My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

By Namab Mas

Published on May 27, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

Chapter Six

A few weeks later we both started to need a shit while we were in town one Saturday morning. He was working that night and both of our families were at home. We wondered what to do for a few minutes before he had an idea. We walked through town to a cafe on the edge of the shopping area that we sometimes went to. It was usually pretty quiet, and unlike most cafes it had two cubicles in the men's toilets. When we got there it was almost empty, apart from a group of young women and their babies chatting in one of the tables by the window, and a few older couples. We bought a coffee and sat in the corner, talking in low voices, with the urge to take a dump building up inside both of us. There were only a few men in the cafe and one of them went for a piss while we were sitting there, so we were probably going to have the toilet to ourselves. Jack took a long drink of his coffee, put it down with just the dregs left in the bottom of his mug, and looked at me, his brows lowered and his pretty face all intense.

'Shall we go for a poo in a minute?' he asked quietly.

'Sure. You desperate...?'

'Nah,' he shook his head. 'I do need the toilet but I could make it home. I wanna do it though. You need to go too?'

'Yeah, I'm about the same. Shall we...?'

We picked up our things, trying not to look furtive, and went into the toilets. They were clean and bright, with two cubicles across the room from the urinal. There was no extractor and no-one around, and it was almost silent. We exchanged looks for a moment, both of us feeling a little horny surge of excitement, and then he went into the right hand cubicle and I went into the other one. We pulled down our pants together just a couple of feet apart, and I'm sure he was imagining me in the same way as in my mind's eye I could see him baring his peachy bum. We sat down together on our toilets. For a moment we both sat there, and I looked down at my dick starting to stiffen. Then my load started to move inside me, and from a couple of feet away I heard him give a faint grunt, and both of our arseholes started to flare open...

The sound of us emptying our bowels together seemed to echo round the little room. My shit was smooth and thick and satisfying. It slid fluidly out of me and broke off several times, making loud 'plops' and sending water splashing up on my bottom. I was smellier than usual that day for some reason, and it got stronger. Next to me did two deep, slow 'plomps.' We both started to piss, and as my body relaxed completely I let out a wet fart, and another turd crackled out and splashed into the toilet. He giggled audibly.

'Lew, I can smell that!'

'Ha ha, yeah it stinks a bit. I've got splashback an' all.'

'Me too! Uh ... ooh I'm gonna do some more...'

Plop ... plomp-plop ... plop.'

'Ooh,' he sighed. 'That's better. Smells a bit in here too now. It's...'

At that moment the door opened and he went silent. I still needed to shit, but out of politeness I held it in as someone went over to the urinal and had a piss. The little window at the side was open a bit, but even so the room must have smelled a bit. It felt intensely naughty. The guy didn't hang about, but just as he was drying his hands from the pile of paper towels by the basins, Jack let out another deep 'plop-plop.' I heard him stifle another giggle.

'Jack!' I laughed as the door closed again and the guy's footsteps faded away outside. 'Did you do that on purpose?!'

'Yep! I've finished now. Have you?'

I didn't say anything; just strained, and farted out a slightly loose, ploppy turd.

'Oh that's rank Lew. I'm nursing a semi now!' he chuckled. 'Actually, I really am. You done now? Gonna wipe?'

We wiped our bottoms side by side, both very aware of what the other was doing.. As usual I was dirtier than him and it took me longer to get clean. He sat and listened, and I could hear him fingering his cock. When we both flushed our toilets and came out his crotch was bulging a little. He looked around furtively, even though the toilet was deserted apart from us, and grinned. We couldn't resist having a quick sniff of each other's cubicles and a look at my skidmarks. He'd had a solid dump that hadn't left any and his smell was milder than usual, but even so my dick stirred a bit as I sniffed at it. As soon as we'd washed our hands we gathered up our things and left the cafe quickly, doing our best not to look self-conscious. We walked off up the street together, chortling about what we'd just done.

