My Brothers Friend Series

Published on Aug 2, 2022


My Brother's Friend Chapter 2

The following is a fictional story involving sexual acts of consenting individuals of different ages. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story plot and characters are a creative result from the author's imagination. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material or reside in a location where it is illegal to do so, then close this page immediately. If you believe that the said fictional material and topic exploration might offend you, please, do not read any further.

All readers are kindly advised to consider making a donation of their choice to help maintain the free resources of Nifty. I have been an active visitor to the archive since my teenage years and it has provided me with entertainment, meaning and important connections:

I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

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© 2021 Lein Anders


By Lein Anders



Chapter 2

After school the following day I met up with Anny at the front gates. She said goodbye to her girl friends when she saw me and came to give me a hug. She had a strict and classy outlook, yet she was dazzling and almost innocent-looking. Her step was firm and for me it always gave out a self-determined path that she wouldn't stray away from for anything. She had long fair hair that she always kept straight and flawless. I could smell her sweet and unmistakable perfume as she hugged me.

"Drew, I had fun last night, thank you!" She kissed me deeply.

"I had fun too, babe," I said as I wrapped my hands around her.

She was slightly shorter than me and she placed her head on my shoulder, giving me little pecs on the neck. We stayed like that for a minute or two as students walked by us to catch the bus or get to their cars.

"Let's go," she finally said as she let go. "I have so much work to do and things to prepare!"

We were always busy and we had few moments like these where we could just enjoy being together during the day. It was always studying or practice, or somewhere we had to hurry to and do something that's supposed to be really important. I was going to be a senior myself when the next school year started, but sometimes I really wanted to just relax and enjoy my free time with nothing to restrict me.

"I have a late-night practice, so I won't have time to meet later," I told her.

"It's alright, work comes first, as we have agreed. The school year is almost over, Drew. I want to show you the list of universities I'm planning to apply to."

It was the first time she mentioned where she wanted to study, so I was a bit surprised. We haven't talked at all about our future plans together. At times I thought that we both felt where we stood and implicitly knew our relationship would remain a high school one, but at other times, such as this, I had the feeling she wanted to initiate a conversation about that, maybe suggest I follow her to the same place after I graduate.

"The school year, yeah..." I got lost in thought. "Anyhow, let's wait for my brother and his new friend," I changed the topic.

"That's strange of you," she said and looked at me oddly. "You never drive Jonny around."

"Do I really not?" I asked more to myself, thinking about Jonny's similar statement.

I had something else on my mind though that I wanted to ask Anny and I was thinking through my exact moves before Jonny and probably Will got out from school.

"Anny, you know a lot of the students here, right?" I began. "Can you tell me what your girl network knows about Troy Thompson and some Nick guy that's his friend."

"Why are you asking?" She threw me a curious look.

"Jonny made a new friend named Will who gets bullied by them and my brother's trying to help him," I answered her truthfully.

"Don't tell me you are going to do the whole brother protecting thing?"

She knows me at least that much.

"You sound just like Jonny. I'm gonna do what I think is right."

"If Jonny, or his new friend for that matter, need your help, they would ask for it, don't you think?" she said as if talking to a little kid.

"Ease up, Anny. It's just some stupid situation. What's the problem if I want to help. There are more important things where they can display their manliness. So, do you know them?"

"Ahh, typical guys," she sighed. "Do you remember last year's big party at your dear captain's summer house?"

"Yeah, it was wild. We got drunk and you smoked for the first time, then we..." The good memories popped up.

"And then we had a good time, yes," she cut me short. "But do you remember there was a fuss with a friend of mine and three boys that they caught shooting a video of her."

"Oh, yeah, there was something like that." That particular memory wasn't quite clear.

I remembered it was a big party. I was drinking with the guys in the back yard while we were doing silly dares. Anny and I were on and off during most of the night, going through our different friend groups, but still partying together. At one point though I had been dared to strip down to my underwear and go around the house shouting "I want vegan sausages!". When I stumbled on Anny in the kitchen she wasn't the least bit surprised what I was doing, but when I asked her for her vegan sausage, she was quick to assert some normalcy to my inebriated state. I thought that she got a little bit jealous then with me showing my body to all the other girls, but when I later recalled her reaction I thought she was just annoyed I could have fun and be more unreserved unlike her. When she dragged me to one of the bedrooms still in my underwear, unable to resist me after all, we did hear a ruckus coming from one of the bedrooms where people had gathered.

