My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

By Namab Mas

Published on Apr 19, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

Chapter Four

It was a while before Jack and I played together again. It wasn't that we were uncomfortable with it – we'd got over that – but rather than we'd talked about it and agreed that we didn't want to get too deep into it and let it take over our sex life together. We didn't want to be a scat couple, but rather just a normal couple who occasionally did scat together. So for a couple of weeks we didn't even watch one another on the toilet, and I didn't feel as if I was missing out on anything one morning when I heard him go into the bathroom while I was still in bed. It was only a plasterboard wall between the two rooms and you could hear some of what went on next door. He'd got up early to go to the supermarket for his parents since they were going to London for the afternoon, but his brother was still in and we couldn't have done anything even if we'd wanted to. Even so I still got a bit hard as I heard him put down the toilet seat, and I imagined him sitting down.

'Plop! ... Plomp-plop ... plop ... plop!'

The plops were faint but I could definitely hear them, and the little fart he did afterwards. I got harder as I listened, and then a few minutes later came the rattle of the toilet roll holder as he wiped his bottom. He was really thorough about it, like usual, and he used a lot of paper. The toilet flushed, and after another couple of minutes he came into the bedroom.

'That sounded like a big dump,' I grinned at him from under the duvet.

'It was! Smelly, too.'

'Heh. I gotta go for a piss.'

I didn't really. He knew it, and he smiled knowingly as I pulled my boxer shorts on and went next door. The seat was warm when I lifted the lid and felt it. He'd left skidmarks in the bowl, and his smell hung around like fog. I went back with another semi.

'Like that?' he smiled. 'Shame Ashley's in or we could have had some fun ... but what about if you need to go later? Your place isn't free today, is it?

'Nah, mum and dad are both about. But if your brother goes out...'

About an hour later, after we'd had something to eat, I started to need a shit. Ashley had said he might go into town and meet his girlfriend, so Jack and I went and watched television for a bit while the pressure in my arse slowly got stronger. I felt like I needed to fart but I didn't want to let it out with Ashley around, and I squirmed a bit in my seat. Jack looked round at me, raised an eyebrow and glanced towards the door as his brother went by and clattered upstairs.

'You need to go?' he mouthed.

'Yeah. Trying not to fart! Is he going out do you reckon?'

'Think he might be, yeah. He was talking to his girlfriend on the phone a minute ago. Ooh, hang on, is he coming back down?'

I clenched up tight and wriggled uncomfortably as Ashley came back downstairs. We could hear he was wearing shoes, and he went into the kitchen where he'd left his wallet. Jack looked round at me, nodded and winked, and my heart started to race. I wriggled in my seat again, not so much because I needed to fart now but because my semi was pressing against my pants. A moment later he stuck his head round the door.

'I'm off round to Lisa's, he said. 'We're gonna go to the cinema later.

'What time will you be back?' Jack asked innocently.

'Oh I dunno, but don't worry about dinner. I'll get something out. Seeya later!'

As he closed the front door behind him I grunted and let out the fart I'd been holding in, and Jack looked round with his intense, horny look. He sniffed a couple of times and a sexy smile spread across his face. The fart eased the pressure in my arse for a minute or two, but then it came back, all solid this time and stronger than before. My body was giving me the 'go to the toilet now!' signal. But what would he want to do? We couldn't talk about it with his brother around, but now he was staring at me with wide eyes, looking me up and down with a big hard-on bulging out his crotch.

'Jack ... I really need a shit now.'

'Okay.' He gulped. 'Will you do it on me? Make me your toilet again, just like I did you?'

'Yeah. Oh fucking hell, yeah. But ... come on, let's do it.'

