My Brothers Friend Series

Published on Jul 28, 2022


My Brother's Friend Chapter 1

The following is a fictional story involving sexual acts of consenting individuals of different ages. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story plot and characters are a creative result from the author's imagination. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material or reside in a location where it is illegal to do so, then close this page immediately. If you believe that the said fictional material and topic exploration might offend you, please, do not read any further.

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I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

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© 2021 Lein Anders


By Lein Anders



Chapter 1

It was a calm Tuesday afternoon. I was home alone after school, studying in my room. It was a really hot day, so I had the window and the door open. Shirtless and concentrated, I was stuck on a particular problem from my Physics homework. I was already working on it for twenty minutes and just couldn't figure it out. Thinking it was time for a little break and some healthy after school procrastination, I pushed everything away and got up to stretch.

I considered calling Anny. She had told me to call her only after I've finished my homework when I drove her home after school today. But seeing as I had difficulties calculating the escape velocity of a rocket leaving for our new colony on Mars, I didn't think she'd be disappointed. I looked around for my phone, but then remembered I left it downstairs in the kitchen on purpose, so that it didn't distract me with all the messages and notifications I'd be getting.

I tumbled down the stairs and found it on the kitchen table where I left it charging. I did scroll through the dozen notification, intending to call my girlfriend just after I replied to a few messages from friends. That's when I was startled by a bang on the front door and some voices shouting. The calm afternoon wasn't so calm anymore, as it seemed, and I was quick to check what was going on. The hallway to the house entrance was just next to the kitchen. Just as I was about to the door I heard a very urgent and loud voice say:

"Dude! Do you know whose house this is?!"

Swinging the door open I found two boys with their backs in front of me. They seemed to not be letting my brother and some friend of his come home. All four of them jumped from my sudden appearance.

"What's going on, Jonny?" I asked my brother, ignoring the two guys blocking my way.

"Everything's alright, go back to your work," he said a little agitated.

I looked intently at him, measuring the situation. His friend next to him had his eyes stuck to the ground and looked very anxious.

"Dude, that's Drew Hayes," said the one whose voice I heard before.

"Let's get..." the other one started to say.

"Excuse me, boys," I pushed past them to step outside. "I wanted to check my mailbox." I walked outside on the front lawn. "Oh, and it's Andrew, not Drew," I turned to look at them still standing in front of the door. "Unless you're my brother's friends. Then you can call me Drew." I was a few feet away from them, standing and looking at them sideways. "Are you?"

"Umm..." they both staggered.

"Drew, they..." my brother tried to say.

"Jonny, I always forget," I interrupted him, "we don't actually have a mailbox. Who even uses those now? And it's so hot outside."

"We'll get going," said the boy who had recognized me and took a step. His buddy followed.

"If you ever do visit again, just knock lightly on the door," I said walking back.

"Of course," he said, waving his hand, as we passed each other, "Drew Hayes sure is a sight without a shirt on." He turned, smirking, "That's Andrew, excuse me."

I watched them walk down the street, wondering if I should react to that comment.

Jonny and his friend had already gotten inside the house. I found them in the kitchen fixing an afternoon snack. They were silent. Jonny was looking for something in the fridge, while his friend was siting on a chair.

"Who's your friend?" I finally asked my brother, but turning towards the boy.

"I'm... Will," he answered quietly, not meeting my eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Will! I'm Drew," I said in a high voice and got around the table to shake hands. His hand was meek and sweaty. "I haven't met you before, I think. Welcome to the Hayes household, where you can have a taste of Jonny Hayes' delicious..." I turned around and peeked over my brother's shoulder, "sandwiches. No complains." I turned to Will and he was looking at the floor all fidgety.

