my stomach and hoped boy has not noticed it.

"Sir! I will do a full body message. Sir! Do you feel uncomfortable in any part of your body?"

"Tony told me your name's Jimmy. Jimmy, You don't need to call me Sir. I'm Sam. By the way, I have driven for 2 days and my shoulders and backbone are very tired. Would you please put more effort on those areas?"

"Sir Sam! I'm just a boy and not allowed to call any freeman by his name. Sir Sam! I will pay attention on your shoulders and backbone."

"Thank you Jimmy."

"Sir Sam! My name is Jimmy but I get used to be called as boy or boy Jim."

"Sorry I don't understand."

"Sir Sam! Maybe you don't have enough knowledge in our lifestyle. Sir Sam! You already knew we are gay. But we are not just gay. Master John is the master of the house and Master John is always the Top. Master Ryan and Master Tony are the Sons of Master John, they are always the bottoms to Master John. But they switch between themselves. For me, I am the boy to each of the Masters in the house and I am always the bottom." Jimmy said as he started working on my shoulders.

"But why do you need to distinguish your positions in such a way? Lovers are lovers. It seems you are not in the equal position."

"Sir Sam! You are right we are not in equal position. Master John, Master Ryan and Master Tony are all my masters. I am only their slave. A slave will never equal to his Master. But they prefer to call me boy because I looked like a boy, as smooth as a boy."

"I see. So the chain around your neck means you are under control, right?"

"Yes Sir Sam! But not exactly. It's a collar, a slave collar. A locked collar means that slave is owned and cannot be used but other Sirs with his own Master's permission. It's a form of ownership."

"And your cock means the same?"

"Sir Sam! You mean the PA, cock ring and the ball weight?"

"Er..., yes."

"The PA stands as Prince Albert piercing, it entered the urethra and exited behinds the glans. It made my cock head more sensitive. The cock ring helps to maintain my erection and Master Ryan has the word `boy' engraved on it too. For the ball weight, it pulled my ball sac down because my masters like me to have low hanging balls."

"Sorry for my stupid question but you really love to live as their slave?"

"Yes Sir Sam! I love my Masters and they all love me too. Many people think we are crazy, especially me, submitted as other people's slave. But I want to serve, love to serve, love to be controlled, love to be punished."

"Excuse me, you say punished?"

"Yes Sir Sam! I love to be punished. My Masters punish me when I done something wrong. So when they punish me, I know I have done something wrong. Then I will remember not to do it again. Punishment always encourages me to perform my duties better."

"So that's why tour butt is so red." Jim said as he turn around and show me his ass.

"Yes Sir Sam! But whipping my ass is only one kind of punishment. There were so many different kinds of punishment, like whipping different part of my body. The worst is whipping on cock and ball. Others like isolation, electric shocks, tit torture, cock and ball torture, etc."

"And you like them?"

"Yes Sir Sam! That's why I would make some mistakes. I never know how I would be punished but I just like to be punished."

"So there's something inside your..."

"Sir Sam! It's not a kind of punishment. It's a butt plug. I was ordered to put it on all the times except for toilet function or getting an enema. It reminds me I am only a slave boy to my Masters. Also, it makes my hole for easy penetration too."

I lie back on my stomach for Jim to continued messaging my back. I was excited by everything Jim told me. But why was I excited? I wasn't gay and I was just a normal guy. So I ceased to think about it and relaxed myself to enjoy the message.

Jim kept messaging my back. He's very skillful. My shoulders and back felt much more comfortable. Then he moved to my arms, and my legs.

After about an hour, Jim finished and asked me to lie on my back so he can work on my head. His chastised cock was closed to me. I could not stop my hand to feel his hairless crotch. Jim smiled at me.

"I haven't seen a men smooth like you. You are born hairless, aren't you?"

"No Sir Sam! I used to have my hair just like you, Sir. But as a slave boy, I should look like a slave. So I have shaven all my body hair at the very beginning. And I used to shave everyday to maintain hairless. After 3 months lived with my Masters, Master John said he want my body no only hairless, but also feel smoothness. So he decided to remove my hair by laser. After several laser treatments, all my hair removed and never grows again. My Masters like my smoothness and so do I."

"Jim, why don't you get a tattoo?"

"Sir Sam! I do really want my body tattooed. Master John does great tattoos. But it's Master John's decision to keep my body clean from any tattoo. He said a boy should not has any tattoo."

"But a boy should not wear any piercings, but you do."

"Sir Sam! All my piercings can increase my sensation. Moreover, they can use as punishment tools too."


"Sir Sam! You know Both Master Ryan and Master Tony also have their tits pierced. And they do have PA too, and so do Master John. But their rings are smaller than mine."

"So what's the difference?"

"Sir Sam! The larger the rings are, the greater the sensation is. My Masters would punish me by attaching weights to my piercings. Then my tits and my cock would be pulled. The weights pulled my tits and cock and it's very painful."

"I see!"

By the time, Jim has finished messaging my head and I found I was in a very embarrassing position- my cock was as hard as a rock.