Shitting on Jack was such a head-fuck. Part of me really hated it, because it felt so wrong to defile him like that. He was beautiful, and he didn't deserve to have his body covered in shit . I kind of had to force myself to squat down over his chest, and even though I was really desperate I had to make myself strain so that I actually let my load go. But the other part of me saw how much he loved it. He was shaking in anticipation, panting, and even though he wasn't touching his dick he was edging and dribbling onto his tummy. I gave in to the wonderful physical sensation of having a much-needed shit. He began to whimper as it pushed its way out of my hole, and then my chute suddenly relaxed. My shit was thick and lumpy, but then got smoother and a bit looser, and over the gassy hiss and crackle from my arse I gasped out loud with pleasure and relief. I was shitting uncontrollably and it felt awesome! Beneath me my turds landed with little squelching thuds, and Jack moaned and writhed and spurted a little cum. Looking down between my legs I saw my slimy dark-brown curls heaped up on his chest, and a long slim log descending on them. My flow was slowing down and getting thinner now. I clenched up to stop it, and the log dropped across the top of my pile.

'Ooh...' moaned Jack. 'Oh God ... ugh ... oh Lew that smells!'

He sniffed deeply and edged again. The smell wasn't so strong, but it was really rank and dense. For a moment I reached down and stroked my cock, and then reached down to touch his. He squeaked and pushed my hand away, tensing himself up all over like he was trying desperately not to cum. Then he relaxed again.

'Finish your shit Lew,' he said. His voice was all soft and breathy. 'I'm your toilet ... gimme your shit. Finish your shit and then wipe your bottom over me ... ooh!'

He tensed up again as he heard me grunt, and then I finished my big shit in a long string of slim, mushy turds. As soon as I was done I straightened up and turned around, and squatted back down over him waving my hard-on over his face. He moaned and begged me to cum all over him, still not touching his own dick. It was only when I started to pant and moan that he started wanking, so that we came right at the same time and both shot all over his body and my shit.

One afternoon a few weeks later we were at my place when Jack said he needed a poo. My sister was just going out, and we had the house to ourselves for an hour or so. We hadn't really thought about scat much for a bit, but the chance was too good to miss and we went straight up to the bathroom. My dick sprang to attention in my pants as he pulled his pants down and sat down on the toilet, with that really sly, naughty look he always had when we were having a quick, furtive shit together like this. He looked so cute when his face stiffened a bit, and he pursed his lips and made his grunt. He let out a couple of soft farts, and then the little slimy sound came from beneath him.

'Plomp! ... Ploop ... ploop ... plop-plop!'

'Uh ... oh,' he sighed.

He did a long piss, and then grunted and pushed again. Another turd squelched and plopped from his bottom, and he grinned cheekily.

'He he, I've got splashback!'

'Heh, yeah it sounded big, and ... phew, Jack, that smells so nice! Mmm!'

'Wanna see it? Go on, have a look...'

He raised himself up off the seat and showed me the pan full of his vivid brown logs and lumps, and the droplets of water on his pale skin. I fumbled my cock out, all hard and throbbing, and leaned down to get a better view of his dirty bumhole. He flared it in and out a couple of times, showing off the shit crusted round the pink ring, and then sat back down hastily.

'Plop, plop, ploop, plop ... plop.'

The smell got a bit thicker. He leaned back a bit, showing off his own growing hard-on, and smiled up at me.

'It's a shame your sister's coming back, isn't it,' he said. 'We could've had some fun.'

'Yeah. Ooh, yeah, we could, couldn't we! God, I'd love you to do it on me again, and that shit you've just done... Mmm! You've finished now, yeah? Can I see it again?'

He'd done a load of mushy turds that had buried his logs and piled up out the water at the back, with a big smear down the back of the bowl. For a moment I wondered where he kept it all: he wasn't exactly fat, after all! Then he sat back down.

'You want me to shit on you...' he said slowly. 'Y'know what I want? I wanna see you poo your pants again. I love how much it turns you on. And I've just remembered, all my family are going away for a couple of days the week after next.

'Ooh! Really?!'

'Yup. Mum and dad are in London, and Ashley's going somewhere with Lisa. Two whole days! Shall we...?'

'Fuck yes!'

