My Buttslut

By Riley Keith

Published on Mar 4, 2017


My Buttslut

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This story is about a college guy named Keith who falls for another college guy named Maximillion, with you guessed it, a nice bubble butt.

I'm writing this story because I noticed there is a lack of stories on this site about my #1 turn-on: a guy's ass. I hope this inspires others to unleash their love for the butt. I hope you enjoy the story and feedback is welcome.

I spotted him everywhere on campus. Walking to class, the dining hall, the gym, and hell even the occasional party or two. He was hard to miss. He was about 5'8 with silk like black hair, creamy skin, a gorgeous face, and light muscles. But to be honest, none of that really compared to his amazing ass.

I consider myself a top. In fact, I have very little interest in a guy's penis. Not that I dislike a guy's penis or anything, but I just prefer a guy's backside and this guy's backside was one that I couldn't help but to notice. He had a nice fat bubble butt that seems to be only further accentuated by the clothes he wore. He tended to wear a lot of tight fitting pants and shorts. I loved it even more when he wore things like gym shorts, it made his butt just about irresistible. In fact, the first time I saw him a while back in the dining hall, he was wearing these short black shorts that rose just above his knees and showcased his smooth legs and taut, tight butt. When he was leaving, he bent over to pick up his backpack and I thought I had died went to ass heaven.

I had a feeling he may have been gay, not because he particularly acted liked it, but you could just call it a guy's intuition. After that, I had seen him a few more times around school and when I wasn't watching him from behind, I was attempting to engage him in an eye sex. Fortunately, he accepted my invitation and our eyes seemed to frequently fuck each other. I knew that I meant i may have an in.

We first initially made contact one night at the gym. I usually like to go to the gym at night. It's not too crowded and the atmosphere is chill. And I'm glad I did go to the gym because I saw him. I saw him walk in and head right into the locker room. I didn't think he saw me. I saw him walk out about 5 minutes later wearing some thin white shorts and a nice black t-shirt that made his light biceps look nice. When he noticed me, I saw him form a little smile and walk away. I saw his big ass walking away with a nice jiggle to it and I wanted nothing more to get a nice feel of his ass.

I saw him start doing some squats so I decided to move to the bench-press not too far from behind him to get a better view and to kind of let him know I was watching him. When he would go the whole way down his ass would flex and when he would come back up his shorts would get stuck in between his big butt cheeks. I wanted to assist him in pulling out his wedgie from in between those firm globes. As he continued to work out his ass began to become sweaty and I could tell that he either wasn't wearing anything underneath his white shorts or he was wearing a thong. Either way it turned me on a lot paired with the glances we kept on sharing.

Deciding to take things to the next level, I asked him to spot me. I actually didn't need any help. What I was bench pressing was not that heavy, but there was hardly anyone at the gym and I thought now would be a good as time as ever to get to know this sexy stud. After spotting me for a few reps, I decided to introduce myself.

"I'm Keith by the way," I said as I stuck out my hand.

"Hi, I'm Maximillion, but everyone calls me Max," he replied as he took my hand.

We shared intense eye contact as we were shaking each other's hands. It was like neither one of us wanted to let go. I eventually let go, but if we were alone, I'm not sure I would have ever let go.

"What year are you," he asked me clearly as a way to break our unflinching stares at each other.

"I'm a junior marketing major," I replied, "how about you?"

"I'm a freshman, undecided," he responded willingly.

This guy was definitely right, he was definitely fresh. He was fresh and sexy, just like I like them.

We continued to conversate here and there while working out. He was doing a lot of lower body exercises giving pretty much anyone with eyes at the gym a free show. But since I'm assuming most of the guys at the gym probably were not interested in him, he may have just been giving me a free show. You could see the outline of his round juicy bubble butt and it was driving me crazy. I decided to go up to him and be bold.

"Damn you really need this thing to get any bigger," I said as I jokingly slapped him on the ass.

"Hey I always get told I have a pretty big butt for a guy, but I never get any complaints," he said pretty much letting me know that he was comfortable with me having touched him there.

