My Brother Sold Me

Published on Nov 26, 2022



Authoritarian / Interracial, anal, bb/MMM

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of boys and men discovering their sexuality. It contains graphic scenes of sex between consenting underage boys and adult males. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Copyright 2022 Wolf, all rights reserved.

You may contact me at if you like. All flames will be ignored.

My Brother Sold Me



My parents shouldn't have ever had children. They were not well educated, so they worked at low paying minimum paying jobs. They were also self-absorbed party types. They had no desire to be nurturing parents. They were forced to live in a large urban inner city.

They had to rent apartments in a low-income community. Every large city has an area where crime if prevalent and hoodlum gangs control areas so much that the police only enter the community in force. My older brother and I were going up in an area controlled by a black gang.

Our parents got up early to go to work, so my older brother and I were responsible for getting ourselves up getting dressed, fed and off to school. We came home to an empty apartment and fed ourselves. When our parents came home, they quickly changed clothes and went out to party with friends or to bars. We were true latch key kids. We frequently failed to go to school, and spent the day finding ways to get into trouble.

My older brother was named Tomas and I was named Matthew. Things started changing when Tom was 12-years-old and I was 7-years-old. Tom and I were poor students. We were both skinny, pale skinned white kids growing up in a manly black neighborhood. Being blue- eyed-blondes, we were subjected to a lot of bullying by the local kids. I was a naive kid that boarded on stupidity. My trusting nature made me oblivious to the ugliness around me. I was practically raised by my older brother.

Tom was at that age when, he thought our parents were stupid and listened to the advice of guys is age. He wanted to dress like them and become a member of a gang both for protection and the protection of a family. His desire to belong was very strange in my eyes because we were blonds and didn't look like most neighborhood kids. It started out with Tom starting to wear strange clothes, much baggier shirts and with his pants baggy hanging down so low that the crotch of his pants were almost down to his knees, and his underwear was showing. Simply put, Tom was trying to dress more gangst'a like the boys he was hanging out with during the day when away from home, trying to fit in and act like he was a street thug like many of the actual gangs that came from the area we lived in. The city we lived in was not the best for young boys and filled with homelessness and street gangs

Other things that I started to notice about Tom was that he was playing with himself almost all the time those days, so many times I would walk into the living room or past Tom's bedroom and I would see my big brother with his pants down around his knees while he was stroking his young small dick furiously to orgasm. The first few times I saw this, Isaid nothing and just pretended to not see anything as Tom always seemed angry when doing it as if he was mad about something and jerking off was the only way to ease the anger for the pre-teen boy. But I got curious why he was doing that and decided to ask Tom what he was doing after he had finished and got the answer from Tom: "I'm jerking off, it's what gangst'as do". It wasn't an answer I understood as I didn't know what jerking off was, or why only gangsters do it, but after that Tom started doing it far more often when at home and I just accepted it as normal now, though my curiosity never went away. Now when Tom was stroking his small white dick, I would stand there staring at his brother with a curious look on my face the young 7-year-old didn't know what was so good about doing that, because the look on Tom's face seems to almost be one of pain since he was grunting and moaning the whole time. Tom's face would turn really red after a point and then white stuff would spray out over Tom's stomach and chest while he flops back breathing hard, it looked to me like Tom was hurting himself on purpose but the young boy didn't understand sex or pleasure yet so all he saw was his big brother hurting himself over and over again to make the white stuff come out.

Matthew was concerned for his big brother and started to think he should tell someone what Tom was doing, but there was no one to talk to since I didn't have my parents around and didn't think my teachers could help with this either, leaving me to look on the internet for answers. This would only make me more confused as I looked up jerking off and just found tons of videos of guys of all colors and sizes jerking off just like Tom was doing and with many of them saying how good it felt. I saw how much a man could cum when they jerk off and more than once I tried to jerk off myself, but it just didn't work for me as I was too young to cum and didn't know how to do it properly yet. At most I would get sweaty and get a tingling feeling, but nothing would come out in the end of his dick, no matter how long I worked at it. Leaving me even more confused and curious.

