My Canadian Leather Stud Boy

By fetishguy

Published on Mar 5, 2004


If you have problems with man-male teen sex, or male on male sex period, don't read this story. If such things turn you on, read on. Responses are welcomed to Flames will be ignored. This story is real, but the names have been altered to protect privacy.

My Canadian Leather Stud Boy

Part One --We Get to Know Each Other

I've always been a bit judgmental about older men with younger guys. It always seemed wrong, like exploitation. But now that it's happened to me...

I was in LA to meet a young law intern whom I had supervised the previous summer at our law firm. He was a bright-brilliant young kid-eager, top-rate, great writer. Now, Dave, whose looks reminded me of the hunky actor Dean Cain (formerly Superman), was now doing an internship at a law firm in LA. We'd kept in touch, for reasons that were becoming clear to me.

I'm in my early forties, 5'8, 160,ÿnot bad looking, but nevertheless suffering the fate of men my age--a little less hair, and a little graying. I'd worked to keep in shape and I still looked relatively youthful. Many people guess that I'm in my 30s. I was in relationships, but now was determined to find love and lust, not necessarily in that order.

I was attracted to Dave (same name as me) from the instant I saw him. But my professional position kept me at a distance. And it was a really conservative law firm. But now that we weren't working together, the situation had changed.

Dave was from Montreal, but English. His warm smile and incredibly handsome, dark eyes combined with an amazingly witty, insightful personality for a 18-year-old. I loved being in his company, and he liked being with me, my intuition said. How else to explaining the two-hour dinners, the long e-mails, the funny phone calls? One year ago, my lusts were taboo. Now they we legal and I wanted to go for him.

I was going to a conference in LA, where Dave was attending school...and I suggested we catch up with a dinner. No sooner had I sent my note when I got an e-mail from Dave: how about a trip to the beach and then a casual dinner...and then we could go back to his place to chat. I could stay over, if I wanted. He was staying at his uncle's condominium while the uncle was away all summer. Dave and I had been inching closer, I thought, before, but this was getting to the root of my desires. Could I be imagining? Was this wrong? Was I deluded?

After two days of business I got ready to meet Dave. He arrived by car at my hotel and off we went to the beach. I hadn't seen him in nearly six months and the hormones of puberty had kicked in for my friend. The voice was a little huskier, as I had noticed in our phone conversations, the beard growing in...but he was still the hot young guy I had longed for in my dreams for so long. We had no problem catching up on the old firm, what was new with him (no girlfriend, yet, I reminded myself), and how much he liked the LA life, after feeling a bit depressed in the long Canadian winters.

He was dressed a little conservatively, to my chagrin. I don't know what I expected, but I was hoping for something a little sexier than tennis shorts and an old, slightly ragged tee shirt. But I'd dressed conservatively too, not wanting to tip my hand: Gym shorts and a Izod polo shirt. I was a little daring otherwise: underneath my gym shorts was my favorite red speedo, which I can fill out nicely. And with my fantasies raging, I'd put underneath them a black g-string, which I find hot before sex...if I was ever to get there with Dave today.

Could he tell? He must...he's so bright I thought as we drove the highways of LA. Could I control myself? What were we doing? I needn't have worried. He was in control.

After we got out of the car, Dave stood up to strip down for the beach. He took off his shirt and tennis shorts to reveal a hot black speedo, with a sexy, stunning 1/2? waistband that revealed a nice basket. Here's no conservative kid. His sly smile revealed a lot. He had a magnificent, hair-free upper torso and much fewer inhibitions than I thought.

He surely caught me staring, but reassured me right off: "Bought this when I started coming here. So many guys wear them here and I like black. What 'da think.?

"Very nice,? I stammered, still unsure where we were headed, despite all the signs.

I stripped down to my red speedo, which wasn't as daring as his, but daring enough for me.

I was so drunk with thoughts of this hunk kid/adult, I didn't realize he'd soon walked me to the gay section! All around were hot guys, even naked guys. It was a long walk but we talked effortlessly.