"Hey well I'm gonna get out of here, it was nice to meet you man." Max stuck out his hand again and I grabbed it. This time our eye contact was even more intense.

"Yeah maybe we will see each other around campus," I said as I let go.

"Yeah I look forward to it." Max smiled and walked away. I watched his sexy rear end walk to the dressing room.

I worked out a little bit more and then I headed off to the dressing room. I was starting at myself in the mirror admiring my coal black hair and years of progress I had been making in the gym when I noticed Max's pile of clothes sitting on the bench with surprisingly a black thong sitting on top. I had assumed he had already left. This dude must either be really brave or just not give a fuck I thought to myself. He must be in the shower or in the steam room. Knowing that he had been wearing that tiny thong between his big butt cheeks really turned me on. I kinda tried to stop myself before what I was about to next because it was kinda nasty, but I almost didn't care because he was so hot and that ass was sent down from Heaven.

I picked up his thong and sniffed it. I first sniffed the front and got a nice musky smell coming from his crotch area. I then flipped the thong over to where it had been riding up his ass and put it up to my face. I got this sweaty assy scent that made my dick start leaking. I imagined the thong riding through his ass as he went on about his day. I sniffed the part where I imagined his asshole rested and I was rewarded with a very sexy pungent scent. Not a scent that smelled bad, but a scent that smelled like a hot sexy ass that was cleaned well but still can't prevent itself from becoming sweaty and dank throughout the day.

I suddenly heard the shower water stop and I hurry up and tried to put his thong down, but I feel like he may have saw me. There are mirrors right outside of the shower that reflect into the changing area. If he did see me he did not say anything when he came into the changing area.

"I thought you had already left," I sputtered nervously.

"No, I'm heading to a friend's house after this so I wanted to shower up first," he told me. I did not notice any difference in his attitude from earlier. Maybe he did not see me.

Just right at that moment he removed his towel from around his waist and I was rewarded with the most pleasing sight I had ever seen in my 21 years alive. His creamy white bubble butt. The type of ass you just want to slap and jiggle. I had to resist from getting right down behind him and burying my face right in his ass at that instance. He put on another thong this time a white one. He definitely saw me checking out his ass.

"Hey you maybe wanna hang out tomorrow night," he asked which slightly diverted my attention from his ass, "my friend works at the Cineplex in town and I can pretty much get free movie tickets to any movie in."

"Ugh yeah that'd be great," I said.

"Alright cool," he responded as he finished getting dressed.

I watched as he put his sweatpants on and his ass raised up as he put them on over his thonged butt. I desperately wanted to play with ass and then fuck till I deposited every last bit of cum I had in me. We exchanged information and he left. When I was about to leave, I noticed his thong was still sitting on the bench. I know now that he definitely saw me. I grabbed it quickly and ran out. I knew was in for quite a day tomorrow.

I got to my apartment and quickly run up the stairs. I live alone which definitely is a good thing when you wanna jerk off or have sex and don't have to worry about anyone catching you. I pulled his thong out and started picturing the hottest fantasies while sniffing his hot ass scent.

I first imagined he was some sexy stripper who was giving me some hot lap dance. He kept rubbing his booty against my big boner and it was getting me so hard. I then imagined we were having a hot twerk contest and I got to be the judge. I'm not usually into guys twerking, but I'll make an exception for that ass. He naturally won since all of the competition was just identical twins of him doing different techniques such as split twerking and twerking on the wall.

I then finally imagine us wresting with him wearing nothing but his tiny black thong. I naturally overpower him, but he eventually gets me in a position where he sits his round fat cheeks on my face and I let him think he is in control. He then reaches his sexy size 10 feet around my dick while he is sitting on my face and starts jacking me off with his feet and I cum in my fantasy and in real life. I take away the thong which I had turned inside out on my face and prepare for bed. I knew that tomorrow was going to be a good day.