It was one of these jerk-off moments that I was watching Tom when I first saw Tom began eating the white stuff, he sprayed all over his body. After finishing Tom scoops up the white stuff with his fingers and licks it all off his fingers and from that point on Tom was eating his own cum every time after jerking off, which only got me even more curious about what my brother was doing. I began to think about all the thick white stuff my brother sprayed on himself and the floor and pictured my brother sucking it off his fingers, it made me want to try it, as Tom seemed to enjoy it, whatever the white stuff was. After seeing my brother eat his own cum, even though I didn't know what it was called that at the time. I worked up the courage to ask my brother if I could taste the stuff, because I wanted to see why Tom liked it so much.

Tom had just finished jerking off in the living room, his shorts were around his ankles and his shirt was pulled off and tossed to the side. There was a layer of young boy cum coated Tom's young pale body as he laid on the coach. panting after his strong orgasm he just gave himself.

Before Tom could recover and eat his own cum like he normally did those days, I stepped closer to him: "Tom... c-can... Can I try it?" I naively asked in the most innocent voice possible.

Tom opened his eyes and stared hard at me: "Try what?" He asks in his usual hostile tone he uses whenever he talks to me, as if I was interrupting something all the time.

I pointed to the white stuff on Tom's body: "That stuff. The white stuff. You eat whenever you... Jerk off..." I remembered what Tom called it. "I want to try some" I asks as if asking for some candy.

Tom just stares for a second while inside he was laughing as he was hoping for this moment for a long time. "Fine, you can try it" Tom says and continues to lay there unmoving. I had expected Tom to feed some to me but he didn't and after a moment I reached out with my little fingers and scooped some off Tom's stomach just above the young soft cock of the 12-year-old. It was slippery and slimy. I had no idea what to compare it to, other than jelly I put on my sandwiches. With the idea that this must be like the grape jelly I ate all the time, I brought my fingers up to my mouth and with my big brother looking at me with a mix of awe and excitement in his eyes, I began to lick and suck the goo off my little fingers like I had seen my brother do so many times before. It was strange and tasted funny, but after a moment I reached out and took some more off my brother's stomach and gave it a second taste, and I decided that l liked it and smiled at my big brother. "It tastes good" I said as if I got a treat. When I made that statement Tom actually smirked at the statement and pushed his cum covered body towards me.

"You can have the rest of it, I don't want any right now" Tom said he was just giving a snack to his little brother without any deeper meaning.

I grinned widely at that as it was the first time Tom had given me something tasty in a while, and the young 7- year-old boy was scooping up and eating his brothers cum right off the 12-year-olds body. Tom lay there as his little brother happily sucked cum off his fingers over and over again until most of it was gone.

"Just lean down and lick the rest of it off, it's faster that way" Tom instructed me.

It was an odd request, but Matthew didn't want to upset his brother so he did as he was told and just started to lick the cum off Tom's body, his wet little tongue picking up every drop of the tasty white stuff his big brother was giving him. The feeling was nice and Tom's young dick didn't need much time to recover from cumming as he was young and full of sexual energy. Around the time I was licking the last of the cum around Tom's dick, his young cock was hard again, standing at a laughable 3-inches but still bigger than I had in his tighty- whities. When I straightened back up, he saw my brother's cock was hard and wondered why?

"If you want more you can make some" Tom said as casually as if he was gonna make a bowl of cereal.

I had the taste of cum still on his tongue and lips just nodded eagerly at my big brother because I wasn't used to getting treats like this every day.

"Okay, but I'm tired, so you got to get it out" Tom states, and pointed at his dick.

I was the embodiment of innocence's and had no idea about sucking cocks or being used by someone for sexual release. I trusted my brother too much and didn't argue with Tom as I figured Tom knew best since he was older than me. "How?" I asked curiously.

Tom had me get down on my knees between his legs. with both of my little hands around his pre-teen cock. It felt strange to me, but since Tom told me to do it I wasn't going to argue. After more instruction, I began to stroke my brother's cock and I marveled at how big and warm it felt in my little hands as I stroked my older brother's cock inches away from my face. I was fascinated by this and was kneeling so close to Tom's cock that Tom could feel my hot breath all over the throbbing young cock. Even with me not really knowing what I was doing, pretty soon I had my brother panting and moaning as my young hands worked on the first cock, I had ever given a hand-job to. Tom began to feel his next orgasm rising and knew it would be bigger than the last one since it was his innocent little Bitch of a baby brother giving it to him: "Start sucking on the head of it!" Tom barked out orders at me.