For me, Will was more or less average looking. He wasn't ugly, he wasn't handsome, either, for a boy his age. Actually, nothing in his face struck me as noticeable or special. His face was a bit round, his nose was kind of plump, his cheeks -- slightly protruding, his lips -- dry and chewed on, his ears -- pudgy and stuck to his head. He had auburn hair, oily and unkempt. There were a few hairs on his chin, but not yet the beginnings of anything like a beard. He had his hands hidden down between his legs and he was slumping on the chair. I think he was as tall as me, if not a little taller, and I'd say he was a bit overweight, judging from when I saw him outside a few minutes ago.

"Drew, you're loud and also shirtless," my brother stated. He turned around with two plates with sandwiches and snacks. "We're going to my room."

"I haven't been there in ages. Be careful, Will," I tried to joke, but the boy just stood up and squeezed past me timidly.

Will didn't seem to be good at meeting new people, it seemed. He acted like he didn't want to be there. I wondered what the situation was and what had my brother told him about me, if anything at all. Something about Will was odd, though, he wasn't the usual type of person Jonny befriends or has around him, even for studying. He wasn't a guy I'd notice, anywhere either. Will was just too average, mildly put.

Both boys silently went up the stairs to Jonny's room and I didn't hear from them the rest of the afternoon. I remembered that I wanted to call Anny about the Physics problem, though it was mostly to see what she's doing and whether we'd meet today. She was quick to scold me, telling me I'm not so stupid to not be able to solve a mere rocket launch problem, and reminded me our agreement to check on each other only after we've done our homework. That was the smart and responsible way to navigate through teenage relationships, she said. She was going to be free later tonight, so we agreed I'd go take her with my car and drive to our special place. I was now motivated to face the difficulties of launching some rockets to Mars for exploration or colonization.

* * *

Later that evening, after having dinner with mom and dad, Jonny and I were again in the kitchen, cleaning up. We weren't as talkative to each other as we were on the kitchen table. I was discarding the leftovers, while Jonny was loading up the dishwasher. Since we were all silent and serious, I decided to get a little playful with our activity. I started tossing him the dishes and then glasses one by one from a distance. The first one surprised him and he almost dropped it, but he showed some agility with the rest and quickly got into the play.

"You're crazy. Mom will kill us!"

I got to the last glass and I tossed it a little lower on purpose. He lunged forward and did manage to catch it, but he fell face flat on the floor. I couldn't contain my laughter as he got up.

"Nice catch, bro! You should join the team," I joked.

"Did I say you're crazy? What got into you all of a sudden." He put the glass in the dishwasher and prepared it.

I was watching him, leaning on the kitchen board, thinking how to formulate my question.

"So..." I trailed off. "You got bullies now?" I went for it directly.

He stood up, shorter than me as he was, and threw me a stern look.

"You're awfully curious about my life all of a sudden."

"What can I say, it's a big brother's duty," I tried to take a lighter approach.

"Duty, my ass!" he said harshly.

I was taken aback.

"Hey, hey, why do you talk like that?" I asked him concerned.

He turned away from me and took a few steps.


"Uhh, what do you want, Drew," he sighed.

"Well, I..." I tried to say.

"We've grown apart, Drew, we're not the same, we've got our own lives now," he said out of nowhere.

"Sure, though, I think I'm probably dying tomorrow," I joked.

"We're each keeping to ourselves," he ignored what I said, "I mean, you're seventeen, I just turned fifteen..."

"Different worlds, indeed," I remarked.

"You haven't spent time with us at all with all that's been going on, Anny, the team..." he finally turned to look at me. "The only time we talk, the only time when you talk to me, is when there are other people around. It's like we're keeping up an act in front of mom and dad or our friends, but we haven't done anything together since forever. Just the two of us!"

I wasn't prepared for this at all. The things he said haven't even crossed my mind.

"That's not true," the words slipped from my mouth.

"Okay, tell me when was the last time we had a serious conversation?"

I realized I had to do something and take care of the situation. I came towards him and hugged him. He was disappointed in me.

"We're having one right now," I said, wrapping my hands around his shoulders. He just stayed there and let me hold him. "I didn't know you felt like this. It probably took a lot of energy for you to say that. I'm sorry we haven't spent time together. I'll make up for it, we're bros," I meant it.