We did the same again not long afterwards, this time in the toilets of one of the shopping centres. It was just me who needed to go this time, and he held his phone down under the partition between the cubicles and watched on his screen as I took a big, gassy dump. I could see his phone shaking as he stroked his cock with his other hand, sitting and listening to my plops and farts, and then he swung the camera back and showed me his semi. We were both so turned on by it that we went straight back to my place afterwards, locked ourselves in my room and had a wank together. Getting off on each other having a shit somewhere public felt really naughty, and we started fantasising together about other things we might do. Jack had a bit of a thing about doing it outside. He hadn't done it for ages, but a few times in the past when he'd been caught short he'd gone and found somewhere to do it. Having a dump outside felt naughty and exciting for him: for me, the thought of gorgeous, clean-cut Jack squatting in an alleyway gave me a raging hard-on.

A couple of weekends later I had my mum's car for the day. There was a ruined castle about an hour's drive away that neither of us had ever been to and both of us wanted to see, so I picked him up in the morning and we drove over there. We spent a happy few hours exploring the keep and the walls, and the surviving traces of the siege that had taken place there back in the Middle Ages. Standing by the moat outside the walls he pointed up to where some chutes stuck out of the walls about a storey up in one of the towers.

'Heh. That must be where the toilets emptied out, look. So whoever it was who besieged this place had to sit here and watch the defenders having a poo!' He looked round, with just the edges of a smile playing across his lips. 'I've not been today, by the way. Have you?'

'Nah. I went yesterday afternoon. I probably will later.'

'Yes, so will I.' He looked me up and down, and smiled cutely. 'Maybe ... head back soon?'

'Yeah. But if you're thinking ... my mum's at home. So are your mum and dad, aren't they?'

'Yes, they are. Shit, I thought your parents were out. Be good if we could...'

He smiled knowingly and looked around. There was no-one about just then, and it was quiet apart from the birds, and the wind in the treetops. On one side was the deep ditch surrounding the castle, and on the other a patch of trees. The idea came to us both at the same time.

'We could stop on the way home...?' he said quietly. 'If we need to go we could find somewhere to squat, somewhere out in the country. It'd be nice doing it in the open, wouldn't it....'

We had a cup of coffee before we set off home, back in the little cafe where we'd had lunch, then went and collected the car. The coffee was quite strong and I could feel it in my stomach, and then, just as we were driving out of town, I started to need a shit. I lifted myself up in my seat a little and let out a silent fart. Jack was still talking about the castle, but then he stopped and sniffed, and looked around knowingly, arched and eyebrow and smiled.

'Mm! Do you need the toilet, Lew...?'

'Yeah, I'm starting to. That coffee's brought it on!'

'Same here, I think. Shall we look for somewhere to stop?'

'Yeah. There should be plenty of places between here and home. Somewhere nice and remote. We've got some tissues, haven't we?'

'Yeah, they're here, and I snaffled some toilet paper from the castle loos as well, and we've got some wet wipes.'

We drove on for another quarter of an hour as the road passed through a few small towns. The faint pressure in my arse grew steadily stronger, and Jack was about the same. He'd had a second dinner at work again the night before, and now he felt as if he needed 'a really big poo.' The car smelled of our farts, and both of us had semis in our pants. I reached over and massaged his crotch as I went to change gear. After we'd passed through the last of the villages the road climbed up over some hills, and then down again into the next valley. A few miles later we came upon a turning into a narrow country lane leading towards some woods, and I flicked on the indicator.

'Here?' asked Jack. 'Are you thinking...?'

'Yeah. Should be somewhere down here, shouldn't there. Looks nice and quiet.'

'Cool. I hope there is, 'cos I really need a poo!'

'Same here. I'm getting a bit desperate now...'

The lane was narrow, with high banks and trees on either side, and I drove carefully in case someone was coming the other way, but we didn't see a soul. Then, after a mile or so, we came across a patch of flat ground at the side of the road, in front of a gate leading into a field. On the other side of the road there was thick woodland.

'Here,' said Jack. 'This looks perfect. We can go into those woods, can't we.'

