My Buddy the Marine

By scooby doo.

Published on Dec 23, 2011


This is a fictional piece of work. The characters are fictional and any resemblance to real events or people is completely coincidental.

The basic rules apply, if you are underage, etc... do not read this, go play on or something.

[Authors note: This and a previous chapter feature sex without protection. I do not, nor do I condone having sex without protection. Sorry guys it's taken so long, been working mad hours and putting in a lot of Overtime. I will try to catch up more as soon as I can. Feedback is always appreciated, it's what is making me a better writer. ]

My buddy the Marine -- Part 12

Six months felt it like was going to be forever. I knew that Steve would be a good Marine and would fight hard for his country. I just knew that I would be so alone during the weeks and months that I would not have him around. I could already feel my heart sink and the pain inside of it grow immensely. I remembered that Pete had called me and I wanted to call him to thank him for the comforting words he left.

"Pete?" I asked as the other person answered.

"Yeah man, it's me. How are you doing Kyle?" He replied.

"It hurts to know that I won't be able to see Steve for six months, but I will be alright. We had some good times up at the cabin and my love for him has grown so much. Please tell me everything will be alright." I said with sadness in my voice.

"I understand man. I know that It hurts. Just know that it is hurting for him also and he will think of you while he is away. I know it will help him that you are thinking of him and holding the love in your heart for him. He will be ok, trust me. He's a Marine and he is very adequately trained. He will be just fine." Pete replied. "If you ever want to come up and hang out with me, feel free to give me a call, especially if you just want to talk."

I thanked him for the comfort and I would definitely let him know if the need ever arose. I hung up with him thanking him again for the fun time we had up at the cabin and told him it would be awesome to see him again when we came up there again when Steve gets back.

The months since Steve passed and my heart still hurt but I was able to make it through each day. Work helped to keep my mind busy and I enjoyed being able to just hang with friends. My family was awesome as always and knew that Steve was away and that he was my best friend. I wrote Steve as much as I could and we also talked over the internet. It was awesome to see pictures that he sent me via email and I could tell that he was alright. It was funny because a couple of pictures he labeled as `confidential' and I knew what they were; pictures of his hot body and fully erect cock. He had been working out while he was there because I could tell he gained more muscle while being overseas.

As the months passed, the weather turned to fall and then into winter. It started getting colder and the snow fell some off and on. Steve was due to come home one week before Christmas, but he wouldn't be home until a couple of days after new year's because the men would have to be debriefed.

As the season changed and it got closer to Christmas, I received a gift in the mail. It was unmarked, but was wrapped and delivered to my door. I opened it, curious as to what it would be. It was a plane ticket out to his base for the day he was to return to his home base. He said in the letter that he knew I probably couldn't afford it, but wanted me to be there at the welcome home ceremony, and stay out there until he was ready to come back home. He had gotten me a hotel room all set up and paid for. He said he had been paid nicely while overseas and it didn't really cost him as the military helped pay for some of the plane ticket, and the hotel had specials for family and friends of Marine's stationed nearby.

I became so excited. I told my parents and family that I probably wouldn't be home for Christmas and told them the reason was I was invited to welcome Steve home at his base and he wanted me to stay for the two weeks until he was able to come back home. They understood and were happy for me. They said they would wait until we came home to celebrate the Holidays and would have gifts for Steve also.

Finally the time came and I packed my gear and got ready for the trip out to California. I was very excited to see Steve again and knew that it would be an amazing homecoming. I found out that he hadn't invited anyone else out to the homecoming, including all of his family. I was quite surprised but his Father told me that the family was ok with it as they had many Christmas plans that they had to take care of. They said I was all that Steve talked about and knew it would be good for him to see me when he walked off the plane. His dad said he knew that we were best friends and that my support of their son was one thing that got him through the hard times of being away.