He finally hugged me back and we stayed like that for a while.

"I don't know where to begin, what to say," he said in a low voice.

"That's okay."

"I feel like there's so much you've missed," he added sincerely.

"That's okay. I'm listening. You can cry about it if you want," I patted him on the back.

"Go cry yourself, jerk!" He pushed me away.

We sat down there in the kitchen and we managed to transform this out-of-nowhere teary and suppressed situation into a brotherly reunion with a bit of tease involved. Jonny opened up to me and told me how he met Will. The other things, he said, will be for another time.

Will got picked on and bullied at school almost every day. It was about the usual things a school mind was able to produce: his body, his weight, his face, his clothes, his lack of friends, surprisingly -- his high grades, too. There was a known group of bullies that even I had crossed paths with. The two boys from today were part of that group it seemed and they were the usual instigators. They were a year older than Jonny and Will, but he didn't want to tell me their names. Since my brother shared a few classes with Will and they both excelled in nerdy school stuff, they had been interacting since the beginning of the school year. He had noticed Will was rather lonely and didn't talk to a lot of people in school, so recently he had tried being more friendly towards him and see if they can connect. That's how he witnessed the bullying and harassment. At first it was subtle and only verbal. Will just ignored them and when it happened, when they were together, Will got really embarrassed. But then those bullies started getting physical when no one watching. Jonny had wondered why Will put up with it and didn't do something, but he never asked him. The first couple of times he didn't react on purpose, waiting for Will to do something when they pushed them, tripped them, or threw something of theirs. My brother endured it stoically, but it was eating him on the inside. Until finally he couldn't bear with it anymore and he had to protect his new friend and stand up for himself, after all. That's how we got to the situation this afternoon, when those two guys followed them back home.

"But I'll handle it, I don't want you to do anything, Drew," he warned me.

"What I want to know is how it's possible people don't recognize my little brother. I think I made sure..." I wondered out loud.


"Yes, Jonny, I know you can do what's right on your own," I returned on the topic, "But Will has to do something, too. You can't do anything instead of him and he doesn't seem too confident."

"I just want to cut short the bullying, it's up to him after that."

"Alright. The least I could do is say "hi" when I see him at school and maybe someone notices that we know each other," I offered. "But I really don't pay any attention to the chubby guys. I just don't see them..." I wondered out loud again.

"Hey! Don't call him that. He's very self-conscious and lacking confidence," Jonny scolded me. "Just because you and I were born like this and people think we're pretty..."

"Well, I don't know about you," I cut him off and grinned.

"You could say we're sort of privileged," he ignored my joke a second time, "but he gets teased a lot and it's stressing him out daily. He's going to be around often if we hit it off. Will's actually smart and a pretty cool guy once you get to know him. So, please, keep your shirt on when he visits!"

"Okay, I will, but I don't guarantee about Anny's."

"Oh, please, she's so upright and diligent. I don't know how you two have sex." Not a surprising opinion about her coming from him.

"I think those quiet on the outside usually hide something wild inside." I replied, smiling. "So, you don't like her?" I asked honestly, changing the topic.

"I find her too serious and pretentious. But she's your girlfriend, Drew. I mean no offense."

"Thanks for being open about it. What girls do you like then, huh?" I asked him directly.

"Who told you I like girls?" he looked me straight in the eyes.

"What?!" I jolted surprised.

"Just kidding," he laughed. "You should have seen the look on your face."

"No, I..." I stammered, "I don't have a problem with that." He really got me with that one.

"Chill, Drew, I like girls."

"Well, I'm yet to see you with one," I teased him, now relaxed.

"It's really hard to see those things, Drew, when you're stuck in a locker room with naked guys every single day."

"Hey, when did you become so sarcastic?" I liked that he could keep up to me.

"But mom wants to have her over for dinner again sometime soon," he returned to discussing things about Anny.