"I thought it was okay, people said everything was consensual," I remembered what followed.

"Yes, it was at the time," she replied. "I'm telling you this, because two of those guys were Troy Thompson and Nick Harold. They were with another friend of theirs and his girlfriend made him invite them. She's a friend of mine. I'll spare you the details, but she asked Nick to shoot a video of the four of them, while her boyfriend was totally against it. So they turned it into a quarrel."

"Quite kinky of her," I said rising my eyebrows.

"I'm surprised you're asking me about them, because Nick is..."

"Wait, wait, wait! Nick Harold?" I didn't let her finish because of the sudden realization. "As in Sam Harold's brother?"

"How can you not know your own teammates' families. You spend so much time together doing who knows what, apart from practice!"

"Sam never told me he had a brother," I said astounded.

But then again, it seemed there were people who didn't know I had a younger brother as well. It was then another realization hit me. Jonny probably didn't want to tell me, because he knew Nick Harold was Sam's brother. He probably thought that if I involved myself it could affect my relationship with Sam and our team.

"Concerning that party," Anny said hesitantly, "no one knew after that who exactly was in the room and what had happened. Nick, however, bragged to his big brother, who then decided to look cool in front of your charismatic team captain, sharing with him how his brother had scored some thanks to his party. Typical males in puberty. Do you know what your captain did? He suppressed the whole situation, so no gossip got spread around school."

"He did that? Isn't that a good thing for your girl friend?"

"It was, but I think he made it just to save face, so nothing bad gets said about his party, and continue to appear all good-like and perfect," she said suspiciously.

"I haven't heard you talking like this, Anny, you don't like him or what?" I asked confused.

"I think he's just a fake. But you're obsessed with him, so don't take it personally. I don't want it to sound mean."

I remembered Jonny had said a similar thing about her. And now my girlfriend was smearing one of my idols and the person I had the most respect for. Somehow they were both bothered by the important people in my life. And yet they were both trying to protect what was important for me, the team. My initial plan wasn't affected though, I had just found the target I was looking for.

Just then I saw Jonny and Will coming out of school. They were caught up in a conversation and were walking across the schoolyard, though I think Jonny noticed us. They were about to walk by us a few meters away until Will pointed at us and I called them over. They were probably planning to spend the afternoon together, but I had other things in mind.

"Sorry, Will, I have some work to do with Jonny," I told him when they got close and I patted him on the shoulder. He looked between Jonny and me.

"What work?" Jonny asked.

"Very important, you'll see. Dad asked us to take care of it," I lied for everyone's sake. I saw Anny roll her eyes.

"Hi, Anny," Jonny greeted her.

"Hello, Jonny. And you must be Will, right?" she asked politely and extended her hand.

"Umm... yes," Will said nervously and meekly shook Anny's hand, looking down at the ground. Typical Will, I guessed. "I brought you your clothes back," he turned to me, this time looking up.

"Clothes?" Anny asked, not knowing anything.

"Will and Jonny played in the mud yesterday," I explained, "and since Will is a big boy, I borrowed him some clothes of mine." I actually didn't mean for it to sound so ambiguous, but they all reacted according to what they understood.

"I told you to be careful how you talk!" Jonny said angrily.

"Drew, you can be an offhanded jerk sometimes!" Anny added.

Only Will was profusely blushing and fidgeting in one place. He probably wanted to run away and hide somewhere.

"What, no! I didn't mean fat. I didn't call him fat!" I said defensively. Neither did I imply his big dick! But I probably dug myself further in.

"You're so stupid!" Jonny said and started walking towards my car. "At least drive us all home."

"Yes, that's what I was intending to do." I followed after him. "Come on." I turned back to Anny and Will.

Only now the blush was gone and Will had tears in his eyes. Anny was comforting him with a hand on his shoulder. She threw me an accusing look. Will saw me looking at him and he quickly wiped his eyes.

"Let's go," he said and hurried after Jonny, walking past us.

