My Boys

By Rampage

Published on Jul 8, 2016



Ugh! Ugh! The grunts came from deep within Alex's throat as I plunged my seven and a half inches of hard military cock meat into his civilian fuck hole.

"Go on, Tee-Jay, give it him good and proper!"

"Fuck that tight virginal arse real hard, Tee-Jay!"

"Let that civilian arsehole know what a man-to-man air force missile can do to his insides, Tee-Jay!"

In all fairness, Alex was not little, at least not in the cock and balls department. He stood a bit over six feet in height, his body was deeply tanned from working outdoors, with a bit of nude sunbathing thrown in. His muscles were well defined - humping hods full of bricks about on building sites works wonders for biceps, chest and stomach. His thighs and legs were strong from playing seven-a-side footer and rugby, cross-country training runs and competitive cycling. Right now, though, he was my plaything. He was bent double, my rampant dick stuffed up his chute as far as it would go. I had a good rhythm going - fast, hard, and driving in and out of his tight arse steam-hammer fashion. He was loving it!

Alex and his mates were working on a new construction site on the far side of the airfield. My duties took me past the site most days and I had seen this dazzling hunk of male sex hauling his load up and down the scaffolding for a couple of days. On the third morning, as I passed the site, I caught his eye and gave him a cheery "Hi, mate!" I knew from the look he gave me and the impudent boyish grin that flashed across his face that I could soon be inside his dirty, figure hugging jeans, if I played my cards right. I stood and watched as he hoisted a full hod of bricks on to his broad shoulder. With the agility of a monkey, he climbed the short ladder to the first level of scaffolding, then up to the second tier where the men were working. He was shirtless so I had a full eyeful of naked, golden chest and back, streaked with brick dust and sweat. Nor did I miss the display of builder's cleavage! My pecker went crazy with lust and I had a hard time getting it down before I could carry on with my own duties. Later that afternoon, my three cock buddies and I invited Alex and a couple of his mates to come for a drink with us that evening, after work, in the NCOs Club on the base. They did not need any urging and went back to their digs to clean up and put on a change of clothes - they could not very well turn up in filthy denims, working boots and hard hats! We signed them in as our guests and as soon as he arrived, Alex latched on to me - not that I objected, of course.

After a couple of rounds of beers the slight tension eased and soon we were all laughing raucously at the crudest and filthiest jokes we could dream up. As the Club began to fill up, my three friends suggested we go down to the village and continue our session at The White Swan where they were having their monthly half-price night. They all seemed keen to go but I looked across at Alex and said, "Do you want to go, Alex? We can stay here for a while and have a few more bevvies."

"OK," he said, "I'll stay here. I'm feeling a bit bushed tonight, anyway."

"Hardly surprising," I said, "hauling that load of yours around all day." As I spoke, I deliberately glanced down at his bulging crotch.

He rewarded my shameless gaze with the sight of his trousers beginning to move and distend. We sat around a while longer, talking about nothing in particular. He wanted to know how long I had been in the Service, how long I had been a corporal, how long I was... that bit just seemed to slip out, making him blush and stammer.

"I - I - I didn't mean to be..."

"That's OK," I reassured him, "I was about to ask how big you are, that's quite a bulge you've got there." We looked at each other, smiling a knowing smile. "I've gotta take a leak," I said, "come with me and we can compare."

I got up and sauntered across to the gents. There was no one in there and I stood in one of the stalls, cock in hand, encouraging it to get harder and harder. I heard the swing door open, then close. Alex took up position beside me. He unzipped his fly and pulled out a dick not as long as mine but equally as thick - and equally as hard. I reached out and took hold of him, slowly rubbing my fingers around his cockhead. He was cut and when I grazed my thumb around his ridge, he let out a little moan of pleasure. My balls began sending messages to my brain; prickly tingles ran up and down my spine.

Alex's cock wasted little time before producing its natural lubricant and a driblet of the glistening fluid dribbled off the end of his dick. I squatted down and gently licked his cock slit with the tip of my tongue. He tasted salty and sticky. A hand crept around the back of my head, pulling me on to his lovemeat. Sucking slowly I drew him into my mouth as far as the entrance to my throat then suddenly, without warning, I swallowed his entire length. He jerked, let out a deep groan. At that moment, the toilet door crashed open. My three buddies almost fell into the room. Alex and I had been caught in flagrante, with his cock down my gullet.

"Sorry, Tee-Jay, gotta have a piss."