"Ah, well, she's graduating and..." I didn't finish my thought. I got quiet and thoughtful, which was unusual for me.

"Yes, what is it? You can tell me." Jonny was waiting patiently for me to say something.

"I actually don't know how to put this. I'm sort of bored or I've lost interest in the relationship. Anny is great, the sex is awesome, too. But I keep asking myself if this is all to it, you know." I formulated it good enough.

"I see," he urged me to continue.

"And it's been on the back of my mind, a feeling of sorts..."


"Since she's graduating this year, our breakup will happen on its own and I wouldn't have to do anything drastic to distract her from her exams." I finally got out what was bugging me.

"I see."

"I feel like an asshole that I'm even considering this." I didn't regret saying it, but now that it was out, it became more real.

"It's a good thing you got it out of you," he didn't judge.

"Yeah, thanks for listening, bro."

It was then that we noticed someone was standing at the kitchen door for who knows how long, watching us with a wide grin.

"Boys, I don't like to interrupt your philosophical discussion on the perils and wonders of young age, but I would really like to get myself a cold alcoholic beverage from the refrigerator, preferably a beer," our dad said all important-like.

"How long have you been standing there, old man?" I asked.

"Long enough to reminiscent about my young days and also watch out for your mother not to eavesdrop."

Jonny and I were looking at him expectantly.

"Well?" I urged him.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"Share your thoughts," Jonny added.

"Oh, no, I wouldn't go that far," he said modestly.

Dad opened his beer he got from the fridge and took a sip. His gaze was somewhere on the side and he was circling the edge of the bottle with his thumb. Clearly, he wanted to say something.

"Just say what you want to say, dad," Jonny insisted.

"Well, boys, I guess the situation calls for an inspirational father speech."

Jonny and I looked at him amusingly. He brought his beer forward as if for a toast.

"Boys! It makes me so proud that I'm part of this family! I haven't been more happier than I am now, seeing how fast you have matured, that as a human being on this planet Earth I kindly offered my seed to your mother all those seventeen years ago." he said it in high spirits.

"Ewww, dad," were both our reactions, before bursting with laughter.

"You did what?!" we heard our mom exclaim behind him. He was busted. "What are you telling our children?" She appeared at the kitchen door and immediately smacked him with a wet clout. He started laughing as well, as our mom continued to strike him. "Is that any way to talk to them," she continued, every word being stressed with a smack, but she was also giving in to the joke. "It's always jokes with you, can't you say anything serious to Jonny and Drew for once."

"Yes, and..." he tried to say between laughs and getting hit by the clout. "Two years later I repeated this great achievement with our queen mother and here you are, boys." He was a hopeless case.

"What are you, a sperm horse?! Go achieve something on your own!" She intensified her hand movements with the clout, but it seems she also cracked and started laughing. "Boys, don't listen to him, your dad needs to be treated."

It was a hilarious situation, but one not uncommon in our family. We finally calmed down and you could see dad peacefully enjoying his beer as if we had just been talking about the weather. It was time for my date with Anny, though, so I got up and told them I was heading out to meet her.

"Drew, honey," my mom said, "invite her over for dinner soon. And Jonny can invite his new new friend, too." Jonny's face told me he wasn't initially keen on the idea.

"I'll tell her. Have a good night, mom, dad!"

"Son," my father called out to me all serious, "may the horse be with you."

"I've married an idiot," my mom noted, sighing.

"It was a timely joke," Jonny pointed out.

* * *

I kept seeing Will at home quite often the following weeks. He clearly avoided me, acting shy and reserved every time. I tried to make him feel more comfortable, remembering what Jonny told me about him and just be a chill big brother, be friendly, try to establish some connection with him, because Jonny was bringing him home almost every day. I didn't see him at school, though, and not just because I didn't have the habit of noticing guys like him, but I rarely even saw my brother since there were really a lot of students. Sometimes when I was at practice with the team or had to meet with Anny, I'd only hear after that at dinner that Will had visited. Little by little I got used to his presence, as someone to discuss with Jonny or even physically with his acts of avoidance. And I finally relaxed that my brother was being careful and knew what he was doing, and you could say they had their friendship going strong. So it helped me ease my over-protectiveness, though I was now seeing it being manifested in my little brother. Jonny and I still didn't have the time to do something special together, but I let him know that it's the first thing on my mind as soon as I get free. He joked that Anny and him could maybe casually visit me in the locker room or on the field and just try to catch up while the guys and me are goofing off naked or we're running our asses off.