"W-what?" Was my response as I didn't know if that was right to put my brother's cock in his mouth.

Now! Put it into your mouth or the cum will go all over the place!" Tom barked at me, and before Tom had to order me to do it again, I put my little mouth around the head of my big brother's throbbing cock and began to suck on it like I was sucking on a straw in a cup of soda. Tom enjoyed the feeling of the hot wetness of my young mouth sucking on the head of his cock while the little hands were stroke it up and down faster than before, and letting out one last loud moan Tom-cum inside of my mouth and filled it so fast that I spilled some back onto my brother's cock.

I did my best to suck up and swallow as much of the cum as possible, but there was more than the last time and a lot spilled out down onto my chin and all over Tom's cock. But still I drank a lot of the tasty white stuff my brother was giving me and hummed with satisfaction as my young tummy was now filled with my brother's hot cum. After a moment I pulled off the throbbing cock after sucking the last drop out of the tip and smiled up at Tom. "That was yummy and there was so much" I seems happy about being able to get such a nice treat.

"You're not done, clean up down there" Tom ordered and pointed to the puddle of cum dripping down from his cock to his balls and then down to the crack of his ass.

"B-but it's... it's going down to your butt" I said, not sure he wanted to taste my brother's ass.

"If you don't clean me up then you won't get any more ever again" Tom states firmly as a threat.

With only a little hesitation I leaned down between my brother's thighs and began to lick up all the-cum I didn't swallow at first. I was soon licking all over my brother's balls, his pubic mound and even down between his butt cheeks to lick up all the dripping cum. More than once, Tom could feel me lick right across his asshole and it made him shudder with pleasure. After I was done, Tom left me kneeling there in the living room watching cartoons on the TV, as if nothing strange at all happened. Tom went to the bathroom to wash his crotch and butt crack.

The rest of the night went by as if nothing odd had taken place. Tom went out and came back late into the night. I simply spent the time thinking about what had taken place, and wondering what Tom was doing. When it was time for bed, I headed to my bedroom like normal and walked past Tom's bedroom and the door was wide open, just like it usually was, since Tom rarely shuts his door anymore. Peeking inside I saw Tom standing there naked and slowly stroking his cock and looking out the door as if waiting for me to walk by.

"Hey Matt, come in here" Tom called out!

After a moment's pause, I walked into his bedroom as ordered.

"Take your clothes off" Tom orders again and I was confused by this request.

"Why?" I asked, not upset (Walking around with little to no clothes was not weird for me or Tom) but being asked to get naked was.

"Because I want you to suck me off again, so get naked" Tom states firmly. So, even though I was not sure why, I did as I was told, and stripped out of the T-shirt and shorts I had on, and left the underwear in a pile on the floor until I was naked as Tom. "Good" Tom said before going to lay down on the bed, staring at his skinny little brother that was going to suck his cock. "Now get up on the bed, between my legs and do what you did in the living room again" Tom said as if I had no choice.

"But I'm not hungry, I don't want a snack" I said in a whiny voice.

"I didn't ask if you were hungry. I said get on the bed and suck my dick like the BITCH you are" Tom snaped, sounding angry at me.

I snapped to attention at that and rushed over to the bed and climbed onto it like Tom had ordered. I was scared to upset Tom, because it wouldn't be the first time Tom had hit me for disobeying his orders. Being pushed around and bullied was commonplace for me because I was small and weak, my brother and other kids often pushed me around.

Once I was in position Tom got me to suck on the head of his cock and stroke him like he had done in the living room earlier, but this time Tom didn't let me use my hands and instead forced me to give him the first blow-job that I had ever given in my young life. It was hard at first and uncomfortable for me as Tom forced the 3-inch cock into my mouth, even though I could take all of it without choking. Tom was being rough with me because he was turning me into his personal cum dump.

I whimpered and whined with my brother's cock in my mouth, but continued to suck on it like I was told to do over and over again, as Tom yelled at me whenever I wasn't sucking right or grazed my teeth against the flesh of his young cock. Tom soon got into a rhythm and started to hump against my young mouth, fucking my face quickly now as he held me in place on the bed between his legs by my long blonde hair. "Oh yeah... just like a good cock sucker should" Tom said moaning, and a while later, which felt like forever for me.

