My Buddy Billy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Apr 15, 2002


This is a story of two boys who meet while in High School and enter into a sexual relationship. It is softer type story than I usually write but I figured there might be some people out there who might like it. This story I believe is going to evolve into the many things feelings and situations young boys have to deal with while growing up. It will deal with the things that there are no cut and dry answers to. I will only convey my own thoughts on the situations.

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My Buddy Billy 1

My story starts in the first week of High School. I was one of the new freshmen and of course was the butt of many of the upper class jokes. The older boys tried to embarrass you in front of their friends to try an impress the girls. I had heard of all the hazing that would happen to the freshmen kids, and even though it was not suppose to happen it did.

We really caught it during gym class. I attended a small school and the PE classes consisted of students of all grades. The older boys were fine as long as the Coach was in the room but they hardly ever stayed until everyone was dressed.

The older boys would joke about the size of a boy's cock and how much they probably played with themselves. If a boy was on the fat size they would talk about how large their breast were and that they should buy a bra. Some of the boys sported bruises where the older boys had grabbed and squeezed their tits.

We all took the teasing purity much in stride and after the first week it really slowed down and we were able to tolerate it. I noticed that some of the boys went out of their way to pick on Billy. I just figured he was a freshman, but when they called for class meetings I noticed he left with the sophomores.

Billy stood about five feet ten with black hair and brown eyes. He was no athlete with his two hundred pounds of body weight. He was what you would call fat, but not real sloppy, he was smooth but hard in some places. His legs were large but they were mostly muscles. He did have breast that sagged a little with enormous tits. His nipples were larger than anyone else in school especially the boys.

I asked around and found out that he lived with only his mother and was not a very social person. He would walk to and from school each day even though he lived almost four miles away. He only spoke when he just had too and never went out of his way to meet anyone.

I had never done anything sexually other than jerked myself off just about every day. Since school had started I had started jerking off even more. I told myself that it was to keep myself from getting excited in PE class. The older boys had almost made one boy cry one day when he got a semi hard-on in the showers. They had circled him and made him jerk himself off.

The boy had brought a note the next day that kept him out of class for a week. Some of us felt really sorry for the boy, but a few said they were just glad it had been him and not themselves. I started making sure I jerked off each morning hoping that would keep my cock from suddenly rising at the wrong time.

About the third week of school the boys had all but stopped picking on the freshmen, but they had not let up on Billy. I guess the reason they continued was because he never said anything back to them. One day three of the boys had backed him up in the shower and had pinched his nipples until they were standing out and hard.

As they left the shower one of the boys was saying how he knew that Billy had liked it or his nipples would not have responded the way they did. When Billy came out of the shower I could see the tears running down his face and the red fingerprints on his breast. I also noticed a hand print on his ass where someone had given him more than just a little slap.

I felt sorry for Billy and at the same time could feel my cock start to stir as I noticed his nipples still standing out from his breast. I grabbed my pants and quickly pulled them on to hide my arousing situation. I asked Billy if he was all right and he just looked at me surprised that I was not saying something sarcastic to or about him.

He turned away and started dressing as I walked past him and headed to the cafeteria. I tried to change my attention to lunch so that my cock would get back to normal. I had just gotten my tray when Billy made it into the room. He walked to the last table and opened up his sack. He always brought a sack lunch and ate alone. I decided to try and get to know Billy better since I was not overly rich with friends myself.

When I sat down he looked up half way expecting it to be one of the older boys, and I thought I saw a faint smile when he noticed it was me. I started talking to him but it was mostly only me talking with him occasionally saying yes or no. I was able to find out about his family and that he had no brothers or sisters.

It was about time for the bell to ring as I got up to return my tray. Billy looked up at me and asked if we could talk some more after school. I was surprised since he hadn't actually done much talking during lunch. I told him that we could talk as we walked home. I knew that he walked past my street since I had seen him almost every day.

I waited for him after school and we started down the road that led to my turn off. I had to start the conversation as he just walked beside me. I asked him why he hadn't done anything about the boys teasing him. He responded by saying he didn't think anyone would do anything and the boys would only increase their treatment of him.

