My Chastity Journey

By itsluke2000

Published on Jun 19, 2023




I (22M) woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I turned it off and felt my cock constrained and struggling to get hard in the super small pouch of my green aussieBum jock strap. Always sleeping in jocks had been Sir's (39M) "idea" at first, but last weekend Sir took full control and now it's one of the Rules that the boy has to live by.

Jocks were perfect for my small dick Sir had said. Sir loved to tease me about my dick, especially when someone on grindr blocked or ghosted me immediately after seeing a photo of it. I like to think of my dick not as small but as average, as okay. It was definitely smaller than Sir's though, Sir's dick was longer and bigger and felt amazing every time I was allowed to suck it.

I reached down and touched the tip of my dick through the fabric. I smiled, today there were no university classes and Sir was coming over.

I wondered what Sir was going to do to me. In the past we'd always talked before Sir arrived about what would happen, but this was the first time since I submitted total control to Sir. The first time since the Rules began. Sir told me today was going to be a complete surprise and I agreed.

I ran my fingers over the jock's elastic leg straps, I pulled one away from my butt and let go. It snapped back and felt so good. But not as good as being spanked by Sir's hands. Sir's last spanking had been incredible, it started on the sofa over Sir's knee. I was moaning in a perfect combination of pleasure and pain, leaking precum onto Sir's jeans. Sir then moved me to the bed, and with me lying face down, with my hands on the back of my head, Sir kneeled over my legs, wanking Sir's gorgeous cock and telling me how perfectly bright red my butt was. I was in my submissive happy place that day, serving Sir by just existing, with my butt a toy for Sir to spank and then admire.

Thinking back to Sir's last spanking made me even hornier, I rolled onto my back, and took the jock off, freeing my dick from the jock's cramped pouch. I needed to cum so badly but I knew there was no point messaging Sir to beg for permission to cum. Sir was not going to grant it, Sir liked me to be horny when Sir came over, it made me more compliant, and a compliant boy is a good boy, Sir had explained. I thought about breaking the Rule and cumming without Sir's permission, but I had begged to be Sir's boy, plus I had promised Sir that I would take the Rules seriously and I wanted to keep that promise.

My dick was properly hard now and it was so tempting. I knew if I stayed in bed any longer then I wouldn't be able to stop myself from jerking off, but I should behave and be a good boy for Sir. I got out of bed and had a quick shower leaving the bathroom door open, another Rule I'd promised to live by.

After I dried myself, it was time. Time to cage my pathetic small dick. In my very first long chat with Sir, I explained how obsessed I am with chastity porn, and that I wanted someone to control my dick and lock it up for their pleasure. That I and my dick would only serve them, I would only focus on their dick, and my only pleasure would be their pleasure. Sir agreed, and later when I saw Sir's Rules, I felt so seen. All of the Rules had been carefully chosen for the start of my chastity journey. And now it was time for the most important Rule of all, "When Sir arrives, boy must be completely undressed and only wearing the chastity cage."

I went to the bedroom and reached down to get the cage from the top drawer of the bedside table, but putting it on was going to be difficult. Just walking to the bedroom and the thought of putting it on had already got me to a semi. It was not going to fit right now. This had happened before, a lot, so I knew there was nothing like TV news to get my erection to go down. I took the cage with me to the sofa, turned on the TV, and watched and waited.

A while later my dick was tiny again, I quickly stood up, and put my higher hanging ball though the black plastic ring of the cage, followed by my other ball. Luckily I'd been fast enough so I could still squish my small dick through the remaining gap in the ring. I pulled more of my ball sack through the ring, pushing the ring close to my body. It was now as comfy as it was going to be. I grabbed the cage part and put my dick into it, then I pushed the two parts together, the cage neatly slotting into the ring. My dick was starting to grow now, so I used my right hand to tightly hold the cage into the ring.

I could feel my dick trapped by the bars of the cage, it wanted to grow but it couldn't. With my left hand I took the lock and pushed it into its slot in the ring. Now for the key and I would be a locked boy ready for Sir. My heart was beating with excitement as I twisted the key in the lock and pulled it out. Done! I walked over to the table and left the key there for Sir and Sir's pleasure.

I hoped that Sir would keep me locked the entire day but with giving up control to Sir, it was now Sir's decision when I was unlocked and not mine.

I looked at the clock and there were only 5 minutes until Sir would arrive. I realized how much TV news I had just watched and how close I had come to breaking the Rule and not being already caged when Sir arrived. I now understood why Sir required this Rule. Before I saw the Rules, I had secretly hoped to put the cage on whilst Sir watched, submitting to Sir in person instead of to an empty room, but I understood it now, Sir did not like to be kept waiting, especially for my cock to shrink.

There were just a few finishing touches before Sir's arrival. Because today was going to be a surprise, Sir wanted all of the toys on the table so that Sir could choose whatever Sir wanted. I went to the bedroom again and carried the contents of the top bedside drawer and laid them out on the table next to the cage keys: a pair of rigid metal handcuffs and its keys, and a leather paddle, all laid out ready for Sir.

Before long, my phone lit up with a text message from Sir, "Remind me the door code boy."

I knew that Sir already knew the building door code, but that wasn't the point. The point of the message was to put me in my place, to remind me that I serve Sir, and I do anything for Sir even if it's unnecessary, in this case texting Sir the door code that Sir already knew.

After texting back, I put the apartment door on the latch so it would open when Sir pushed it, and now it was time to kneel for Sir. I kneeled in the middle of the hallway facing the door. I put both my knees on the floor and spread them apart so that the cage was on display for Sir. I straightened my back and put my arms behind me so that nothing would get in the way of Sir seeing the cage. And then I waited in this pose for Sir.

Suddenly without warning the door opened. Sir did not need to knock. My heart jumped, and for a split second I worried it might be a neighbor, but then I saw my Sir standing there and I smiled. I knew not to speak, not even to say hi. Sir always spoke first as a matter of respect.

Sir entered the apartment, closed the door, and stared intently at me. I could tell that Sir was proud of me, proud that I was caged, and proud that I was on my knees and submitting, but I could also tell that Sir was thinking of other things and that it was not going to be play time immediately.

After a moment staring at me, Sir walked past me. I couldn't see what was happening behind me, and after a few seconds Sir came back to stand in front of me again. In Sir's hands were all of the keys from the table, Sir very slowly and very deliberately reached down and put them all in Sir's pocket.

Finally, Sir broke the silence, "Your useless dick is all mine now boy."

I replied, "Hi Sir! Yes Sir! It is all yours Sir!"

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