Tom usee me like a slut, Tom began to cum right down my throat. He force-fed me his cum and didn't allow me to pull back or spit as the shots of cum went right down the boy's throat.

I was helpless to pull away and had to swallow all the cum or choke on it. After a moment or two, Tom finally let go of my hair and allowed me to breathe and gasp for air. "I didn't like that." I said, whimpering with tears in his eyes.

Tom sat up and grabbed me by the hair to pull me closer: "I don't care, I'm the gangst'a here and you're my BITCH... If I want to cum, it's your job to suck me off. If you don't want to, I'll whip your ass, understand me?" Tom said in his best gangst'a accent, which sounded a bit off at best coming from this little white boy that was only barely bigger than his little brother.

I felt helpless and scared, just sniffling and nodding in agreement over what Tom had told me, knowing that I couldn't fight against Tom as he was bigger than me.

After that I went to bed and slept the rest of the night, but was woken up by Tom pushing his cock into my mouth before I was even awake, and before I could even complain.

Tom shushed me and simply told me: "Suck it like a good little Bitch! I woke up wanting to cum and it's your job now" Tom stated.

I just gave in and accepted the new role in my life. Tom didn't take long to cum and dumped his load into my mouth yet again. Before getting dressed and leaving to do whatever he wanted to do. I laid there with the taste of cum in my mouth, wondering why I didn't call my parents or tell someone. Tom was being mean, but something inside me just couldn't stop myself from enjoying this somehow.

From that point on I would be on call for Tom's daily blowjob or hand-job at all hours. I lost track within the first few days of how many times I made my older brother cum with either my hands or my mouth, but always I would be made to suck up the load of boy-cum once done. Tom was relentless and full of energy, coming to or calling me several to a dozen times a day to suck him off or stroke him off. While Tom was watching TV or playing video games, he'd call me over to get me to pull his cock out to suck him off. I didn't know why Tom liked me doing this so often, but over the next few weeks I would start to find myself craving the taste of cum after only a few hours, as if I was getting addicted to cum. Tom also started making me walk around naked, saying how a Bitch didn't need clothes as they only got in the way. I didn't mind being naked, but with my body being fully exposed caused Tom to get even hornier throughout the day, forcing me to suck off my older brother more often. It also led to Tom cumming on my face and chest, covering me with his-cum and then taking pictures of it after I had been coated in a thick layer of fresh boy cum. I asked why Tom took pictures of me and Tom just told me not to worry about it, so I being the young ignorant boy I was, did as I was told.

Throughout all of this Tom would still disappear for hours at a time, during the days. Leaving without saying a word and coming back looking exhausted as if he was working out or something. His clothes would be wrinkled and he'd always go right to the shower when he came in. After showering Tom would order me to suck him off and blow the biggest loads down my throat as if Tom had been building up the load just for me. Tom also introduced me to porn.

He made me watch video after video of men being sucked off by younger boys before cumming down their throat and sometime even fucking them in the ass. Many of them were young white boys with large black men fucking them. It looked painful to me but Tom always got excited by these videos and afterwards Tom had me suck him off yet again.

A month or so after Tom had started using me as his Bitch, Tom told me that we were going somewhere one day. Tom made me wear a pair of cut off jean shorts that were very small on me and barely covered my butt and a T-shirt that was cut off just below where my nipples were. I was also made to wear shower shoes/flip flops, all this together I almost felt naked and when I asked why I had to dress like that, Tom replied that these were the clothes of a BITCH and to not complain. I didn't argue after that and we were soon in open daylight. The two of us walked out of the house and Tom led the way with the slutty looking cum dump boy following close behind. The whole way to where we were going, homeless men would cat call me and ask Tom how much for an hour with his slut. That embarrassed me as I now knew what a slut was and couldn't argue that I was one because I was craving to suck my brother's cock. Tom however laughed it off and simply told the homeless men that we were busy right now, but maybe later we could drop by for some fun. I didn't know what my brother was talking about as I had no desire to suck the old dirty men's cocks, but I knew better than to argue with Tom while out in public.

