My Buddy Billy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Apr 26, 2002


This is the 3rd chapter in my story of boys in high school.

If there are any comments please send them to

My Buddy Billy 3

Billy and I met the next morning on our way to school and we both agreed that the new sex we had discovered was all that each of us thought about most of the time. We agreed to go to my house after school and have another session before my parents got home from work.

We made it through classes and once when I looked at Billy while he was taking his shower in PE, my cock jumped and I had to quickly dress so I could hide my erection. I noticed that Billy deliberately kept from looking at me and I figured he must have had the same problem that I did. We dressed and as I walked out of the dressing room Pete casually asked how I was doing.

Pete was the towel boy for our class and somehow had managed to get out of PE altogether. He was an average size boy nothing out of the ordinary. Blond hair and blue eyes but he wasn't handsome like people associate with those features. He wasn't ugly either just kind of plain. He was a sophomore just like Billy and as far as I knew had never had to take PE. He was one of the managers on almost all the sports teams and didn't have to dress out and shower like the rest of us. He was not fat but still had a lot of baby fat on his body. I guess since he had not had to do much physical work his muscles had not started hardening like most of the boys our age.

I spoke to him trying not to be too surprised but not really sure why he had spoken to me. I told him that I was doing all right and asked him how his day had been going. We made some small talk as Billy went by and Pete said hello to him. Billy acknowledged Pete but kept going. I told Pete I had to go and headed for the cafeteria.

When I got my tray I found Billy in his usual place at the last table. As I sat down we didn't say anything at first. Billy then wanted to know what Pete had wanted and I told him I wasn't really sure, he had just spoken to me and I didn't want to be mean and brush him off. Billy said he was just curious because he had never seen me talk to Pete before. I told him I was surprised when he spoke to me and then asked Billy if he knew anything about Pete.

Billy said he and Pete had been sort of friends last year but when Pete started dating some girl they had drifted apart. Billy said he was sure Pete wasn't doing anything with the girl but it was like he had to date her so the football players would stop calling him names. He said he also thought they were one of the reasons Pete had stopped talking to him.

A few minutes later Pete walked over to the table where we were and asked if he could join us. We both looked at each other and Billy said it was a free world and he could sit anywhere he wanted. I could tell that Pete was not to sure if he should sit with us, guess he could since that Billy was a little upset by the way Pete had treated him the year before.

Pete finally sat down and started in on his meal. For a few minutes no one said anything then Pete said he was sorry for the way he had treated Billy. He said that some of the upperclassmen had made fun of him talking to Billy and they said I shouldn't talk to people who weren't on the athletic teams. He also said it was one of the ball players that had sat him up with the girl he dated for a while.

Billy looked at him and said he already knew all about that but Pete could have at least told him about it when it was happening.

The air seamed to cool off around us and I changed the subject to what Pete was doing after school. He said that he had decided to give up being manager for the basketball team and now had a lot of free time after school, but didn't know what to do with it. Billy and I looked at each other and we probably had the same thought go through our heads about we knew what we were going to do after school. I told Pete that Billy and I usually walked with each other until we came to my turnoff, but other than that we had no plans.

Pete looked at us and said that he lived a few blocks before my turnoff and if it was all right with Billy and me, he wouldn't mind walking and talking with the two of us. I looked at Billy for him to give his ok or not. Billy took a big drink of his water and told Pete that if he wanted to walk along with us, then he had to be at the gym right after school. He made it plain that we were not going to wait on him.

Pete's face seamed to glow as a big grin came across his face.

"Ok, I will be there." Pete said as he started consuming his meal.

I watched Billy to see if I could tell if he was feeling any better about the situation between he and Pete, but there was nothing in his face that appeared different. We finished our meals and headed off to class when the bell rang.

Pete was true to his word as he was actually waiting in front of the gym before either Billy or myself got there. We started off and Pete started asking all kinds of questions about what we did after school and on the weekends. He said he was going crazy with all the free time he had now that he wasn't managing the basketball team.

We gave him the old line about homework, chores, and nothing special for what we did once we got home. I told him that Billy had been over once or twice and played some video games, but I had always had to get my parents permission ahead of time before he could come over. Pete looked a little dejected but said he understood and maybe someday he could come over also.