"Sure, bro, you could scrub my back in the shower while we're talking about dad's latest shenanigans, while Anny and I could do push-ups together with her books underneath her," I told him. "Would be interesting to see."

It was a Thursday afternoon three weeks later that I got home early from school. It was raining heavily and the sky was all dark. Even though I drove, I was still soaking wet from the short distance to my car on the school parking lot and also getting to the doorway back home. Coach had told us to go home because of the weather, so we didn't have practice. When I opened the front door I noticed the floor in the hallway was all in muddy steps and spread out spots. There was also a pile of drenched clothes fully covered with mud, as though it wasn't me who did sports. The house was all silent, except for the sound of a shower running.

I thought Jonny had done a clever thing, removing his clothes on the tile floor, not to spread the dirt and water inside, and it would be easy enough to clean after that. Since mom and dad were still at work, I decided to do the same. I stripped down and left my clothes there. I was in my jock, because we had changed clothes for practice before coach let us off and I didn't bother to change back after that. I headed to my room upstairs. My skin was still wet, I felt uncomfortable and I wanted to get a towel to dry off, but I realized all the clean towels were in the bathroom Jonny was using. I didn't think it would bother him if I entered, we were used to each other's bodies and nakedness, even if we weren't quite on close terms for some time now, as he made me aware. Still, I could joke that he could train for visiting me in the locker room this way.

I got near the bathroom door and decided that privacy could sometimes be skipped between brothers and I could make a joke out of it and just barge in loudly. That's what I did, finding it very original and thinking it would go smoothly. I swiftly opened the door and burst in.

"Drop that soap, Jonny!" I said in a boisterous voice.

But it wasn't Jonny under the shower. It was Will. We were both shocked and wide-eyed. I was standing there totally stunned and speechless just in my jock. He was frozen in place, staring at me dumbfounded under the running shower like a startled deer caught in headlights. Only, the thing I caught him in, what I abruptly interrupted, was him jerking off. And as my eyes involuntarily moved downwards, and so did his, I was presented with Will's humongous dick he still held in his grip. I was agape, transfixed, blatantly staring at the sight between his legs. I felt my heart thump rashly and my head spinning. I couldn't get a grip of myself and avert my attention. It was fucking huge! It was nothing like mine. The hand he held his dick with probably covered less than one-third of its length. The girth his dick had was smaller at the base where his hand was, but it grew thicker all the way to the oversized meaty head, which seemed slimy. I could see even under the splashing water that he must have finished just before I barged in. I gulped and looked upwards, the rest of his body wasn't anything special, he wasn't in shape, he had a belly, his hands and legs were fleshy, and he was slightly hairy around his chest, stomach and legs.

The whole thing couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds, and just like a deer caught in headlights, Will suddenly sprang, grabbed a hanging towel and rushed out of the bathroom, pushing me out of the way. For a chubby guy like him he was quick to remove himself from embarrassing situations and probably every obstacle in his path. It took me a few more seconds to come to my senses from what had happened. Even then the only thought on my mind was that Will had a big dick. Will had a giant dick! Will was jerking off his big dick in our bathroom. Will had blasted his sperm from his giant dick under the shower at our house!

The shower itself was still running, so I finally made my body move and reached to turn the water off. That's how I saw the thick spray of cum on the wall that was oozing down the tiles and didn't get washed down the drain, because it was out of reach. Will had ran out without thinking about it and I didn't blame him. I was watching it and thinking what should I do.