About a half hour away from home, Tom led me into a large old house that was next to a vacant field. The place looked run down like no one has lived there in years but the moment the two of us white boys entered the house I saw that it was filled with people. The acrid smell of stale cigarette smoke filled the building with a gray haze. and music was blasting loudly. I didn't know who any of the people were. They were older men though I didn't know how old, they were, but they all looked old to me. They were mostly black men there, but there were some big bodied women with big bulbous butts and humongous tits that were dressed in shorts and halter tops exposed almost everything. Mathew saw big black areolas and nipples hanging out and some of them had the crotch of their shorts pulled aside and they had their thick fingers stuffed into their wet cunts or assholes.

Tom seemed to know exactly where to go and walked into the living room and right up to a very large and scary looking black guy that was sitting in a big leather reclining chair off to one side of the room. This man was the largest person I had ever seen with my own eyes, his muscles were huge and his full face looked frightening. His face was covered with the stubble of a beard that looked like you could strike a match on it. His black eyes looked menacing. I was scared to death of him, but Tom walked up and greeted him like nothing at all, so I was a bit more comfortable following my brother up to the man.

"Hey Cali..." Tom begins in a calm respectful tone of voice. "I brought my little brother like I said that I would, and he's a good boy. I never touched his ass, like you told me not to do. I just taught him how to suck cock" Tom explains to the large black man named Cali while gesturing towards me.

The big black man named Cali looked at Tom before looking down at me. I looked like a younger version of Tom: "Looking good little T" Cali said with a smirk on his thick lips, his voice rumbling.

"So... I'm in, right? You told me once I got him here, I'm in the gang" Tom asked with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Cali seems to chuckle at the question and nods: "sure. you're in, boy" The black man said smirking. "But you're still new here, so you still have to work your way up to full membership. Get busy doing your chores while I take care of your little brother here!" Cali said grinning down at me with a look that made me nervous, as if he was a wolf that was about to go in for the kill of a helpless sheep, and I the sheep.

Tom hesitated and was about to say something when another black guy snapped his fingers, that guy was skinny and had his cock hanging out of the front of his pants. "Hey, boy... over here!" Said the skinny black man, and after a moment Tom nodded and headed over to the man sitting on the couch, looking a bit annoyed to be doing this. I looked on in confusion as Tom got down on his knees in front of the man and took the long thick black cock into his mouth. Just like how Tom had made me do him and suck his cock a million times now. Tom was now sucking the black cock of the skinny black man sitting on the couch, only the black cock was much bigger than Tom's little dick, but Tom was still taking it like a true pro. It was as if he was the BITCH here like how I was the BITCH at home.

I looked on at the sight of my older brother sucking the black man off as if I couldn't understand what was going on, but knew exactly what mys brother was doing at the same moment. It wasn't until I was being pulled onto the lap of Cali that I was pulled out of my stupor and remembered where I was.

"Yeah, your big bro has put in a lot of work to get in with us" Cali said before lowering his voice so he could whisper in my ear: "But he is nothing more than another BITCH here like any of the whores you saw when you came in. He is nothing more than just another cum bucket, just like you are gonna be" Cali said, and a shiver ran through my whole body, as he began to understand why Tom had brought him there.

"C-can.... I go... home" I whimpers.

Cali just laughed at that, as he saw that I was scared: "Don't you worry-Baby, old Cali here is gonna treat you real nice and make you a proper slut. Just like what we did to your brother there" Cali said before snapping his fingers and waving over at someone.

A moment later a large man almost as big as Cali walks up and drops his pants, releasing a cock that made the other black guy's cock look small compared to the monster that was now pointing at the backside of Tom. It was as long as my arm but almost as thick as Tom's arm, it was veiny and looked terrifying to me, because I didn't know how Tom was gonna be able to suck such a beast of a cock. But little did I know that Tom wasn't gonna be sucking this cock.

"You just watch and learn Baby, you'll see what your brother really is" Cali said while he pushes my shorts off of my thin smooth legs, leaving me naked from the waist down. and exposed to the black man who's lap I was sitting on. Cali pulled my legs apart, so I was sitting spread eagle with a leg stretched to either side of Cali's thick thighs. The black man then pulled me back to lean against the hard muscled chest, while the huge thick fingertips began to caress and explore my young body, teasing my little nail hard cock while the hard fingertips of Cali moved down between my cheeks and started to tease my virgin butt hole.