I pulled off the road in front of the gate and we got out, Jack stuffing the tissues and wipes into the pocket of his shorts. Quickly we scuttled across the road, climbed over the fence on the other side and picked our way into the trees. Only a few yards back from the road was a little clearing behind a patch of thick bushes, right next to a little stream. It was perfect. We stopped and looked at one another, and once again I clocked the bulge at his crotch. All of a sudden I was conscious of how badly I needed to shit.

'You go first,' he said quietly. 'You're more desperate than me.'

We both looked around and listened, but there was no-one about. He sat down on a tree stump and watched, massaging his crotch slowly, as I pulled my shorts down to my knees. The breeze felt nice on my bare bottom. Then I squatted down on the mossy ground, pressed my cock downwards so as not to piss on my shorts, and let go. I couldn't help letting out a little grunt as my turd pressed against my opening hole, and then started to slide through it, and looking back between my legs I watched a long, dark-brown log extend down from me, curl forward and then drop to the ground with a soft thud. Another one followed, getting smoother and slightly softer before it dropped, and then the end slipped out of me and fell on top. My arse felt wonderfully relaxed and satisfied as I squatted over my turds, straining a little and flaring my dirty bumhole out, taking a big dump out in the open with my smell hanging around me. I reached down and held my semi-hard dick down again, and shot a big long jet of piss out between my legs. Then I felt more shit sliding down my chute, leaned forward slightly and curled out a long brown tube. It squelched and hissed softly, and lump after lump dropped onto my pile. I could hear Jack wanking through his pants behind me, and when the last little sliver fell from me he leaned in closer and took a big sniff.

'Mmm! Lew! Oh you really needed that, didn't you! Have you finished?'

'No. Think I've got a bit more.'

'Hurry up. I really need a poo!'

I looked round at him and met his eyes. He was watching me intently, with his eyes wide and his face all intense, every so often giving his cock a rub through his pants. Then I felt myself starting to shit again, bowed my head and grunted as I let out a few slim little turds. I looked back and watched them fall onto my pile, which was really big, all slimy and glistening.

'I'm done now. Got the tissues?'

He held them out to me, then sat and watched as I lifted myself up a bit and wiped my arse. My hole felt all sticky and the first tissue came away with a big brown smear on it, and it seemed like ages before I was clean enough to pull my pants back up. I got harder as I did it:it was so horny, having a dump out here like this, with him watching. Finally I threw the last big of paper down onto the pile and went to stand up. Straight away he he got up, stepped forward and pulled down his shorts. His big dick lolled out, more than half hard, and then he turned slightly away from me and squatted down next to my pile. His bottom, less than a foot off the ground, looked almost white in the sunshine, his cheeks perfectly smooth and in front of them his cock and balls hanging down. He fidgeted as he got into position, hitched his shorts up around his knees and his T-shirt well up his back, and looked around, all cute and furtive as he got ready to shit.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Ooh...'

His bottom relaxed and his tight little hole flared out with a faint hiss. Bright, golden-brown shit appeared in the middle, then pushed it out wider. The rounded end pushed through his hole, paused, and then his hole flared wider and he breathed out contentedly as he began to empty his bowels. He did a thick brown column, solid but smooth, that slid slowly out of him and bent slightly as it extended down towards the ground. It almost touched down before it snapped off right below his hole and a weighty log toppled over with a thud and fell backwards away from him. It lay fatly, vivid brown against the dark earth, all twisted and broken at its outer end. Above it his turd kept coming, tapering off now until a long, narrow cone hung from him momentarily, and then fell onto the bent end of his log. His smell filled my nostrils, and I wanked hard through my pants.

He was pretty hard, but even so his dick jerked and he did a long, splashy piss that quickly soaked into the ground, leaving only a dark patch behind. His bladder must have been full, and it went on for ages. Then as it tailed off his bottom filled out and his little pink hole flared out, and he did another long, smooth turd. This one was slightly thinner, and it hissed softly as it curled this way and that. One curved turd landed on top of his log and slipped off to the right, and another to the left, and then two long brown curls slid fluidly out of him and dropped onto the pile. He paused for a moment, then grunted and curled out another sinuous turd, and gave a little grunt of satisfaction as he pushed out the end. For a good few seconds he stayed still, and I realised my dick was rock hard at the sight of him squatting over his big, manly dump, and the rich smell he made. He fumbled in his pocket for the tissues and pulled them out, but then paused and pushed out a little brown worm. Then he folded up a tissue and rocked forward. I always loved watching him wipe his bottom, but seeing him do it out here was sexy beyond belief. I could see he was getting excited too! It only needed two tissues before there were no traces of his firm shit left. He shuffled forward a bit and turned around, with his fingers closing around his throbbing hard-on.