We bumped together when I had to step around a garbage bag that had been torn open by some dog. Billy grabbed my arm to keep me from falling. The touch of his hand on my arm sent chills through my body and I was sure he felt it to as he quickly released me with a bewildering look on his face.

We had reached the crossroad to my street and I said goodbye to him and told him I would wait for him at the crossroad the next morning. He agreed he would be there and I thought I noticed a little more pep in his step as he walked off. That night I jerked off several times remembering the way Billy's hand had felt on my arm.

When I got to the crossroad the next morning Billy was sitting on the curb waiting for me. He waved as he saw me coming and was actually smiling when I reached him. We walked on to school not talking about anything in particular and headed off to our classes when the bell rang. We both managed to stay out of trouble during PE and were happy when school was out.

We had established a pattern of walking to and from school together and also eating lunch with each other. The older boys must have lost their interest in teasing Billy and he had been able to ignore the comments they were making at him. I guess since they were getting no response from Billy that the fun had worn off.

One Friday I asked Billy if he would like to come over to my house and have supper with us. I told him we could hang out in my room and listen to music or play some video games. He said he would like to but he had to call his mother at work and let her know where he would be. I told him he could call from my house and if it wasn't all right he would be part of the way home.

He called and said his mother said it was all right but that he had to be home before nine o'clock. I told him that would be no problem that I was sure one of my parents would run him home before nine. We got to my house and entered without much fanfare. I introduced Billy to my mother and told her we would be in my room if she needed me. Billy walked around and looked at all the things I had collected over the years, but thought very little of now.

I was really wondering what kind of life Billy had been living since he was so engrossed in the little things in my room. He looked through all my music, my player card collection that I had stopped keeping several years earlier and just the different little things around my room. He opened my closet and just stared at all the clothes that were hanging there. He said he didn't know people really had that many clothes. This was when I actually realized that Billy only wore blue jeans and about four different shirts to school.

At that moment I felt a little sorry for Billy, I had never even considered that people didn't have as much as I did. I asked him if he wanted to play some video games and he said he didn't want to play but would love to watch me play. After a while of playing several games that Billy picked out, I handed him the controls and found out that he didn't have any idea of how to use them. Trying not to embarrass him I put in one of the simplest games I had and showed him which buttons to use.

Billy caught on very fast as he had fairly mastered the game within a few minutes. He then asked if he could try a different game. He was getting very excited as he tried each game and it was making me feel real good to show him how to play them. We must have been playing for almost three hours when my mother called for us to come eat.

I headed down the hall and went into the bathroom followed by Billy. When we stepped into the bathroom Billy said he was sorry and started to leave. I told him to come on in that I was only going to take a leak and wash my hands. He stepped back inside as I moved to the toilet. I pulled my cock out and started relieving myself as Billy started to wash his hands. I noticed him glancing over at me and my cock started to grow in my hand. I was able to finish and control myself as Billy turned and dried his hands.

We made it down to the table where I introduced Billy to my father and we sat down. Billy sat there watching as we started serving ourselves from the different bowls. My dad looked at Billy and told him that we didn't waist time at the dinner table. If he wanted to eat he had better grab what he wanted or ask for it before it was gone. Billy smiled at this and reached for one of the bowls. He loosened up and really enjoyed his meal.

When we were through we went back to my room and started playing a game where both of us could play at the same time. Billy was having a fun time and once or twice he giggled out like a child much younger than he was. He was having such a good time that I felt sorry for him when it got time for him to go home. Dad knocked on the door and I told him to come in. He said we had better get going if Billy had to get home before nine o'clock.

We got into the car and headed in the direction of Billy's home. We were almost there when he asked my father to stop the car and he would walk the rest of the way home. My father started to say something but I interrupted and asked Billy if he could come over tomorrow. Dad pulled the car to a stop as Billy opened the door and said he would ask his mother if he could come back.

When we pulled away Billy had all ready moved away from the car. My father asked me why Billy had not wanted us to take him all the way home. I told him how Billy had acted in my room and I figured he was ashamed of where he lived. My father said he understood and maybe later own he would let me visit his home.

The next day Billy came walking up to the house as I was out doing some yard work. I waved at him and he came over and helped me finish the little job I was doing. When we finished we headed inside to the bathroom where we cleaned up before heading into my room. We played video games for several hours until it was time for lunch.