'Cool. Ooh, yeah, let's have some fun then! Now, wanna wipe me...?'

Two weeks later I sat on the toilet at uni. The cubicle really reeked, and when I looked down between my legs I could see the toilet bowl was full of my smooth curls, all piled up out of the water. If only I could have held it, I thought crossly. Jack's family were going away and I was going to his as soon as my classes were over. If everything had gone to plan I'd have been bending over in front of him later that day, shitting uncontrollably into my pants, but no such luck. I'd been okay in my first class of the morning, but then I'd gone for a coffee with a couple of people off my course between lectures. That had been a stupid thing to do: I'd started to need a shit badly in my 11-12 lecture, until by the end of it I was having to clench up and I knew there was no way I'd last until my early afternoon lecture was done, and I'd given in and gone to the toilet. Now I pulled out my phone and messaged him the bad news. His reply came back just as I was starting to wipe my arse.

Don't worry – we've got tomorrow! U still coming over after your lecture? I've not been 4 a poo yet 2day ;-) Jxxx

A few hours later Jack led me upstairs. My mouth was dry and my heart was racing, and I couldn't take my eyes off his arse, with his boxers stretched tight across his bubbly cheeks. We'd been sitting downstairs, kissing and touching and slowly taking one another's clothes off, with the tension building up in line with the pressure in his bowels. He'd eaten loads in the last couple of days, and now his chute was filling up with what felt a big, firm dump. He farted once, and the smell turned us both on even more. Finally he looked straight at me, his face all intense, and told me he needed to go to the toilet. My stomach dropped into my boots and my heart raced, and my legs felt soft as he led me upstairs. In the bathroom he turned round to me, fingering his dick, eyes flicking between me and the plastic sheet on the floor. Slowly he pulled down his pants.

'Lie down...' he said calmly.

Lying on the hard floor I looked up at him in wonder as he stood over me, fingering his long cock again. Mine was throbbing and twitching and dribbling pre-cum onto my tummy, and I was trembling all over in anticipation and desire. I wanted his shit more than anything I'd ever wanted, and more than that, I didn't just want him to do it on my chest like he had before. I wanted to live out my dirtiest and most submissive fantasy, and take it in the face. He gazed down at me, and our eyes met.

'I need the toilet,' he breathed.

'Oh,' I moaned back. 'I wanna be your toilet. Shit on my face ... squat down and do it on my face.'

'But...' He looked startled. 'Lew ... you can't mean ... but I can't do it on your face!'

'Please,' I begged. 'You know I've always wanted it in the face. I want it so bad.'

He looked down on me for a second, shocked and hesitant, touching his cock nervously. It was softening, as if he'd suddenly got turned off, but I could see he was thinking about it.

'You're not going to open your mouth are you? I don't want you to ... you're not thinking of that.'

'No. No, I'm not gonna try and eat it. I don't wanna taste it. I just want you to shit on my face. Please Jack, will you...?'

He hesitated a second longer, and then he nodded. He wanked a little, and his cock hardened again, and my heart leapt with joy and gratitude.

'Okay, if you're sure that's what you want. I really need to do it though.'

He took a step forward and stood over me, shuffled his feet in a bit so I was pinned between his legs, and slowly squatted down. My heart felt like it was gonna burst out my chest as his arse descended on me, opening to show off his smooth crack and tight little hole. Nearer it came and nearer, until it was hovering a few inches over my face. I was helpless now, his toilet just waiting to be used, mesmerised by his arsehole above me.

'Okay?' he breathed.

'Oh yes, yes,' I moaned. 'Gimme your shit Jack. Shit on me now...'