And then, almost without notice, we were in a really secluded area. Not a person nearby--only hundreds of yards away on both sides.

I don't think we said a word then...because we didn't have to. My friend and I were on the beach blanket in our speedos and before I could take in all the sensations, he asked me to rub some sunscreen on him. We were connecting, physically for the first time. I saw his cock begin to bulge. And he saw mine.

"Why don't you put some lotion on me...all over," Dave said as he turned to lie on his stomach. I began to oil up his neck and back, running down his shoulders to just above his tight butt. "All over," he said, emphasizing "all."

"Everywhere?" I asked, just to be certain.

"Mm...yeah, I mean what I say and I say what I mean," he said soothingly, sounding like a lawyer to be.

I had begun crossing the last barrier between us as I moved my hand up his leg and kept a finger going just under his speedo, right where it began to contain his beautiful ass. Boldly, I kept inching up as I touched more of his fresh young butt meat.

"Does that feel good, my friend?"

"It sure does. I've planned this well, haven't I?" said Dave.

My adrenaline rushed.

Soon I had had my hand massaging both his buttocks, and I snuck my finger over his hole.

"Mmm. There you go," he said.

Within a minute, he had turned over on his back, revealing a healthy boner. "There's another part of me that needs some rubbing."

I was glad to oblige, reaching my hand into his pubes first, touching and then grabbing his hard member. Then sliding down to his smooth, shaved teenage balls.

Instinctively I positioned my mouth over his and plunged my tongue into his waiting mouth. Our tongues swirled in ecstasy as we felt each other's speedo-clad bodies for the first time. I delicately ran my finger under his daring tiny waistband.

Within minutes, we had broken all the ice. "Let's go back to my place," he said. "I think I know what we both want."

And within minutes at his place was all I desired: Dave, the hunky Canadian teenage stud, peeling off his speedos and standing full square before me, his cock erect in a thick pubic bush. His hairless chest showed off beautiful skin and firm nipples. I asked him to turn around so I could get a full view of his young butt. I then had to grab that beautiful white ass, cupping both cheeks in my hands. We kissed and inhaled each other for minute after minute.

I paused and picked up his tiny swim suit and placed them on my neck. He laughed, "So you really like that, eh."

"There's nothing I'm not liking," I replied.

Dave knelt down and licked my shaved balls. Then he ran his tongue along my stiff cock, teasing me, gently torturing me. And suddenly he swallowed my cock, sucking in the most gentle, sensual way.

"Let's get in the shower and get this lotion off...I've got to have you," said my young friend.

The rest was pure bliss. Carefully he stepped in the shower, adjusted the water...the promptly turned around and playfully, but with a little shock to me, spat a mouthful of water into my open mouth. Then in came his tongue. I soaped up his entire body. My hands massaged his ass under the warm shower spray. I didn't know where to start or stop.

Then, previewing what was to come down the road, Davey whispered: "Hold on a sec." He turned away. I was puzzled by his now-soft cock when he turned around. Before I could say anything, I soon felt a hot stream of his piss on my thigh and watched and he carefully directed it over both legs and then up to my stomach. I was shocked, but surprisingly so. It felt so wonderful.

"Would you do me now" he whispered in my ear when he was done.

"No problem," I said.

How did this kid know yet another of my fantasies? There in the shower, he turned the water down and dropped to his knees.

"Anywhere you want to go, let me have it."

I began on his chest, letting my piss dribble out. Then as it built up and the flow got stronger, Dave stepped in. He grabbed my cock and directed the flow over his head and face and quickly took my penis, flowing with urine, and directed its arc into his mouth. He put my cock in his mouth, chugging down my fluid like a beer. I had never had anyone drink me and it was intoxicating. I was ready to pass out with lust by the time he'd taken it all.

"I've wanted you for a long time, my friend," I said, as he got back up. I moved around his glistening torso as we soaped up and cleaned up. I kissed him everywhere, sucking his nipples, going back to his mouth, running my tongue around his neck. I then worked my finger around his asshole, and he moaned with pleasure. We really are in synch, I said to myself. Soon I had grabbed some lube conveniently nearby and gently inserted one, two and then three fingers up his hole. I was finger fucking young Dave's ass!