As we entered the kitchen my mother had laid out some things for us to fix sandwiches with. Billy looked at all the items and made a comment about how he never got to fix a sandwich the way he wanted. I told him to help himself as he put a little bit of everything on it. I was sure he wouldn't be able to eat all of it, but I was wrong as he ate it along with some chips and a coke.

We cleaned up what little mess we had made and went back to my room. We started playing the games but within a few minutes I could tell Billy was getting very tired. Once when it was my turn Billy had dozed off to sleep and I decided to just let him take a nap. I noticed he was wearing the same clothes he had worn the day before. As I watched him sleeping there I started looking up and down his body. Even though he was overweight his body was having an affect on me that I had never felt before.

I had to leave the room and go to the bathroom and jerk off. I had not been with a boy or girl so the feelings were really confusing. All I could think about while I was jerking off was what Billy's body looked like naked and especially what it would feel like to be against him. When I had finished up in the bathroom I returned to my room and noticed that Billy had rolled over on his back. His legs were spread apart and his pants were pulled up snug to his crotch.

I sort of knew what Billy looked like naked but at the time I wanted to see him again. I had seen Billy in the showers many times but had never seen him fully erect. I knew I wasn't going to do anything while he rested there. I noticed that Billy was moving around a little as it was apparent he was dreaming. As I watched he reached down and rubbed his cock through his pants. When he removed his hand it was apparent by the bulge in his pants that he was very aroused. He started moaning a little and actually thrust his hips a few times.

I sat there watching wondering what would happen. He grunted a couple of times and his eyes came wide open as it was apparent to me that Billy had cum in his pants as the wet spot started spreading. He looked at his pants and then up at me but couldn't say anything as his face turned red from embarrassment. I thought for a second that he was going to jump up and run out of the room, but only sat up on the edge of the bed and hung his head down.

I told him it was nothing to worry about that I had done the same thing many times, but not in front of anyone else. I said I bet the older boys at school would have loved to see what I had. We both had a little laugh at the thought of what they would do and say.

I told Billy to sit there for a few seconds while I left the room. When I returned I had a pair of my father's shorts. I had Billy follow me into the bathroom and told him to remove his pants and underwear. Billy blushed as he unbuckled his pants and when he pushed them down I could see he was not wearing any underwear. I told him to step into the tub and wash himself off before he put the shorts on.

He stepped into the tub as I picked his pants up and started toward the sink. As Billy was bathing himself off I took his pants and while he had his back turned to me put the pants close enough to my face that I could get a good whiff of Billy's cum. The smell instantly caused my cock to swell. I placed the pants in the sink and started washing them out by hand. Billy finished bathing and I finished washing out his pants. We took his pants back to my room where I pulled a fan out of the closet and hung his pants up where the fan was blowing on them.

I noticed Billy was watching as I set up the little clothes drying arrangement. I told him that I had done it several times with my own clothes because I was afraid my parents would know what the stains were. I told him that the pants would be dry in a little while and we could play some more games while we waited.

I was really enjoying Billy's company and we had started bumping into each other while playing the games. We were having a great time playing when I rolled up against Billy's side and started to get excited when I felt the heat coming from his body. He must have felt something too as he quickly pulled away and said he was going to check on his pants.

His pants weren't completely dried but he said it was about time to go and he needed to get started. He pulled the pants I had given him off and quickly turned away from me as he pulled his pants on. Since he was wearing no underwear he was giving a lovely view of his plump ass. He was trying to get dressed quickly and like most people do when they are trying to put their pants on too quick he caught his foot in the leg and almost fell forward. He was able to catch himself on the edge of my desk. I laughed at him but was really enjoying the sight of his nice little pink asshole that was surrounded by his plump ass cheeks. When he first fell forward I got a clear look at his balls as they hung just below his asshole.

He started laughing also and told me to quiet looking at his ass if I wasn't going to help him. I stood up and grabbed the side of his pants and helped him pull them up. As I reached down and grabbed the back of his pants my hand brushed up against his crack and I was sure I felt chill bumps running through his body. We managed to get his pants on, which I believe were a size or two too small for him.

