My Buddy Billy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on May 27, 2002


This is the 7th chapter in my story of a couple of high school boys and the fun they have.

Any comments are welcome at

My Buddy Billy 7

The following morning Pete said he had cleared it with his father for the three of us to spend the weekend at his house. He said we would be able to use the guesshouse out by the pool and wouldn't be disturbed by anyone. Pete said that his mother would be sure to fill the refrigerator with food that we could eat on during the weekend. Pete informed us that before we were allowed to use their pool that they had to agree to clean it. He said that it wasn't too hard of a job but did take time to do it correctly.

I looked at Billy and he said that it sounded great to him and he didn't mind a little work, but he had to try to get in touch with his mother to make sure it was all right. I looked at Pete and told him that I had mentioned the possibility to my parents and they said it was fine with them since we lived so close together.

We made it through classes and at lunch Billy told us that he could spend the weekend with us but he had to first go home and do some chores before he could go to Pete's. I told him that I had to do a few things also and I would wait for him at my house. We agreed to leave my house at about five o'clock and I would get my mother to drive us over to Pete's. Pete agreed and said that he could get a head start on cleaning the pool before we got there, and he might have it cleaned by the time his father got home to inspect it.

After school we started home and all agreed that we would pass up our daily fun until later that night. That way Billy would have more time to do the things he had to do at home. We all went our different ways when we got to our turnoffs. When I got home I was horny but was able to refrain from playing with myself. I kept myself under control by packing an overnight bag with all the things I figured I might need. I packed extra t-shirts, shorts, swimming trunks, socks, underwear, and of course a jar of Vaseline.

My mother came home a little early and fixed me a snack and asked what we had planned for the weekend. I told her that we were going to be swimming provided we did a good enough job on Pete's pool, and probably playing a lot of video games. She told me to be sure and carry some sunscreen along if we were planning on swimming a lot.

I glanced up at the clock and noticed that it was about time for Billy to arriving so I went to the living room so that I could see him when he turned on our street. I was watching some show on TV when I noticed him and yelled at my mother that Billy was on his way and wanted to know how soon she could carry us to Pete's. She said she wasn't busy and she could carry us right then.

I ran to my room and grabbed my bag and threw the bottle of sunscreen in my bag and headed out to the car. When I had thrown my bag in the car, Billy had made it to our drive and I told him to hurry up and get in the car. He just smiled at me as he noticed the excitement that was showing on my face.

Billy said hello to my mother as he opened the back door and climbed in. We pulled out of the drive when my mother started telling us to be sure and call her if we needed anything or if anything happened during the weekend. We both promised to call if we needed anything and told her that we were sure that we wouldn't.

We pulled into Pete's driveway and I saw him run around the corner of his house to greet us. He was dressed in some cutoff shorts and was wet from head to foot. He helped us collect our bags and told us that he had already started on cleaning the pool. I told my mother goodbye and that I would see her Sunday evening. Billy thanked her for the lift and we waved as she backed out of the drive.

We grabbed our things and headed around the back to the guesthouse. The guesthouse was actually a large pool house but did contain everything a small apartment would have. There was a small kitchenette, bathroom, a small living area, and two bedrooms. We tossed our belongings on the bed and started changing into some shorts. As we headed to the pool Billy and I asked what we needed to do.

Pete told us that he had been diving down to the drain in the bottom of the pool and removing all the large leaves that had collected around it. He said that we had to go around the edge of the pool and clean out all the overflow drains before we could sweep the pool with the vacuum. He said that he then had to clean a few filters in the pump house and by that time his father would be home to tell us what else we had to do.

Billy and I jumped into the pool and started pulling ourselves around the pool and making piles of leaves and other things that had gotten caught in the overflow drains. Pete was diving to the bottom of the pool with a mess bag. I watched as he swam along the bottom of the pool picking up leaves and placing them in the bag. He wore a mask and snorkel that allowed him to stay down a lot longer than I thought he could.

When Billy and I had finished the overflow drains we found a trash can and picked up the piles of trash we had formed. We waited for Pete to surface to ask him what we needed to do next. He handed me the snorkel and goggles and told me that he was almost finished with the bottom of the pool but if I would finish it, he would take Billy and get the sweeper and vacuum ready. I slipped the goggles and snorkel on and after trying it a few times was able to dive to the bottom and pick of what little trash was left.

When I finally finished I noticed that Pete had attached a long hose onto a pole that had some type of brush with wheels on it. He slowly placed it in the water and told Billy to turn the switch on. I noticed the hose jerked a couple of times and then some water started passing through what looked like a large tub. The water started coming out the side of the tub and spraying back into the pool. Pete started moving the brush back and forth across the pool as I noticed the little clouds of dust on the bottom of the pool being sucked into the brush.