We rode in silence the whole way with Will and Jonny on the back seat. Will was the first one I dropped off. Just before he got out, I decided I should apologize to him for the second time since yesterday. I think he understood me, so it was more about doing it in front of Anny and Jonny.

"Hey, Will, I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean to offend you," I told him, turning around between the seats to face him. "Listen, all, I propose we all go see a movie Saturday night, so we can spend some time together." The idea had struck me.

"I have to study," Anny was quick to decline.

"Will and I have plans," Jonny responded unenthusiastically.

"I don't like mainstream movies," Will further killed my proposal.

"And I don't like goat milk!" I acted out. "But you don't see me complaining about it. Sometimes I even spend time with people who like goat milk and other times I read recipes that have it as ingredient," I said all that irritated. "I just want us to spend some time together. We haven't done for a while," I tried sounding sincere now.

"And whose fault is that?" Jonny blamed me.

"And now I'm fixing it! Will, help me out here. We'll choose a move you like."

"Okay, I guess it can be fun," he said unconvincingly.

"Then it's settled," I declared, "Tomorrow night I'm taking you all out to the movies."

"You'll probably ditch us at the last minute and go jerk off with your team." Jonny wasn't buying it.

"Actually, I know for a fact that your precious captain is seeing a girl then, so you'll be free," Anny simply stated. "I'll change my schedule and I can come too," she said, acknowledging my effort, it seemed.

"Thank you, babe," I said.

When I stopped in front of her house a couple of minutes later I thanked her again.

"Be more sensible, okay? Soon I won't be around," she said with care. That was the closest to a confession that she's been thinking about our relationship too.

"Okay, but we should find time to play together in the mud," I joked.

"Get serious, Drew! Have a nice practice and see you tomorrow." She kissed me goodbye.

"Upright and diligent," I heard Jonny say behind me as she closed the door, repeating his words from yesterday.

"I'm considering just `no fun'."

I drove off and Jonny moved to the front, squeezing between the seats.

"So, where are we going? What did dad want us to do?" he asked me. I cherished how gullible and trustworthy he was.

"Actually, we're going to Sam Harold's house," I simply said, looking at the road ahead.

"What? Why?" he raised his voice.

"To talk about his brother, Nick Harold, and meet with him," I answered him calmly.

"You know," he mumbled.

"I know."

I was waiting for him to get upset and erupt, so I could shut him up. It was going to be any moment now.

"Drew, no!" he exclaimed.

There it was.

"Don't you even start!" I shut him up. "How long do you need, huh, Jonny? It's been a month for you and who knows how long for Will. Just shut up and accept my help. This could have been over long ago with just a phone call or a few words. But you didn't tell who those guys were!" I had all that prepared so I don't leave him a choice.

"Because you're good friends with Sam! He's part of the team!"

"Bullshit," I said. "I'll risk you getting upset over this than seeing you hurt. So let's get this over with."

"But we're not kids on the playground, Drew! Why are you taking me there?" he complained, seeing I was so determined.

"Exactly, you're not. Don't behave like one and let's deal with it openly and through talking. I think Sam would agree with me."

I got reminded what I told Will yesterday. "What do you think I am, some dumb jock, that I'll wait for them in a back alley and threaten them or something?" I had told him to ease his worries. There were other ways, of course. I could just go directly where they lived and ask them just what did they think they were doing. Jonny closed himself and mopped all through the ride to Sam's house. He stopped protesting and I was prepared for some rough few days or weeks between us.

Sam Harold was a good friend of mine. We were two of the best players on the team. At one time we even competed for the captain position, until the current one appeared and showed us we still had a lot to learn. He gained our respect however when we saw how much effort he put into trying to make us other players as good as he was. Sam and I enjoyed partying together and we had gone on double dates, even before I started seeing Anny. I couldn't figure out if I had forgotten or not known at all that he had a little brother.

When I stopped in front of Sam's house Jonny was still sulking and not talking.

"I'm not gonna make you, but you could at least do it for Will," I tried to convince him.

"I'll wait in the car. I don't want to do anything with this," he said flatly.

I left him in the car and headed for the front door. Sam opened the door shirtless and with a beer in hand. He was pleasantly surprised to see me.

