My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

By Namab Mas

Published on Jun 1, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

Chapter Seven

Time was really starting to press now. It was just a couple of weeks until Jack set off on his travels, and we were trying to spend as much time together as as possible while we still could. We were going through one of our horny patches then, and we were having some of the best sex we'd ever had. We fucked hard and often, and I did once wonder if maybe exploring one another's arses in the ways we had had made us a bit less inhibited about pleasuring them. Maybe not, though, because we seemed to think of scat as almost something different; something we didn't get into unless we were both in the mood, and about then we weren't. So we had another of our phases away from scat again. But it always comes back, like he'd once said, and a few mornings later we were in the bathroom at his house. We only had a few minutes after his mum had gone to work before I had to go and finish one of my last assignments, but he needed a shit and we were both horny, so I watched him on the toilet. He put his cute, coy look on as his bottom hissed softly, and a solid turd grew from him.

'Plop ... plop, plomp ... plomp.'

He lifted himself up and showed me the two big logs he'd done, sat down hastily and pushed out another one that sent bright droplets of water splashing up on the smooth skin of his bottom. I pawed at myself through my jeans and he looked up at me, smiling and wrinkling his nose up bashfully.

'Ooh, it smells...'

'Yeah it does,' I said enthusiastically. 'God it smells so fucking nice. Wish you were shitting on me! I wanna be your toilet again. It's ages since I've not just watched you...'

'It is, isn't it. All those times we've been when we're out as well... Yeah I'd love to get dirty again, when we get chance...' He broke off and made his pushing face, and a couple of soft ploops, looked around and smiled. 'Now, I've finished. Want to see it again...?'

This time he stood up properly. He'd properly filled the toilet now, and his logs were buried under a jumble of lumps and curls and little brown islands jutting up out of the water. Almost without realising what I was doing I reached out and put a hand on the warm seat, and took a long sniff. Next to me he started wanking slowly. He stood over me as I knelt down and put both hands on the seat, and then bent forward to my face was only just above it. I lowered my head down further, savouring the stink rising up from his big dirty shit. I wanted to be his toilet again. I wanted to lie down and take his body's waste more than I'd ever done before.

'I'll do it for you, Lew...' he whispered above me. 'If that's what you want I'll shit on you again.'

Jack and I had said we were going to stay together, but a year was a long time. Part of me even feared I'd never see him again. I was desperately sorry he was leaving, and before he went I craved one last filthy, intimate session with him. The chance didn't come up for days, but then we got lucky. I'd stayed over one night during the week when I didn't have any classes the next day and he wasn't working. We woke up quite early and had breakfast with his family before they went off to work or college. Ashley didn't have any classes until 11, though, and he was in his room when Jack leaned over the kitchen table, winked, and said he was starting to need the toilet. His mum had made a shepherd's pie the night before and he'd eaten loads. He let out a little hissing fart, grinned coyly and wrinkled his nose up at the smell. Upstairs Ashley came out of his room and went into the bathroom. He was in there nearly ten minutes, and while he was having his morning shit Jack and I sat down on the living room sofa and wanked one another through our trousers, and talked of what we'd do when we were alone and he could do his. We hadn't had a shower yet that and Jack's hair was still tousled from bed. He looked so cute as he sat there, getting a bit uncomfortable as his chute filled up. All I could think of was taking his big morning shit in my face: I wanted to be his toilet so bad! Upstairs Ashley flushed the one he'd been sitting on. I leaned across to Jack.

'Shit on me?' I mouthed. 'Will you shit on my face? One last time...?'

He nodded silently and cocked an ear towards the door. Ashley came out of the bathroom, clattered downstairs and started putting his shoes on. I just hoped he wouldn't come in, because I had a hard-on it would be difficult to disguise and Jack was about the same. Thankfully he didn't. He just shouted that he'd be back that evening, picked up his bag and went. We waited for the sound of him locking the door behind him. As soon as it did we were both on our feet, horny and breathing hard. We stopped and kissed hard in the middle of the living room, and then he took my hand and led me up to the bathroom.

The window was open, but it was a still, hot day and Ashley's smell still hung faintly in the air. Jack had brought a plastic bin liner with him. Now he spread it out on the floor, with a folded towel underneath it for my head to rest on. I watched him do it, remembering how the last time I'd seen him squat his shit had fallen onto the ground in the woods. Now he was going to do it on my face, and I was trembling with anticipation as we stripped. Jack bent and pulled his socks off and turned to me, intense and horny and beautiful. He reached out and took both my hands, we stood and kissed for a moment, and I ran my finger down his back and fondled his bottom.

'Okay?' he whispered as we drew apart. 'I need to go to the toilet. Here are those goggles. Lie down...'

He handed me a pair of swimming goggles, so that I could keep my eyes open, and watched as I put them on and got down on the bathroom floor. It was cool and hard. I lay with my head pillowed on the towel, and stared up at him as he stood over me, stroking his hard-on. Then he stepped forward, straddled me and squatted slowly down, pinning me between his sturdy legs, until his arse was a foot above my face. His lithe, horny body blocked out much of the light, and his crack opened to show off his tight, wrinkled hole. I lay there helpless with my heart pounding, shaking all over, with my cock twitching and jerking. My beautiful boyfriend was about to do the most unspeakably filthy thing to me, and I loved him for it! He stroked my thigh with his fingertips, and I let out a moan.

'Lewis...' His voice was all tense and breathy. 'I really need a shit!'