Billy gave me a funny look but didn't say anything as we approached Pete's turnoff. I told him we usually walked to school together and if he was here when we came by in the morning he could walk with us. He smiled at us and said he would try to be on time, but his father usually carried him to school in the mornings. He said that he would try to get his parents to let him walk.

Billy and I quickened our pace when Pete left us as we were in a hurry to get to my house. We ran to my room and were almost tearing each other's clothes off. I got to Billy's cock before he could get to mine and had it deep in my throat. He grabbed my head and was pumping his hips into my face as he pushed my head toward himself. He was so horny that he only lasted about forty-five seconds. He grunted as the hot cum left his cock and splattered on the back of my throat. He thrust a few more times until his cock stopped shooting.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and moved over to the bed. He sprawled out on the bed and pulled his knees up underneath himself. This forced his fat ass open and I could see his pink little asshole surrounded by a few hairs. I knew what he wanted and my cock was certainly up for it. I grabbed the lube under the edge of my bed and had covered my cock in just a few seconds. I placed the head of my cock against the entrance to his asshole and was sure it tried to open up for me. When I pushed my cock inside there was not a lot of resistance as I moaned while it slowly slid all the way in.

Billy moaned as well as he started pushing his ass back at me. I grabbed as much of his ass as I could and started pounding into him as fast and hard as I could. He was meeting ever thrust with a push of his own and then a long moan. I was getting very close to cumming and so was Billy. I made sure he was cumming before I let myself go and fill his asshole full of my hot cum. When I was spent he raised himself up and said we had better clean up the bed. When I looked underneath him I was amazed at the amount of cum that was smeared on the covers.

We cleaned the bed up and both decided that we needed to keep our playing to an area that was easier to clean up. While we were getting dressed I asked Billy if he had ever seen Pete naked before. Billy said that he hadn't and then wanted to know why I had asked. I told him that I had seen everyone in our gym class naked and at one time or another was sure I had seen them with a hard-on. Of course most of them were with their pants on and you could tell that they had a boner. I also said that I had never even got the impression that Pete even had a cock. I was sure I had never seen a bulge in Pete's pants that would indicate he was aroused.

Billy thought for a second and said he could not remember Pete sporting a bulge or even talking about it. I told him I was going to try and find out how big or small Pete was before the week was out. Billy looked at me and said that I could get between his legs and see how large he was. I laughed at him as we started removing our clothes again. We got into a sixty-nine position and started sucking each other off. We were able to make this session last for about thirty minutes before both of us came again. We cleaned up and Billy started home as I made sure we had not left anything out of place.

The next day during gym I watched Pete as much as I could while everyone was getting dressed. I was determined to see if he was like the rest of us and would take a peak at the other boys. Several times I noticed he was watching a couple of guys while their naked asses were exposed. I noticed he scratched at his groin area but couldn't tell if he had a hard-on or not.

When class was over and everyone was taking a shower I did notice that Pete kept himself positioned where he could see into the showers. Of course he was handing out towels and I guess he had to be where he could see who needed them. I again noticed that he had to scratch himself more than once while watching the showers.

During lunch I started asking Pete about his dating experiences and it was apparent he really didn't want to talk about it very much. We did get out of him that he had been able to play with the girl's breast and had as he put it actually gotten his finger wet. Of course he had us going and we wanted to know if the girl had done anything for him, but he said she wouldn't even put her hand close to his cock. The bell rang and we had to go to class, but I was sure we would pick up the conversation after school.

Pete was waiting for the two of us in front of the gym. I told him I wanted to hear more about him and this girl he dated. He said there wasn't a lot to tell. He stopped walking and looked at both of us and said that he would tell us something but we had to promise not to tell anybody about it. Billy and I looked at each other and then promised not to tell anyone no matter what it was.

Pete looked around to be sure there wasn't anyone who could hear. He started walking as he spoke to us. Well to begin with you may have noticed that I never take gym and the reason is because my father doesn't believe I could take the embarrassment of being naked around other boys. What you don't know is that my cock is not of normal size, no it is not huge. If it was huge I would be prancing around showing it off. The fact is when it gets hard it is no longer than three inches. It is about as thick as an egg, but unfortunately it is not much longer either.