Pete continued to sweep the bottom of the pool for about ten minutes when he said he was tired and if one of us would continue to sweep he would go get us something to drink. Billy took over as Pete left and I noticed that there wasn't much dust being stirred up with the brush. I asked Billy if it was hard and he told me no that it wasn't easy to push but wasn't hard. Pete returned with cokes for each of us and headed to the pump house and turned on some switches. We noticed that the overflow drains were sucking water into them and the lights in the sides of the pool were on.

Pete returned and turned the vacuum off on the brush and told Billy to pull it out of the water. He then placed some large white tablets on the overflow drains and we stood there watching them dissolve. About that time Pete's father came out of the back of the house and started looking around the pool.

"Well, looks like you boys did a very good job." Pete's father said.

He then asked Pete what else he had done to the pool and after Pete had finished answering, he said that all he had to do was wait for the chlorine tablets to dissolve completely and he would test the other chemicals. He said that he knew he would have to treat the pool with some other chemicals but that we should be able to us the pool in a couple of hours.

Pete's dad went into the pump house and took out a little box that contained some test tubes and chemicals. He filled one of the test tubes with the water in the pool and then dropped a few drops of something into the water. The water turned different colors and he poured it back into the pool. He then dropped some tablets into the drain and a few larger tablets into the middle of the pool. He noticed me watching and said it was to keep the algae from growing in the pool. He then looked at his watch and said that we were not to get into the pool for at least two hours.

We gathered up all the things we had been using and put them away. Pete's dad said he would be back in two hours and test the water again and let us know if it was safe to go swimming. We headed into the guesthouse to shower off and find something to eat. When we looked in the refrigerator there was enough sandwiches for about six people and a whole lot of sodas along with milk and some juice.

Pete and I grabbed a sandwich and another soda but Billy grabbed two sandwiches and asked if he could have some juice. Pete told him he could have whatever he found. Billy poured himself some orange juice and grabbed a bottle of pickles as he moved to the small table. We sat there eating and started talking about what we would do first. Pete said that we shouldn't do anything sexual until his dad had returned and left. He said that after that no one would bother us. He said that there was an intercom connected to the main house and if they needed anything they would use it to get in touch with us.

Pete and I had finished our sandwich and neither of us wanted anything else, but Billy was on his second sandwich and about his third pickle and showed no signs of slowing down. We decided to play some video games until Pete's father returned. Billy was finishing up his food when Pete's dad knocked on the door. He said that he had checked the water and it was just right for swimming. He then told Pete to be sure and cut the lights off when we were through, but to leave the filter and pump on.

"Oh, yeah, please do not pee in the water while you are skinny-dipping." His father said as he left the room while smiling at us.

"Hey, does your father know what we do together?" Billy asked Pete with a scared look on his face.

"No, he and I go skinny dipping all the time when my mother is not at home." Pete said. "He just figured I would want to do it with the two of you."

I looked at the two of them and said it sounded like a good idea, and since it was now dark out why not. Billy and Pete looked at me and then each other and started removing their clothes. I was way ahead of them and when the three of us were completely naked I noticed that all three of us were beginning to swell in the groin area.

Pete yelled something as he ran out the door toward the pool. We all jumped in and the cool water did its job on our cocks as they instantly returned to less than normal size. We all gasped as we caught our breath and started trying to dunk each other. As we swam around chasing each other and playing grab ass, our body temperature rose and our cocks started to grow again, especially when we rubbed them up against each other.

We were having a lot of fun when all at once we heard, "Mind if I join the three of you?"

We all froze in place trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. When we located the person we then tried to cover ourselves with our hands.

"No need covering up, I have been watching ever since the three of you jumped in." The voice said.

"Helen, what are you doing here?" Pete asked as he recognized the girl from next door.

Helen was somewhere around 15 years old and although not an overly attractive girl, she was not what you would call ugly. She was about five feet five with strawberry blond hair and a nice figure. She was more of a tomboy than a gentle girl. She had more than ample breast but was not on the very large side. She was standing there with cut off shorts that were a little on the too tight side, and a top that only covered her breast.

"My parents grounded me for staying out too late so I slipped out the back and saw the glow of the lights in your pool." She said.

"Mind if I join you in the pool?" She asked while reaching to pull off her top.

The three of us gulped and since no one said anything Helen continued to undress. I heard Billy take a deep breath as Helen's firm young breast came into view. The three of us moved to the side of the pool so we could get a better look at Helen. We were also able to hide our now hard cocks from Helen's view. When she slipped her shorts down I thought I was going to cum.

She turned and faced us and I am sure that none up us was looking at anything above her waist.

"Mind if I join you guys?" She said as she walked up and sat down on the edge in from of Billy.