As he left he promised to come back over if it was all right with my parents. I offered to go to his house but I could tell very quickly that he didn't want that to happen. I didn't push the point and told him he was welcome to come over anytime and I was sure my parents didn't mind.

That night I jerked off at least three times while I recalled Billy's lovely fat ass and that little pink asshole of his. I could just imagine rubbing all over his ass and for some reason I could picture my cock going deep inside his ass. This was something new to me but very exciting. I wasn't sure where this was carrying me but at the time didn't care as long as I was able to get my cock to respond to the thoughts.

The next day Billy was over just after we had finished breakfast. My parents had decided to go across town and visit some friends and wouldn't be back until just before dark. They said that it was ok for Billy to stay but that we should be careful and not get into anything.

Billy and I went up stairs and started in on some video games. We must have played for and hour when Billy said he needed to take a break. We went down to the kitchen and got something to drink as we went out to the back yard. We tossed an old football around for a while then went into the garage. We were just playing around when Billy wanted to know what was in the wooden footlockers at the back of the garage.

I explained to him that they belong to some relative that had left them with us years ago and hadn't returned for them. As a matter of fact we hadn't heard from him in over two years.

Billy wanted to know what was in them. I told him I thought it was some army clothes he had kept after he got out. Billy asked if we could look at them, and I was a little curious myself. I had wanted to look in them a long time ago but my father had told me that they were not his or mine to look through so I had forgotten all about them. I thought for a minute and then told Billy we could look in them but we had to put everything back just as we found it.

Billy smiled as he grabbed the first of three lockers and pulled it out so we could get a better look at its contents. We found a lot of old army shirts and some pants, but nothing really to light up the imagination. We proceeded to the second locker and were treated to some more intriguing items. There were some tin cans of army food along with a couple of army knives and some ammo.

We looked at them for a while and then decided to move to the last locker. When we opened it we were a little disappointed when all we saw at first were several army blankets. Billy started pulling the blankets out one at a time and was feeling sad, as there seemed to be nothing else in the locker. When he had pulled the last blanket out we both noticed the magazines in the bottom.

We didn't even try to read the titles as they were in some foreign language that neither of us could read. On the cover of the first magazine was a big hairy man with no clothes on and his hand rapped around his erect cock. We both stared at the picture as our cocks started pushing at our pants. Billy reached down and picked up the magazine as he pulled it closer to his face so he could examine it closer. He started turning the pages as his eyes got bigger and bigger.

I had to pull his arm down so I could get a look at what he was seeing. There were more pictures of naked men jerking themselves off and a few even showed the men, as there cum was flying in the air. We quickly looked through the magazine as we both were hooked on the porn. I reached down and grabbed the next magazine and started flipping through the pages when all of a sudden I stopped and stared at the picture in front of me. There was a boy not any older than the two of us lying on his back with his legs up in the air and his hand holding onto his cock as it was spraying his cum in the air. The sight of this was not what made me freeze, but the sight of the man's huge cock stuck half way up the boy's ass.

Billy looked over my shoulder and I heard him as he took a deep breath before he let it out. Turn the page was all he said as we both goggled at each page. I think the both of us had never really given much thought to what we were looking at even though the older boys had made reference to it in the showers. We both had figured they were just talking when they implied what we were looking at.

We both took a couple of deep breaths as we got our composure before we opened the next magazine. This one was full of young boys sucking each other's cocks. We looked at several pages when Billy asked if I had ever thought about doing that to someone or having someone doing it to me? I had to think for a minute, but then said that I had really never given it much thought either way. I then asked him if he had thought about such things. He started to say no, but then stopped and said he had often wondered what it felt like and wasn't sure if he would do it to someone else.

We continued to look at all the magazines as both of us were about to pop our cum at any second. I told him that we needed to put everything back where we found it and if we needed to we could go back into the house and relieve ourselves in the privacy of the bathrooms. Billy agreed as he placed the magazines back in the locker and closed it up. We placed them right back where they had come from and started into the house.

When we went down the hallway Billy asked if we could watch each other as we jerked off. I was not to sure about this but as excited as I was I figured what could it hurt. Billy headed to the bathroom but I told him to go into my bedroom instead, I told him there would be more room there.