"Drew, what's up, do we have to leave for practice?"

"No, no, that's later. I wanted to talk to you about something," I said carefully.

"Alright." He furrowed his eyebrows, expecting me to say something.

"Sam, you didn't tell me you had a brother."

"Is that Jonny in your car?" He looked past me.

"Yeah, he doesn't want to come out." Jonny was actually doing something on his phone as I looked back. "Listen, I'm here because your brother has been bothering Jonny and a friend of his. I want to see what we could do."

"Ah, that Nick," he sighed. "He's not here right now, but come inside and we'll talk," Sam invited me to his home. "Nick has been a bit more difficult lately." I stepped in and he closed the door. "Do you want a beer? It helps me relax after school."

Half an hour later I was back in my car. Jonny was still on his phone.

"What took you so long?" he whined.

"I told you to come, didn't I?"

"Have you been drinking?" he asked me, sensing my breath.

"I just had one beer. I can still drive, don't worry," I put him at ease. "Anyway, everything should be taken care of now. You don't need to worry about Nick or that Troy anymore."

"Hooray for by big brother, you protected us!" he mocked me. "Everybody likes you and wants to be you, but I don't want to be seen as your little brother forever!"

"I think that's already happening. Those guys didn't know you, but they knew me when they came to our house!" I used his same tone against him. "But if you start having trouble with girls, don't come complaining to me," I softened with a tease at the end.

"Well, I've heard more guys talking about you than girls, so no thanks!" he put me in place. "I don't want to talk to you!"

He didn't say anything on the ride home. When I parked in the driveway, he immediately jumped out of the car.

I remained buckled up in my seat, thinking if I had done the right thing. As I started gathering my things I saw the bag with the clothes Will had returned to me. It caught my attention and the scene with him from yesterday replayed in my mind. Maybe it was because of the beer I had or just pure curiosity drawing me towards everything connected to Will's dick, but I got the shirt and pants out of the bag. I took the pants in my lap, imagining how Will's big dick fit in there. I laughed to myself at the crazy thought that ran through my head. Would I really dare to do it? Something was pulling me, I wanted to check. I looked around the car sitting inside, there was no one on in the driveway, around the house, or on the street. Then I unbuckled my seat-belt. I held the pants in my hands and as secretly and quickly as possible, as if doing something forbidden and shameful, I lowered myself under the car windows and pushed the crotch area to my face. I took in the smell, not knowing what to expect, but breathing in deeply. Sure enough, they smelled fresh and clean and I had mixed feelings about what I did, between being disappointed and feeling relieved I didn't find out what Will's dick smelled like.


Saturday night, the next day, the four of us went to the movies, for which I paid for in the end. Jonny was still mad at me and we didn't talk, but he came nonetheless. Anny's first words when she got in the car were that she had to be home right after the movie ended, because she had to study. She acted like it was some kind of a compromise she made just for us. Will on the other hand seemed cheerful and we let him pick out the movie we were going to watch.

There were a lot of people at the movies when we arrived, which was typical for a Saturday night. I even saw a couple of friends and some acquaintances, but I let them know I was with my family, in a way, who had my unreserved attention, at least for tonight. Anny noticed it when I nodded at a teammate without going for the sacred bro hug and she pointed it out, pleased and thankful. I had promised them that it would be our night out together and I wouldn't let anything disturb it. That was quite the positive attitude and wishful thinking I managed to muster out. And I would have kept up to it if it wasn't a familiar hand landing on my shoulder.

"Hi there, Drew," I heard our team captain say behind me.

Sure enough, when I turned around Anthony Lewis was standing there, composed and confident as always. He had a girl next to him, just as Anny had said, whom I'd seen around school but I didn't remember her name.

"Hi, Eva," Anny greeted her. "Hello, Anthony," she said, feigning interest.

"Anny, always a pleasure to meet you." He smiled at her. "Jonny is with you too," he shook his hand.

Anthony noticed that Will was together with us as well, but he overlooked him like he wasn't worth his attention. I would probably have done the same in this situation, the same way I did it everyday at school with guys like Will, though it bothered me at that moment. I felt shame in Will's stead, who just turned his back to us.