I rush through the majority of my day. Just thinking about his sexy ass seemed to make the day go faster. When it is finally time for us to hang out, I picked him up outside of his dorm. He doesn't have a car which I don't mind because I like to drive anyways. When he gets in the car he tells me it's good to see me.

"It's good to see you too," I replied pretty eagerly knowing that I have a shot at him and his sexy behind.

I see he's wearing some nice tan pants that makes his butt look nice even when he's sitting. When we arrive, I realize that the theater doesn't play new movies, but older ones. I couldn't really complain much because it is free after all. We ended up seeing some random flick, I don't even know what it is, but I didn't really care much either. The theater was completely empty except for the two of us and I think I may have started to understand why he invited me here.

We didn't really do or say anything until about 30 minutes into the movie until I decided to just look over at him and smile. He smiled back at me. I took that as my sign to put my arm around his shoulder. He responded by nudging in closer to me and putting his head on my shoulder. We stayed like for 15 minutes before he looked up at me and kissed me. It was at first just a 3 second smooth before he backed away and we just looked at each other and then we both leaned right back in and started making out.

He started grabbing my dick which was bout semi-hard and I returned the favor by grabbing his through his pants. He reached his hands into my pants and started jerking me off. I whispered into his ear that I wanted to finger his ass and he responded by unbuckling his belt and loosening his pants. I put my fingers in the back of his pants and felt along his smooth ass. It felt good to the touch. I then reached his warm asscrack and ran my fingers along his asscrack.

I thought to myself "damn, how many thongs does this guy own."

I moved the thong to the side and started exploring his asscrack. I then stuck my fingers in my mouth and tasted his delicious ass and got them wet and then stuck my finger up his asshole. I heard him moan. We stayed like that for a few minutes with him jacking me off and with me jacking him off with one hand and with my other hand playing with his ass.

Everytime I went to wet my fingers again I got a deeper taste of his butt. He had this irresistibly funky sweet and sour taste that only horned me up even more. I eventually stuck two fingers into his asshole and he felt so good inside. It was so smooth and silky. Shortly thereafter I came and the sight of me coming from fingering him must have set him off because he came too. He went to the bathroom for paper towels and the movie ended shortly thereafter. When we were leaving, he looked at me and said "good movie" and we both started hysterically laughing.

When we finally reached his dorm, he was about to get out, but then turned around and gave me a kiss. I'm not really a boyfriend type of guy, but I was starting to think this guy might just change that. While I was riding home, I stuck the two fingers that had been up his ass up to my nose and jerked off while driving. I came as soon as I hit my parking space. Tonight, was fun, but I needed to get into his ass for real.

The weekend was coming up and I texted to see if Max possibly wanted to stay with me all weekend. I usually spend my weekends getting shitfaced with straight dudes who know I'm gay, but don't really want to hear about my personal life so usually I just end up watching them gyrate against some chick hoping they'll score with her. The partying scene isn't really me anyways, besides who the hell needs to party when you have a guy like Max at your apartment. That's all the party you need. Max agreed to spend the weekend with me and I knew I was going to stick my hot dog between his hot buns.

Max arrived on Friday afternoon after his classes and as soon as he knocks on my door I pull him in and start making out with him. I start running my hands all over his fat booty and he starts tugging my dick. We make out all the way upstairs. I hoped my neighbors aren't home this weekend because they are going to hear a lot of butt pounding.

When we get to the top of the stairs, I shove him down and turn him over. This time he is wearing a pink thong. It's a little gay, but there's something so hot about seeing a guy, meaning someone who is supposed to be masculine and strong, wearing something so revealing and a little girlish. I looked at his heavenly cheeks and I knew I was a lucky man.

I started by planting kisses all over his ass starting from the creases at the bottom of his ass up to the back of his waist. I did this on both cheeks. Then I opened up his cheeks and saw his pretty pink asshole and smooth asscrack. I was going to go slow, but after seeing that, I just buried my face right in his ass.