As we entered my room Billy suggested we remove our clothes so we didn't have to wash them later. I wasn't going to question this suggestion since I was ready to start pumping my cock. We were both naked in seconds and had moved over to the bed. We were facing each other as our hands started moving up and down on our cocks.

Billy was staring at my cock as I was watching his. Billy reached over and started slowly pulling on my balls as I closed my eyes. He pushed me over on my back and pulled my hand away from my cock. He slowly started pumping his hand up and down on my cock. He stopped jerking me off and looked right into my face and asked me if he sucked my cock would I do the same for me.

I thought for a second but my desire to relieve my cock was to great as I agreed to do the same to him. He slid in next to my hips and leaned down and licked at my cock, it was apparent he had never done this before and he was sort of testing the waters before he jumped in. As he tasted my cock I guess he figured it was not bad as he sucked the head of my cock into his mouth.

I grabbed his head as the feeling that hit me was like being splashed with cold water. It took my breath away but was oh so good. At first I thought I was going to cum that very second. The warmth of his mouth was unbelievable. I wanted to thrust my cock in as far as I could but wasn't sure Billy would let me.

He pulled his mouth off of my cock and then pushed all six inches inside. I felt the head of my cock as it hit the back of his throat. I wasn't going to last much longer and I think Billy knew it as he sucked a little harder and faster, but never took my cock out of his mouth. When I started to cum I reached to pull myself away but Billy wouldn't let me and I was in no position to fight him. As my cock erupted I noticed Billy opened his eyes but didn't pull my cock out of his mouth as he swallowed all the cum I had to offer.

When my cock had stopped pulsing and was getting soft, Billy rolled it around in his mouth and gently sucked on it until it was hard again. I guess he felt he had to get me hot again to be sure I would pay him back for the blowjob.

He pulled his mouth off of my cock and told me that I really didn't have to suck his cock if I didn't want to. I thought for a second as if I might change my mind but the truth was I really wanted to suck his cock. I told him no that I had made a deal and was going to keep it.

I had Billy lay back on the bed as I climbed between his legs, but before I moved to his crotch I noticed his large nipples. I moved up to them and slowly sucked one and then the other in my mouth. Billy moaned each time I sucked one in my mouth and he thrust his cock up at me. I started rubbing his belly and chest as I continued to such on his breast. Billy reached down and was rubbing my ass as I was enjoying myself with his breast.

I slowly moved down his belly as I slid down so that my mouth was at his crotch. He thrust a couple of times and I noticed the pre cum running down his cock. I licked out and tasted it but didn't let his cock in my mouth. I moved past his cock and started licking and sucking on his balls as I gently lifted his legs. For some reason I wanted to see his pink asshole again. As I raised his balls up I was able to see what I was looking for. He had a little hair around his asshole and it looked so tight and inviting.

Before I knew what I was doing I had moved my mouth down and was kissing Billy's asshole. I started licking all around it and then tried to push my tongue inside. I felt his asshole relax a little as the tip of my tongue entered. He was moaning and had started jerking himself off so I figured I had better suck him before he came.

As I moved my mouth over the head of his cock he moaned and I felt his body tense up as he was able to keep from cumming at that moment. I swallowed all six inches of his thick cock and wondered just how long his cock would be if he was not carrying the extra weight that formed a mound around his cock and balls. As I was sucking on his cock I started needing the fat in his crotch area like it was dough. It must have felt good because all Billy could do was yell out yes.

I knew Billy was about to cum when he thrust his hips up off the bed and forced his cock deep in my throat. I was not sure if I was going to take his cum in my mouth but before I could make that decision my mouth was filled with Billy's hot sweet cum. The taste was surprising as it was a little on the sweet side and was not strong as I thought it would be. The first taste made me want more as I started milking his cock with my mouth and hand. When his cock had stopped producing cum I cleaned it with my tongue and then slid it out of my mouth.

I pulled myself up on Billy's chest as he wrapped his arms around me and we rested in that position of about fifteen minutes. I started sliding around on Billy's belly as my cock rubbed up against his thigh. I could feel his cock as it started to grow again. I raised my head up where I could look right at Billy as we both grinned at each other and knew we were far from being over for the day.

Next: Chapter 2

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