Bullying Son

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Nov 19, 2005


All rights reserved by the Author. do not sell or copy to another site. You must be of legal age to read this story. Contains Male on male unprotected sex. use only safe sex. This is only a fantasy and the Author doesn't approve or in any way condone sex between minors and Adults. Meet in person with the Author each second Sunday of the month at Uncle's bar in Philadelphia Pa between 2 and 4 PM. Locust and Comac sts. Feel free to write the Author with comments and ideas at kevinmjo@aol.com. No flames please. for a photo of the Author Kevin Kelly give your age for legal reasons. any resemblance between persons living or dead is purely coincidental. enjoy Kevin Kelly

The morning after was not what I had expected. The Fathers woke in their old Father mode's. Take charge style. True We did have to rush it to meet the 10:30 dead line at the office to buy the Cabin. so in record time we were showered ( each alone ) dressed and on Our way. Breakfast would have to wait until after the appointment. The Dad's finished up the deal to buy the place in no time. They'd been renting the Cain for three years now and knew the owner well. The settlement would be in two weeks time. This was a turn key operation. That is all that was there was now Ours. The furniture inside and out. even the sheets and things. I had always loved the Cabin. Best of all was the speed boat and the fishing boat. the swimming was great and the fishing out of this world. I'd thought of the many nights Jimmy and I had slept there in the same bed side by side and back then never thought of touching each other. That sure would change. The Dad's had taken Jimmy's idea to heart. That is to break through the loft and turn the two present bed rooms into one large room for the four of Us. Of course Frank owning a construction company the cost would be really reasonable.

We stopped for brunch at " Sally's" a local restaurant just a mile from the cabin and next door to the general store where we would need to stock up for the three days stay. Sally was a widow and she ran the place with the cook being her Mother and the bus boy her Son Eric. They all lived above the restaurant in a small apartment. Sally had her eyes on Our Dad's for a long time. she flirted shamelessly with the two of them. She'd even suggest She'd be open to a threesome with the two Dad's right in front of Us kids and her own Son. This had always made the Dad's more then a little uncomfortable but Sally's restaurant was the only show in town so they braved through it. Now today after what We four had been doing Her efforts were more a bad joke between the four of Us.

This morning the whole four of Us were up. We'd just bought the Cabin and had just started on a new thresh hold in Our lives. Sure we were on a real " Natural High" Then Eric came out of the swing doors from the kitchen to clear a table. That was the first time now I knew I had the eye for Men now. I'd known Eric all this time and even liked him. He'd come over on days off and join U in a swim or fishing. He was 17 now tall jet black hair and with a lean yet well defined body. A ready smile and great open personality. Now I was looking at Eric with different eyes. I was checking out his body from his toes up to his handsome face and all in between. Even in the apron his lean mean body showed through. He saw me looking and flashed me his handsome 17 year old teen smile. The smile reserved for good Friends.

The others were busy telling Sally about buying the cabin and Her outlandish offers to come over and add the women's touch it needed.

My now queer eyes were stuck following the handsome teen as he went about his duties. I would catch a peek at his round high ass as He bent to clear a table. then as he would hold the big trays of soiled dishes against his stomach leaning on his dick to hold it in place. Wow what a turn on I was getting and my cock was rock hard under the table. Eric was looking over at me from time to time and i knew that the way i now was looking so longingly at him was tipping my hand but I didn't care really. He was a teen dream Boy. Perfect body and perfect smile so handsome. My mind drifted back to the times he'd be over for a swim with Us and go up to the bed room to change into his swim suite. he wasn't shy at all and He'd strip right in front of me all naked and even let me take a look. My natural curiosity at that age taking over. I;d look at his older teen cock and admire it. he was hung like a horse and that was only soft. he got a kick out of it and even once asked me to show him mine to compare which i did. being just 12 to his 14 then mine wasn't as big but Eric told me I'd be bigger then his 9 inches one day cause he wasn't as big as me at 12 two years ago. There in the restaurant at the ripe old age of 15 I found myself saying " I wish I knew then what I know now" How big was that cock of his now at 17? I nearly died, Eric was smiling over at me and now putting down his tray he was walking to our table as his mother took our order to the kitchen.

Eric came to stop at Our table and his cock was resting on the very edge of the table on top of it clearly outlined in the apron. He was inches from my hand. He said. " Hey Guys good to see you all. You guys up for the weekend again?

Dad looked smiling at Eric saying. " Yep we sure are. And good news You've got yourself new neighbors. we bought the Cabin today, Its all ours now."

The smile on Eric's face made my hard cock twitch in my pants and he extended his hand to Dad and then to the others saying. " Well that's great news. And Welcome Neighbors. Yea that is great news. I've always like You guys and now we are Neighbors." He got to my hand and I held it even when Eric tried to pull it free saying as I held it captive.

Now that we are actually Neighbors I hope We'll be seeing much more of You around the place. Ah You know for swimming and boating and the fishing and all?