'You wank too, Lew,' he breathed. 'Cum all over my poo...'

Quickly I pulled my pants down and he both moved forward, closing in on our brown piled. His was bigger than mine; a neat pile of smooth curls, whereas mine was a dark, ragged heap. The smell we'd made was so strong. We knelt there together, not ever touching but getting off on the intimacy of the whole thing anyway as we wanked off together in the open air, with just the sound of the breeze and the birds around us. He tugged harder at his dick, and then his breathing grew heavy and his face contorted as he started to cum. Then it burst over me too, and we came together. I shot all over his shit, and he held his dick down and spurted his cum all over mine.

We liked watching one another shit outside, and we wanted to do it again. The chance didn't come for a while, though, and for a couple of weeks we didn't do anything at all. I was snowed under with end of year essays at uni, and he was working a lot more hour than he had been, saving up hard for when he went travelling. That was just two months away now, so there was only a few short time left before he went away and I wouldn't see him again for the best part of a year. We both knew it, and we tried to make the most of what time we still had, but for various reasons our brothers or sisters or parents always seemed to be around and although we loved one another's company we couldn't get dirty together. It was really frustrating, especially the time when we both needed to shit one horny, hung over Saturday morning. Lying in bed that morning we flipped a coin for who was going to shit first if we had to go when someone else was in. I won, and although his mum wanted to ask me about his birthday present and I had to sit and chat innocently with her downstairs while he was sitting on the toilet, I got to sit my arse down on the seat that was still a little warm from his bottom and breathe in the smell he'd made. The one afternoon we both needed to shit when we were in town, so we went back to the cafe we both liked and had another mutual dump together there, watching one another on video call. I was pretty desperate, and he held his in and watched my expressions as I had a splashy, gassy dump.

'I can smell that, Lew' he mouthed into the camera.

He held his phone down behind him and rocked right forward, and I got hard as I watched him expel a long golden-brown log. His plops were so loud, and when he was done he held the phone back in front of him to show me his semi. We both had to tuck them away in our pants when we'd wiped, and we took a quick sniff of one another's toilets and hastened home for a wank. We could do that even if there were other people in, after all.

One day my mum didn't need her car so I borrowed it and drover over to his place rather than walking or getting the bus. He'd just bought a subscription to some online strategy game or other and we spent a couple of hours playing it. We'd just got bored and signed off when he paused, and looked at me with that one-eyebrow-raised look again. I realised what he was about to say with a little surge of excitement.

'Lew ... I need a poo.'

'Ooh! Really?!'

Yes, it's just coming on now. Feels nice...! Is your dad in?'

'Yeah he is. Think my mum's going to be back in a couple of hours too, and yours aren't going out any time soon, are they. Shit.'

'You've got the car, though, haven't you!' He glanced out of the window and grinned. 'We could go somewhere, couldn't we? If we drive out into the country again and go for a walk... It's a lovely day out there!'

He was right. It really was too nice to stay indoors much longer, and anyway, the thought of finding somewhere quiet and watching him squat gave me an instant semi. We headed out straight away, back along the road we'd taken towards the castle until we were well clear of town. He hadn't been for a poo since the morning before, he said, and even though he'd had something to eat before he'd gone to work he'd got peckish and sweet-talked the chef into doing him some chips. Now he lifted himself up in his seat every few minutes and let out a fart. They got smellier as his chute slowly filled up and he started to look uncomfortable. His eyes flicked between the map function on his phone and the road ahead, and squinted at a road sign by a country pub.