Ben had obviously had a few beers too many and staggered over to an empty stall, tugging his pisser out of his pants. He let forth a stream of golden liquid, which seemed to be going on forever. How could one man hold so much piss in his bladder, I wondered. Charlie and Dan, meanwhile, were leaning against the wall, grinning drunkenly at Alex and I. I let go of Alex and stood up, my boner throbbing and pulsating, leaking strings of viscous clear fluid on to the tiled floor.

"It's OK you two, Alex and I were just getting better acquainted."

Charlie let out a hoarse laugh. "Like me and Dan, eh, Tee-Jay?"

Charlie and Dan were forever sucking at each other's cocks, balls, arse holes, any other part of their bodies they could reach. They were at it in the barracks, in the showers, toilets, gymnasium, locker room, indoors or out, in my car, anywhere they could find. No one else ever got a look in. I would have give a day's pay - well, maybe half a day's pay - to fuck Dan. He had a cute bum, hard, neat, round as a bun loaf, just how I like 'em! But he would never let anyone but Charlie give him one. He did not mind you watching, but keep your pecker out of his hole. That was Charlie's exclusive property. I had suspected at one time that Ben had slipped him one but I had no evidence of it. I shuddered to think what Charlie would do if he ever found out. I felt sorry for young Ben, he was always the gooseberry in that triangle. "Ben's a good laugh," Charlie had once said to me, "but I don't fancy him that way. I've got Dan."

Ben finished pissing at last and turned round, not bothering to put his cock back in his pants. Alex could not help himself: he gaped at the large organ displayed in front of him. Ben said, "Hey, guys, what say we take the civvy down to the building site and show him what airmen do with their missiles?" "Yeah, yeah!" chorused Dan and Charlie. I was more cautious - it would not do for us to run into a passing security patrol.

"Hang on, fellas," I said, "do you want some man-to-man fun, Alex?" He was looking at me, but his cock was beginning to soften. He had not reckoned on being involved with more than one guy.

"I'm not sure, I've never been with a load of guys before." He sounded nervous, looked a little scared.

"Aw, shit!" exploded Dan, "what were you and Tee-Jay doing just now? You didn't seem to mind that. Besides, you must have wanked with other guys at school. How about some of the guys on the site? Don't they get together when their girls won't come across for 'em?"

"Well..." Alex was doubtful, "so long as it's just wanking."

None of us said anything but I noticed the glance Dan gave the other two. He caught my eye and gave me a quick wink. "OK," he said, "let's go!"

It did not take long for the four of us to cut across the deserted silent airfield to the construction site where Alex was working. There was no moon that night and the only illumination came dimly from the perimeter fence lighting some hundreds of yards away. By the time we reached the site, our eyes had grown accustomed to the dark and we could see well enough to avoid stumbling over piles of bricks, scraping our shins on discarded planks of wood, buckets and other builders detritus. On the way, I managed to whisper in Dan's ear, "Take him to the far side, Dan, where it's darkest. There's an opening in the wall where they're going to fit a door."

"OK, Tee-Jay. Boy, am I looking forward to this! I'm hard already."

"Same here, Dan." He put his hand on the front of my trousers.

"Christ, Tee-Jay, don't pop your load just yet!"

Dan quickly found the darkened opening. A wooden frame had been fitted, but that was all. I led the way into the dark interior of what was going to be an office. Moving slowly and quietly away from the doorway, I halted. Ben bumped into me and swore softly. "Fuck! Sorry, Tee-Jay!"

I moved to where he was standing and put my hand on the seat of his trousers. I gently fondled the hard buttock through the material. "I'm here, Alex." I stepped round to stand in front of him, sliding one hand round the back of his neck, stroking the short hairs there, tenderly but firmly pulling his head towards mine. My other hand, meanwhile, was searching for his zip. Our lips met in a long, sweet kiss. My fingers slowly pulled his zip down. I stopped myself from searching any further and moved that hand up his ribcage, across his shoulder and neck to his face. I caressed his cheek with my forefinger, my tongue all the while exploring the tender inside of his mouth. I felt his body relax into mine, his nervousness gone. Meantime, Dan and Charlie were well at it, having pulled each other's trousers and underpants down to their ankles and ripped open their shirts.

I quietly eased away from Alex and whispered in his ear, "Alex, do you mind if Ben joins us? He's left out, again."

"No, that's OK, Tee-Jay."

We came apart, holding hands, and quietly moved over to where Ben was wanking, watching Dan and Charlie fondling each other's balls, teasing each other's dicks, nibbling on each other's nipples. I put out my free hand and folded it over Ben's pumping wrist. "Why don't you let me do that, Ben?" I whispered.