I was so overwhelmed by all of this that my head was swimming, my thoughts were a blur and I nearly couldn't breathe from all that was going on to me and around me. I was panting and even though I was scared I couldn't help but let out small moans as Cali's touch was warm and felt nice against my smooth skin as I had never been touched that way before because Tom only made me suck his cock. Cali was big, strong and scary, but his touch was making his young Bitch boy moan and feel tingly all over, my tiny dick as hard as a nail now and it sticks out while I was made to watch my brother continue to deep throat the cock shoved into his face.

Pretty soon the second black guy with the monster cock pulls Tom's pants down, which was easy to do since they were so loose and hung so low, and exposes Tom round juicy white boy ass to the large black man's cock. Tom, feeling his ass get exposed, looks over his shoulder with a cock still in his mouth and begins to panic at the sight of the huge cock and tries to pull away, but the first guy held Tom's head down like Tom did to me the first night he made me suck cock like a Bitch. It was at this point I throught of all the stimulation that was gonna happen to my brother. I didn't have the courage to ask what was going to happen, as Cali's caressing fingers teases my young butt hole in ways I didn't understand. It almost felt like Cali's fingers were wet as they touched and teased my asshole. While we watched my brother being used. I soon understood what was gonna happen to my brother.

Tom was held in place by the two big black men and the one with the huge cock shoves his monster into the ass of Tom, making the 12-year-old squeal like a pig. The monster cock had no mercy for the young ass of the white boy and it stretched Tom to the limit as the larger of the two black men made Tom into their BITCH and 'Spit Roasted' him as both his ass and his face got fucked.

I was in shock at this sight and didn't know what to think, only knowing I didn't want to be treated like that! I push harder back into Cali, out of fear and a desire for protection.

"You don't want to be treated like a common Bitch like your brother do you Baby?" Cali whispered into my ear. I shook my head NO, not able to speak at that point. "Well, if you are a good Bitch for me. I can make sure you don't ever get fucked by big Luke there. But you have to be nice to me, Baby, do you understand?" Cali said smirking down at me, and I was small and powerless as I sat on his lap. I turned my head as much as I could and looked up at Cali over my shoulder, almost not able to crane my neck far enough to look the man in his eyes.

"Please... I'll be good... I'll suck you like I do with Tom" I pleaded with the man who just chuckled.

"Oh, you will Baby, but right now I have to break you in. So, you just relax and lean in to Daddy, be a good Bitch and let me have your ass" Cali said. It's only at that point that I felt that at some point Cali had taken his own cock out and he was rubbing it between the cheeks of my fleshy ass and up my back. It felt huge compared to Tom's little cock but not as sickeningly big as big Luke's monster cock. Knowing what was about to happen I whimpered a bit.

"it's gonna hurt" I whined. Cali shrugs: "yeah, but not as much as it would if big Luke did it. Would you rather that he is the one to do it to you? I know you white bitches love big black cocks!" Cali said. He was amused by the way I shuddered at the idea of going through what Tom was going through right then.

Tom was screaming with his mouth full of cock, so it was muffled, while his ass was being roughly fucked by the giant cock of the black man being shoved up inside of Tom's guts right now as there was no way Tom's little body had room for such a cock inside him without moving his organs around.

"I'll be good... I'll be good" I whimpered and pushed my ass harder against Cali's more moderate sized cock, but still bigger than I had seen to that date.

"Good Baby" Cali said as he picked me up and aimed his greased-up cock at the tight wet hole of his newest BITCH. I had no idea what to do other than to dangle helplessly as everyone looked at my naked lower half being lowered down onto the big fat black cock. At first, I grunted at the feeling of the fat head wanting to enter me, but then I began to whimper and whine as I felt Cali forcing it in regardless of how tight my little boy pussy was. I was soon beginning to cry as my ass was stretched open and the head of his large black cock was pushed up inside of me. I was screaming weren't far behind as Cali slowly pushed my body down his full length of his cock, moving the me around to make me adjust to the size of the thick cock inside me. All the while I cried and screamed for him to pull it out, but Cali wasn't listening to me. I was soon sitting on Cali's lap, but now with the largest cock I had ever personally known inside my deflowered ass. Cali stopped moving at this point and just held me as I whimpered and cried. He let me calm down and adjust to being his Bitch in all its forms now. It took a while but I soon calmed down and my ass relaxed enough for Cali to started thrusting and fucking the little white boy on his lap.