'Ah, I see where we are. There'll be a left turn in about a mile.'

'Where's it go?'

'Nowhere much as far as I can see! It's just fields. We should find somewhere there. I hope we do anyway, 'cos I really need a poo now!'

He smiled sexily and leaned back a bit, and his shorts showed off just the hint of a semi. I loved how excited he sometimes got when he needed a shit! As we came up to the junction he stuck his leg out so my hand brushed against it as I wet to change down, and he looked over at me and smiled again.

He was right about the road: it was another country lane with grass growing up the middle that meandered through the fields. We didn't see anyone for a mile, and when we came across a little deserted lay-by near a clump of trees. Quickly I pulled the car off the road, he grabbed a pack of tissues and some hand sanitiser from the glovebox, and we climbed over the gate into the field beyond. Not far away, at the border with the trees, was a little depression in the ground, like a dried up pond. At the bottom of it we were pretty much invisible, hidden by bushes on three sides and the tall rapeseed plants on the other. I was fizzing with excitement as I knelt down, and in front of me he pulled his shorts and pants down around his thighs, so that his peachy bottom glinted in the sunlight. His cock was more than half hard now, and it bounced cutely in front of him. When he squatted he had to hold it well down so that he wouldn't get it on his shorts if he pissed.

'Uh... It's coming... ooh...'

I couldn't stop myself ripping my own shorts down and wanking as I watched. Jack's shit was the most beautiful, rich, golden colour, and it seemed to sparkle as the light caught it. His bumhole rippled around the slightly lumpy log he pushed out, from which two long columns grew, snapped off and hit the dull earth with a thud. He squatted over them for a few seconds, looking delightfully coy and furtive all of a sudden, and then relaxed and did another one. It was a bit looser than he usually was and it curled sinuously this way and that, and the lumps that fell from it built up into a big chunky pile underneath him. His bottom squelched and hissed, and when it finally closed up again it was brown, with a little smear of shit on the inside of his right cheek. He was smelly that day, and his heady, nasty reek rose up from his pile and gassed me.

'Phew!' I breathed, leaning in closer and taking a long, long sniff. 'That smells so fucking nice!'

He let me lean in further, so that my cheek was actually against his bottom, right above what he'd done. I kept it there when he grunted that he was going to shit again, and felt it swell slightly against my face as his hole started to crackle right below my nose. He let out a long string of mushy little turds that covered his pile and slid down onto the ground, mingled with a few little gassy farts.

'Uh,' he grunted again, pushing a last little lump out. 'I've finished now.'

He shuffled forward and turned around, fingering his hard cock. I stayed where I was, mesmerised by the size and the obscene beauty of what Jack had just created, drinking in his private smell and edging a little as I wanked.

'Ooh! You're really getting off on this, aren't you!' he breathed.

'Yes! Oh Jack, your shit's fucking beautiful. And the smell ... Mmm! Mmm!'

I leaned down further still, until my face was almost touching it and my boyfriend's foulness overpowered me. All of a sudden I had the urge to be his toilet again; get my face covered in his shit. I let out a little whimper as I knelt over his pile, with a little voice in the back of my mind even willing me to open my mouth and taste it. But I couldn't do that. Not here, and not now. Suddenly I was edging again, on the verge of cumming, and above me his grunts and sighs as he wanked were growing heavier and deeper too. My head spun and my vision went blurry. Then suddenly I jerked upright with a sharp cry and spunked all over his shit, and knelt there and watched as he did the same.

Normally we didn't carry on playing after we'd cum, but I still wiped his bum for him. It felt even more intimate than usual doing here in the open air, and he knelt down and stuck his bum out and pulled his cheeks apart, and made little contented sounds as I cleaned up his sticky brown bumhole. We both used a bit of the hand sanitiser before we pulled our pants back up and scurried back to the car. As we drove back towards town we got talking about what we'd done and what we wanted to do. Watching him shit in the open was madly sexy, but I was starting to crave harder and messier things again. He raised his eyebrow when I told him that, grinned and promised me that when the chance came up he'd make me his toilet again.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 7

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