The four of us were waiting in line for some popcorn and snacks to go with the movie and I unintentionally stepped aside to let the people behind me move forward, so I can be closer to Anthony and Eva. Our captain had an overwhelming presence wherever he went. A lot of the people around were secretly watching us. Everybody knew him and when the star player Anthony Lewis gave you his attention, he expected you to be fully immersed in whatever he wanted to talk about. He insisted in front of everyone on the team that we had an equal standing, but we knew all too well, and he knew it too, that he was better than us. If it was only that, I wouldn't be in the whole power dynamics school thing, but he actually appeared as a caring and supportive guy who knew how to lead and play. He was a born leader, as the saying went. I got pulled into a conversation with him and didn't notice the others had gotten ready to head inside, until Anny told me the movie was going to start.

I turned to them apologetically and saw that Jonny was really pissed at me. Anny and him said their goodbyes to Anthony and Eva, turned their backs to me and headed towards the movie theater.

"You better go, Drew," the captain told me. "Eva still doesn't know which movie she wants us to see." He turned to Eva, who was wrapped around his arm.

"Yeah, have a good night and see you at practice tomorrow, captain." I waived at them.

Walking towards the theater hall, I checked if I had my ticket with me. I felt like I needed to go through the bathroom first, though. Anny, Jonny, and Will were probably already in their seats. I wanted to be quick, so they didn't have to wait for me and feel like we've separated on our night out.

When I opened the bathroom door I decided to go to one of the urinals and be quickly done with it. As I got near, I was amazed to find Will there, pissing in one of them. I hadn't seen where he went. The stalls seemed all taken and that could explain his bathroom openness. I stood next to him.

"Hey, bud, I got a little carried away with the captain," I told him as I took my place and started unzipping my pants. "The movie you chose sounds interesting."

Will just lifted his head and nodded at me without saying anything. He seemed like he was feeling uncomfortable, he probably thought he would be fast enough to relieve himself without anyone interrupting him. Maybe he was pee shy, just like he was jerk off shy, I entertained the thought.

But standing next to him proved more troublesome for me as more obscene thoughts flooded my mind. Will had a big dick. Chubby Will had a big dick. His dick was bigger than mine. Chubby Will had a bigger dick than me. He was standing next to me, holding his dick. Will was standing next to me pissing from his giant dick, holding it and aiming at the urinal. I couldn't control myself. I had to take a peek, even if he wasn't hard. I had to see what his dick looked like soft.

I turned my head and tried to look down past the partition between us. Will had stepped very close to the wall and was hiding his privates. When he figured out what I was trying to do he shielded himself even further and got flurried. He seemed to have finished pissing as he was trying to pull his pants and zip up, all while remaining close to the wall. Seeing as there was no one close to us, I thought I could risk it.

"Wait, Will," I whispered, "show me." I gave him an almost pleading look.

I was really eager to see it and I dropped all pretenses, asking him directly. My heart was beating really fast because of what I'd said and expected to happen. He could call me a pervert, run away, tell Jonny and Anny what I was asking him to do. But if he asked me why I wanted to see his soft dick, I wouldn't have an answer, I didn't know.

Instead, he stopped trying to fix his pants, looked around the bathroom and nervously stepped back holding his dick in his palm as if presenting it on a silver plate. It was big even when it was soft! He should really be more confident with a dick like that! I wondered if he'd have any interest in seeing mine, to compare to or know what it looks like, but just as quickly he stuffed his dick in his pants and went to wash his hands. He seemed flustered, but he waited after that for me so we can finally go watch the movie.

I didn't know what I would see at all, as my mind was preoccupied with the experience just now. We found our seats just before the advertisements in the beginning of the movie had finished. Anny and Jonny had sat two seats apart, so I took the one next to my girlfriend, while Will sat next to his friend on my left. No one said anything and we concentrated on the screen, getting comfortable. I took Anny's hand and held it on the armrest as the movie started.