I clamped my mouth tight shut and waited. My dick was so hard it hurt and I was shaking uncontrollably, and it seemed to go on forever. Then he grunted. His arse relaxed and his hole twitched a couple of times, flared out slightly, and he did a long, hissing fart. The smell descended on me, warm and thick, and it set me off whimpering. Above me the slimy crackling sound started up, and then the tip of his turd emerged and pushed his hole out wider, paused, and then came again as he grunted and gave a little strain. It grew into a long, thick log, slightly knobbly at its end but then smooth and cracked and greasy, and the most gorgeous golden colour. The crackle went on and the smell grew stronger as it came steadily nearer, and then I tensed up as I saw it starting to pull apart. I closed my eyes at the very last moment.


It was like he'd hit me in the face. His heavy turd smacked down on my chin, and then it must have bent a bit, because it fell backwards and landed with its end curled across the bridge of my nose. I opened one eye cautiously and saw its broken tip right below my eye, but above me he was still crackling and growing another thick tail, and I had to shut my eye again quickly as a big lump dropped across my mouth, and then another that fell across my nose and cheek, almost up to my right eye. All of a sudden I could hardly breathe. What little air I could take in was hot and fetid, and my face was covered in heavy, slimy turds. Jack was making me his toilet; shitting on my face! It was disgusting, horrible, and the stink was making me retch, but my head was whirling and my heart was racing, and my dick was going crazy. It was the maddest and most intense thing I'd ever felt. I opened my left eye a little, looked down at the shit piled up right below it, and then up at his bottom. There was a little brown smear on the inside of his right cheek, and his hole was dirty. Suddenly I felt his hand on me; his fingertips stroking my tummy and balls, and then brushing my cock. I let out a little moan.

'Okay?' he whispered. 'I'm gonna finish now. It's coming...'

His hole began to pucker out and he farted softly, and then more shit came from him. It was smooth and sinuous and it came out quickly, squelching and crackling. I shut my eye just in time, and a second or two later the world fell in on me. Hot, mushy shit pounded on my face and slid down my cheek, taking his logs with it and clearing my nose for a moment, only for him to land a soft, reeking turd right below it. I edged hard, dribbling cum onto myself. I could feel and hear him wanking as he dumped.

'Ooh!' he breathed as the flow tailed off. 'You really like this don't you! So fucking good ... oh I'm gonna cum ... gonna make you cum...'

He brushed the tip of my cock with the fingers of his other hand, closed them lightly around the shaft and dropped another couple of little lumps onto me. For a moment he was wanking the both of us, and then I came, as hard as I ever had. I only just managed to keep my mouth shut as I shot all over myself, and a few seconds later he too fell off the cliff and spattered his spunk all over the floor and my crotch and legs.

'Oh God,' he said as he stood up and looked down on what he'd done. 'Best get you cleaned up quick.'

I couldn't open my eyes, and he had to take my hand and help me into the shower. Whilst I washed my face he wiped his bottom and cleaned up the scene of the crime quickly, and then joined me. We took a long shower together, like we always did after a session.

'Was that ... okay?' he asked as we got dressed. He looked uneasy all of a sudden.

'Fuck yes! Was so horny. Why, didn't you like it?'

'I did, but ... I mean, it was really horny doing it, but it felt so wrong, and seeing you with your face covered like that ... I feel guilty!'

'Ah, I see. Yeah I know. I feel the same shitting on you. It's such a head-fuck doing it, but ... well, it's part of the buzz, isn't it? For me it is anyway. Don't feel guilty. It was fucking awesome! I wanna do it again!'

'Cool.' He pulled his T-shirt on. 'Anyway, what are gonna do for the rest of the day? Shall we go and have a drink in the pub?'

'Can do, if you like. And then come back here and cook something? Something nice and solid, so we both need a big shit in the morning!'

'Ooh, yes, that sounds like a plan! And then you can poo your pants for me, just like we were going to today!'