Billy moved back just a little to allow Helen to place her legs into the pool. His face was within a foot of Helen's pussy and his eyes were glued to it. Helen told Billy that if he wanted he could touch. She spread her legs as she moved right to the edge of the pool. Billy moved as if he was in a trance.

We could all see Helen's pussy as the folds of skin slowly opened up. Billy placed his hands on her thighs within in inches of the object that was drawing all of his attention. Pete and I watched as he slowly moved his hands close enough that his thumbs were actually touching the outside of her pussy.

We moved in for a closer look as Billy used his thumbs to spread her pussy open so that we could see the moist pink insides. We all noticed her little clit as it popped its head out of the folds of skin and kind of glistened at us. Billy immediately dropped his mouth onto her clit and started sucking and licking all around it.

Helen moaned and wrapped her legs around Billy's head and pulled his head in even tighter. It was apparent that Billy and Helen were both enjoying what they were doing, but Pete and I felt left out. Helen reached out and took Pete's hand and placed it on her breast. I didn't have to be shown as I reached up and started squeezing the other breast. Helen moaned and bucked her pussy in Billy's face as Pete and I started massaging her breast and playing with her nipples.

"Oh, oh, we need to move somewhere else." Helen said as she pushed Billy's head out from between her legs.

Pete and I noticed that Billy's nose; mouth and chin were covered with juices from Helen's pussy. She pushed her hands away from her breast, stood up and started toward the guesthouse. The three of us jumped out of the pool and were not concerned about our obvious erections as we ran after her.

By the time we caught up to her she was spread out on the king size bed in one of the bedrooms. She looked up at us and asked, "Now where were we?"

Billy crawled up between her legs as she lifted them to give Billy more access to her. Pete and I attached ourselves to her breast and we grabbed her legs just above her knees and pulled them forward. This really opened her up for Billy and we both could tell he was wanted to do more than use his tongue on her. As he climbed up on top of her, she didn't complain and even reached down and grabbed Billy's cock. For a second I thought Billy was going to cum right then.

Helen placed the head of Billy's cock at the entrance to her now very moist pussy. As Billy pushed in she thrust her pelvis up at him. His cock slid inside her pussy and the both of them moaned as the pleasure hit their bodies. Billy started pumping very fast into her as she told him to slow down. She then told Billy that if he didn't slow down and show her a really good time that Pete and I would not get our turns.

Pete and I both grabbed Billy and forced him to slow down. We moved away and let Billy massage and suck on her breast as he slowly pumped his cock in and out of her pussy. Pete and I sat back and watched the show as Billy and Helen fucked at each other. We could tell that Billy was holding back and trying to please Helen. She started a low-pitched squeal that was coming faster and faster. We noticed that Billy had started pumping faster and harder as she drove her heels into the lower part of his back. She was not digging her fingers into Billy's back and telling him to fuck her harder and harder.

She let out a sharp yell that she muffled when she bit down on Billy's shoulder. Her body tensed and then relaxed as we noticed her legs and arms hanging limply on Billy. He continued to pump into her pussy and we watched as he stiffened up and ground his cock in as far as he could. We knew he was shooting his cum as deep as he possible could. We watched as he collapsed on top of Helen with his mouth placed right on top of one of her nipples. He slowly sucked the nipple into his mouth as he gave a couple more quick thrusts with his hips.

Pete and I moved in wondering who would be next as we pulled Billy's sweaty body off of Helen. When she saw us she just spread her legs and reached up with her arms. Pete quickly moved on top of her before I could even move and was rubbing his face between Helen's breast. She reached down and grabbed each cheek of Pete's ass and started grinding herself into Pete's groin.

Pete had started pumping his cock at Helen even though his cock was still outside of her. I watched as she lifted Pete's ass up and spread her legs even further. When Pete's cock found its mark she pulled him into her and wrapped her legs around him. I then heard her tell him that he didn't have to take it easy. He immediately started driving his cock into her pussy, as we were able to hear the squishing noise as his cock penetrated her dripping pussy.

It didn't take Pete long before he was spraying her cunt full of his own cum. He lasted about six more thrust before he collapsed on top of Helen. She reached up and started rubbing his head as you would a small puppy to console it. She unwrapped her legs and rolled over on top of Pete. I couldn't control my self as I reached out and rub Helen's ass. I rubbed my hand up and down her crack and she started spreading her legs and pushing her ass up toward my hands.

She moaned a few times and then crawled off of Pete. She stayed up on all fours and wiggled her ass at me. I slipped my hand down until I could feel her wet dripping cunt and slowly pushed my fingers inside her pussy. I didn't have to move my fingers as she started pumping on my hand.