Without saying a word, Jim moved to the end of the message bed. He kneeled in between of my legs, bended himself down and work on my cock with his mouth.

"Jim, stop it!"

"Yes Sir Sam! Sorry Sir Sam! I noticed you get a hard-on all the time during message. I just thought you need a release. Sorry Sir!"

"It's ok, Jim. But I don't want to mean it."

"Sir Sam! It's my fault. Sorry Sir Sam! When I give a full body message, it means I have to provide a blowjob too and so I did it. Sorry Sir Sam!"

"Jim, It's not your fault! I just don't understand. And... it feels so good too. You... really do it?"

"Yes Sir Sam! Do you want to continue?"

"I... I guess so."

Jim returned his mouth to my cock. His tongue ran around my cock. I have never felt a tongue on my cock. The feeling's great. And so did Jim's tongue. After a few minutes, Jim has my cock totally enclosed by his mouth. I could not hold and exposed in his mouth, or better said into his throat. Jim swallowed all my cum and licked my cock clean.

"Sorry Jim. I can't hold..."

"Sir Sam! You don't need to say sorry. It's my honor to swallow your cum, Sir Sam! And I have to say that your cum taste good."

"You mean you like to eat cum?"

"Yes Sir Sam! As a slave boy, other then being fucked, I have to suck my Masters and to eat all the cum. Sometimes I have to suck my Master first then he withdrew and fuck me and cum inside my ass. And I have to clean his cock thereafter. But sometimes Master will fuck me first and without cumming in my ass, he had me suck him to cum. That's why I need an enema every morning. I have to make sure I am totally clean, both inside and outside."

"I see! Is there anything else in your daily life?" I don't know why I have interested in their life.

"Yes Sir Sam! Other than sex and punishment, there're a lot in our lifestyle. Generally speaking, it's the BDSM life style. Bondage form one of the most important part."

"Bondage? You mean being tied up?"

"Yes Sir Sam, but not exactly. Rope is just one of the many tools. There're different types of bondage equipments made by metal or leather. Like the manacles and chains used to restrict one's motion. Hoods, gags are some of the basic headgear too. And there are furniture made for bondage too, like the cage, bondage table, bondage chair, cross, pillory, stock, etc. And I do love to be wrapped as a mummy because I would be totally immobilized."

"It's so professional. And you have all the equipments in the house?" I didn't know why I interested in it.

"Yes Sir Sam! Both Master Ryan and Master Tony made most of the equipments at their workshop. They are good at woodwork and metalwork. They have their products sell by a fetish website. My Masters turned the basement to a dungeon and there's another dungeon next to the workshop too. I think Master John will be happy to show you the dungeons if you are interested, Sir Sam!"

"I would like to take a look. Everything is new to me!"

"Sir Sam! I will tell Master John about this. Sir Sam! Do you feel better after the message or do you want to continue?"

"Jim, you've done a great job! I think that's enough. So goodnight, Jim."

"Yes Sir Sam! Goodnight Sir Sam!"

I fell sleep quickly. In my dream, I saw Jim was tied up by John, whipped and fucked by his 3 Masters. And the scene excited me. Why was I got excited? Why was I interested in what Jim has told me? I kept asking myself when I was awaked. But I didn't have the answers.

In woke up late on the next day. I took a shower quickly and went downstairs to say good-morning. I found John was reading in his study room with the door opened. But it looked like to be a well-equipped clinic more than a study room. There're many equipments inside the study room. I knocked on the door and said good morning to John.

"Good morning, Sam! Please come in. You slept well last night?"

"Oh yes! Thank you, John. Jim did a great work."

"Yeah! Boy is good at message and serving. Boy is preparing the lunch and will be ready within half an hour. I will ride my horse after lunch, do you want to come along with me?"

"Oh, that's great! But I haven't rode before."

"Don't worry, it's easy and my horses are nice too. And boy will lead your horse."

"Thank you John."

Jim then knocked on the door and told John the lunch was ready.

"Where are Ryan and Tony?" I asked John, as I haven't seen them.

"They're working in the workshop and they have their lunch in the workshop when they have jobs to do. Their cloths are dusty when they work and I don't want the dust inside the house. Boy will bring the lunch to them after served us."

"I see."

It's a simple lunch but Jim did it well. Jim brought the food to the workshop before eating his. He smiled to me and I smiled back.

"Eat your lunch quickly, boy. Afterwards, we will take a ride and you have to lead the horse for Master Sam."

"Yes Master John!"

Wow! I became Master Sam! I have never thought myself to be a master. And I rode a horse with a naked boy leading it. Jim's got a nice body and I have got used to his nakedness.

"Sam! Just be easy. Because you are a freeman, so you are a Master in the scene no matter you participate or not. And boy is just a slave and every freeman is a master to him in the scene."

"I see!"

After lunch, John asked me to take a rest in the living room. He lighted a cigar and asked if I would like one.

"Oh! I do smoke but never smoke a cigar. I would like a try."

John handed one to me and light it for me. It taste good, much better than cigarette.

"They're from Cuba and they're the best."

"It taste good! Thank you John."