Mid-morning the next day found us in his living room, horny and excited, naked except for T-shirts and tight boxer briefs. We'd ended up having a huge dinner and quite a lot to drink the night before, and it had had the effect we were hoping for. I'd needed a shit for an hour by then, and now I was desperate. My chute was so full it was painful, and the turtle's head was starting to force my hole open. Jack wasn't very far behind. He'd started to need one not long after me, and now he was sitting stiffly in his chair, looking very serious. The room smelled strongly of our ripe need-a-shit farts. We'd ended challenging each other to see who could hold it in the longest. We'd even had a little bet on it: whoever lost control and pooed his pants first had to buy the takeaway we were getting that night! For a while I'd thought I was sure to lose, but then he started wincing, like always he did when his turds were pushing hard at his arsehole and he was having to clench up hard. He closed his eyes until the spasm passed, looked up and grinned at me.

'I'm still going to hold it longer than you,' he chuckled. 'You're pooing first!'

'You reckon? I'm not touching cloth yet!'

'Nor am I! And you can never hold yours in as well as I can. Just give in, Lew. You're so desperate! Just give up and have a poo now.'

'Ha ha, no!'

He was right, though. As I started to get really desperate we made sure the doors were locked and made our way up to his room, stripped down to our T-shirt and pants and lay down on the bed together, touching and wanking each other and talking really dirty in urgent whispers. I was really struggling to hold in my shit, and he smiled and teased me as I squirmed and clenched my arse, and screwed up my face until each heave of my bowels passed. Every one brought me closer to the point of no return. Then came one I only just managed to stop, and when I clenched up my bumhole felt sticky and there was a shit in my crack.

'Oh!' I moaned in agony. 'I've so got to shit....'

'I know,' he whispered hoarsely. 'I can smell it. You give in?'

'Yes! Oh God I'm gonna go any second now!'

I rolled over off the bed and jumped up, facing away from him. My hole was opening up, forced open by the solid mass behind it that my arse was starting to expel. A little wet fart bubbled through the shit in my crack. Quickly he wriggled across the bed and sat right behind me, reached up and pulled my hips back until my arse was right in front of his face. Even though I was clenched up as tight as I could shit was coming out of me. Then my bowels gave another uncontrollable push, and my arse exploded. I filled the seat of my pants in one massive surge, gasping out loud in relief and ecstasy. I did a big lumpy turd that squashed across my cheeks and then down between my legs, and then another involuntary push sent slimy shit squelching out left and right, with little gassy farts bubbling through it. It was about the most pleasurable shit I'd ever done, and as Jack sniffed and sighed behind me I realised how bad it smelled as well. It was thick and nasty, hanging around us like fog. I strained a couple of times and forced out a tiny bit more, and then straightened up, wriggling my hips a bit with my shit pushing gently from side to side. It felt wonderful. Jack stood up too, ran his soft fingers around my back and across my bottom, and then pulled out the back of my waistband and gave a low whistle as he saw what I'd done.

'Phew, Lew, that's huge!' he breathed. 'Your bottom's such a mess. God, it really stinks as well! Now, bend over ... further. Yeah, that's right, touch your toes. Now, squat a bit...'

He kept me on my feet for what felt like ages, bending and squatting and wriggling my bottom so he could admire the mess I'd made. Then he made me kneel and hump the beanbag, until I edged and whimpered and almost came in my pants, and while I composed myself he bade me to turn round and suck his big cock as he stood over me. He was so turned on, and I tasted his cum in my mouth almost at once. He pulled back and waved his swollen end in my face, looking down on me with his face all intense. He was beautiful, and just then I craved his shit like nothing else.

'I need the toilet Lew. I really need a poo.'

'Shit on me,' I moaned. 'Make me sit in it, and shit on me...'

He took my hand and hauled me upright, and half-dragged me through to the bathroom. Frantically he pushed the toilet seat down with a bang, turned me round and forced me down into my reeking brown pile. I nearly came as it squashed all across my bottom and forced itself up around my balls, and for a moment or two I squirmed and writhed about in my own shit, edging madly. I stopped as our eyes met, and for a moment we looked at each other as if we couldn't quite believe what was happening. He wriggled his hips uncomfortably.

'I've got to go Lew.'

'In my hands,' I begged. 'Please, do it in my hands.'