It was endless, it seemed--the kissing, the sucking, piss play, the finger fucking. It was wonderful to be with my Canadian boy/man stud. Who cared about age difference? I loved this boy and he was mine. I would go with him anywhere, to the Canadian Rockies, to the beaches of LA, anywhere he wanted. But first stop was the bed.

We towelled off, and got ready for our first fuck. Me, old enough to be Dave's father and Dave my son, but so much more.

As we headed into the bedroom, I noticed two small tattoos just below his bikini line. How could he know tattoos were a big turn on for me? And they were cute: a small Canadian maple leaf flag...and the lambda symbol, next to each other, left of his cock.

"How hot," I murmured as I caressed them, then bent down to lick them.

"I got them done just for you, Dave," said my Dave. "I just knew you'd find them hot, and I wanted them in a place only you could see them."

In bed, I licked him and deep-kissed him forever and then instinctively turned him over and plunged into another of my favorite activities: eating ass. I'd done this many times before, but eating Dave's beautiful young hole was bliss. I licked and tongue-fucked on and on.

Entering and fucking Dave was natural. We needed no words--just a little lube. My only problem was trying to make it last as long as possible. I tried to get as deep as possible inside him and he moaned with pleasure and each pounding. Finally I unloaded a year's worth of desire and what felt like a quart of cum into my boy, my love. I then gave him the best blow job I could as he groaned. I licked his nut sack alternately and ran my tongue through his pubic bush. Then he seized up and squirted his cream into my mouth. Nothing ever tasted so beautiful. I swallowed every bit. I dropped down next to him and stared adoringly into his beautiful blue eyes. I deep kissed him again, sharing the taste of his own sweet cum with Davey.

More to come......

  1. Five years had passed and Dave and I had come a long way since our humble but lustful beginning on that beach in LA. We had moved to New York state and begun a very different, satisfying life as lovers, friends, co-workers in my law practice--and a leather s&m couple.

As I stood in the dressing room of our large country house, getting my leather gear on, I admired myself in the mirror, for finally having the guts to be what I wanted to be, for growing from someone who had many experiences, one-nighters mostly, as a bottom a long time ago, into a leather top to my best friend and lover. It was Dave who encouraged me all the way and showed me that lovers, almost 20 years apart, can share their deepest needs--and every part of their bodies for the deepest pleasure.

I loved my harness as it covered my waxed chest, which had filled out nicely with steady gym work. My arm band signaled my pride at being a master/top. My chaps hugged my thighs like a second skin. I proudly looked at my boots, and the hottest item--my silver codpiece packing my bulge, my shaved smooth balls and tiny ?landing patch? of pubic hair. All was framed by my speedo tan line that accentuated my cock and balls and ass very nicely. But my strand of pubic hair was the only hair allowed from neck down between Dave and me. He was completely hairless (minus all the thick pubic hair from years ago. That's completely history. Sometimes I shave Dave in a ritual; sometimes I make it his job. And now because it was summer, and his job as my legal assistant allowed for it, his formerly full head of thick hair was now completely shaved, too, thanks to a trip to the gay barber shop on a trip to the Village in NYC. I'll let him have a Mohawk someday, but no more hair than that; A Mohawk was the first haircut down the road to complete smoothness.

I finished up by putting on my racing sunglasses and bikers hat. Then down to the basement, er, dungeon.

Our sex ritual had begun earlier that night, as always with me knocking down a few beers as Dave stripped out of his see-through white bikini briefs, pulled off my shoes and socks, and gave me a toe-sucking and foot bath with his tongue.

Then it was up to the shower, where washing down Dave's hair-free, smooth body never gets old. Then I prepared for our upcoming activities by reaching for the enema hose and inserting it between Davey's full round cheeks, parting his sweet hole as he tightened his sphincter. I sat on a chair while Dave flushed out on the toilet the first two one-gallon shots. Then back in the shower stall I gave a third cleaning. As I waited, I admired still again his beautiful speedo tan, as with his waist line as micro as they come. This last enema one was the test, and I stood behind him, watching the pure water come gushing out of his ass, holding my hand over my lover's stream as he looked back at me with his sly smile. We toweled off and went our ways.