I kept shaking my head to feel his buttcheeks bounce on my face. I then grabbed them and squished them against my face so hard that there is no way my face was not beat red. I ran my nose up and down his crack and he smelled as delicious as he always does. He smelled like fresh butt and honey mixed together to make deliciously nasty combination. I then licked along the smooth sides of his asscrack. I could hear him moaning enjoying what I was doing to him although I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure if I liked him or his butt better.

"You sure know how to worship an ass", he told me.

"Just the big sexy ones like yours," I told him as I slapped both of his asscheeks and then bit down on his ass. He screamed out. I then buried my tongue right in his dewy middle.

I plunged my tongue in and out of his ass so fast like I was trying to knock out some type of target. He took his hand and pushed my face further into his ass which I liked, but I slapped his ass harder to remind him who is in control here.

"Whose ass is this," I practically yelled at him while I slapped and ate his ass out some more.

"It's yours Keith," he responded sounding overwhelmed.

I yelled out more, "Whose butt is this."

"Keith's," he screamed delirious.

"Whose booty is this," I demanded as I finely freed myself from in between his cheeks and slapped his asshole.

He looked back at me really sexy and looked me dead in my eyes and said "Keith's."

With that I dove right back into his asshole and rimmed his sweet pink pucker. I just couldn't get enough he just tasted so good. I jiggled his asscheeks against my face. I told him to do all types of things like flex his cheeks against my face and twerk against my face. This ass was just made to be played with.

He told me he wanted to suck me off so I pulled out my rock-hard dick and shoved it in his mouth. I sat there and fucked his face right there on the stairs while still smelling and tasting his hot butt on my face. I started wondering where the hell this hottie has been all my life. I could feel my self-starting to tense up so I started licking my lips to taste his sexy ass juices and suddenly I blew a huge load all over his sexy face. I'm usually not a big fan of cum eating, but he looked so sexy covered in my cum that I leaned down and just started making out with swapping my cum and letting him taste his own ass.

"I'm glad you came over," I told him.

"I'm glad I came... or should I say that you came," he said while he smirked. His sense of humor only made me like him more and I leaned in to kiss him again.

We sat and actually got to know each other all day and I found out that he is actually one of the coolest people I had ever met. We had a lot in common. I realized he wasn't just the type of guy I just wanted to fuck and never talk to again, this is the type of guy I could see myself developing a relationship with. Our getting to know each other talk didn't prevent me though from still slapping his ass every chance I got. I'm pretty sure he liked all of the attention I was giving his ass. I don't think anyone quite worshipped his ass like I did.

After spending the day laying around and just getting to know each other, we both knew what we wanted to do next. He noticed my porn collection and asked me why I had abundantly straight porn.

"Well I consider myself like 95% gay 5% straight and also when you're horny and ass is an ass. But I only like to do anal sex whether it be with a guy or a girl," I told him.

"That's interesting," he said looking a little confused.

"It's just that straight guys actually know how to please an ass so that's why it's hot to watch. Most gay guys know how to please a dick, but I'm not much into a guy's dick. I'm all about the anal region. There's something so hot and nasty, but at the same time sweet and untouched. I like to scream things like to take up your dirty butt and I'm gonna fuck you up your nasty hole you little buttslut. I mean I don't want their hole to be dirty it's just hot. It's a little hard to explain," I tell him.

"No I get it," Max replies. "The same way I love your dick, you love my ass. I like to say things give me your big dick and fuck me with your big schlong."

"Schlong," I asked and we both started laughing.

He then looks me dead in my eyes and comes straight up to my face and asks, "So, can I be your little buttslut?"

I lean all the way in until our faces our touching and tell him, "you don't have any other choice." We start making out.

"I'm gonna fuck you up your fat sweaty ass. I wanna feel your shithole wrapped around my dick. I'm gonna frost your cakes better than the Pillsbury doughboy," I tell him in a deep, low voice. The dirty talk starts turning him on as he starts fingering his ass and then brings his fingers up to his mouth to taste them. He then kisses me and we revel of the taste of his sexy ass.