I looked at Billy as he looked back at me and neither of us knew what to say. Then my curiosity took over as I started asking Pete questions about his cock. I wanted to know if he came a lot when he jerked off and how often he did jerk off. He said that he jerked off daily and he wasn't sure if he came a lot or not. He said he had no way of comparing his amount of cum to anyone else. My cock was beginning to grow and I noticed that Billy had rubbed his cock several times while we were talking about Pete's cock.

I looked at Billy and asked him if he was thinking what I was. He nodded his head and I turned to Pete and asked him if he would like to go to my house and we could all do a comparison. Pete looked at both of our faces as he let my question roll around in his head. After what seemed like minutes, but was actually about five seconds, Pete said he guess he was game. I then asked him if he needed to tell his parents where he was, but he said that his parents didn't get home until just before dark.

The three of us picked up our pace as we headed to my house. While on our way Pete wanted to know if the two of us had been playing together very long. We informed him how long we had actually been friends. I could tell that Billy was having trouble with his cock as it was pushing against his pants. My cock was also hard but I was lucky that it was trapped by my underwear and was pressed against my thigh. Pete reached down and scratched himself just the way I had noticed him doing in the locker room.

We finally got to my house as the three of us headed to my bedroom. When we got there Billy and I immediately started taking off our clothes. When we looked at Pete he was just standing there looking at us. I asked him what the problem was and he said he wasn't sure he could go through with it. Billy had removed all his clothes except his underwear when he moved over to Pete and told him that they would help him out.

Billy started rubbing Pete's shoulders as he moved up behind him. He reached around in front of Pete and started unbuttoning his shirt as I noticed he was rubbing his cock into Pete's ass. I knew then that Billy wanted Pete's ass while I was lusting after his cock. I moved in front of Pete and unbuckled his belt as Billy pulled his shirt off of him. I noticed that Pete also had some nice large nipples. I leaned against his chest and nibbled on one of his breast as Billy started pinching the other one.

Pete moaned as he closed his eyes and I slipped his pants down. He stepped out of his pants and pushed his shoes off. While I was rubbing his stomach and nibbling on his tits, Billy was rubbing his back and sliding down to Pete's ass. I managed to work my way down to the front of Pete's underwear. I could smell Pete's cock and could feel the heat coming from the front of his underwear.

I told Billy that we had to move him over to the bed. Billy agreed and Pete opened his eyes to see what we had in mind. As we moved toward the bed Billy and I managed to remove the rest of our clothes. Pete froze in place as he noticed our rock hard cocks. For a second I thought he was going to back out so I rubbed his chest again. He relaxed and I moved my hand down to the front of his underwear and slipped my hand inside. I grabbed his balls and softly massaged them as he moaned a couple of times. If he was self-conscious about his cock he had forgotten and was enjoying the attention I was giving him.

Billy stepped up behind him and with one quick motion he pulled his underwear down to the floor. I removed my hand to take a good look at Pete's cock. He had not lied about the size of his cock. It couldn't have been more than three inches long and the length of the shaft was not much longer then the head. The head was smooth but large. The only big thing about his cock was the head, and at the time it was already leaking pre-cum.

I dropped to my knees and sucked Pete's cock into my mouth. The taste of his pre-cum was sweat and salty at the same time. His balls started pulling up toward his shaft but I didn't want him to cum that fast so I grabbed them and pulled gently down until they settled back down. Pete moaned and I noticed Billy as he dropped to his knees behind Pete and spread his ass cheeks. I noticed as he pushed his hand between Pete's legs and started fondling his balls. This caused Pete to spread his legs wider and grab my head.

He started thrusting his hips at my face but I could tell by the erratic way he was doing it, that it was more of a natural reaction than something he was trying to do. Billy reached around pulled me off of Pete's cock and told me we needed to get him on the bed so we could both get at what we wanted. I stood up as I noticed Pete was breathing hard and had a dazed look on his face. I knew he would have done anything we wanted him to do at that time.

Billy had him lay down on his back with his ass just on the edge of the bed. He had me climb up on top of Pete and place my face between Pete's legs. Billy then had Pete raise his legs up and hook them underneath my arms. This caused Pete's ass and cock to roll up toward my face. It also held Pete's legs up in the air.