Next, we met in the dungeon, Dave in his slave's uniform: studded dog collar and black thong. As I headed down, I decided it would be hood night: I grabbed my half-executioner's hood and Dave's full leather hood with the eye and mouth zippers. But his first job was understood: To greet me on his knees on the hard, cold floor. I opened my codpiece, plugging my semi-hard dick into Dave's open mouth. As I pressed his smooth head against my groin, I let go with my piss. Dave never missed a drop and I never lost my love for giving myself to him this way. Not only a great cocksucker, Dave is the best piss-drinker. He'd take all I could give him and did so now, without a word being passed between us.

Next, I grabbed him by the collar, plunging my tongue deep into his pissed-through mouth, tasting my own piss. I turned and picked up my hood and watched his boner stiffen in his thong as I adjusted the hood on my head. It heightened my sense of power. Then I took Dave's hood, placed it over his shaved head and tightened the strings on the back. Here was my boy: Adorable and a sight of submissive manhood, smooth as a baby, ready for whatever suited me.

And as I put him on the table (we don't need restraints anymore), I acted out tonight's event. Dave had been fascinated when I first mentioned using medical sounds, those devices that go down your dick to give a massage of your prostate. "That way, with a big butt plug up your ass, I can fuck both your holes." He thought that was a wickedly delicious idea and we hadn't done it for awhile.

I pulled down Dave's black thong and opened the eye slits of his hood so he could witness the action. First I had to admire his sweet tattoos, his Canadian flag and his lambda figure. I fondled his sweet, smooth balls and couldn?t resist sucking on his seven inches of beautiful hairless cock standing straight up. I grabbed the nearby poppers. "Sweetheart, take a hit; it's both holes tonight."

I went over to the workbench, taking the sounds kit, the butt plug, and the KY. As I fed Davey another hit of poppers, I worked the butt plug up his beautiful hole. Slowly, slowly, then in. "Good boy."

Now as I lubed up the first sound, I said, "You know we've got to get that hard-on down." He concentrated and in a few minutes I got to work, lubing his cock slit and then inserting the first probe. I had given him the poppers bottle. "Take another hit of amyl, Davey." Through the magic of gravity, down went the steel probe, til it it the prostate. And back came the hard on. Alternately I pushed in the butt plug up my boy's ass and then worked the sound probe up his cock, watching it descend, taking time to massage gently the prostate at that end. After maybe a half-hour, moving to two larger probes, I could tell I'd gotten my man-child lover to the point of ejaculating. I walked away, first admiring the sight. I had zipped up his eye slits. "Don't go anywhere. Don't do anything."ÿI chuckled, knowing he wasn't about to, rock hard with pleasure fromÿdevices fucking him on both ends.

I walked upstairs, shut the door on our dungeon, and popped a beer or two for a half hour. Davey himself told me how he liked the feeling of having space to take in the scene. I enjoyed the breaks and returning to see my work.

When I returned, I gently pulled out the last sounds probe from his stiff cock, but left in the butt plug.

I moved to jack off my slave boy. Slowly, slowly, and then with more rhythm. We knew each other's timing and pace. In a minute he shuddered and exploded with youthful cum. I couldn't let it lie there; I licked it up.

But as soon as Dave was ready, I grabbed him by his collar, unzipped his mouth zipper, undid my codpiece and demanded his best blow job. He knew the routine. A hit of poppers for me and Davey went to work, licking at my balls, my shaft, my head, and then taking my entire cock. Real soon I delivered my load of cream, right down my sweet boy's mouth.

Within a minute we were hoodless and making out vanilla style. After a clean-up in the shower, we were back in gym shorts, cuddling on our bed.

"I love you Dave, sir."

"I love you Davey, boy."

Next: Chapter 2

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