He starts sucking me off again. Watching his cute face do the sexy things he is doing to my dick is almost too much, but I refrain because nothing is going to stop from sticking my dick in his ass.

I stopped him before he drives me over the edge and ask, "are you ready buttslut?"

"Yeah, I want it in my butt," he yells, "I want it in my big fat butt."

I slap his ass and tell him to hold his asscheeks apart. I once again spot Heaven and just have to go in for a quick taste. I buried my tongue so far up his ass it may have been up his stomach. How can a place taste so good where something as nasty as shit comes out of? Another one of those life mysteries that'll never be solved. I remove my tongue from his asshole and shove my dick right in him. He screams out in pain, I feel bad at first, but then I remember that he wants to be a buttslut so I start slamming my dick in to his tight round booty. I grab on to his ass and play with it while I am fucking him.

"This ass. Oh god buttslut me and you are going to have some fun together," I tell him. I watch his ass jiggle against my dick and it has to be one of the sexiest sights I think I may have ever seen. His white creamy tushy looks like heaven right now to an ass lover like me. Just then my buttslut surprised me and pulled my dick out of his ass and started sucking my dick.

"Oh, yeah you're a raunchy buttslut, I like that," I said in a raspy tone. Just like that he shoved my dick back in him and reached back to kiss me. Of course I kissed him without a second thought. Sitting here fucking him in the ass, tasting his butt on his lips, could this get any better. And right then I remembered the thong of his I had from after his workout that had been wedged far up his ass.

"I'll be right back," I told him. I returned and turned him over on his back. I took the thong and put it right over his face with the part that was in his ass covering his nose and mouth. I shoved my dick right back in his and we started making out through his butt flavored thong. We were having butt flavored kisses. If all kisses tasted like this I don't think I would ever want to stop making out.

Just then I took the thong from around his face and shoved it in his mouth.

"How's your ass taste, buttslut," I demanded.

"Tastes good," he said barely audible with the thong in his mouth.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Oh umm... it tastes just like my big ass. It tastes just like I had it up my fat ass while I was working out," he mumbled.

"Where was that thong while you were doing those squats buttslut," I said as I continued to fuck deeper and deeper into the anal depths of his silky walls.

"It was right up against my asshole. My asshole would brush right up against it everytime I went down," he said with the cutest, most innocent face. I pulled my dick out of his ass and shoved it in his mouth with the thong basically almost choking him. I then shoved my dick back in his sexy pink butthole and leaned in to kiss him. I felt like I was about to cum. I slapped him and told him to say something nasty to me. I took the thong out of his mouth and shoved it in mine.

"Okay you wanna know something nasty. I had that thong on for 3 days straight. Our water pipes were only shooting out cold water. That day at the gym was the first time I had taken a shower in days. That thong collected every single piece of ass sweat that I had for days," he openly admitted. I leaned down to kiss him with the thong in my mouth and came so hard in his big bubble butt.

I pulled the thong out of my mouth, I smiled and told him, "I told you I was dirty." He just kissed me and told me he needed to get off. He told me he wanted to sit on my face. I usually don't like eating cum, not even out of an asshole, but for this guy I won't even begin to get into some of things I would do.

I laid down on my bed and he stood his big butt above me. Every second he got closer to my face the more I could smell his raw anal scent mixed with my cum. It was intoxicating. When he finally reached my face, I went to town. I licked from his taint to the bottom of his spine. My tongue must have been driving him crazy because he kept on trying to get up, but I pulled on the top of his thighs and wouldn't let him move. I wanted to be smothered by his big booty. If I were to die like this, I would be okay with that.

He announced he was about to cum and his juicy asshole started opening and closing on my tongue. The smell and taste of his ass was about to drive me to another orgasm. My buttslut started jacking my dick and we came together. He got off of me and then leaned down to kiss me. We both tasted and smelled like dick, ass, and sex, and to be frank with you, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Like I said, feedback is welcome. I'm a first time writer and just wanted to get a story out there for the ass lovers. My email is

Next: Chapter 2

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