"Drew, what happened to Will?" my brother appeared at the door behind me. "Why are you just in your jock?" he asked accusingly.

I actually didn't know how to answer him. It was strange for a person like me to get lost for words.

"Did you do something to Will?" he demanded. "I told you not to appear like that in front of him!"

I looked down at my naked body and then at Jonny.

"I don't know how to really explain the situation right now," I told him truthfully. He saw my confusion and softened. "I thought you were the one showering and I just wanted to get a clean towel. How is Will?"

"He's a bit shaken up. He seems very embarrassed. You've probably scared him barging in like a barbarian."

That's when I noticed that Jonny's hair and shoulders were covered in mud. And as I got closer to him at the doorway, I saw his forearms were bruised.

"What are those? Did something happen?" I grabbed his right hand to check the bruise. "Why were your clothes covered in mud?" I remembered.

"It's nothing," he pulled away.

"Jonny, tell me!" I demanded.

"Put on some clothes first. I'll go check on Will," he said and went to his room.

I closed the bathroom door and decided to take a shower myself and probably do something about Will's big mess, so he wouldn't get even more embarrassed. It would probably get washed away on its own, but it would be better to take care of it. I grabbed the shower head, turned the water on and pointed it at the trail of cum that had almost reached the floor. It washed away easily. I squatted and looked around carefully for any other spots where Will's cum might have landed. The image of him standing there and jerking off for who knows how long came to mind. Still crouching, I touched the spot where his cum had been and traced its trail with my finger down to the floor, just to make sure it was clean. This was where Will's big dick had jizzed!

When I was putting on some clothes in my room, trying to chase away the vivid images from my mind, I thought about how Will might feel and how he was managing with the situation. I intended to apologize, but I also wanted to find out from Jonny what happened before that. Thinking about it, I realized that if Will wanted to go home, he would need some dry clothes and Jonny's probably wouldn't fit him. So I choose some of mine that he could wear, making it a token of apology, in a way.

When I knocked on Jonny's door, he stepped out and closed it behind him.

"I thought barging right in wouldn't be appropriate this time," I joked.

"Or any, for that matter," he replied.

"Here, these are for Will. I figured yours would be... too tight for him," I said, handing him the clothes. "I want to apologize, can I come in?" I took a step forwards.

"Not right now, Drew, later," he stopped me.

"Okay. Will you tell me what happened earlier? Why are your arms bruised?"

"I told you, I can handle it on my own," he answered irritated.

"And I told you that I know you can. I just want to know what happened," I insisted.

"Nothing much, Drew. We were leaving school when it started pouring, we decided to take a shortcut through the park, those two guys from the other day chased after us and threw us to the ground. Big adventure."

"That's it?" I asked sceptically.

"That's it."

"And the bruises?"

"Probably got them when I fell, not a big deal." He shrugged his shoulders.

"What are those guys' names?" I wanted to know.

"Don't push your luck, Drew, just trust your brother." He turned to enter his room.

"Jonny, listen, I'm going to see Anny in a while, if Will wants to, I can drive him home."

"I doubt it."

"Well, just offer it to him. Someone has to clean the mess downstairs, too, before mom and dad get back from work." I already cleaned one mess, but I didn't tell him that.

So, an hour later Jonny was scrubbing the hallway floor, while I got in the car with Will. It was a tense and silent ride. He had entered his address on my phone, so I let the maps app navigate us. I was watching the road while he had turned to his right with his back to me. The rain was lighter now, but the sky seemed darker. It was a twenty minute ride and we were soon on the street address Will had typed.

"Here we are, bud, which one is your house?" I said as I stopped the car.

I turned to look at Will and he was sitting in the same pose from which he hadn't moved at all.

"Will, buddy, we arrived," I placed my hand on his left shoulder and leaned in. That's when I heard he was actually sobbing. I was at a loss from the range of daily situations and particularly what to do right at that moment.