With no frame of reference for this I just went along with this new experience and as much as it hurt, my tears soon stopped and I began to feel numb all over as Cali fucked my little ass right there in the middle of the party, while everyone was taking pictures and videos of the action in front of them, as two white boys were roughly fucked by a group of black men. Tom was fucked over and over again. He was given to one black man after another as if he were a piece of meat meant to be used like any other whore in the room. He was stripped naked and fucked in every position possible, moaning and screams in both pain and pleasure. He was made to cum from being ass fucked and then mocked for cumming like a Bitch in heat. But even with all this going on Tom still had the misguided belief he was a part of this gang now that he gave his little brother over as one of their whores, not realizing that he had just sold his brother to the same people who were gonna to treat him the same as any other hole in the room.

I however was not passed around and with my ultra-tight ass and endless moaning, Cali kept me to himself fucking me over and over again and soon the numbness from before faded as well into something new. I was flopping around on the thick cock that never left my ass, the pain and numbness disappeared and slowly turned into pleasure. Not too long after I began to moan like a whore, matching my brother's screams and moans of pleasure and pain as I got turned out just like my brother one had.

I was too young to cum properly, but I Cali had orgasms over and over as the leader of the gang used me as his personal cum bucket. My brain was foggy and disorganized, leaving me unable to think straight or realize what was happening. By the time the party was over, it was late at night and both Tom and I had been fucked a dozen times by now. More so with Tom. He had been passed around the party a dozen times or more, leaving him with the cum of a dozen men dripping down his legs all the way home. But by the time we had made it home both were sore and our assholes were truly overused, slowly limping into the house, Tom looked over at me and smirked: "One of these days I'm gonna be the one fucking your ass just like the boss did. You'll be my BITCH forever" Tom said in a slightly pained voice, still believing he wasn't just a common Bitch. I was not so convinced about that but was too tired to argue and just went to bed, having no idea what tomorrow would bring.

Not long after the party Tom and I were taken from our home forever. I suspected that our parents had known what had been going on and actually agreed for the gang to take us, because there was never a search for us. Neither of us ever went home again. Tom was forced to dress like the black whores with his ass hanging out and working the streets. By the time he was 14 he was unrecognizable from the boy he had been, he looked like a drag queen made up to look like a woman. His days as drag whore were numbered, because he would eventually mature into a man and be unattractive to the kind of men that are turned on by young boys dressed up like innocent school girls. The gang now owned his ass as long as he was useful. He was on so many drugs almost all the time he was nothing more than a brain-dead sex toy for the gang that would use him and sell his body to men with perverted desires for young boys.

As for me, Cali was good to his word and kept me as his personal sex slave. I was also put on hormones the prolonged me from entering puberty as long as possible. After all Cali did enjoy fucking little boys. I was treated me like his girlfriend.

I was drugged up until I was nothing more than a brain-dead bimbo like my older brother. I was to become Matty and wasn't even a teenager yet. I was Cali's person cock slave and would service him at every order or demand by the large black man. My old life seemed like a dream to me after a time and all I knew was that I was a BITCH and loved every second of it. My cock sucker lips and an ass pussy that was made to take cock. I became more of a BITCH than my brother ever dreamed he'd be, but at the same time I was a well-suited for my station in life. I was soon sporting a tattoo on my ass that simply said "Property of Cali' to show who I belonged to. Sometimes I would see the sex toy that my brother had become and felt no pity for my big stupid brother because my older brothers never got a night off from working the streets while I got to live with Cali in comfort and only had to service Cali and his friends whenever I was told to do so. Many nights I would be bouncing up and down Cali's fat cock and moaning like a whore while my brother who had sold me to Cali would be around the corner getting fucked by those same homeless men with their dirty old cocks that he was gonna sell his little brother to.

If you enjoyed the story and have a story you want me to write about your introduction to the world of male sexuality, please send your outline to

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