I boarded the plane and was excited to go out to the base and wait for his return. He told me where I would have to go in the letter and what I would have to tell them. I am his `brother' and that the family couldn't make it and sent me to be here when Steve returned. I got off the plane and saw that there was someone waiting at the door with a sign with my name on it. I walked up to the person and he said I was to follow him and he would take me to the hotel. I was very surprised that he had also arranged transportation for me.

I got all checked into the hotel and was amazed that it was more of a suite than a hotel room. There was a Jacuzzi in the room and a huge bed. A small refrigerator was in the small kitchen area that I would be able to get some food and cook it here instead of spending it at the restaurants in the area.

Steve's plane was due to land at about 7pm that evening, so I made sure I took a shower and got dressed up nicely for his return. I walked the two miles over to the base. The weather was perfect, was about 60 degrees and was comfortable.

I approached the base and saw there were plenty of people that were already going into the waiting area of the base. They had bleachers all set up, adorned with tons of flags we were told we could grab and fly as the men debarked from the large plane that will be bringing them in. I later found out it was a C-130 that was a transport plane and the guys were going to be coming off a ramp at the back of the plane.

I met several wives and children of fellow Marines that were coming back. I told them my brother was coming off the plane and I was excited to see him. I heard plenty of stories, one was of a woman who had a baby boy while her husband was away fighting. He has only seen the baby through pictures and through the internet, but hasn't seen him in person. She was very excited to see her husband and for him and the baby to finally meet in person. I remember as I was welcoming Steve back home, I looked over and saw the Marine as he met with this woman and finally was able to see his baby for the first time. It touched my heart to see the tear roll down his eye with the joy that was in his heart. It truly made for a touching moment.

After about forty minutes of waiting on the bleachers, the plane circled overhead and I could feel the excitement inside of me go up. I was excited to see Steve come home and see his sexy body covered in that uniform. I knew if given that chance tonight, he would take me several times to release the pent up sexual urges that he had told me about.

The Plane finally landed and there were some formalities made by politicians and such, and finally the ramp came down. The men were formed in two lines and came down in complete unison while walking. They formed four lines in front of the families and friends waiting for them. There was some other ceremonial type of speeches and some movement of flags and a change of the guard I guess. The funniest part is, Steve and my eyes were locked on each other during the whole time. I smiled the biggest smile I could give and I thought I saw a tear in his eye. I knew that he was happy to be home and I was excited to see him.

The ceremony was finally over, after thirty minutes, and the families and friends were able to go and meet their men. I allowed the wives and children to all go first. I slowly made my way down the steps of the bleachers to go onto the field and meet up with Steve. I felt a little awkward as I saw families and such go down to meet their Marine, but Steve only had me. As I went up to him I was quickly given a bear hug and literally felt all the air go out of my being. I told him he had to let me down.

I wanted to kiss him so badly, but knew that it would be deeply frowned upon on the military base. I put my hand on his shoulder and yes, I could feel the muscles that I remembered had definitely grown since last I saw him.

Steve told me he was free for the next 48 hours and just couldn't wait to get back to the hotel. I knew at that moment the exact meaning of what he was saying. I got a big grin on my face and I knew that within a couple of hours he would be satisfied and my ass would be filled with is cum. My dick literally jumped a little, but I was able to control it as I didn't want to let onto anyone the true feelings that Steve and I shared for each other.

Steve introduced me as his brother to his commanders and was given the final ok to leave the base for the 48 hour `leave'. He was told he would have to report back to the base at 0600 on the following Monday. He saluted the two gentlemen and finally grabbed his gear and we made our way to the hotel.

Here I was walking with this bulky, hunky Marine back to the hotel. I couldn't contain my excitement. We had some conversation as we walked the two miles back to the hotel. He told me how much it meant to him that I wrote to him so much while he was deployed. He appreciated the care packages that I had sent. I had actually arranged care packages at work and was surprised at how many people at work cared so much to put items into the boxes. I ended up sending nine boxes of items over to Steve and his buddies overseas. I told Steve how much people had contributed and he said he wasn't surprised as most of the people he met that day when he met me in the office were very nice to him. My boss had given a check for $250.00 toward the cause, which honestly paid for most of the shipping costs.