I could feel her body tremble each time my thumb passed over her asshole. I took my hand and ran it through the juices in her pussy and made sure my thumb was good and wet. I placed my hand on her ass so that when she pushed back against my hand she also pushed her asshole against my thumb. When my thumb popped inside she moaned and dropped her head down on her arms thus forcing her ass up at me. As she started moaning I moved in and placed my cock at the entrance of her pussy.

I removed my hands and grabbed her waist. When she pumped back toward me I thrust as hard as I could into her pussy. I was a little surprised at how easy her pussy accepted my cock and wrapped its warm wet lips around it. I started pumping and was really getting started when Billy moved around to her head and sat down just above her head. He reached down and picked her head up and placed it in his crotch. She swallowed his cock and started rocking back and forth as she sucked his cock and fucked herself on my cock.

We must have stay in this position for at least ten minutes and I was getting very tired from all the effort I was spending. The more I pumped into her the closer I was hoping to get to cumming but she was so loose and wet that I was only keeping my self hard. Billy was watching and suggested that we try a different position.

He moved down beneath Helen and pushed his cock into her pussy. He pumped a few times to be sure he was in as far as he could get. I looked at Helen and she seemed to be in a trance and wasn't complaining about anything. Billy had Pete move up to where Helen could get her mouth around his cock. He then reached up and spread Helen's legs apart and pulled the knees up beside his hips. With both hands he spread Helen's ass open and motioned for me to enter her.

My cock was still slick from earlier and when I placed the head of my cock against her asshole she seemed to open up a little for me. As I placed pressure against her the head of my cock popped inside. Helen moaned but only sucked harder on Pete's cock. I pushed again and felt my cock sink all the way in. Billy pumped his cock a couple of times and I was amazed that I could feel his cock moving back and forth inside Helen. I started pumping and knew that Billy could feel me as well.

We started to pump together and the tightness of her asshole was definitely getting me worked up. I could feel my orgasm building in my balls and knew it was only a matter of thrust before I would cum. Billy knew I was close as he slowed down and let me do all the work. I felt my balls pull up against my shaft and thrust in as hard as I could. As my cock started shooting I heard Billy grunt as he drove his cock in as deep as possible and he started cumming as well.

Pete was watching all the action and started shooting in Helen's mouth. She was able to swallow all of Pete's cum as her body tensed up as she went through an orgasm of her own. We all just laid there for a minute or two trying to catch our breaths. Pete finally pulled himself up and said that he thought Helen needed to get a shower before she went back home. He said he didn't want her to get into more trouble than she was.

I raised myself up on my hands and started to pull my cock out of her asshole but had to fight the desire to thrust it back in. I noticed that Billy was having the same problem as well. We finally were able to separate ourselves from Helen as we pulled her to her feet and offered to help bath her off. She thought for a second but then said she had better do it herself or we might end back up on the bed again.

She headed to the shower and the three of us headed back to the pool. We dove into the water and wiped the cum and juices from our bodies. We pulled ourselves up on the side of the pool and all hung there in sort of a state of disbelief as we thought about what we had just done. We were there for about ten minutes when Helen walked back out to the pool with a towel draped around her. She walked over to where she had left her clothes and bent over to pick them up. She made sure that her ass was facing us so that when she bent over we all got a look at her ass and pussy as it opened up a little.

We made no moves as she slowly dressed and then turned around. She thanked us for a fun time and said that she was sorry that we would not be able to repeat it. She then informed us that she had been grounded by her parents and was leaving for a boarding school up north the next day. She told Pete that she didn't know when she would be back or even if she would. She waved at us as she went around the guesthouse and disappeared into her backyard.

"How is the water?" Pete's father asked as he moved next to the pool.

The three of us let out a sign of relief when we realized that Pete's father had not seen Helen. We then remembered that the three of us were nude and I believe we all turned red at the same time.

Pete's father jumped into the pool and was underwater for a few seconds before he came back up. He glanced at the three of us and said we could relax. He said that he figured we were skinny-dipping and that he had known for years that Pete did when no one was around. He then pulled his own shorts out of the water and above his head. Billy and I both were a little embarrassed but no where near as much as Pete.

We swam around for a few minutes with no one even thinking about getting out. Pete's father finally said he had crashed our little party enough and that he had to take a shower and get dressed so that he and Pete's mother could go visit her cousin. Pete seemed to light up some when he mentioned this and we figured he would tell us why later.

When Pete's father climbed out of the pool the three of us got a clear view of his balls and cock. He was definitely larger than any of us and I could feel that tingle in my balls as I watched his cock sway back and forth as he walked over and picked up his shorts. He didn't even put them back on as he passed through the gate and back to the house. I knew that if Billy or Pete had gotten excited by Pete's father that the night had just started.

Next: Chapter 7

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