Eric looked puzzled as he looked at our hands still firmly held in place by me. I was moving my one finger secretly in his palm in the universal sign of wanting to get laid. My efforts were not lost on Eric. He tilted his head some and gave me a quizzical look then a knowing smile and LORD his finger was actually returning the gesture. And his head shaking up and down in a yes motion as He spoke saying.

' Yes I think I would really like that Kevin. Maybe for a swim again like the other times? Tomorrow I've got to spend the day out on the lake fishing for the restaurant and sure could use some Neighborly help? That is if your free to spend the day out on the lake with me Kevin? I'd sure like the company."

Dad was about to protest and I was kicking him under the table and then rubbing my finger more so on Eric's palm I said. " Sure I'll tag along and help You neighbor. We neighbors got to stick together and help each other out."

Eric said with a sly wink. " Cool then its all set. I'll be by the Cabin for you at 6 AM. I'll have all the bait and also bring along something for Us to eat out on the lake. Now its an all day affair Kevin so don't plan on being back until the sun goes down." He freed his hand and returned to the job as his Mother was bring the food.

Once We were alone again Jimmy asked while eating. " What in the hell was that all abut " Good neighbor Boy"?

I looked at the others and then related my tail about showing cocks back two years ago and about the little finger action we just had going ending my tail with. " Yea he sure will be bring along something I want to eat alright." The whole table cracked up at that and Frank joked that i was becoming a Cock Master already. Dad was telling me to be certain I was right before making any moves. He cautioned I should hint but let Eric make all the first moves. Jimmy was all excited and made me promise to share my catch with the rest of them later.

At meals end Sally was back at the table giving us coffee she was saying as she poured. " So my Eric tells me that You and Him are going to be fishing together tomorrow on the lake Kevin?

I smiled saying " Yes We are Sally. I love to fish and it will be great to be with a pro like Eric must be? To be fishing for the restaurant and all I mean?

Sally threw her head back laughing as she often does. ' He sure is that honey a real pro. What he catches tomorrow is what we serve up all week. One more year and my Boy will be going to chef's school over in the city where you guys live. You know that's why I am glad he is getting close to you people. Cause, See its like two hours away from here. So when he goes I'll rent him a small one room apartment for himself and now at least i know he'll have you guys in the same city to look after him."

Frank said. " You can count on Us four taking good care of Your boy Sally.

Sally beamed at that and said. ' Well thank You Frank and You and hank here know how much I will be grateful for that. I'd like to tell you how much but not in front of these young boys. You all get my drift?

Dad " Sally we sure do get your drift. Now all we need is your bill."

We were all at the counter ready to pay the check. Eric was by the front door and signaling for me to come over. I walked away from the others to him and Eric guided me out the door. Out in the sun light he put his hand on my shoulder and said. " Kevin tomorrow I need to catch only 30 fish and I usually do that by 10 in the morning. The rest of the day I spend on this small island on the lake just goofing off, Swimming and all. Now keep this our secret. Mom ever finds out, Big as I am she'll tan my hide."

I laughed at that and said. ' That's cool so I'll pack my swim suite then?

" Dam Boy don't go doing that. You pack a swim suite and the others will guess our secret. Look we'll just swim naked. Now unless I was reading your signals back in there with the finger wrong? I don't think Your going to mind Us two being naked at all are You Kevin?

I gulped and couldn't believe my luck I looked around and insured nobody was insight. I reached down and took hold of Eric's crotch in my hand feeling his growing manhood, His big not hard but still big 17 year old teen cock and said. " No Eric I am going to love that in fact."

His face was in shock at first and he looked around too. Then his face lit up with a wide ass grin and He was holding and feeling my own rock hard cock. " we're going to really have a good time buddy. I'll make sure I bring some Vaseline along with me too. You know what that's for don't you Boy?

My hand was now under his apron as we both looked out to make sure we were not seen. under his apron I pulled down his fly and reached in feeling his hard big teen dick in his underwear. The thing was huge at least as big if not bigger then Our Dad's.

" I sure as hell know what its for Eric and bring a whole lot for this big cock of Yours."

He closed his eyes as my hand was now holding and fondling his bare balls as I had pushed aside his briefs. A man just turned the corner and we had to quickly separate. WE reentered the restaurant as if nothing had gone on. My handsome Eric resuming his duties with his eyes on me until I left the place following my hard cock in front of me. I was is fag heaven. Tonight an orgy of male sex with the four of us. And tomorrow love with my teen idol on a deserted lake island with a jar of Vaseline and Us alone.

I hoped You enjoyed? I continue a story based on the feed back i get so write and let me know kevinmjo@aol.com see my other many stories under Authors. see kevinmjo or in search on AOL type in kevivnmjo. Kevin Kelly. Meets Uncle's in Philly 2nd Sundays see details above. Kevin Kelly

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