He normally said 'poo,' not 'shit,' and the way he used the strong word now just emphasised the crazy nastiness of what was about to happen.

'It's alight Jack,' I whispered. 'Give me your shit. I'm your toilet. I want your shit so bad...'

He squatted across me a few seconds longer, and later he told me had to psych himself up a bit to do such a thing to the guy he loved. I felt sick with anticipation. Then he grunted. His bottom relaxed and his hole twitched and started to pucker slowly out, and inside him his big morning shit pushed forward. The tip of it peeped out through his tight pink ring. He held it there for a second or two, before the exquisite pressure overcame him, and he grunted again as he let go a big smelly dump.

His turd was thick and lumpy, all smooth and greasy on its surface. It hissed softly as it slid through his flaring hole and descended on me, until the curled tip of a long brown column hung inches above my nose. His smell hit me and I moaned again. My mouth was clamped shut, but if he'd told me to open it then I would have. Then it snapped off and hit me like a club. It toppled over and fell across my face, with its squashed tip over my lips and the other end on my goggles. It was firm and tacky and hot, and his smell gassed me and made me edge. Above me he was still shitting. He pushed, let out a little sigh of relief and another thick log came crackling and hissing down on me, its end all broken and twisted. It paused for a second and then pulled slowly apart. He hit me in the face a second time, and this one fell back across my goggles, covering one eye in his heavy brown mass. The slim, straight end of it slid fluidly out of him and dropped across my nose, and his hole pinched up behind it.

For a moment I saw his face as he looked down between his legs and saw what he'd done to me, and his mouth fell open slightly as he saw his turds lying fatly on my face. Then he looked back to my cock, twitching and dribbling all over my tummy even though I wasn't touching it. He was rock hard too, with his cock jerking a little as he tried vainly to piss. His bumhole pinched and puckered out above me, with just a little brown residue sticking to it and a tiny smear on the inside of his cheek. He flared it out again and farted softly.

'You alright?' he breathed. 'I still feel like I need a shit...'

I moaned and held up my thumb. I was completely lost now, overwhelmed by the weight and heat and smell of his shit, and the intimacy and unbelievable foulness of what we were doing. He stayed squatting over me for a long, long time. A few times he gave little sighs and strains, and he farted on me again. Then he grunted, his hole flared and squelched and crackled, and once more he gave me his shit. He did a long sinuous tube that slid easily out and extended towards me, glistening dully in the light. Suddenly it speeded up, and three short, fat curls hit me on the nose and eyes, leaving me blinded and reeling and gagging with the smell. A hot, slimy lump slipped down across my mouth, and I retched. It was all I could do not to shake my head and get rid of it all, but I forced myself to lie still and take what Jack was giving to me. It was an honour to be his toilet like this, and I thanked him for his shit from the bottom of my heart.

'I've nearly finished Lew,' he whispered. 'It's coming now ... uh ... ooh!'

Somewhere far above me his arse made filthy noises, and then the pile on my face started to grow heavier. Slowly he buried me under his hot, reeking shit until I was struggling to breathe and I retched again. A slimy turd slid from the pile and smeared down my right cheek to the floor. His flow grew thinner, he started to push to discharge his the last little turds, until finally all that came when his dirty little hole flared out was a little gassy fart. He'd finished, he whispered as he ran his fingers down between my thighs and tickled my balls. He got up and turned around, and lowered himself back down again so that his unwiped bottom was between my legs, and I could reach up and blindly start to wank his throbbing cock. At the same moment his fingers closed around mine, and I moaned deep in my throat and edged another sticky white stream onto my tummy. I was right on the edge of cumming. But then he began to gasp above me too. For a few ecstatic seconds we wanked frantically together, and then my head exploded as I came. I barely managed to stop myself screaming out loud and I shot harder than I ever had in my life, and then somewhere above me he gave a sharp cry and his spunk rained down on my shitted face.

It took a long time to disperse the smell in the bathroom. It lingered there long after I'd shaken the pile off my face and let him lead me into the shower, and then he went and cleared up he room before he came and joined me. He got the antibacterial soap we always cleaned up with, and gently massaged it into my face. He spent a lot of time rubbing it round my mouth, and then when he'd rinsed it away he leaned in, smiled coyly and gave me a kiss. We were in the shower for a long time, but when we got out the smell of what he'd done was still hanging around us. We went downstairs and made a cup of tea, all cuddly and soppy with each other like we were when we'd had sex. In a way we had, even though fucking his tight, clean arse felt a world away from taking his shit in the face.

A few days later he fumbled in his pocket, checking for for his passport and flight tickets, and then kissed his parents goodbye. Then he turned to me, and his eyes filled with tears as he went to put his arms round me.

'It's okay Jack. I love you,' I whispered in his ear.

'I know, and I love you too. I'm gonna miss you,' he sniffed, and then chuckled into my ear. 'I guess this time time tomorrow I'll be having a poo in Australia!'

'Heh, you watch yourself out there. They've got those spiders that hide under the seat and bite your balls while you're having a dump.'

'Oh get away, Lew,' he laughed, and then sniffed sadly. 'Come on, I have to go. You look after yourself, eh? I'll message you when I get there.'

I stood with his family and watched as he passed through security, and as he picked his hand baggage up again he looked round and waved. Then he turned away quickly so as not to show his tears. He'd been looking forward to his travels for nearly a year, but that didn't make the parting any less painful. He walked off towards the departure lounge, and just before he got there he looked around one last time. Our eyes met and he winked at me, and then he rounded the corner and was gone.


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