"Oh, Tee-Jay..." His voice trailed away. As I pulled on Ben's meat, Alex moved in closer. I felt his hand sliding down over my trousered buttocks. "Ben," I whispered, "pull my pants down for Alex."

Ben's fingers were shaking with lust, he fumbled at the waistband, then managed to undo the clasp and tug the zip of my fly down. I was not wearing any underwear and my cock leapt to freedom, enjoying the magical sensation of the cool night air on its head. Alex's hot hand clenched on to my naked arse as Ben crouched down between us, taking me into his warm, wet mouth. Alex found my lips again but now we both lost control. Our faces ground together, teeth clashing, heads glued together as they swayed from side to side in abandonment to passion. Ben was taking my full length down his throat; I could hear the sound of the suction as he worked harder and faster. As his tongue probed beneath my foreskin, I moaned deep in my throat, vibrating into Alex. Suddenly, Ben switched over, taking Alex's meaty cockhead between his lips. Alex jerked his head back and grunted. I put my free hand on Ben's head, pushing him forward, forcing him to swallow the full length of the man meat on to which he had clamped.

Dan had Charlie's dick firmly between his lips, sucking long, deep and fast. Dan's hands were clamped on Charlie's arse cheeks, his head moving back and forth like a piston. Charlie was gasping for air. He grabbed handfuls of Dan's hair and began fucking his face. Faster. Faster. He was close to... Suddenly he pulled himself free of Dan's mouth, his breath rasping in his throat.

"Turn around, Dan. I need to fuck your arse."

Dan leapt to his feet, turning round and bending over almost in one movement. Charlie pulled Dan's buttocks apart and guided his heavy, thick dick to the hidden entrance. He held it there for a moment, then with a long, brutal push sent the entire length of his cock into Dan, nearly splitting him apart. Dan cried out but with pain or pleasure I never knew. His head swung from side to side, his cries evidence of the agony and ecstasy he was experiencing.

"Quiet, boy!" I heard Charlie's grating voice. He began driving his stake ever deeper into Dan's body. I thought, "The poor bastard, that must feel like a red hot poker up there."

Charlie was soon into his rhythm, pounding on and on, not caring if he was causing Dan pain or pleasure. Dan took it, he took it all. Even in that gloom, I could see sweat gleaming on his back, his forehead, his torso. Charlie's iron grip clutched Dan's cock as he fisted it in unison with the mighty thrusts of his fucking.

Ben was now taking Alex and me simultaneously. Somehow he had managed to get both our cock heads between his lips. His tongue was frantically working on two slimy, salty cock heads oozing fluid. I reached out, taking Alex's nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, twisting and pulling them to make them as red as my cock globe. Alex was trying to thrust his dick in and out of Ben's devouring mouth but my thick rod was blocking the way. I pulled myself out and Alex immediately started fucking Ben's face. I moved smartly round to stand behind Alex - my chance had come at last!

I crouched down and licked at the thrusting golden buttocks. As he felt my tongue running down his hairless crack, Alex groaned and fucked faster. I knew Ben would not be able to take much more of this onslaught, so I pulled Alex's cheeks apart, exposing his pink, wrinkled arse hole. I knew the moment I saw it, it would be virginal. No cock had ever gone through that secret doorway. I licked it, teasing the tip of my tongue a little way in. Alex went frantic, emitting wild, animal cries like I never heard from a human being before. I rose to my feet, lubricating my solid rod with spittle. I placed the scalding tip of my cock head against that wrinkled, virginal hole. And I shoved!

Christ, he was tight! My cock had been caught in a vice. Alex cried out, "No! Oh, fuck, no!" He was in agony. His head rolled from side to side. He bucked, he writhed, he twisted and pulled, vainly endeavouring to escape from my arse breaking onslaught. The more he struggled, the deeper my cock seemed to go. I felt the ridge of his hole give way, my burning helmet bursting into his tube like a heat-seeking missile. His sphincter gave way, then clamped down on me. The harder I fucked, the more it fastened on to me. Dan and Charlie broke off their own activities and came over to watch this new boy being broken in.

Ugh! Ugh! The grunts came from deep within Alex's throat as I plunged my seven and a half inches of hard military cock meat into his civilian fuck hole.

"Go on, Tee-Jay, give it him good and proper!"

"Fuck that tight virginal arse real hard, Tee-Jay!"

"Let that civilian arse hole know what a man-to-man air force missile can do to his insides, Tee-Jay!"