We stopped at a gas station and picked up a couple 12 packs of beer and some snacks. These were pleasures that I know he wasn't able to have while deployed so I was telling him the things we should get for sure. We had a couple of bags of items along with the beer. Thankfully it was only a couple of blocks from the hotel.

We got to the hotel and Steve checked into the front desk also and verified some things they needed to ensure that it was a military pricing and such. He got his key and confirmed that I was his `brother' and was in the same room as him. They asked if we wanted a different room as there was only one bed. He got a look on him and said that he was perfectly comfortable with sleeping on the couch, and that the room we had was a little cheaper than having twin beds.

We made our way up to the room and with no one in the hall, I kept feeling Steve slapping my ass and laughing. God I was already hot and couldn't wait until we were inside and have that big cock inside me again. We got inside the door. Steve put out the `do not disturb' sign on the doorknob and as the door shut, He started to pull off his uniform. I just laid down on the bed and waited for him to come over to me. By the time he hit the bed he was down to his skivvies and I could tell his cock was already at full mast. I was excited to have his cock in me and to please him.

Next thing I knew, I was lifted up off the bed and was completely disrobed within 10 seconds it seemed. My cock was already hard and Steve had a little trouble getting my underwear off, but when he did, his mouth met the tip of my cock a second afterwards. My cock was being buried down his throat and I could tell I wouldn't last long as I hadn't had sex since our last time in the cabin. He touched my balls and seconds later I presented my load to his mouth. He swallowed it with happiness.

I reached down and grabbed onto his cock and removed his military issued underwear. I moved my head so my mouth was on the edge of the bed. I pushed his ass to aim his cock directly into my mouth and down my throat. As quickly as it had been for me, it was about the same for Steve. About 5 minutes later, I was treated with a large load that I had a hard time swallowing, but was happy to take it.

We laid down on the bed next to each other allowing ourselves to re-coup after the quick and intense orgasms we had just had. We made small talk and I could see the burning in Steve's eyes and knew that this day would end with me walking funny.

It didn't take long for his cock to rise again. I took control and grabbed the lube that I had brought with and put it all over his cock. With him laying flat on his back, I got up and squatted over his cock and slowly allowed it to sink into my ass. God it felt so good to have his cock inside my ass again and I knew that it was made for taking it as deep as I could. I reached up and grabbed onto his chest. I was amazed at how the muscles of his chest were so large compared to what I remembered them last. I grabbed onto them and played with his nipples. I then leaned down and planted a huge kiss on his lips. He gladly accepted my tongue into his mouth and wrapped his arms around me.

Next thing I knew, I was flat on my back and Steve was now in control of the rhythm of the fucking. He pushed deep into my ass and would just leave his cock in there. I allowed my hands to roam over his body and was more turned on as I felt every muscle in his body ripple. My cock had now returned to full mast and was leaking. I watched Steve's face as it hovered over mine as his pumping increased and I knew it wouldn't be long before my ass would be filled with the jets of his essence.

I grabbed onto his ass and loved feeling it clench each time he pushed into me. There probably wasn't an ounce of fat on him and I was so turned on at how muscular he had become. I mean, he was even more than the last time we saw each other just over six months ago. I watched his face and could tell his orgasm was close. I pushed a finger into his ass and up to feel his prostrate. As I did that he let out a yelp and his body tensed up and I could feel my ass filling up with one hell of a load. I could feel his cock jerk and the load splash against the walls of my ass. I knew I had been bred by my man and probably would be several times more over the next 48 hours. As his orgasm subsided, he reached down and grabbed my cock. Literally the moment that he gave it a couple of jerks, my cum splattered all over the both of us. He literally fell down on top of me and we were breathing very heavily, and his sweat dripped off his body onto mine.

We both fell asleep after all was said and down. He was spooned up behind me. I loved this feeling as his cock a couple of times became hard while he was sleeping and it slipped into my ass without any problems. I woke up the moment I felt it enter, knowing that it wouldn't be the last time.