Only that I couldn't pay any attention to it. I kept returning to all the images and scenes with Will's dick. I allowed myself to tentatively explore all the feelings that were being hurled at me. I called to mind what I saw the other day in the bathroom at home. I had caught Will jerking off under the shower. I tried to remember the details of seeing his hard dick. It was circumcised. He had big hanging balls that he had just emptied. He had a dark spot of pubic hair that was wet and I couldn't guess if he took care of it or just let it grow. His thickening dick all to the head had seemed veiny and steel hard. After that episode I had seen his dick in my car, obtruding in the tight pants I had given him. The same pants from which I had tried to sniff the traces of his dick. And half an hour ago he kindly served me a glance of it, soft and smooth-looking, but still too enormous not to provoke fascination in me. Was a fifteen year old supposed to have a dick that big? I had an unfamiliar and exciting feeling in me that I found hard and futile to suppress.

Forty minutes into the movie I didn't know anything about its plot. I almost felt like I didn't know where I was, as well. I was still holding Anny's hand and I thought I could distract myself from Will's allurement. I tried to guide our hands to her seat and initiate a little play, but she immediately returned them on the armrest, continuing to watch the movie with interest. Then I tried to move our hands to my right thigh, but she pulled my hand, tapped it, and let go. I felt a bit desperate then as I didn't have a way to let off all this exhilarating tension in me.

I turned to look at Will on my left who was eating popcorn and watching intently the movie he had chosen. I reached and took a handful of popcorn from the box in his lap. A minute later I grabbed some more. He didn't mind me at all. I was throwing him sideways looks, studying the marks and blemishes of his dull face between the flickering lights of the screen. On my next handful some popcorn fell out of my hand on his lap. Will quickly took them without looking down and put them in his mouth. So he was aware I was watching him! I thought I could amuse myself, seeing as I was going to miss the movie anyway. I reached with my hand again and dropped some popcorn on him on purpose. But before he could take them, I moved my hand and grabbed them from his crotch. He squirmed in his seat and I enjoyed teasing him.

He then placed the popcorn box a little lower between his legs. So seemingly unaware and searching for it, I dropped my hand and brushed against his pants, my hand meeting his thick tube-like dick bulging towards me. Will fidgeted again, but continued to look ahead at the screen, stuffing his mouth with popcorn. With his next move he placed the box of popcorn above his dick, most likely wanting to stop me, because he was hard.

I found out we were together in this game and he probably liked getting teased as well. I didn't dare do more than that though, as the light coming from the movie was bright enough and someone on the back seats, or Anny and Jonny next to us, whom I had almost completely forgotten, could detect us. I had to be discreet and careful for both of us with whatever we were doing.

At the end of the movie however, after an hour and a half lost on me, when the theater hall got completely dark, I promptly shot my hand to Will's lap, having gathered the courage to go to the end, groping his dick and giving it a tight squeeze, just like some pervert. I found his dick hot and hard, responding to my touch with a twitch.


On Sunday Anny, Jonny, Will, and I found ourselves together again at a family dinner my mom had insisted we organize. Anny had found the time again and she did not appear reluctant to be there, sitting next to me. Will was invited too and he was sitting across from me on the table, with Jonny by his side. Dad was on my left, so I could keep a close check on him. Mom was at the other end, opposite of him, serving her tasty homemade dishes she was so proud of. Everything was actually peaceful and there wasn't a trace of the tenseness from yesterday. It was a perfectly normal family dinner. That was until dad suddenly stood upright and tried to make some sort of declaration.

"Family, friends, unborn grandchildren! I want to..." he began his speech.

But mom, Jonny, and I quickly stopped him and told him to sit down. It was also one of the rare moments when I saw Anny heartily laughing.

"A father's moment usurped, yet I still love you," he said woefully, giving us a sullen look.

Will was looking at him curiously, probably missing the kinship connection between father and sons. He was acting quiet and shy all through dinner. At one point mom started asking him various questions to which he replied with short answers. Jonny, seeing how uneasy she was making Will feel, decided to change the topic.

"I have a date next week," he declared, trying to turn the attention to him.

I caught Will's somehow disappointed look. It didn't escape my father sitting next to him as well. He placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Will, son, you'll soon get in the business too, don't worry. You'll be scoring girls soon enough," he tried sounding empathetically.

"Is that the idea, your great advice!" mom admonished him.

"I don't think I'll ever meet a girl who likes me," Will said sadly.