He nodded, turned away and shuffled back so his arse was right in front of my face as he half-squatted. I raised my shaking hands up and cupped them under his hole. As I did so it relaxed and puckered, and the golden tip of a turd peeped out. He clenched up hastily. For a few seconds he held it in, breathing hard as I sat behind him, psyching himself up to add the stink of his own shit to the potent atmosphere in the bathroom. Then he grunted and relaxed again, and the little turtle's head sticking from his tight hole pushed his hole out wider and grew into a thick, cracked tube. It hissed and crackled softly as it slid slowly out of him, coming out at an angle at first but then bending downwards under its own weight.

'Ooh! Jack! Fuck, that's beautiful ... such a log ... oh it smells so fucking nice!'

The tip of his turd touched down on my hand, all warm and greasy, and it grew heavy as more came out and it started to bend backwards, with the tip sliding out towards my fingers. A big jagged crack opened up across it, wider and wider, and then suddenly it snapped and the whole lot fell into my hands. His hole pinched shut behind it, but then opened again at once and curled out another long brown tube. It came out in one lovely fluid movement, and I moaned and edged with the sensations in my hands and on my bottom and balls, and the smell we'd made. He was looking back between his legs, past his twitching, dribbling dick, to where his turd was tapering off, and then it dropped onto my palms. I stared at his big shit and his bumhole, flaring in and out with little brown smears round it.

'Have you finished?'

'No. I still need to poo.' He strained a couple of times and farted. 'Uh ... uh ... ooh, here it comes!'

His hole puckered out and he farted again, and then sighed with pleasure as he emptied his chute into my hands. His shit was smooth and slim and firm, and one long brown worm after another curled out of his flaring, crackling hole and fell into my hands. His pile grew heavier and the smell thickened.

'Ooh...' he breathed as a last little lump fell from him. 'Oh that felt good.'

He straightened up, massaging his cock. Almost without realising what I was doing I lifted my hands up until his pile was right in front of my face, took a deep breath, and whimpered. The feel and smell of his big shit made me edge and my head spin. All of a sudden I wanted to plunge my face into it. But then he knelt down in front of me, his unwiped bottom sticking out, leaned in and held his face close over what he'd done, and sniffed deeply.

'Mmm! Mm that smells...' he breathed.

He leaned in closer until his nose was nearly touching his shit, sniffed and whimpered, and then again and again. As he did it I wriggled a little, rubbing my bottom and balls in my own mess, and we both started edging.

'Oh Lew ... oh I'm gonna cum.'

'Yeah ... oh fuck so am I ... cum all over me ... fucking spunk over me now.'

He took another sniff, leaned back up and wanked harder. My own cock was so stiff it hurt, and although I couldn't wank it didn't matter: the sensation as I slid to and fro and my shit massaged me underneath was enough. I did it harder and felt myself starting to cum, and at the same time he began to pant and his face contorted. For a few seconds we were both teetering on the edge, and then we came together, and spattered the floor and each other with our cum.

I felt all unsteady on my feet as I stood up and let him pull down my destroyed pants. I was as much of a mess as I'd ever been, and he had to use a lot of toilet paper to clean the worst of the shit off me before he turned on the shower and helped me into it. Whilst I washed my hands and then started hosing down my bottom he quickly wiped his bum, cleared up the room and opened the window, and then he joined me. We took a long, cuddly shower together, until we felt clean again. Finally we dried and dressed, made a cup of tea and settled down in the living room.

'That was so horny!' Jack grinned. 'It's awesome when we can go together like that.'

'Yeah it is. Was really hot seeing you sniffing your shit like that too! Sometime I wanna watch you do it in your hand, like you said you've done before. Wank off all over you while you're getting off on your own shit.'

'Ooh! Yes! Next time we've got the place to ourselves...' His eyes lit up, and then he grinned suddenly, as if he'd just thought of something. 'Now, what are we going to get for dinner tonight? You lost, remember, so you're paying!'

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 5

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