I woke up the next morning with Steve's arms wrapped around me. I was content to just stay here feeling all the muscles completely envelope me as I just laid there. I felt so loved by this Marine and knew that I was a lucky guy.

We woke up that morning and had another session of intense sex. Steve lasted a lot longer this time and had fucked me in doggy, on my back and me riding him. He proceeded to suck on my cock and swallowed the load I had offered him after taking his load up my ass. I purred like a kitten as my orgasm rang out.

We went shopping and went to a restaurant during the day. He was in civilian clothes this time, but I am sure that people were still able to make out that he was a Marine. We had to play it cool with our affection and such as to not let on to others the true type of relationship we had.

I was surprised when we both ended up at a local strip joint. I guess that Steve still had to give himself a little of the straight world. I will admit there were a few women there that had amazing bodies, but didn't do anything for me, that much was for certain. I knew part of the reason we were there was to give the impression that our `brotherly' relationship was just that, 2 straight guys just hanging out.

We stopped off at a couple of the drinking establishments and had gotten a little buzzed to the point that Steve was starting to show a little more affection towards me than he probably should have. The other thing was there was a girl there that really thought that Steve was cute and decided to make herself known to Steve. Before long, they were dancing on the dance floor and he was grinding up on her and it was obvious to me that he was hard as a rock. He came over to the table that I was at and said he would be back in 30 minutes. I turned and looked and saw him and this girl walking out of the door.

About an hour later, he walked back in the door with a sheepish look on his face. He came back to the table and apologized profusely to me. He said he got caught up in the moment and his hormones took over and he needed to have the loving of a woman also. He asked me to not be mad at him. He said as he was leaving he ran into about 5 of the guys in his unit and it was a good thing that they saw him with the girl than me hanging on his arm. He said he hoped I understood.

I told him I did and he had told me he would still want his times to have sex with women and I wasn't in the least upset with him as I understood he wasn't 100% gay and that was still part of his life. I had to accept it and I didn't want to take that away from him or I would be forcing him to be something he didn't want to be.

We drank a little more and then made our way back to the hotel that night. Steve was very cordial and again apologized for what happened with the girl. He said it wasn't right and realized that he had hurt me and didn't like the knowledge that he hurt his best friend.

"Well, I guess with inviting me out here and the sex we had in the first 12 hours after your return meant that we were a couple, but I guess I was hoping for more than I should have been." I said to him.

"Kyle, no, you weren't stupid for hoping for that. Remember, I am a Marine, and I need to keep a front that I am 100% straight. If there was ever any thought I was anything but straight, there would be questions and I could get kicked out. I love you, man, more than you know and you have been the only constant person that has completely showed your love and concern for me. When I was overseas, I knew I could always count on you to send me gifts, mail, emails, and such. You were the one person who gave me strength when we lost two of our guys in an IED. I felt I would go insane with some of the things I saw, but I knew you were there and I could make it. "He responded.

"Well, ok, I understand man. I know you have to make sure everyone thinks you are completely straight and I can keep your secret amongst us both. You are my best friend and someone I know I can always rely on. I am thankful you are completely free with me and know that I am completely satisfied with our fun times. Thank you for giving me that, even though I know you probably don't always want to." I said.

"What are you talking about? I enjoy our love making. I enjoy fucking that tight ass of yours and I enjoyed taking it from you when we were up at the cabin and before the weekend is over, you are going to fuck me hard again. I want these things, Kyle, but I have to make sure that I am not swinging one way too hard, if you get my drift. I am a Marine first and foremost, and I need to make sure nothing comes out to take that away from me. If I didn't want you here with me, I would have never invited you. Please understand where I am coming from, and I want to be with you first. "He said as he grabbed me in his arms and then planted a huge kiss on my lips. "I hope this shows you how much I want you." He said as he grabbed my hand and placed it onto his groin. Yup, he was hard as a rock and was begging to come out.

Next: Chapter 13

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