"You're welcome, Sam. I like good things. This is a good place and I have a good house, my sons are great and my boy is perfect. And Sam, you are a good friend too."

"Thank you, John. This place is really nice and all of you are very kind to me. I don't know how to express my grateful!"

"No need to thanks for. I like to make friends and I have quite a lot of friends, either like-minded or not. They would visit me from time to time because they like to take a holiday here. That's why I have 3 guess rooms here."

Jim walked towards John; he kneeled next to John without saying a word. He's an obedience boy.

Jim was a well-trained boy. His appearance meant he has set the saddles.

"Ok Sam, let's move to the pony-shed."

We exited from the kitchen to the back of the house.

"That is the workshop and it sued to be a cattle-shed. Next to it is the pony-shed."

"Ryan has told me about it. The place is really beautiful!"

"That's why I choose this place."

In front of me were a piece of prairie and the river. Further away was the woodland. The weather was fine, not too hot and comfortable.

"Boy will help you to get on the horse." John said and he quickly got on the horse.

Jim held the saddle still and told me how to get on the horse. It's not too difficult for me to get on the horse. John has rode away and Jim leashed my horse slowly.

"Jim, you need to leash the horse when your master ride?"

"No Sir Sam! My Masters are skillful. But I have to follow them."

"Then you have to run to follow them."

"Yes Sir Sam! But I am much slower than the horses."

"Horses must always faster than human."

"Yes Sir Sam! And I would be punished for my slow motion."

"It's not fair! Human can never catch up the speed of a horse."

"No Sir Sam! But it's only an excuse. I have told you last night that I like the pain and love to be punished."

Jim looked happy to be a slave boy of his 3 Masters. He's so simple but he lived happily. I started having an idea to find a place like this and enjoy the nature and my life. But I have to work in order to support my life. It's too early for me to thought about retirement. But it's good enough for me to stay for a week or two, and to found out my plan for my future.

"Sir Sam! I think we can go s bit faster. Just have a light kick to the horse and it starts to run."

"Ok Jim, be careful!"

"Yes Sir Sam!"

I made a light kick to the horse. It started running but not very fast. I pulled the reins and it slowed down. Now I knew how to took control over a horse.

I lightly kicked the horse again and it ran. Jim was now running beside the horse. I kicked the horse again to make it ran faster. Jim was not fast enough and I yelled to him to run faster. Then I saw John was waiting ahead, beside the river. So I slowed down.

"Sam, you can ride the horse now."

"Yes John. It's not too difficult and the horse is very obedience too."

"Yes, they're good horses."

Finally, Jim arrived. He could hardly catch up his breath.

"Boy, I told you to leash Master Sam's horse but you let it run. You will be punished."

"Yes Master John!" Jim replied and he bended down have his hands held his ankles tightly. Without a word, John whipped his ass 10 times. Jim cried but not loudly. Afterwards, he stood up with tears on his eyes, but smiled and said, "Thank you Master John for whipping me."

John and I slowly walked the horses and Jim followed. John asked if I have any idea on my future. I told him I would like to find such a beautiful place for my retirement, but it's too fast for me to thought about this.

"It's good for you to start thinking about retirement. You have the objective and it motivate you to achieve your objective."

"I think I have to spend a week or 2 here to find out if I am suitable to stay at the city, or just find a job in a small town."

"Well, I can tell you that life in a small town is peace. But you're from the city. You may found it peace at the beginning but after a month or two, you will feel boring."

"Yes, you are right. So a week's time staying here is enough for me to find out if I am suitable for a peace and quite life."

"I don't agree with you, Sam. A week is only long enough for you to enjoy the peace. You would just treat it as a break and the time past easily. Anything done repeated would become boring if you have not find out the problem. And you knew your problem. You knew you're lost. So you have to find out whom you are, how you want to live, in what kind of lifestyle you want to live. I mean nothing but do you know if you are straight, or you are gay. It seems to me that you have problem in your sexual desire too."

"Thank you for your advice, John. You are a very good observer. Before meeting you all, I used to define I was straight. But now, I wondered if I am anymore. Or I just feel lonely."

"Good! All you have to do is to empty your mind, clear up your mind, and feel free to express yourself. Then you can get the answers. It's easy to got the answer without any partial view and it's impossible for you to get a correct answer with it."

"Yes John. It's good to talk to you. You are a very good person, and a good teacher too."

"Don't forget I'm a doctor. I'm not just curing one's body, but his mind too."

"Anyway, thank you very much John!"

"Let's go to that hillside. You can see how beautiful my place look like."

I followed his horse and Jim followed me. Our horse didn't run very fast and Jim could keep his footsteps.

Looked down to the house, the view was really wonderful. It just looked like heaven, so peace and beautiful. An idea flashed in my mind, should I stayed and become a family member of them? But I have to figure out if I was gay or not.

My head felt heavy and I told John I didn't feel good and it's better for me to return. John asked for my problem and I told him I got a headache. So we were on the way back. Down to the prairie, I felt worse. "Jim" was the last word I spoke before I pass out.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 3

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