Charlie's rough hands were rubbing over my pecs, his stubby fingers pinching and twisting my nipples. Dan tried to lick at my pubic hair, timing himself to meet me as I withdrew from Alex before plunging back in again. Alex was actually crying by now. Deep, racking sobs forced themselves from him.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck! Don't - don't aaah!" I gave him an extra strong thrust, carrying myself yet deeper into his suffering body. Unexpectedly, I felt something warm, wet and slimy running over and down my arse cheeks. Something warm, wet and rough probed at my arse hole. I fucked faster, trying to shake this intruder off, but it seemed to adhere itself to me. Nothing I did seemed to shake it off. I grunted. "Who's licking my hole?"

"It's Ben!" Charlie's voice sounded surprised.

"Come on, Ben," I managed to gasp as I pounded away, "lick my arse out, eat my ring, boy!"

Ben needed no further encouragement. His rapidly flickering tongue sent darting sparks of electric fire surging through my arse to my groin, through my balls, up my rigid shaft and into Alex's flaming, violated arse hole. Ben played on me as a master musician plays on a finely turned musical instrument.

Without warning, wild savage drums in my balls beat out a primeval rhythm, getting faster and faster and more insistent. My cock felt as if it were about to burst into flames at any moment. With a guttural howl I blasted off, deep into the unseen darkness of Alex's inner space. At the same moment, he yowled like a slaughtered animal as he exploded stream after stream of thick white sperm, endlessly. I thrust until the last drop had disappeared into his guts; he jerked and shot his load until his balls could produce no more semen. I collapsed against Alex's body, dizzy with spent lust. He staggered and was about to fall when Charlie caught him. "OK, Alex, take it easy."

On hearing a stifled grunt behind me, I managed to lift myself off Alex's body and turn round, only to see Ben impaling Dan on the end of a huge, hard ramrod. Ben's usually mild and inoffensive face was twisted with rampant lust. "Laugh at me, would you?" he growled. "Let's hear you laugh at this!" He rammed himself home and Dan screamed. Charlie moved forward with a growl of rage my Alex stopped him. "Let him do it, Charlie. Ben has as much right to fuck as we have." Charlie gaped at Alex. Never before had anyone spoken to him like that. I was the only person who could normally do anything with him. Ben was really fucking Dan now. There was no way they were going to be separated until the deed was done. "You liked it well enough when Charlie was away," Ben shouted, "you'll like it now while he's here to see you beg for more!"

There it was, straight from the horse's mouth, the answer to all my private thoughts and unspoken questions. Ben had fucked Dan before, when Charlie had been sent on detachment to the Gulf last year. I feared what Charlie would do now. Would he thrash Ben, walk away from Dan? I vaguely hoped he would do neither.

Ben cried out in a loud voice. He dumped all his anger, frustration and love for Dan into the boy's guts. His body discharged his seed in a wad of hot, creamy spunk - but there was a lot of emotion triggering it. He worked his cock in the captive arse hole until every last drop of ball juice and every last atom of emotion had been purged from him. He stood, trembling, his cock still buried inside the gasping, retching youth in front of him. Ben threw his head back, his mouth wide open. Slowly, he opened his eyes, looked around and said, "Charlie, you don't deserve the love of this man. You cannot love him as I love him. I always have and I always will. I know he will never love me. He is yours - yours for all time. You may grow apart from each other, life may take you to opposite ends of the world, but he will remain yours until death, and beyond."

Ben withdrew and disappeared into the darkness. No one moved. We could not speak. I heard Dan quietly sobbing and I went over to where he stood, looking as lost and as helpless as a tiny child. I silently took him in my arms and held him. Alex came over and spread his golden arms around the two of us. Then Charlie came over. He said nothing but walked up to Dan and gently - oh, so gently - kissed his mouth. Then they, too, dissolved into the darkness.

Ben never returned to our little group after that. I often saw him going about his duties on the base, but he remained alone, as far as anyone could tell. Then, one day, someone asked me where Ben had gone, he had not been seen for some time. It turned out that he had sought and been granted a medical discharge on the grounds of his homosexuality. It must have taken a deal of courage to do that, but I consoled myself with the hope that he would regain some measure of happiness in his new life. The rest of us soon overcame that scene in the half-built office block and I was glad. I was glad to still have MY BOYS and, although we had lost Ben, we now had Alex to take his place - at least, until the building was finished. When it came to man-to-man sex, Alex turned out to be the hottest, horniest one of us all!

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