The rest of them started persuading him that it wasn't true, arguing between themselves what the best way to win a girl's heart was.

"Flowers, healthy attention, and respectful distance," mom offered.

"Determination, character, and boundaries," said Anny.

"Love for dogs and a good sense of humor, of course," my father declared.

"Or just plain old endowment," Jonny stated.

We all looked at him dismayed and not believing he really said that. Dad was the first to start laughing out loud, after which we all followed. Jonny was spot on, knowingly or not. Only Will wasn't laughing. I watched him, not adding anything to the girls topic myself. If they only knew what he had hiding in his pants, they wouldn't feel so sorry about him.

I thought I should remind him that important fact and boost his confidence, yet again. So I extended my right leg under the table and placed it between his thighs. I started rubbing and pushing with my foot against his groin. Will's head shot up at what I was doing, his hands holding down my foot. But then he saw my smile. I winked at him teasingly and his whole face got red, letting go of his grip. I kept rubbing his awakening dick till it got hard. He even put his hands on the table for stability.

The others were heatedly discussing something and didn't notice anything. Even Anny who was saying something about stupid jocks, giving me as an example. Jonny was explaining the technique he used to invite the girl to a date. Will and I however were in our own little game. He seemed so engrossed in what I was doing that his face screamed with a mixture of pleasure and horror of being caught. I could feel his hard dick against my foot, resisting me, battling me, welcoming me. And at the same time when I felt my sock get soggy, Will suddenly leaped out, excused himself, and awkwardly headed to the bathroom in a fast pace.

They all turned to look after him, wondering what happened. I took the chance, because the game wasn't over for me.

"You all embarrassed him," I blamed them. "And you wanted a normal dinner! I'll go check on him."

I got up and climbed the stairs up to the bathroom. When I got to the door I could hear Will was inside. I didn't forget to knock this time.

"Hey, bud, it's me. Can I come in?"

"Yes," I heard him barely say.

I opened the door and went inside. I saw him with some toilet paper in hand, trying to wipe his pants. He had a miserable expression on his face and was almost in tears.

"Why did you do that?" he whimpered.

"What?" I asked innocently, intending to cheer him up. "Remember what I told you? You have a big dick, Will!"

"It wasn't the right situation! It was risky! We were having dinner with your family, with your girlfriend next to you!" he said all that in a harsh voice, very unlike him.

"It helps to remember it in any situation," I simply said. "So what, did you cum?"

"No, it was just precum, but it was a lot." He gave up trying to scold me.

Suddenly I got another urge, something that I wanted to do. I stood in front of the toilet with Will next to me and I pulled out my dick to piss. Will watched me blown away. I wanted him to stare. I wanted him to see my dick. I wanted him to remember it.

"Did you come here to rub one out then?" I asked him, shaking the last drops off.


"Are you gonna jerk off again in this bathroom?"

"What, no! I'm just really hard and horny right now!"

"You have a situation, yes," I pointed out.

"Because of you!"

"Okay, listen, if it's really hard..." I laughed at my own pun. I zipped up and turned to him. "Not enough time for jerking off, cold water helps. That's what we do in the showers when someone starts getting a boner. So, whip it out, Will!"

"What?" he asked shocked.

"Come on, we don't have time. I've already seen it," I pushed him on.

We got in front of the sink and he hesitantly pulled down his pants. His dick sprang out harder than I remember it. I was seeing it up close and it was nothing short of spectacular. His round head was oozing copious amounts of precum.

"Now, apply some cold water with your hand. Come on, I'm not touching your dick," I said, although I really wanted to, just like at the movies, but this time it could have been skin to skin.

"It's weird with you watching," Will complained.

"Well, you haven't been in a locker room, have you," I reasoned.

Ten minutes later we returned downstairs with the situation in Will's pants under control. Dad was in the middle of a story about some squirrels he found surfing one moon night who knows how many years ago. Mom, Anny, and Jonny were caught up in it and were asking him all sorts of questions. When we sat down Will seemed calmer and more talkative. Everyone noticed the change. All I could think about was his dick and whether I should have touched it.

Thank you for reading my work! Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at:

I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under u/Lein_Anders

© 2021 Lein Anders

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