"It was just an awful day, sorry," surprisingly he began without me having to ask him anything, so I just decided to be patient. "This stupid weather... then they chased us and pushed us around till we were both soaking and dirty," he said between sobs.

"I'm sorry that it happened, bud. I can help, don't worry about that," I tried assuring him.

"And Jonny..." he sniffed, "he's just feeling sorry for me. Now you'll feel sorry for me, too," he sniffed again.

"That's not true, Will. I know Jonny, he doesn't do fake stuff. He really wants to be friends with you. You can be my friend, too."

He finally sat up in the seat. I had given him some shorts of mine I haven't worn in a while. Now that he placed his feet in front of him, I unintentionally looked at his crotch. Sure enough, without any underwear, his dick was protruding.

"You want to be friends with me?" he asked surprised.

"Well..." I raised my eyes, "you've been around our house long enough to judge you friendship material," I answered him with a smile. "You were evading me and shying away, but still somehow present."

"Yeah, sorry about that, you've been nice to me," he cheered up a bit. "Thanks for the clothes and for giving me a ride," he said and unbuckled his seat belt. I took another glance at his bulge.

"No problem, bud. Are you okay now?" I tapped his shoulder.

"I still feel like shit, but we'll see."

"I also wanted to apologize about today." I was thinking how to formulate it. "About entering like that in the bathroom. I thought Jonny was in there."

"You visit your brother while he's showering wearing only a jock?" He asked me.

"What, no!" He could crack jokes, it seemed.

I decided to allow myself to tease him back and try to ease up the situation of the elephant we were circling around.

"Just, bud, next time when you're letting off some steam after a hard day, please, clean up after yourself."

"Oh, umm..." he got really red and embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I..." he stammered. "There wasn't actually a lock on the door and I..."

"No locks at home," I said, just as quickly ending his torment, "room doors just stay closed if you don't want to enter. And I've never been to Jonny's room without his permission, which I don't remember when it last was."

"Yeah, you mentioned it the first time we met." He was looking down at his feet.

"The first time, yes," I remembered.

When I offered to ride Will home it really was out of care and politeness, but I also wanted to learn the names of their bullies, which would save me the trouble of searching for them on my own on school grounds. I still trusted that my brother could handle it, but I secretly wanted to ascertain the situation and give a nudge here and there if necessary.

"Listen, Will, I'll be direct, before you leave can you tell me the names of those two guys that bully you?" I tried to sound authoritative.

"Jonny told me not to tell you," he answered unsure.

"Come on, bud, you can tell me and I'll make sure they don't bother you anymore. I understand Jonny's concern. I believe you can also handle it with the right support. I just want to help."

He was really thinking about it.

"Okay, but just don't tell Jonny and don't do anything!"

"What do you think I am, some dumb jock, that I'll wait for them in a back alley and threaten them or something?"

"I just don't want it to get any worse."

"It won't bud. It'll only get better, I promise."

"Okay, I'll tell you. One of them is Troy Thompson and the other one is Nick, but I can't remember his last name." He seemed perplexed when he said it.

"Good, thanks, Will." I'll find out who these Troy and Nick are.

I tapped his leg and my hand landed on the edge of his shorts, which were pulled high because of how he was sitting. I quickly removed it realizing I touched him without intending to so close to his crotch.

"Bud, you should be more confident with yourself, you actually have what it takes from what I saw in the shower," I dared to say.

"Thanks, I guess." He got red in the face again. He was easy to read and play with.

"Seriously, mine isn't that big," I said, showing my fascination.

"Well, you know what they say about muscled jocks," he teased me again.

"Anny is quite happy if you must know." Actually I didn't know if she had any particular thoughts about my dick. I had to ask her.

"Your girlfriend?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm seeing her after you get out, which is taking forever." I smiled.

"I wish girls liked me," he said opening the door.

"They will, Will, they will." They would really like his dick. "See you!"

Thank you for reading my work! Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at:

I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under u/Lein_Anders

© 2021 Lein Anders

Next: Chapter 2: My Brothers Friend 2

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