I noticed Pete's cock as it was covered in pre-cum and was sticking up as far as it could. I slipped it into my mouth and licked my tongue all around it while I gently sucked on it. Billy had what he was after as he leaned down and started licking at Pete's asshole. This surprised me a little but it was so exciting that I just wanted to watch as I sucked on Pete's cock. I gasped as I felt Pete's hand as he grabbed my cock and then his tongue as he slowly started licking my cock.

As I was watching Billy I noticed that Pete's asshole was becoming larger and larger as Billy worked his tongue in and out of it. I noticed that Billy left for a second as he returned with a glob of lube on his fingers. He slowly worked one finger inside Pete's asshole and when it entered I could feel all the muscles in Pete's groin tense up from the pain. I swallowed deeply on Pete's cock hoping to drown out some of the pain with the pleasure I was giving his cock. It must have worked as Pete moaned and I watched as Billy pushed his finger deeper in Pete's asshole.

This continued on until Billy had finally gotten three fingers inside Pete and was pushing and pulling them in and out. Pete was moaning and I could tell that if he was feeling any pain, it was offset by the pleasure he was receiving. Pete had even tried to take my cock in his mouth but was unable to keep it in without choking. I noticed that Pete's balls were drawing up again so I gently pulled on them to get his balls to drop back down in their sacks.

Billy stood up and pushed Pete's legs further back as he lined his cock up with Pete's asshole. He pushed the head in slowly but once it was inside he rammed his cock deep in Pete's asshole. The sudden pain was too much for Pete as he yelled out just as his cock exploded in my mouth. I continued to suck all his cum down my throat as Billy rammed his cock in and out of Pete's asshole. Billy only lasted a few more strokes as he filled Pete's asshole full of cum.

Billy slowly pulled his cock out and told me to get behind him and empty my balls in Pete. Pete said nothing at the suggestion so I moved behind him and slowly pushed my cock in. He moaned but this time it was a moan of pleasure as he rolled his head from side to side and just continued to say yes.

Billy moved to the other side of the bed and placed his now soft cock at Pete's mouth. He didn't force Pete to take it; he just had it there if Pete wanted to suck on it. At first Pete's eyes were closed so he didn't notice it until he rolled his head to the side. Once he noticed it he quickly sucked as much as he could in his mouth. I had started up a thrusting pace that I figured I could keep up for a while.

As I was pumping into him I was watching his cock as it started to get hard again. It then jerked a couple of times and started spraying cum in the air that landed on his stomach.

"Know that felt good." Billy said as he watched Pete's cock shooting into the air.

The sight was too much for me as my body jerked in convulsions while I emptied my cum in Pete's ass. When my orgasm had subsided I fell forward on top of Pete. He still had Billy's cock in his mouth as Billy was jerking on the shaft. I noticed Pete's cheeks spread as Billy started filling his mouth with cum. Pete was not sure what to do next but when the next stream entered his mouth he was forced to swallow to keep from choking. Once he swallowed the first mouthful, he was able to take the rest with no trouble.

Billy finally pulled his cock out of Pete's mouth as the three of us sprawled out on the bed trying to catch our breath. Pete raised his head up and looked around at the two of us and said he had no idea it could feel so good. Billy said he had been surprised every time he had been with me.

Pete then got a real serious look on his face and I could see the tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes.

"Pete, what is wrong?" I asked as I started looking over his body to see if he was hurt.

"I guess you guys now think I am a queer because I let you fuck me up the ass." He said as the tears started running down his face.

"Hey, man I love a cock up my ass too," Billy said. "If you have to be queer to get such a feeling then I guess I am queer also." He continued.

I looked at both of them and said that I didn't think having sex with another boy made a person a queer. Besides if it did then all three of us were. I told Pete that as long as we enjoyed the sex with each other what is so wrong with it. They tell us not to play with ourselves when we are little only to find out that when we are older that everybody with a cock plays with it.

Pete stopped crying and settled down as we all got up to take a shower together. When we were through we decided that Pete could join us anytime he could and we needed to plan a weekend where we could be together. Pete said that at his house they had an apartment over the garage and that he might be able to set up a weekend when we could all stay there together and we didn't have to worry about his parents.

We cleaned up my room and Billy and Pete headed home as I lay down on my bed and tried to remember everything that had happen that evening. My cock was remembering better than I was as it slowly grew, waiting for some attention from my hands.

Next: Chapter 4

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